Member Reviews

"YOU" books are always a delightful read because:
1. Joe goldberg is an endlessly entertaining character and
2. The sort-of-2nd-person narration is so unique
I'll read as many of these as you'll give me

OH JOE! Ive been (not very) patiently waiting your return for a couple of years now. It’s felt like a lifetime. I’ve tried to find other guys (books) to fill your void, but none of them just seem to do the trick. You can imagine my excitement when I saw that my wish was granted and I got to spend some more time with you. As always, you did not disappoint.

YOU LOVE ME is twisted, very funny, incredibly readable, and another successful foray into the mind of an obsessive stalker with a gallows humor edge. This thriller will probably keep fans of the previous books happy, and puts love through a meat grinder to make something oozy and disturbing. In all the best ways.
Will post full review link closer to the publication date, will be published at thelibraryladies.com
(follower counts:
Blog: 715
Twitter: 267
Instagram: 132)

So, at the end of Hidden Bodies we were left on a huge cliffhanger but with this cliffhanger there was also hope. Hope for Joe that he would still get his riding off into the sunset moment but, his happily ever after didn't happen with Love. So broken and vowing never to let love take him to those extremes again Joe moves to the outskirts of Seattle and goes back to his comfort zone, BOOKS. He volunteers at a local library and soon he is smitten with a Librarian FOX Mary Kay. While it is obvious that Mary Kary doesn't automatically feel the same way Joe does he starts plotting and then he takes his time because he is a patient man and knows what he wants.
Man oh Man! I loved this novel better than the last! This one did have a bit more pages before I really got into it but once I did there was no stopping me! The twist and the turns of this novel are amazing, and the last twist I loved this installment so freaking much! This is a good series and I absolutely love how Caroline Kepnes lets you inside Joe's mind! He's so twisted, his wants to be loved and accepted and definitely his twisted sense of love it really is astonishing to read!
I absolutely would read another installment to this series because it's just so freaking good!
This is going to be a MUST READ of 2021! I unquestionably recommend it!
Thank you Netgally, Random House and Caroline Kepnes for giving me the honor of reading this ARC!

Joe is back, back again! So Joe has made it to a tiny little town, picture perfect hallmark town is what I pictured it to be. Will Joe’s murderous past follow him? I mean come on Joe is a magnet for trouble, throw in a nosey “feminist” best friend, the man from HS who hasn’t grown up and a daughter who’s obsessed with columbine shooting and the beautiful Mary Kay who he is already madly in love with. I don’t want to give to much away but the book was pretty good. I’m not sure if it was as good as the first one but still pretty good. For myself it took me halfway through the book to really get into it. I always enjoy being inside Joe’s sick twisted mind and that ending I honestly didn’t see it coming at all in anyway. A definite must read for all my Joe lovers out there. Thanks netgalley for wishing me this book and giving me the opportunity to dive into Joe’s mind again!

I loved the first two books in this series. I can’t help but root for Joe. I had a harder time getting into this one. I actually put it down for awhile. Will definitely pick it up again but it just didn’t drag me in like the others.

What I love about Caroline Kepnes is that you never know what the ending will be. "You Love Me" really took you on an intense journey. She has made sure that Joe has still developed as a character. The writing remains the same as it did in the previous books. I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks of this book because I can't say much without giving it away. Let's just say that Joe's voyeurism and stalkers tendencies haven't gone away...
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Caroline Kepnes is in her finest form when writing in Joe Goldberg's voice. She has a certain rhythm that she hits when writing his manic, chaotic, and crazy inner dialogue. At times it can feel a bit overwhelming for a reader, as it should because inside Joe's head is a swirling mess of craziness. I needed a couple of days off from reading this about midway through, but that isn't a problem. It really proves how well she writes. The point of this madness is for readers to really feel what Joe feels and understand him as a character. This most recent Joe felt different as he should. He is really, really, trying to be a better man. I don't know if it's karma, or just his life, but he is hit with obstacles at every turn. I was glad to see him evolving in this book however, because I think he needed to in book three. It is the logical next step in this series. No spoilers from me, but I will tell you Joe is as "Joe" as he is ever was. Enjoy the ride, readers!

