Member Reviews

This was an ARC provided to me by Netgalley.

The book was pretty good. I had some personal issues with the author switching up past and present tense throughout the story in the same sentence. Otherwise I would read more from this author

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The most disturbing thing about this book is that it's an autobiography. Sexual, physical and mental abuse, violence, addiction, neglect, betrayal… A life nobody wants to imagine and most of us can't even imagine.
It's a very long tale of a quite short life up to the end of this book.
Again and again James mentions his faith in God, but circumstances and his upbringing won't allow any real change. I can only hope that we'll see this change in his next book.
Under this circumstances it's amazing how strong the bond is with his family. I was speechless how James still loves his mother more than anything after everything she did to him.
His brutal honesty is admirable.

I'm aware that the copy I got is unedited, but I had to get used to overlooking the many grammatical mistakes, some inconsistencies and the unknown slang. The book could use some shortening, though.

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