Member Reviews

I wasn't a fan of the first book in this series but I liked this one.
The story kept me hooked and I liked the world building and the character development.
I will read other books by this author.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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3 Stars!

Sometimes you just have to take a chance. That was the attitude I had when I picked up Holes in the Veil by Beth Overmyer. I really knew nothing about the novel or about the author but the cover intrigued me and the fact that it was published by Flame Tree Press was a plus in my book. I thought I would give the book a whirl and see what lay beneath its cover.

Aidan Ingledark thought that his quest would be drawing near an end when he finally killed his lifelong enemy. He was wrong. Aidan finds himself in possession of the Questing Goblet after the battle and becomes a target for dark forces as Meraude seeks out the goblet to wipe out all magic. Now Aidan and his travelling companion find themselves in even more danger than before as they are on the run from the evil that looks to control the world.

Aidan really does not want to go on the quest for the goblets but he feels obligated to do so in order to stop the evil Meraude. Slaine, Aidan’s traveling companion, is even less eager but finds herself tied to Aidan by a curse and must go along for the ride. Also coming into the story is Jinn, a seer, can look into the future but only finds darkness there. Aidan’s only hope for saving his family is to acquire the goblets for Meraude but he finds himself in a moral quandy over this. What does Meraude want with the goblets and, even if it is not for evil, will Meraude uphold the bargain given to Aidan. Aidan is not a hero, he just wants to go home, but he finds himself put in danger at every turn as the heroic quest is placed upon him. He may not just be fighting for his family. He may be fighting for the fate of the world.

When I started Holes in the Veil, I did not realize that this was the second book in a series. I do not think that it is absolutely necessary to read the first book in a series, and that is the case here, but there were times in which I felt as if I was missing something and that is probably the reason why. The novel seemed to get off to a bit of a clunky start and I think that this is the reason for that. Once it got going, though, I was able to slip into the flow and begin to connect with the characters. It is the characters that stand above the rest of the novel. Overmyer takes a lot of time in developing these characters and they are vibrant and jump off the page. It is easy to understand the characters and their emotions and the reader almost feels as if these are old acquaintances rather than characters in a story. The development and depth of the characters is impressive.

Unfortunately, however, it is this depth of character that contributes somewhat to the downfall of Holes in the Veil. There was so much character development as well as details about eh world around the action that I felt as if the action sometimes got lost in the scenery. While I enjoyed the novel, I felt that it took a lot of work at time to keep focused as the narrative lagged in places. It was almost like there was too much character and setting and not enough story to guide the reader along. Now, this is the second book in a series and a lot of second books are a bit slower than first books, but this one was just a touch too slow for me to keep my focus solely on the novel. This could in part be due to not having read the first book and I am sure that other readers will like it more than did, but Holes in the Veil caught my interest at times but just failed to overwhelm me in the long run.

I would like to thank Flame Tree Press and NetGalley for this review copy. Holes in the Veil is available now.

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Rating: 8.5/10

I first came across this series last year when I reviewed The Goblets Immortal (book 1 of the series) for a book tour. Read that review here, if you would like. What immediately stands out to me about that review is that, while I liked the book, I did have a few criticisms. But, here is the deal: I thought it was a standalone novel. It was not until later that a conversation with Beth Overmyer did I learn this series is actually going to be trilogy. I thought the plot was somewhat flimsy for a standalone, and I disapproved of the ending. That all changes now that I know it is a series and have read the second book, because Holes in the Veil epitomizes the classic middle book of a series: it expands the world and introduces some new characters and a bit of a mini-narrative while continuing with overall narrative for the main protagonists, as well. That is not to say it is boring or overly trope-y, because it is not. Holes in the Veil takes The Goblets Immortal series to a new level, and I was very happy in the direction of story.

I think what I like most about this series is that it is an adventure fantasy (and I do love me some adventure fantasy). I hear the word “quest” and my hears perk up, and despite everything else going on that is the main theme: find the Goblets, save the world (Peter Petrelli, anyone?). But what really brings this narrative to a head is that Aidan is searching for the Goblets against his will. He is being compelled by an evil mage by the name of Meraude, who vows to give his family back once she has possession of the Goblets. Aidan is not sure what the mage wants with the Goblets, but he fears she wants to destroy magic or magic users. This puts Aidan in quite a predicament: get her the Goblets and potentially ruin the lives of others or never see his family, again. As expected, Aidan agrees but spends most of his time trying to find a way out. Can he somehow use the Goblets against Meraude? That is his thought process, and that is from where the bulk of the tension-creates emanate.

