Member Reviews

You Love Me
Caroline Kepnes
Publication date 4/6/21
Joe Goldberg is back and better than before. I was so very excited to receive this early edition of the third installment of the You series. Joe is trying to make a new start he moves to a quiet island and falls hard for Mary Kay, a bit of a cougar to Joe but such a down to earth and likable character. The love story between Joe and Mary Kay is convoluted from the start!! From the first page to the last this book kept me on my toes- shocking, scary and at times insane with twists that I never saw comIng. I enjoyed it all and liked to see Joe trying to be a better man even if he is a complete psychopath! Caroline Kepnes writing is on point and I can’t wait to see what comes next!!
A special thank you to NetGalley, Caroline Kepnes and Random House for providing me an early edition of You Love Me for my honest opinion.
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Oh Joe! I am so happy you are back. To say I was thrilled to get a copy of this book is the understatement of the year, and I wasn’t disappointed. Joe is back in another delicious tale of toxic relationships, love gone awry and a few surprise visits from his past. I think this is the best book in the series. Twisted and full of surprises that you will shock you. This book is an absolute must read for any Joe fan. Excellent psychological thriller!

WHOAAAA. I just finished reading an ARC of this book (Thank you, NetGalley!) and had to come here and write a review because OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY FEELS ABOUT IT.
YOU LOVE ME started out a bit slow because it was the same way that YOU and HIDDEN BODIES started--Joe meets a woman and becomes obsessed with her. The first couple of chapters are the same stuff about him getting to know her and convincing himself that she's his soulmate. But I still enjoyed them anyway because Caroline Kepnes's writing is lovely and atmospheric and honestly I could read an entire book of Joe just sitting around watching movies.
Anyway, then WHAM. There's a twist. Mary Kay, Joe's new love interest, isn't like Love or Beck. She's got her own baggage, and it's a big one. And from that revelation, we go into even more twists and turns. I want so badly to share them here, but I think it would spoil the book, so I won't. Suffice to say, I did NOT see alllll the twists coming, oh my gosh. And that final twist was delivered with savage brutality. I was just cringing the entire time I read the final 10% of the book! In a good way, I mean, sort of like how I watch horror movies behind a pillow. And I thought: Oh wow, I should've seen it coming because of course, all the clues were there.
A truly masterful 3rd installment in the twisted world of Joe Goldberg, and by gosh I hope we get a fourth book!

YOU LOVE ME is the third installment in Caroline Kepnes' JOE GOLDBERG series, which has been turned into a smash television series for Netflix.
Of course, after reading YOU back when it was published, and then HIDDEN BODIES, I was impatiently waiting for the next installment and it certainly did not disappoint!
Joe Goldberg is a lovable, if not relatable psychopath. And while this is an achievement in its own class, I think the scathing social commentary and satirical criticism of his voice supersede even THAT.
This book stands apart from the previous two entries, in that Joe is really trying his hardest to be "the good guy." It also features some of the more emotional scenes in the series to date. Of course, if you've read the bizarre and strangely-haunting novel that precedes this one, you know Caroline Kepnes is capable of some magnificent storytelling. (See her novel PROVIDENCE).
I think that the plot twists in this story were a little more obvious to me as a reader, and that almost brought the reading experience to a 4 star-read. But there is a major twist I didn't see coming, and that was also the culmination of this story.
If you are a fan of Joe Goldberg, you will not be disappointed with this latest. The novel also returns to a second-person narration in some parts, and first person narration in others. Part of what made YOU such a thrilling read was the point-of-view.
YOU LOVE ME continues a sparkling series, one that makes you question your relationships, your goals, the people you love most, and the people around you.
As a fan, I only hope we get to see more Joe in the future, because I'm crazy like that!

Big thanks to Random House and Netgalley for granting my wish and giving me early access to this title.
Our old friend Joe Goldberg is still looking for love and this time he thinks he has found it with Mary Kay, a librarian on small Bainbridge Island in Washington.
I absolutely loved “You”. Joe was so unique and his musings were so entertaining. He was such a lovable stalker/murderer/psycho. It was one of my favorite books the year it came out. Then “Hidden Bodies” came along and it was fine, but not the masterpiece that was “You”. Now I am sad to say I enjoyed this one even less than “Hidden Bodies”. I was so excited to start this one once I was approved and it took me
over 2 weeks to finish. I found if overly long and at times boring and repetitive. Somehow Joe just doesn’t entertain me like he once did and I can’t put my finger on why that is. Some of his ramblings were funny and I felt like we might get on track and others were just long winded rambles. It seems like we are set up for another adventure with Joe and I will probably read it only because I still adore “You”, but if Joe doesn’t return to form that could be it for me.

