Member Reviews

I enjoyed reading this book and thought it was informative but maybe more wordy and lengthy than it needed to be. I enjoyed most of it but felt that some passages were a little repetitive - or more information than I needed.

Really helped me with my prayer life. I have read several books and this is the best one out there! 5 stars (because I can't give it more).

What a refreshingly honest and well-written book! I’ve never read a book on prayer quite like this one. The author presented a process of how to apply the “two sides of the coin” of Jesus’ personal prayer in the Garden of Getheseme: “Take this cup” and “Not My Will, but Yours”. As she shared her own story in how she learned to pray in this way, my heart was touched and I knew that this has been a missing element at times in my prayers. Mrs. Morgan guides us through a prayer process that’s at once both simple and profound.
I received an ebook advanced reader copy to read and review this book. Before I was halfway through the book, I’d ordered a print copy. I realized that this is a book that I’m going to need to read again as I highlight passages and journal my way through it. Even today, as I’ve finished the book, I know that my prayer life will be changed from this point forward. I’m highly recommending this book as a must-read on prayer.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

I received an ARC from Our Daily Bread Publishing, via NetGalley. This review is my personal opinion.
Elisa Morgan took me by surprise, this book was the answer to a prayer I’ve made for a couple of months now. Don’t let the length of pages fools you, this book may be short and easy to read. But it has a profound, deep and I believe unknown powerful truth. Elisa Morgan takes Jesus's life as an example for what she calls the Prayer coin, how and when he did it and even she opens up about her own experience. I must say I truly never reflect on the impact of this type of prayer and how will change me. Now when I pray( even when I feel afraid) I understand that above my wants God can take my cup, but I decide that he will be in my life. One of the things I truly like was: “ Prayer creates honesty which develops trust and results in surrender”. She says it, this is not a simple magical formula. But a process, that will take time. In my case, I am grateful for this book it has open my eyes to an unknown truth that it has and will be changing my life.

I thought this was a really good book. It explains how to pray. Its easy to read. I like the bible verses. You can write them down and study them as you read this book. Its well written.
I read and and reviewed an Advanced Copy of this book All thoughts and opinions are of my own. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book.

I love that whether you're a prayer warrior, prayer newbie or anywhere in between you'll find guidance in this book. Jesus is the ultimate example of how we should pray and this book does a wonderful job in pointing its readers in the right direction.

When We Pray Like Jesus teaches us how to pray as Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and while hanging on the Cross.
The concept uses a two-sided prayer coin. One side of the coin is the prayer "Take this Cup" representing prayers for your own benefit. The second side of the coin is "Thy Will be Done". This second side represents prayers asking God to use your prayer in the manner that best fits His plan for you.
This book was extremely interesting, and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a closer relationship with God.
In the interest of full disclosure, I received a free digital copy of this title to review from Net Galley.

When We Pray Like Jesus
Elisa Morgan takes the reader deeper into Jesus prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, displaying a glimpse of Jesus humanity in the struggle to make the journey to the cross and yet never questioning the Fathers will in this way of redemption. Deepens my love and appreciation for my Savior and God's word.

2 stars
When We Pray Like Jesus
By Elisa Morgan
This book has plenty of good qualities about it. If it can help someone have a stronger prayer life that is great! But, I just could not get past Ms. Morgan’s quotes from theologically iffy people such as the book the Circle Maker, Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, the Message Bible and more.
I have a very hard time endorsing or reading a book filled with these teachers. So on that note, I cannot recommend this book. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book really can speak to someone who has grown up in church and someone who has not. It gives you the honesty of how to deal with your feelings and how to pray and understanding how prayer can strengthen your life and spirit.

I love books that present 'in plain sight' insights. The idea of truly telling God how you feel AND then submitting to His will is something that I think we are know works (if we have done it) but perhaps feel afraid to do. Surely we cannot tell God we feel Mac, hopeless, faithless, furious towards Him etc. But when we do we discover that He is quite big enough to take it, we actually draw closer to Him. The way this book starts will have you exclaiming 'yes!' because it's so honest and true. A fabulous gift.

This book by Elisa Morgan is one that all people everywhere can relate to when it comes to prayer and the tension between “take this cup” and “your will be done.” Elisa pens the words with so much vulnerability as she shares her own personal experiences and struggles in knowing how to pray in various situations and circumstances that she faced. She encourages readers to be intentional about how they are praying so that it will result in a more honest, authentic prayer life. Beautifully written and thought provoking!

When We Pray Like Jesus: Courageously Honest and Fearlessly Abandoned before God by Elisa Morgan is an excellent book for those seeking guidance in prayer.
With careful attention to the Scriptures, Morgan has presented her readers with a book that is as instructive as it is informative. Morgan goes to great lengths to describe the two sides of prayer - the Take This Cup: Honesty and Not My Will: Abandon. With the use of parables and real-life events in the author's own life means that this book is very clear and concise in its delivery.
This book is certainly worth the read, and it is one that I can see myself coming back to, again and again.
*I received a copy of this book, via NetGalley, for review consideration.

When We Pray Like Jesus
Courageously Honest and Fearlessly Abandoned before God
by Elisa Morgan
Our Daily Bread Publishing
Christian | Religion & Spirituality
Pub Date 01 Jun 2020
I am reviewing a copy of When We Pray Like Jesus through Our Daily Bread Publishing and Netgalley:
When We Pray Like Jesus reminds us that we look to the Lord’s Prayer for guidance that we mouth our own prayers after its formula. We beg God to intervene according to the model of of The Lord’s Prayer. But it does not always work, and that is because the Fall has pulled us farther away from God, making it more difficult for us to get as close to him as we should. We pray constantly but far to often it does not seem enough.
When We Pray Like Jesus encourages us to do something different in our prayer life. We are reminded that their are two sides of a prayer take this cup, is the honest side, and if it’s not hid will we need to abandon it. Author Elisa Morgan shows us that When We Pray Like Jesus’s chapters alternate in a rhythm between Jesus’ model of prayer and our practicing His example.
Elisa Morgan reminds us that Jesus lived prayer, he prayed like he breathed. We are reminded that Jesus prayed all the time, that he punctuated events and decisions with words to his Father.
Even Jesus had asked his Father to take his cup, while he was on the cross. This book reminds us that as Children we are honest until we learn not to be.
We are reminded too nothing could separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We are reminded too that Jesus prayed His prayer coin of honest and abandon, embracing the intimacy. That if Jesus died to provide a close relationship between his Father we need to enter into that relationship.
When We Pray Like Jesus reminds us that we can totally be honest with Jesus. Jesus wants to know exactly how we feel, this book will help to share our deepest emotions to God and have confidence in His will for your life. This book allows us to explore Jesus’s prayer in the garden of Gethsemane and see His ultimate example of intimacy with the Father. This book shows us that we can trust God in the same way.
I give When We Pray Like Jesus five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!