Member Reviews

3.50 Stars. Not my favorite Brayden book but still a good read. Life has been crazy lately, it seems like everything happens at once sometimes, so I’m a little late in reviewing this one. Since a lot of reviews are in, and many people LOVED this book, I can tell I’m a bit of an outlier here. I did like this but it was missing that Brayden magic for me. The thing is, Brayden is such an amazing romance author that even when –in my opinion- I don’t think a book is her best, it’s still better than many of the other romances I’ve read this year.

Where I live we are currently having our first storm of the season –heavy wet snow and high winds-. We already lost power once today and I’m worried it might go out again so I’m going to try to keep this review on the shorter side. And since so many people have written already about why they loved this book so much, I’ll focus more on what didn’t sit as right with me.

The first slight hitch I had was not really connecting with the beginning of the book. I picked up this book, read a little, then put it down until the next day. I’ve been doing this same pattern for the last three days. That is unheard of for me with a Brayden book. Normally her books hook me in instantly and I finish them in one sitting. Maybe I’ve read too many storylines with “the player” and the one fantastic woman than can change the player’s ways, I don’t know but this wasn’t clicking at first. In the first book Entangled, living and breathing the beautiful vineyard setting, really seemed to work so much better for me. This book was back on the vineyard, but it wasn’t close to the same and half the time I even forgot that it was.

While I didn’t like “the player” and “the savior” character tropes, I liked the characters personalities for the most part. Gabriella was extremely easy to like which wasn’t surprising since she caught my eye in book one. Ryan’s thoughts were a little repetitive for me, but for the most part I even liked her. However, almost all the secondary characters where not working for me except for Joey and Becca –book one mains-. I didn’t get what was up with Madison since she was nothing like her book one character. Ryan’s friends/workers just took up space and didn’t seem to add anything to the story. And those Biddies or whatever you call them, yeah no. I don’t know if they are supposed to be funny of cute, but yeah they were not working for me at all. I’m actually crossing my fingers they disappear for book three. Oh, I almost forgot, Ryan’s mom was an exception and a really nicely done character. Unfortunately, we only see her two quick times and I actually found myself wishing she would make another appearance.

Well I still have power so I guess this won’t be short. I don’t want to get into the romance too much. I don’t want to spoiler anything but I did have a little problem here. I wasn’t crazy about the pace of the romance. It’s not insta love or anything close but I still felt like it was going by too fast. I felt like the characters connected at that initial level, but the next deeper, more meaningful, level wasn’t really there. So I can’t really be surprised that the main conflict was basically because of no communication. I’m not a fan of the big conflict moment being about miscommunication or no communication. I swear every time it makes me roll my eyes and say “really?” I know this is romance fiction and I should not be too picky, but Brayden has done conflict extremely well more than a dozen times so I guess I just expected more.

It feels weird to write such a critical review for a Brayden book but I wanted to explain myself. On the good side, this is still a Brayden book. As much as certain things didn’t work for me, I still really enjoyed parts of this book. There were some lines that were so well written, so clever and witty, that I actually kept asking myself “how does Brayden come up with such good dialogue?!” While I didn’t agree or like some story choices, Brayden still impressed me with her writing like always. And even with my criticism, I would still recommend this to Brayden and or romance fans.

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I had read Melissa Brayden once before in a novella and found it a very nice read. This book, however, took me a long time to get into and even now, I still have mixed feelings about it. It felt like it was going to be a slow burn from the first few chapters of just introducing the characters and even mentioning Ryan in passing without her being there in person felt weird to me. The chemistry between Ryan and Gabriella was good overall. The angst that befalls a relationship is always something I enjoy and how they overcome it is rewarding. I think though what I liked most about this book was the talk of the different foods. I even ended up looking one of the dishes and made it myself! While this book was not what I expected, it was a decent read overall. I look forward to reading other works by this author.

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ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is book 2 of the Tangle Valley series, and features Gabriella, the chef at the vineyard, and Ryan, the contractor hired to build the new restaurant. Ryan is a bit of a player around town (though I had to wonder at how many queer people seem to live in such a small town in Oregon). Gabriella knows this and though attracted, isn’t interested. Meanwhile Ryan is knocked for a loop by Gabriella and decides to go after her. They are working together on the restaurant and live in a small town, so there’s plenty of opportunity for them to see each other.

The romance itself is mostly fairly sweet, but it does involve a LOT of Ryan feeling ‘unworthy’, which leads to endless repetition around this point and the ‘breakup’. This also features a completely unwelcome (by me anyway) sort of love triangle featuring Maddie, that everyone knows will go no-where since she’s book 3, so that felt like a waste of time.

This also features the issue I’ve had with Brayden’s books before, the banter wears after awhile and most of the characters talk in the same voice, which is annoying. Literally every character speaks the same way, all of the MCs, the side characters, even the older characters.

I loved Gabriella and Ryan as characters, and they were cute when interacting (for the most part). I did like that Gabriella just stated what she wanted or felt, and their were no histronics, but there were still instances where if they just actually had a proper conversation they’d have gotten to where they wanted to be sooner. I liked book 1 better, but this is still a good read, and Brayden fans will no doubt enjoy. 3.25-3.5 stars rounded up.

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I admit I got exactly what I expected from this book. It very much falls into what I expect from Melissa Brayden. Her characters are always witty and quirky with one defining element that sets them apart from the rest of the social circle. This book was good and cute. I really liked Gabriella a lot as a character and to be honest, I really wish we got to see more of her. I feel like there were a few traits about her that came up but were ultimately not explored enough. I wasn't a big fan of her love interest though. I felt her character was not well defined. She was presented as one thing and was very quickly another without much to make me feel for her from the beginning.

