Member Reviews

This is definitely a book where you need to sit back and just let it take you where it wants to take you. It's both whimsical and unnerving, and goes in a lot of unexpected directions at a pace that seems almost aimless (until the last act). This meandering quality, this feeling that nothing is really happening (particularly in the beginning of the book) is made enjoyable purely by Oyeyemi's skill on the sentence level. There are just so many delightful descriptions and observations here - along with some lines that genuinely made me laugh out loud. As for the plot itself I really liked how a lot of it came together in the end, but I will say that the ending left the overarching message a bit muddled for me. A little more time spent dissecting the implications of the climactic scene would've been helpful. But aside from that? What a stunner, what a journey of a read.

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Just once, I want to read a book by this author that I can explain to someone else. I almost always end Oyeymi's books confused and annoyed at having spent hours of my life reading something that was ultimately a flight of fancy.

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Quirky, funny and full of surprises. I really enjoyed Peaces for it's humor, strong characters (especially the parts told as flashbacks) and a mongoose or two thrown it for good measure. The story follows the train journey of Xavier and Otto on their honeymoon of sorts. The train is run by a colorful group trying to sort out the whereabouts of the conductor, Ava's, friend Prem. Through various lenses and all kinds of shenanigans, the story unfolds, shining light on the different perspectives, lives and adventures of the various people on board.

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