4 stars
There is something deeply frightening about how soothing it is to get right back in to Joe's disturbed mind. I feel both worried and entertained.
What Kepnes does so expertly is stick readers into the scariest cage of all: Joe's thoughts. From the first sentence, readers are sent there, trapped, and never able to escape, at least for the duration of the novel, and this is a good thing. One must suspend disbelief around Joe; he has a shocking track record, and it seems like he's practically supernatural in his ability to guarantee that all these dead folks have somehow nothing to do with him. I'm also riveted by how Joe always seems to encounter kindred spirits. How many of you are walking around out there also relating to Joe's perspective and actions?! These books have me semi-convinced that the answer is...legions?
Joe's main love interest in this novel makes a lot of bad choices - Joe being the most obvious of those - but I found her to be the most palatable of his partners (word used *loosely*) thus far and thus the easiest to get invested in overall. She does dream of a future shop with the actual worst name, and together, Joe and she will do a tremendous and undeserved disservice to the great Haruki Murakami. That's for you to find out.
I agree with any reader who thinks there's something wrong with me for liking these books, but I also won't deny that I do. Joe is a maniac, and these books are outrageous, but I don't regret bumping this one to the top of my NetGalley spreadsheet. Absolutely recommended for those who can relate to my simultaneous shame and joy.

Joe, Joe, Joe...I know you believe you've changed but I thank all that is right in the world that you are still completely off your nut.
Joe wants to be better but he just can't because people.
In the 3rd installment of some of my fave books of all-time...ever...getting in Joe's way is still a terrible life choice.
Thank you so much to Random House for granting my wish for this book on NetGalley. It was my absolute pleasure to write an honest review.

The third book in the You series is a return to form to the first book. When I read Hidden Bodies, I couldn't really connect to it as I did with You. I can't explain why, but it feels like it was just too much in one book. This book, however, reminds me more of the first one. Fewer characters and plot points weighing it down. I really enjoyed the bit of a twist at the end. I hope this is the end of the trilogy, as I think she wrapped the story perfectly.

I was so excited when I got an email saying my wish had been granted for this book! Caroline Kepnes has done it again with another hit You novel. This was my favorite and my fingers are crossed she’s not done with this series!

It's cliche' to say that you "literally couldn't put the book down" but...I literally could not put this book down. I managed to cook breakfast one-handed, a skill I didn't even know I had. When you start this book, be prepared to let everything else in your life go on pause while you devour it.
Kepnes pairs her wickedly ironic sense of humor with compelling characters and sets them on another wild ride that will leave you racing to the end.
**This Advance Reader's Copy was provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.**

I freaking love everything Caroline Kepnes writes. Joe is the character you hate to love and the train wreck you just can't look away from. I love the new location and the new characters, and they're all still so thoroughly developed. Joe is basically at it again, trying to start over. He's trying to behave, he really is. I can't help but root for him. This book is just as much of a roller coaster as the previous two. I hope there are more, I really love this series.

It hurts my heart to say this, but You Love Me was disappointing.
As a fan of the books before the show, and a fan of the show, this just didn't measure up. I don't know, maybe if I hadn't watched the series in between reading Hidden Bodies and You Love Me I would have felt different?
The ending/twists were just implausible, and the only reaction I had was a shrug. There were definitely a bunch of plot holes too.
While I enjoyed being back in Joe's head again, I just didn't feel whatever made the first two books (and Joe) so captivating.
Will 100 percent still read another one if it comes though! Joe is still one of my favorite bad "good guys"

Everyone's favorite likeable psychopath book nerd Joe Goldberg is back in Caroline Kepnes' highly anticipated follow up to the "You" series, "You Love Me" out April 6, 20201. Many readers met Joe through the Lifetime/then Netflix series "You" where Joe is perfectly played by Penn Badgley. Joe falls in love easily, and once he's set his sights on you - he will do whatever it takes to make you love him, including removing any human obstacles to getting the object of his affection. But Joe is one of those characters who could and should be a scary Jeffrey Dahmer type whack job, but the thing is - he's so likable you find yourself almost rooting for him, despite his questionable (and oftentimes illegal in addition to immoral) actions.
After two relationships that ended - um, well - disastrously to say the least (RIPBeck), Joe is determined for a fresh start as a GOOD GUY. At the start of "You Love Me", Joe has relocated to the quiet Bainbridge Island outside of Seattle, fleeing LA after things go south with Love Quinn and her wealthy, powerful family. (Netflix watchers - the series and book take divergent paths at the conclusion of the Joe/Love relationship).
Joe finds a home that meets all his very Joe-specific criteria, like a hermetically sealed sound proof former music studio in the basement. Being the devout bookworm he is, he finds himself in the local library where he sees librarian Mary Kay and in a slight deviation from his usual "type", sets his romantic sights on this 10 years his senior, married to a fading dug addict rock star, Mom of a troubled teen who inspires obsession in Joe.
Though he's determined to be a GOOD GUY this time around, Joe is still Joe and well, let's just say that sound proof basement studio soon gets put to use, he's posing as a drug addict at NA meetings to get close to MK's husband, and the corpses start stacking up on Bainbridge Island despite it not totally being Joe's fault ALL the time.
I don't want to spoil things, especially for viewers of "You" in case Netflix picks up on some of the plotlines for season 3, but let's say Joe can physically try to escape his past put it always has a way of catching up with him, presenting some further complications in his relationship.
Caroline Kepnes has created such a complicated central character with Joe, in the books the reader gets inside his head and you find yourself really hoping the guy gets his happy ending this time -- that's a true testament to a wonderful writer when you actually feel for this psycho (and it doesn't hurt that you picture Penn Badgley as Joe now).
I loved this book and plowed through it in like, 3 days. It's as twisty, thrilling, fast-paced and at times made my palms sweaty wondering how Joe was going to get out of one of the many hairy, impossible situations he puts himself in as he chases "love". Mark your calendars for April 6, dear readers!

