Member Reviews

I enjoyed this. It was a good way to escape real life for a couple of hours, into a world of vampires and grey areas. Deputy Sheriff Jeni hates vampires, with a vengeance, because they killed her wife ten years ago. Unlike many people, she knows they exist and she vows to destroy every one of them. Then she meets Isa, who is undead. But Isa might actually be a good and moral vampire - something Jeni struggles with. There is a lot going on in this book and it is well written.
The pacing is off in a few places but I think perhaps the intention is to make the “action” scenes appear more dynamic. It worked for me. I wanted to know what would happen to the horrible, arrogant bad guys and how Jeni would come to terms with her growing feeling of respect for Isa. And eventually the respect becomes something more. The ancillary characters are well developed and add to the plot - especially Jeni’s fellow police colleagues.
Recommended if you want something to curl up with on a cold winter's night to escape the everyday. I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I tend to avoid writing reviews that are centred around vampires, just because I can be a bit harsh. Avenging Avery was ok for me. But it was missing something, When I read about vampires I expect blood, gore,.. this didn't have much of that. And very little romance. and I didn't feel a connection between the 2 main characters. In all the story is solid, the plot is good, characters are ok too, but I just needed a little bit more from it.
3 star.
I was given a Arc copy for a honest review.

I pretty much liked this one! Interesting concept for this story and it kept me interested to the very end. I did hoped for a bit longer more involved epilogue, but I guess this one worked as well. I wished the part of Poland they were 8n was described bit more. For my personal interest though.

I was looking forward to reading this book since I love anything with vampires in it. However, I was disappointed once I started reading it.
I found the story to be super slow, too much detailed and not that much of essential info. I found myself scanning most pages, not really reading, to the point where I just gave up.
This opinions are personal and while I did not enjoy this book I am sure many people did enjoy it. So, if you enjoy paranormal, vampire stories that are a bit too slow then this book is one you will love.
I received the ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

This book was written well, not to many grammatical errors just a few. The story is basically one that's been told before, it was slow going in the beginning,but picked up somewhere around the middle to last chapters. The relationship between Isa and Jeni was contentious at the beginning but got better towards the end.. I still trying to figure out if I liked this book or not it felt kind of strange, I guess the author wanted to go for a k ore old world style of speech between the vampires, and common Speech or language between everyone else. Like I said this book was sometimes hard to follow. If you like vampire books with a couple of slayers thrown in and very little romance then this is the book for you.

I thought this was so-so. It had a good premise but the execution was lacking. I was expecting high action mixed with intrigue and some romance. Instead it was pretty low action for a paranormal book and the other parts didn’t work so well for me either. I still felt like this deserved an average rating because there were parts that were entertaining, it just was not what I was hoping for. I seem to be very up and down when it comes to Wohl’s books. They don’t always land for me but with my love for paranormal, I have to always give her books a chance.
One of my issues right off the bat was having three main characters: a woman vampire Isa, a deputy sheriff Jeni, and George, the main “bad guy”. While I was fine reading about Isa and Jeni, I quickly grew tired of being in the headspace of George. He was not a very impressive villain and I found a lot of his parts to be repetitive. George is a main character so we are in his head just as much as the others. The problem is he was just not interesting enough to take up so much book time. I found myself skimming some of his parts searching for important plot substance. I don’t like to skim books but I was so done with him.
Another problem I had was that plot threads started, but then went nowhere. There was going to be a big showdown with a secondary character. I was excited for this action-packed fight. Instead, it happens off camera so to say and we are told about it later. It was a letdown for sure. Also, the characters hatch this big plan that they put all this work in, well let’s just say we never get to find out what that plan actually was. And lastly one of the human characters, at the end of the book, channels some power right out of the blue. What the heck was that? I don’t know because it is never explained and I just don’t get why it was in the book. I’m hoping it was a mistake in my ARC copy and that it will be taken out. Maybe it was something that Wohl thought about putting in but erased most of it and forgot to delete that one part. I don’t know it just made no sense at all.
With an action paranormal book, I did not expect the romance to be really deep. However, I did expect more than what was in here. This is an enemies to lovers romance and it took so long to get past enemies -which I felt was realistic- that it made the romantic connection pretty unbelievable. I didn’t really see what changed it from hate to love. Hate to friendship sure, but I didn’t see anything past that. There are no sex scenes in this book. I was fine with that in this case but I really needed a stronger connection between the mains.
I did like that a sheriff knew about the paranormal world and I liked the premise of enemies coming together mostly for revenge. While the action was pretty low key, there still were some entertaining moments and I liked reading the parts with Jeni and Isa, even though I wanted more. I wanted more of them -less of George- and more from them.
While this is one I can’t really recommend, I would not say stay away either. It’s an average paranormal book in my opinion that could have been quite good with a few changes. If you would like to try a book by Wohl, I would recommend The Talebearer instead.

