Member Reviews

Many thanks for the ARC version of this book. I might have a re read of the book as I wasn't quite in the right frame of mind and I wouldn't describe it as an easy read even though it's not that long.
It might be the formatting of my version but it also works better as a handbook that I can dip into and utilise throughout my working year.
Some aspects I felt had been mentioned already in other books so it wasn't really anything new.

Enjoyable Read I think every high schooler should get in school. Lays out very practical perspectives to have while going into the working world.

Everything in this book is simple: Leadership, marketing, sales … even execution.
Execution? What kind of book is this, anyway? Oh ya. Execution in business. I wouldn't admit it publicly, but there are more than a few bosses I've known that I wouldn't mind seeing executed.
Now that I ponder ... execution in business is better than execution in anger or justice? Is executing businesspeople somehow less taboo? What about politicians? I know of a few politicians who would make good candidates. Ex husbands?
Business Made Simple, by Donald Miller is without a doubt a lot more serious in the execution of its message, than I am in the execution of my thought life. This book highlights the importance of value-based professionals and their advantage in the workplace.
Essentially, Miller says this book will help its readers accomplish more in less time, provide less stress, and more clarity in the workplace.
Sounds pretty good to me. Less violent anyway.
Miller presupposes that business people who present a core set of character traits proven to predict success will be the ones who actually win promotions, raises, and ultimately, conquer whatever business move is at hand.
These people, Miller says, know the way business really works; can give clear and compelling leadership; are personally productive, and can clarify their message. These strong business leaders, he says, know how to build marketing campaigns, can sell, and are great communicators, negotiators, and managers.
They also know how to run an execution system.
Geeze. I'm intimidated already.
As always, and in this book, it is the return on investment that proves key in the business ladder-climbing world. Return on investment in this case is in human skillsets and ... shall I say it ... the execution of that skillset in the workplace is imperative.
Now that I understand that no murderous plots are behind the business of success, or at least I hope so, Business Made Simple seems to be a textbook example of "Mama Always Told Me" at work.
And I'm betting that Business Made Simple will make "simple" into a business success.