Dear Joe,
As always, I enjoyed your telling over this chapter of your life. Man, life sure likes to try to drag you down. You tried so hard to be a good boy on this go around. Yet, everyone around you just kept trying to pull you to the dark side.
If I'm, being honest Joe, MK really didn't deserve you. You were so patient with her; so good to her. Yet, she continued to test you over and over again. Her family and friends were a true obstacle in your love for her. And none of them saw it. No one would've blamed you if you would've succumbed to your old ways.
Oh Joe, all of the wrongs you endured in this book. Melanda, Shortus, Love, Love's family, Ivan, Emmy, none of them truly appreciated you and your love for MK. If I'm being honest, Joe, MK didn't appreciate your love either.
I was so shocked at the things these people did to you Joe. I didn't see any of it coming. I was completely entranced in your story Joe. I couldn't stop reading it. I was really rooting for you Joe. I was hoping you would get your happily ever after. No one can blame you for what you did in the end Joe. No one. It was the right thing to do. I wasn't sure at first, but after I really thought back on everything, it was the only thing you really could do.
Now I sit here and wait for your next chapter Joe. I hope that you're able to pick up the pieces of your life. In the meantime, I will be patiently waiting to see what happens next.

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved the first in this series, was less than thrilled with the second, and LOVED the Netflix show. I was worried about this one, but overall I was really pleased with the third novel in the series! It was a little long, for sure, and I could’ve done without Joe constantly referring to his love interest’s clitoris as her “Lemonhead”, but what can ya do. My main problem here was the ending. It came out of nowhere, had characters doing things that were not at all in line with their character development, and felt extremely abrupt. BUT I really did enjoy everything before the last, say, three chapters. Kept me up until the wee hours of the morning because I couldn’t stop reading. A solid 4 stars.

I was so excited to read this book to find out more about Joe and Love and their next chapter. The story wasn't really what I expected; it was still enjoyable, still classic "You," but felt somewhat like a rinse and repeat of previous books. It was also incredibly LONG. Overall I enjoyed it but felt like it lacked some of the charm or freshness of the first two books.

2.5 stars
I could not hold my excitement over the upcoming continuation of the YOU series with 2021's You Love Me, but sadly this did not work with me. I didn't love Hidden Bodies, but I loved how season 2 of the Netflix series ended, so I figured that Book 3 might pan out better. I really have a weird fond over Joe Goldberg, but for the most part, this book did nothing for me. I felt that the plot was very recycled comparatively from the first book. The book takes long for the story to develop, but once you hit the last 20% of the book, it picks up. Overall, I still didn't enjoy the ending, but the book did have its moments. I think my time with Joe Goldberg has ended, at least for the book series.

Wow!! I was thrilled to read the latest escapades of everyone’s favorite psychopath, and I t certainly didn’t disappoint. What shocks me the most is the twist at the end, as I never saw that coming. To be selfish, I can’t wait for the next one!

2.5 rounded up
You Love Me is book number three in Joe’s twisted love saga. I read online that this book and a coming fourth was written because of the popularity of the You on Netflix. Maybe that explains to me why this book just seemed rush, missing something? Not sure if I can put my finger on it.
In this book we see Joe trying to pursue a “good” life moving from Hollywood to a quiet town. He gets a job at the local library as he does know a thing or two about books. That’s where he meets her: Mary Kay DiMarco. Librarian. Joe won’t meddle, he will not obsess. He’ll win her the old fashioned way . . . by providing a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand. Over time, they’ll both heal their wounds and begin their happily ever after in this sleepy town. That’s his plan but can he really change? Does Mary Kay feel the same? That’s the main plot leading that has its usual twists and obsessive theme.
Overall it was ok. I loved the first until the ending and just couldn’t get into the second so maybe I should just finally stop with this series. I did like it better than the second.
Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy.

Was so excited to be granted my wish to read this.
Have been following Joe.. and how wicked and evil and wonderful he is this was another outstanding book.
More I want more...
Can't get enough of him.
Powered through this one in no time.
Hope everyone else enjoys it just as much.
Thanks to the Author, the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.