3 and a half stars. This had what I thought was a promising premise, and it could have been done better than it was.
I liked both of the main characters. I liked their backstories. The villain is deplorable. Which brings me to my first criticism: each character, but particularly our antagonist, did so. Much. Internal. Monologuing. Think paragraphs at a time, uninterrupted by dialogue or action, constantly rehashing a character's feelings or motivations. The book would have gone at a better pace if there hadn't been so much repetition.
The part that annoyed me the most, (spoilers!) was the ending. The final showdown between a powerful, cunning, centuries-old vampire and the plucky team that is Jeni and Isa. And... it's over in half a page. No grand master plan, just two women with two blades. That's it. All that build-up, and it turns out that George is no more difficult to fell than any other vampire. It seems that Isa is downplaying how many opportunities she's had to kill him. All the hype about a vampire revolution was for nothing, since he wasn't even bothered by losing a couple of his properties. If I were Jeni, I would be pissed that Isa hadn't done something similar the year that she became a vampire, and spared everyone the trouble.
The romance, really, was barely a subplot. There were a couple of longing looks and one spur of the moment kiss. I personally thought it suited the characters, considering how present Avery remains in both of their lives, but there's no room for feelings to develop.
Other than that, I enjoyed the book, I just felt that it didn't deliver in aspects that could have been an easy fix.

It seems lately I’ve really started to enjoy reading paranormal stories, especially if there is romance entwined in the tales. Avenging Avery is a tale about vampires, intrigue and romance, set mostly in a small town in Oregon, and I just had to read it.
This is not my first book by Ms. Wohl, so I already knew the book would be well written, and it is. She creates a picturesque setting with a small town surrounded by Oregon’s natural wild beauty. I connected quickly with the main characters, and could see the chemistry between the two. Both Isa and Jeni are well developed. They are drawn together by a shared recent history, and a desire for revenge on the bad guy in the story. This eventually leads to a very slow-burn romance.
I will admit I wanted the romance to progress more quickly in the novel, though that is just a preference of mine. I like romance. There were also a few places in the book where the action and flow of the tale lagged, often when George (the bad guy) was spending pages thinking about how perfect he was. We needed some of this to understand his character, but it sometimes got to be too much.
Other than that, I did enjoy reading this novel, and will be looking for more from this author in the future. I’m giving this book a 3.5 star rating and moving it to 4 stars for the overall writing.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

As a huge paranormal book fan I was expecting a fast paced action book. However, I was disappointed and left hanging. There was absolutely no fast paced action or romance. The main characters Isa and Jeni while their intentions were good was completely over shadowed by George. This story fell short for me. However I would read another book by Ms. Wohl in the future.
I received an ARC for my honest opinion.
Thank you NetGalley, Bold Stroke Books and Sheri L:ewis Wohl : Avenging Avery

Jeni still mourns the loss of her wife to vampires even after years. When she moves to Washington her paths cross again with vampires. The murderers of her wife, but also Isa. Isa wants to take revenge and forms an alliance with Jeni.
The book „Avenging Avery“ by Sheri Lewis Wohl is written fluently, but I personally don't like the style that much. I would describe it as dark and serious. But that is just my opinion. The protagonists meet in the book quite early on, but it takes a while until the two of them get to the point where they work together. The book is not bad, but unfortunately it didn't captivate me as much as I had hoped. A solid vampire story. A good read for this time of year.
I received a copy from netgalley in exchange for a an honest review.