Even more suspension is built from Aiden’s relationship with his sidekick, Slaine. Slaine is compelled to help Aiden due to a curse put on her as a child, but their relationship grows quite a bit during the course of the first two books. It is clear from the first pages they have become quite fond of each other, and that creates some sexual tension. I always approach romantic situations in fantasy with skepticism. How necessary is it? I often ask myself. I think that as a society we have been to expect two people who are spending time together to fall in love. It has come to be an expectation as everything gets Disnified, and that fact is often used as a crutch in stories to force the characters into awkward situations where they do not belong; but, I like the fact that it exists in Holes in the Veil. I am not sure if “love” is the right word, but what I do really like is just how innocent it feels. And sloooooooooooow. The author did avoid some of the romance tropes such as putting them in a room with one bed (and actually seemed to make fun of this trope a little by making it seem as though that is where a scene was going, but then doing a 180 at the last second), though they did fall and land on each other a couple times. So, I guess not all cliches can be avoided.

I want to stress that this all seems to be part of Overmyer’s grand plan. It is witty, thoughtful writing, faking out one way then running it straight up the middle the next. As a reader, I like it when a story keeps me on my toes, and that is part of the appeal of Holes in the Veil. Everything felt just off of center enough that I never knew exactly where things were going next.

Speaking of off center, I did mention there were new characters introduced in this book. Jinn and Quick are also Blest (magic users, like Aiden), but where Aiden’s gift is to be able to push and pull items into another dimension (think weapons, food, waterskins, etc) these two can get glimpses into the future (not a spoiler, we find this out very early on). This, of course, influences their own quest quite significantly, and points intermingles with Aiden’s and Slaine’s, as well. I am not going to get into that too much here, because I do want to avoid spoiling that part of the narrative. I really just want to point out this is yet another added layer to this story that was already pretty highly pressurized. I love the addition of these characters and the storyline that comes along with them.

Holes in the Veil is a really good second book in The Goblets Immortal series. It is witty and adventurous, and I loved all the tension-building elements. My only question is: how is Overmyer going to pull of the final book in the trilogy? Seems like there is a lot of story to go. Regardless, I recommend this book and series for fans of fantasy, and especially those who like adventure fantasy. I suspect you will not be disappointed.

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Holes In The Veil by Beth Overmyer is the sequel to The Goblets Immortal, which I reviewed here. I absolutely love Beth Overmyer’s writing and this sequel, it just gets better.

It’s no secret that my favorite genre is fantasy. Beth Overmyer creates a world that is easy to dive into. I was captivated by the world building.

The plot is full of suspense. I couldn’t put this book down. The characters are so well written, it felt as though I was watching them through their journey.

I love when book two is just as great as book one. This is a great read and I highly recommend it.



*I received a free copy of this book from Random Things Tours to review honestly on the blog tour. All opinions are my own and unbiased.*

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Author Beth Overmyer has a special gift for writing Fantasy, making it appealing and endearing even to those readers who generally avoid this genre. Her writing is talented and her characterizations make readers engrossed and involved with the the lives of her characters. Plotting is suspenseful and tension-suffused. HOLES IN THE VEIL is Book 2 of THE GOBLETS IMMORTAL Series, focusing on The Questing Goblet.

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(Review appears on Goodreads / Awaiting Amazon to allow reviews)
Overview: Holes in the Veil continues the journey of Aidan Ingledark and his pursuit of the Goblets Immortal. Now in possession of a map leading to the whereabouts of the Questing Goblet, Aidan and his companion have returned to the cover of the woods. However, something is following them from a distance, ever changing. Elsewhere, there is a Sightful named Jinn in search of the Summoner. Joined by her twin brother, Quick, she looks to defeat her mother and change her fate. All are in danger of Meraude, who seeks to end all magic with the Goblets Immortal.

The Good: The use of the new company, Jinn and Quick, helps move the story along during a patch of travel that could have proven incredibly boring. Better yet, their place in the grand scheme of things adds additional layers to the mystery of Meraude and those that stand against her. Not surprisingly, these two characters appear more likeable and full of promise than Aidan.

