Member Reviews

The plot of this was very twisty and engaging, it did get quite dark at times and deals with themes some may feel uncomfortable with so I would recommend to check the trigger warnings beforehand

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The different points of view brought to bear in this book make the plot less predictable and kept me reading. The story itself is quite dark at times and touches on topics which will no doubt touch a nerve for many. I didn’t really find the characters easy to relate to and this detracted a bit from the book for me.

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First book by this author I've read, but there was twists and turns galore and a great story. I enjoyed the book and will read more by her in future.

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Twists and turns galore, great story I thought which kept my attention and also kept me guessing through. Didn’t really like either of the main characters much tho; but that didn’t stop me living the book! 4 stars from me ⭐️

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3 stars. This was my first book by this author. I wasn’t too impressed with the storyline. It was predictable and the characters were annoying. Not sure I would recommend this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Xpresso for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was pretty dark and twisted, which I usually like in my thrillers, but this one just wasn't my favorite that I've read recently. It was somewhat hard to keep track of the multiple POVs. I almost DNF it, but kept going.

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A novel that is full of twists and turns, secrets, lies and betrayals. A great recipe for a great book that you will be sure to enjoy. Victoria is married to Ethan. They try for a baby but she is unable to conceive. Eventually she has news - she is pregnant. However, Ethan has changed his mind and no longer wants a baby. So much suspense!

I enjoyed how the novel was told from alternating POV's. It gives us a glimpse into the mind of the individual characters and their personalities. A novel that I recommend you read.

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Well, Eva MacKenzie certainly knows how to throw you straight into a mystery novel! From the first few chapters you are thrown straight into the action with secrets and questions popping up left, right and center. Each character seemed to have their own secrets and something to hide.

It took me quite a few sittings to make my way through the half of the book as I had to keep stopping and re-reading. It was so hard to keep track of the secrets, individual storylines, how the characters were linked together or who was stalking who! I appreciate what MacKenzie was trying to do, but unfortunately this, along with the story being told from multiple points of view, left me rather confused and overwhelmed. However, that said I’m glad I stuck with it. MacKenzie managed to bring it all together in a way that made sense and although I picked the main twists it was still enjoyable to see the storylines come together.

Now for the ending. It’s a bit hard to talk about without giving away anything, but I really liked how this book had basically two endings. When I thought the book had come to its natural end (and it could have just as easily ended there) it kept going onto almost a second storyline. I really enjoyed this idea. I guess it kind of felt like a more detailed version of an epilogue. I’m not really sure how else to explain it!

Thank you to netgalley and Craven Ink Press for my ARC in exchange for an honest review. Finding Luca comes out 29th October 2020.

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Eva MacKenzie packs a punch with this doozy of a psychological thriller. The range of emotions I felt while reading Finding Luca took my breath away. If you want a bone-chilling thriller, you have found it right here.

Victoria has wanted a baby since she was 20 years old. After years of fertility issues, she becomes pregnant. But, her husband doesn’t want the baby. The impact of this information is gut-wrenching to Victoria. No one will ever expect what comes next.

There isn’t much I can say without giving spoilers. Yet, I do want to say that I felt physically ill while reading this novel. The suspense builds and builds but gives nothing away. There is no relief until the last quarter of the book.

I did not enjoy this feeling. I kept reading, hoping for some tidbit of the mystery to unfold, but it never came. My anxiety levels were through the roof. My heart was racing, and I felt nauseous. Unfortunately, not in a good way. With every word I read, I begged for it to be over.

Then, we get the truth, and it is as bizarre as the mystery itself. I didn’t click with the book at all.

Eva MacKenzie’s, Buried in My Past made me fall in love with psychological thrillers. But, Finding Luca reminded me why I never liked them in the first place.

It is with a sad heart that I award Finding Luca 2 out of 5 stars. If you love a good psychological thriller, you will love this book. But heed my warning, you need to have a good 5 or 6 hours to read because you won’t be able to put the book down. Whether that is good or bad, I leave to you.

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How far will a mother go for her child? This takes dark turns and twists. It was hard to get into, but picked up and I was able to finish it. If you like to read about depression, and loss of a child, this book is for you.
Thank you Net galley for the advanced copy, to reveiw

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A psychological thriller about the lengths a mother will go to find her child. Multiple points of view affect the pacing and plot of the story but the author still manages to deliver an engaging and entertaining read. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to review this ARC.

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This is a quick, some easy, but compelling, thriller. I read it in just a few sittings, as I really liked it. I was reading two other thrillers at the same time, but this one really stood out..

3/5 Stars

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Wow. This book is super fast paced and a great read with a ton of twists and turns. Where's Luca? Why cant Victoria remember anything? What did she do? and Where's Ethan?? Who is stalking who?
There were multiple points of view per chapter and it actually got kind of confusing. At one point i had to stop and make notes so that i could actually follow what was happening. It took awhile for me to actually get into the book so it was slow and picked up a tad bit. During the story Victoria goes from being completely happy to be being almost anxious and fearful of every small thing. Ethan Victoria's husband is cheating but he will come around when she gets pregnant right?
all in all it was a good book and had me questioning where Luca was. The twists got a bit confusing but it finally came together.
Trigger warnings due to fertility issues and postpartum depression as well as stalking.

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An exciting thriller that gets weighed down with too many points of view.

This is a story of how far a mother will go.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book was very dark and twisted. I was fully invested in this story and all the twists and turns.
What i had trouble with is i got lost several times due to how many POVS there were. Had a hard time following. Thank you for my copy!

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Where’s Luca? Who took him? What did Victoria do? And why can’t she remember anything?
This book is fast paced and packed with twists and turns. The end result actually left me sitting here with my jaw wide open.

I really enjoyed the story line, but I wasn’t a fan of how many different points of views there were per chapter.
Each chapter seemed extremely short and there were about 6-7 points of view. The short chapters kept you turning the page, but it was hard to keep track of all characters points of view.

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Way too overwhelming to be even remotely enjoyable.

There were too many narrators, too many dates to keep track off and secrets on top of secrets that got lost in the story and there were a lot of unanswered questions.

It took me triple the time it would normally take me to read a 300 page book because I had to scroll back to the beginning of the chapter to take note of who the chapter was about and what time.

All the characters were one note so they blended together and made it harder to discern who was who.

Only read this book if you like being confused.

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How far of a mother go to find her child? How much would she give up? Transfixing psychological thriller that keep you on the edge of your seat to the end of it. I highly recommend this book

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