Member Review

Cover Image: Undaunted


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Review by

Sara F, Reviewer

Principles for a successful business can be principles for a successful life. That idea is the basis for “Undaunted” by Kara Goldin, a memoir and guide for entrepreneurial aspirations. Ms. Goldin has made her name known by being the woman with the idea and passion for the drink Hint. Listening to her first book about someone venturing up through the ranks of business employment was great fun, as I could see all the valuable nuggets she picked up in each job. Those nuggets are then utilized in different situations later, as she deals with the ups and downs of creating a product and the company to go with it. A business degree is not required to enjoy the inside anecdotes that she gives in jobs leading to her attempt at creating Hint, but it is even more interesting if you can compare it to your own. I figured that the drink industry would be difficult to crack into, but who knew there were so many obstacles to getting good enough for your own scrutiny? Ms. Goldin is very clearly someone with drive and tenacity.
I was given a copy of this audiobook for free via #Netgalley if I would give an honest review. I jumped on it as that is my favorite way to take in nonfiction, to listen. The only thing I would note that gave me issue during my listening was the cadence of Ms. Goldin’s voice. However after 3 or 4 chapters, I settled in. I imagine it is due to the fact that she is from the west coast of the US, and I am from the southern east coast. As for the Hint, I have some in the refrigerator chilling right now.
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