The Bad: Though the writing seems tighter in this sequel, the story drags along in too many areas. By the time I’d reached the final third of the novel, I was no longer interested in what was happening on the page. Looking back at my review of book one in this series, it seems that most of my complaints still remain; the journey hardly progresses in several hundred pages, you’re given more questions than answers along the way, and the entire books boils doing to several key points that could have been reached in less time.

The Takeaway: Now that I’ve given this series two chances, I think it’s safe to say I will not be continuing Ingledark’s journey any further. Even with the addition of Jinn and her brother to spice things up, I found Holes in the Veil a little too boring to keep me hooked for yet another book. By all appearances, there could be still be a stack of titles to follow, and I just don’t have it in me to see this one to the end.
File Under: Fantasy and Adventure
Also See: The Goblets Immortal
 Snow- Capped Press ( / Issue 01 Expected Spring 2021)
 Review by Aiden Merchant (Closed to review requests at time of posting / Refer to social media accounts or website for changes to availability)
 Reviewer’s Information: (e) / (w)

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3.75 rounded to 4 stars

*** Disclaimer: I received an e-ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Flame Tree Press. ***

Love the title! I first chose the book because "Holes in the Veil" sounds so beautiful. And I loved the image more when I finally understood the meaning.


* The author creates a fascinating new world with different magic and powers all tied to Goblets Immortal. The mythical creatures are so well described! And the settings made me think I was there, in the woods and towns.

* I liked the main characters. I can imagine all of them, each one with a strong voice and personality. My favorite was Jinn, and her relationship with her twin brother left me teary-eyed at times. The author does a very good job of describing their emotions and dilemmas.

* The pacing is fast most of the time. I liked the action and the entire quest. I really felt I was the one going on the adventure and seeking the Goblet.


* To fill us in about the first novel in the series, there is a lot of explanation about what happened before in Aidan's side of the story, and it felt like a constant summary of the first book. Too much and not enough information at the same time bothered me as it took me out of the intriguing read.

* Although the story answers the main question, there are still one or two I wished were answered in this second book. As it is, it seemed a lot has been thrown my way but when I got to the end of the book, it still felt like a lot of information was missing. I understand it's a series, but this second book follows two separate pairs of characters whose destinies are linked, and the final meeting falls flat (or non-existent?). I wish there were fewer descriptions throughout and a more satisfying encounter or answers at the end.


A very good read!! My interest was piqued the entire time, and the characters grew on me. I wanted more! :)

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Holes in the Veil is a science fiction fantasy novel which offers the reader into a new world with interesting characters that keeps the plot going at a very good pace.

Overmyer’s novel is very much character lead and reads like a fantasy novel although it is more science fiction. This alternative reality is a new world that Overmyer has excellently been able to establish whilst keeping the characters within a realistic mode.

The characters are very well established and react accordingly to the situations that they face themselves in. Although the main character of Aiden has the personality of a bit of a cad, the reader can not help but get on board with him as he goes on his journey to find the immortal goblet. This is an interesting devise used because on the surface, Aiden shouldn’t be very likable but Overmyer delicately stays on this thin line to give a winning hero. The supporting characters are very well written and establish.

The plot is very well written and keeps the reader involved. Personally, I’m not very good with the fantasy aspects as I find myself tripping over the characters names and they are often phonetically hard to pronounce but Overmyer has over conquered this for me and gave me a read which I don’t spend hours trying to figure out what the characters are supposed to be called. Thank you Overmyer for helping me with this.

This is a very good read but it does end on a cliffhanger which will make some readers rip out their hair in frustration awaiting the next instalment. She has however, tied up some strings to give some conclusion to the plot but enough is open that it does feel that to get an absolute satisfaction from the novel, one will have to wait for the next instalment which is not a bad thing. Overall this is a very good read and one that I surprisingly enjoyed. How long is the wait?

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I love how everything is on this book, it was good start for something new, and I liked it, not too many but yeah, I liked it

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this was a great start to a scifi series, the world was engaging and I enjoyed getting to know the characters. I look forward to the next book in the series.

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Overmyer has well developed characters in the book. The plot proceeds nicely but the story ends suddenly.

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Beth Overmyer creates a new world of intriguing characters in this book. A paranoid queen full to the brim with her own world of chaos and a others on a quest. This is surely a rainy day read for the thrill seeker.

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