Since I want to keep this spoiler free,
I can’t give too much away here, but let me tell you this :
It’s a entertaining book, it took me a couple of chapters to get into the story but then it picked up quickly and got interesting.
The story continues super creepy, it’s so scary in this world of technology and how very easy it is for people to get all your info.
I couldn’t HELP myself but at moments I caught myself (low key) rooting for JOE.................
............... I don’t know how Caroline Kepnes
makes me root for a criminal psychotic murderous stalker, I really have no idea how she does it.. but every time I caught myself sympathizing for Joe Goldberg , I felt slightly ashamed 🤣
I enjoyed this book ! Recommend

I was so excited for the newest in the you series, and this book didn’t disappoint. Joe is one of those you just end up routing for despite the type of guy he is. It’s so hard not to just love his character even though you know you shouldn’t.
Finding Joe in a small island community off the pacific coast you think maybe he’s got his life straightened out but nope you would be wrong.
This book had all the craziness of Joe from page one and I just couldn’t put it down. The twists and turns made this book a great read! Hoping this isn’t the last we hear from Joe though.

I’ve got to say that I am truly sitting here after finishing the third installment in the <i>You</i> series with my mouth wide open. I didn’t think this would happen, readers, because I’m going to be real with your for a minute.
I enjoyed the first novel and but I really, really hated the second. I found the Netflix series made Joe and the story a bit more tolerable. (And Kepnes is totally totally right about now only seeing and hearing Penn Badgley as main character and narrator, Joe Goldberg. I can hear his voice on the pages.)
But I digress.
This third novel was a game changer. Kepnes rallied on this one and <b>made. it. happen.</b>
Fresh from prison, Joe decides he’s going to try something different. He’s going to settle down and live a quiet, murder-free life on the island of Bainbridge. He volunteers at a library and falls for Mary Kay. But no funny business this time. He’s on the straight and narrow path. Unfortunately, bad luck follows Joe. But he’s trying?
<i>You Love Me</i> was fantastic. Joe’s struggles to maintain a quiet, <u>normal</u> life, for once, felt real and not forced. Mary Kay and the surrounding players were well written and the twists at the middle and end of the novel played out very well for the series.
Kepnes singlehandedly turned a stalker. A murderer. A horrific human being who cared for no one but his prey into someone the reader was truly and wholeheartedly rooting for. You’ve turned him into someone who’s on the straight and narrow and just wants to have a normal life and relationship. You’ve turned this serial killer into someone we can try to relate to.
The evolution of Joe Goldberg in this novel has been a spectacular and mind-spinning and only a true mastermind herself could have done it. Hats off to you, Caroline. You’ve worked a miracle.

The third in the YOU series and a wonderful addition to the sorted adventures of our main character Joe. I really enjoyed this novel and the first 3/4 of the book was very fast paced--the last quarter of the book was a little slow and predictable. Overall still a good read and I look forward to watching the TV version on Netflix next year!

Pros: I love Joe Goldberg so much, which is weird to say because how can one love a serial killer? This book really makes you empathize greatly with Joe, and you WANT him to win. You want him to get Mary Kay. You want him to have the family he always wanted. The last quarter of the book was such a roller coaster. I knew something funky was going on with one of the characters, but I didn't expect what happens. (I don't want to give spoilers, so I didn't name the character or what happens.) I will definitely read the fourth book whenever it comes out, but...... (to the cons)
Cons: I hate to say it, but the first 75% of this book was so repetitive of the first two books.... Joe sees girl. Becomes obsessed. Wants her at all costs... like we get it. I hope the fourth book focuses on something else. What that is? I don't know.... but I am getting a little tired of the same story line with different characters.

Oh Joe. I loved being back in his head. From the first chapter it felt like coming home. Joe just wants to be happy, he just wants to find his true love, which wasn't Love and now we know why. I was not sure how I would feel about this one when I saw the blurb, I didn't know how she could change it up in a way that worked, but she did.
Joe moves to a small town after things go down with the Quinn's. He leaves Love and their son and is making a new life. He starts to volunteer at a library and that is where he meets YOU, I mean Mary Kay. Immediately, he is drawn to her and begins all the fantasies in his head. Things are going to be a little more difficult this time for Joe because there are people that want to stand in the way of their happiness. Those pesky people. They really don't know Joe and the lengths he will go to for what he wants.
This book was long, super long and so many things happen in this book. I felt like I was jumping all over the place here, one revelation after another. I am in awe of how Caroline Kepnes can write in second person so well and make me feel like I am INSIDE Joe's head. He is so easy to root for when you ARE HIM. I love this series and if you love Joe, you will too. Thank you to Random House, Netgalley and Caroline Kepnes for an early copy of this book.

