Member Reviews

I read a number of reviews of Tyrone the Terrible when it first published, and thought it sounded like a fun story. When I saw it available for review later, I requested it, and read it to my young children. They loved it!
Tyrone and his sister came out of their eggs in Gnarly Tree Bend in the Bayou. Tyrone was a puny little fellow, and everyone made fun of him. He ended up spending time alone until Junior Squirrel challenged him to build up muscle and become stronger than anyone else. Tyrone decided he was going to be as strong as an alligator!
Tyrone worked and worked and ate and ate and practiced being big and strong and MEAN! He got to where he could scare almost anyone. And then one day, the log underneath him moved...and he got an introduction to someone bigger and scarier than himself. What now?
I'm not sure my children caught any of the lesson that was supposed to be taught in Tyrone the Terrible, but they sure enjoyed the fun story! They were sad when we reached the end of this short chapter book. One thing I really like about the book is the nice drawings of swamp animals with each chapter.

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Tyrone is hatched. The next chameleon hatched is his sister. Tryrone’s mother tells him he is skinny and tiny so he will need to eat a lot. Tyrone is a small chameleon sitting on his favorite rock sunning him when he hears a noise which comes from a squirrel. When Tyrone tells how he wishes he was bigger and strong, the squirrel coaches him in a fitness program. When Tyrone realizes that his fitness program has worked, he practices making ugly faces and loud growls. He decides he will show off his new skills by being a bully and scaring everyone. What happens to Tyrone when he does this?

In this delightful tale, the author gives kids an example of what a bully can be and what friendship is. Being kind and good makes friends. One can never have too many friends. The author has written a charming book with its southern accent The drawings add to the story. At the end of the book, there are discussion questions about the story.

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I received an electronic copy from BooksGoSocial through NetGalley.
Lis writes about bullying and the twist that can happen when the bullied becomes the bully. From birth, Tyrone has been told he's too small and scrawny to make it in life. I was disappointed that this is first said by his mother before she turns and praises his new bigger sister. He's rejected by others until a new friend (squirrel) helps him eat right and exercise to grow stronger. Sadly, he then becomes the bully of the swamp and shows his aggression to other animals who were simply in his way. His life is changed when Sly the alligator teaches him a hard lesson, but even that is weak.
This is not one I'll be sharing though the author does write well. Just wish it was a better concept.

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