Member Reviews

ARC from NetGalley

2.5 stars

A lot of reviews have complained that you need to sort of suss out for yourself after things get confusing that the book must be set in the future; however, “She tapped her keypad, bringing up her schedule. Only June 23, 2116, bounced around the blank screen.” is written on the first page of the second chapter. Unsure if that is an edit, but if it was then they missed editing a bunch of other stuff because the copy I got could use another rounds of edits. It's an ARC though so who knows.

I'm going to echo a few of the complaints I read in other reviews. Firstly, I'm not sure who the dude on the cover is, because it isn't one of our MCs since he is supposed to have black hair and blue skin. Secondly, this book reads as if there were previous books before it. It moves too quickly and doesn't flesh things out very well. This book could have been really good if things were explained better and if we weren't thrust into this ridiculous insta-lust right off the bat. There were other things that needed to be explored more, and if those and the relationship were given proper time, the book would have benefited significantly. Instead, we have our MC literally terrified of this guy one second and then wanting to bone him the next second, and it doesn't make any fucking sense.

All that bitching aside, there were portions of this book that were decent. There were several lusty bits that lusty bit lovers might enjoy. It was a quick read. I'm not interested in reading the next one because this one gave me no reason to be interested, but I don't regret reading this book, which I suppose isn't the most glowing recommendation, but here we are.

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Thank you NetGalley for my copy of this book. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Okay... so. I wanted this book because it SOUNDED great. The cover is hideous. The man looks like his face was photoshopped with the face of multiple men into one.

The writing? Well, I didn’t feel it was up to par. Definitely needs to be edited. I had so much trouble following and getting into it because the plot was... spotty? Characters moved way too fast- in the relationship sense, and they weren’t easy to get into either.

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I thank Netgalley for the free copy of this book. I am leaving my honest review.

I found this book to be moderately entertaining. It definitely could use editing. The plot tended to be choppy in places. The rapid love connection with the protagonist and one whom she initially branded a monster, defied credulity. Many of the relationships between characters did so.

One specific flaw really bothered me. The past tense of the verb "drag" is dragged, not "drug. " I am not the grammar police but tge use of this regional colloquialism was jarring to say the least.

All in all with editing and some revision, this would be an enjoyable read

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