It took me a while to get in to this book. I thought it was off to a rocky start. The initial writing seemed cheesy and a little off. But, before long, I was falling down the rabbit hole into Joe's dark and twisted mind, unable to put it down.
There was a tremendous amount of character development in this one for Joe. Joe had empathy. And this all sounds and feels insane given that he is a serial killer, but that's what these books do, they take your mind on a wild ride. Joe ends up with three kittens which create a tremendous amount of symbolism in the way he cares for, and talks about, them. He loves them, he calls them cute, and he acknowledges that when everything is making him mad and the cats want to play, it isn't their fault. He is able to compartmentalize which is something we haven't seen much of before. We learn more of Joe's relationship with his own parents and we see him becoming self-aware and trying to be "good." Joe follows the rules, he sets a code, and he (for the most part) doesn't break said code. However, he is still left with the tragic relationship fallout.
I didn't care for Mary-Kay but just like RIP Beck and Love, I don't think we are supposed to. Every time Love was referenced, I remembered what a chore she was, even though I'd say Hidden Bodies is arguably the strongest in the series. Oddly enough, I think the relationship that became strongest in this one for Joe was the one with Oliver. Despite the fact that Oliver was blackmailing Joe to save both of them from the wrath of the Quinns, they understood each other and had a sick sort of bond.
Joe's banter was quick and fantastic and right on point. My biggest issues were with the endings. The piece about Shortus seemed out of place. <Spoiler> Coming out of nowhere, tying Joe to a tree, and covering him in blood while begging for coyotes was just really bizarre. Through the book we were led to believe that Shortus had a thing for MaryKay, but in reality it was her teenage daughter that he had been sleeping with while peddling his CrossFit. I'm not sure if it's the pieces that didn't line up, or if it was just out of place altogether. Either way, it felt clunky. <Spoiler> I also didn't care for Mary Kay's Swansong. <Spoiler> To be accidentally pushed down the stairs, while wearing socks on hardwood, by her pissed off daughter made me laugh. It seemed out of left field and I do hope we hear from Nomi again because she seems to be following in Joe's sociopathic footsteps despite not being his daughter. <Spoiler>
Overall, I enjoyed this book and it left things wide open for the next installment which I will eagerly wait for.
Thank you to NetGalley for granting my wish to get an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Joe Goldberg is back, but this time we see a different version: his empathetic side. But don’t be fooled by his “nice guy” traits because in true Joe Goldberg fashion, he will stop at nothing to prove his love and do whatever it takes to fit in.
This book felt very reminiscent of the first book, but I wasn't as invested in his new love interest. I actually found her to be very annoying, and at one point, I started to feel sorry for Joe for getting wrapped up with this woman. I enjoyed reading Joe’s over the top delusions and his inner monologues that are always dark and twisted yet hilarious.
There are a lot of surprises, twists, and psychos mixed in with the psychopath we all love to hate. Joe truly is a character we can’t help but root for no matter how many times he does something terrible.
I won’t spoil the ending, but I didn’t see the twist at the end coming. It definitely leaves room for another installment - fingers crossed!

This book is great! Would definitely recommend. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

OMG Y'ALL. Like many many people that are obsessed with Caroline Kepnes' novels, I was beyond excited to have the chance to read this one. AMAZING. Per usual, this did not disappoint and kept my attention the whole way. There is always a thrilling turn in her novels and omg this one was FANTASTIC.

Oh Joe, what a tangled web you weave! This is the 3rd book in the YOU series and while it could be read as a stand-alone, it would not be recommended. You need to know about Joe before you dive into this book. This series does not deal with the light and fluffy, so if you are triggered by stalking or statutory rape this is not the book or series for you.
I admit to watching the TV series after I read the novels and think that Penn Badgley was well cast. So much so, that I heard his voice in my head when reading this novel. Joe took the money given to him by the Quinn's with the proviso that he stay away from Love and their son. He has moved to an island in Washington state and is volunteering at the local library. He has promised himself that he is reformed and that none of his previous behaviors will emerge. He has feelings for the local librarian, Mary Kaye, and is trying to take it slow, really develop a strong relationship with her and her daughter. The first inklings of trouble on the horizon are her friends. Joe doesn't like them and they don't seem to like Joe. But this is just the first of the obstacles Joe will have to overcome to forge a relationship with Mary Kaye. Kepnes keeps us guessing and keeps turning the story on it's head making for a great last third of this book. She does a masterful job of concluding this novel, but leaving the possibility open for more books about Joe Goldberg.
The magic of the first novel is not quite captured here, however. It's very unique to be inside the head of a stalker and it's very impressive how Kepnes can make him vulnerable and likeable and yet crazy and despicable all at the same time. It didn't work as well in this book, for me. I can't decide if it's because we have all new characters, or if it's because Joe has been tamed a bit, or if it's because I didn't really like Mary Kay. Whatever the reason, I felt like the first section of the book moved slowly. Once things got going I became more engaged with the story and am interested in more Joe.

Book Review for You Love Me by Caroline Kepnes
Full review for this title can be found at: @fyebooks on Instagram!