“I know what I saw. I know what you did. That woman died at the hands of a vampire.”
She gave Jeni a slight nod. “Ah. You do know of us.”
She wanted to pull the trigger in the worst way, even as ineffectual as that might be. “More than you can imagine.”
The premise of the book was promising with the worlds of human, human turned vampire and vampire maker all intertwined with Avery the human and her death.
Isa Mayer was turned against her wishes and lived to serve a sole purpose, to kill her maker. When she met Jeni, the wife of Avery who was seeking vengeance for her wife’s murder, they teamed up to bring down the villain.
I was anticipating duels, fights where the world collide, romancing of Isa and Jeni but it was overshadowed by George, Isa’s maker. The vampire’s obsession with Isa, his inner monologues, his fledglings and narcissism ran way too deep with half the book centred on him.
I have not read any of the author’s book and though this book’s delivery was not what I expected, I look forward to another where the elements align.
I just reviewed Avenging Avery by Sheri Lewis Wohl. #NetGalley

Good premise, but it lacked execution. I thought this would be a fast paced, action story about two women on revenge finding each other and taking down the people who had harmed them. It all centers around Avery, partner to Jeni Denton and dear friend to the undead Isa Meyer. Avery is possibly kidnapped by Isa's maker and is executed for what seems like no reason. From there, Isa vows to escape and destroy the empire that her maker has created, while Jeni becomes a vampire hunter with some preternatural abilities herself.
A story like this is as good as its villain and its romance. Neither are great here. The villain's only motivation is his obsession with Isa, which should be creepy, but its more annoying than not. I think its because Isa is so capable - mostly by her self, she spent most of the book staying one step ahead of him while she dismantled his organization. The only hiccup is her curiosity with Jeni. For most of the time the two women know each other, Isa is humored and bemused by the mortal Jeni, while Jeni swings from thinking Isa is hot to hating her. There is no real indication of love - attraction, yes - but love, not so much. So, when they inevitably declare their love for each other, it feels like it comes from out of left field. I think I would have liked it if their relationship wasn't confirmed but positive.
There's some weird world building in here, especially with Jeni's preternatural abilities. She can apparently channel the strength and speed of Athena, Greek Goddess of War, but that never shows up until the very end. I wish that would have been introduced much earlier, and Jeni gets to use it throughout the book, instead of when the plot needs her. I may have missed her using those abilities, earlier than the finale, too, but I doubt it. The vampires seem to have individual powers, but that was less annoying, because they at least showed them early on and it was explained in other parts of the book.
Wohl is a hit or miss for me, so I do always look for Wohl. She does do well on light paranormal romance books, but it does feel like she's not always consistent. This one was one of her misses for me. While there are some positives, it just feels off to me. I loved the darker themes and feel, especially since both women are both slightly broken, but the villain is just not good. There's also some convenient world building stuff that is out of place with the seemingly meticulous building. I'll still check out Wohl's books, because she has some fun ideas, but this one was a disappointment.

Isa thought she did the right thing but realize her mistakes but it’s too late she become a vampire. She vow to destroy the vampire who turn her and finally her plan is starting to come true.
Jeni lost the women she loves to the same vampire who turn Isa she vow to destroy every vampire that comes her way. While she doing her job of investigating the rash of disappearances she comes cross Isa and learns they are looking for the same vampire and they decide to team up to destroy their enemy. Jeni and Isa starts to learn trust each other but what they didn’t expect was to develop feelings for each other. Jeni has to reconcile that she fallen for the thing she hates the most and Isa realize she can have a life even if she is the undead.
I enjoy this read I love revenge stories with the element of supernatural. The only bad thing about this read is it was too much internal dialogue and I usually love that premise in the book or show.
I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

This book is about 3 story lines: Isa’s revenge, Jeni’s revenge, and Isa and Jeni. Ms. Wohl also spends a great deal of time delving into the antics and mindset of Isa’s nemisis. So there is a lot going on, I noticed on my kindle that I had gotten through 30% of the book and the 2 MC’s had only had 1 short conversation. There was way too much story and way too much internal dialogue and I found myself turning the page often which is always a bad sign. With that being said, if she cut the internal dialogue down and some of the back story while starting the contact between the two MC’s earlier In the book and with more frequency then I would have rated it higher since the romance aspect is what I wanted to read about most. The story IS interesting, and I do love a good vampire book; the characters were developed and complex. So it was a great first book. I would read more from her.