Overall it was an interesting story though it ranks a little lower than some of the author's other books.

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This book is set in the Tangle Valley Vineyard, where we meet Gabriella, a chef who feels her life is complete as she is about to get a restaurant of her dreams. She is not interested, Or wanting a relationship as she feels she has a great group of coworkers / friends who also live at the Vineyard. Add to the mix is Ryan, a dashing carpenter and builder who will remodel and refit a building to Gabriella‘s specifications for her restaurant. Both women are sort of attracted to one another but Gabrielle wants no part of her relationship as she wants to focus solely on getting her restaurant open, whereas Ryan is very open to a relationship. However Ryan’s reputation is quite the ladies woman precedes her which makes Gabriella more reluctant to develop anything with her other than a working relationship. These are two very interesting women as they have great banter between them they like to flirt and argue with one another. Both women grow a great deal during this novel as Ryan begins to realize and work for what she wants in her personal life, and Gabriella learns to open her heart a little. As a relationship grows between these two it does eventually turn sexual however Ryan is afraid to be in love and her insecurities get in the way, at the same time Gabriella’s ex-lover enters the scene hence the relationship between Ryan and Gabriella is doomed to fail.
This book is incredibly well written with a list of main characters that were easy to relate to and it has the bonus of having a wonderful group of secondary characters that really contribute to the storyline. There were a few twist interns that I didn’t expect but thoroughly enjoyed.

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Two to tangle was the sequel to Entangled I was waiting for! Gabriella’s character was well developed in Entangled and I was frustrated waiting for her to find her HEA. Ryan’s character was newly introduced in Two to Tangle. Her character has a reputation of being a player. She is hired by the winery to build the new restaurant where Gabriella will be the chef. Gabriella isn’t looking for a little fun, she wants the real-deal. That means she needs to stay clear of Ryan. But the sparks fly right off the bat. After a lot of flirting & fun both of these women are re-thinking what they need in their lives. Of course being the second in this series I would highly recommend reading them in order. You don’t technically have to, but you will enjoy them much better if you do. Now we just need the 3rd in this series because Madison needs her HEA!

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I LOVED the first Tangled Valley book so I was a little apprehensive about reading this and whether it would have the same impact. I LOVED it. I liked Gabriella and Ryan and the dynamics of the friends on the background was great. There was a moment I didn’t love Madison but it all came good in the end.

Secondary characters such as The Biddies are also written well and add something to the book

I LOVED the softball scene towards the end and honestly this book gave me something to dream about. It was a proper romance novel. Love it and can’t wait for the next installment

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The second book in this series so far is definitely my favourite. I didn't feel drawn to the story when reading the blurb but enjoyed the first book and love Brayden so I went with it. I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this read much more than the first book. I loved Ryan's vulnerability, my heart went out to her as she tried to navigate this new journey she was on. Gabriella's spunk and likeability was endearing. The direction the book took on some occasions surprised me, keeping me on my toes and sitting up way too late because I couldn't put the book down.

I loved the softball game at the end and how that was done which was a creative and fun way to play out that scene.

Another great book by Brayden and am now looking forward to the third book even more now!

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This is the second book in Ms. Brayden’s Tangle Valley romance series. In Two To Tangle, she continues with the characters from the first book Entangled. Gabriella Russo is the renowned chef who is working at the vineyard and designing a new restaurant there. Ryan Jacks is the contractor who has won the bid to build the restaurant. There is positive chemistry between the two ladies and the romantic waltz begins quickly. Unfortunately, Ryan’s one-night-stand reputation causes doubt in the mind of Gabriella. Gabriella does not want to be in a relationship at this time, but if she did, it would be a “forever” relationship.

As with the first book, Ms. Brayden has made characters quite interesting and ones with whom you want to continue your reading relationship. I love the banter that takes place between Gabriella and Ryan. From the first book, we will also find exciting secondary characters. Although I hate gossiping, the “biddies” add a bit of spice to this story.

Readers do not have to read the first book in this series in order to enjoy this romance. However, I suggest that one does because you will be able to thoroughly understand the dynamics of the relationships of all the women who work at the vineyard. Ms. Brayden has spun a wonderful romance which will entertain readers.

I highly recommend Two To Tangle and rate it with 5 out of 5 stars.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Oh, this book!!! It was amazing. When you want your heart sing, this is the book to read. Not only do you get full on food and wine, but the love will make it worth it.
I absolutely loved everything about this one. Especially the insecurity, drama, but mostly the chemistry.
So awesome.

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I'm a die hard Brayden-fan, so her books always have high expectations from me. This book met them all!

The food, the wine, the characters, the setting. I always say that reading a Brayden-book is like snuggling under a warm blanket in front of the fireplace - nothing short of cozy and heart warming.

To be recommended!

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This is an entertaining read with much self-reflection. As stated by the author, during this time of challenges and uncertainty, it is difficult not to have these issues on your mind as you write. To think about what is important to you. To think about how to make a difference. To think about staying safe. To think about the political unrest. To think about love ones. Chef, Gabriella not really looking for love. She is most concerned about opening her new Italian restaurant. But she is also thinking about relationships and whether or not she wants a long-term one. Contractor, Ryan Jacks not looking for a relationship. But she is mauling over what is important in her life and how she uses her time. There is also a third person that is also trying to figure out relationships.

There are various opinions about the Biddies and their contribution to the read. Whether they add or subtract from the story I believe Biddy input is a personal opinion. In my opinion, they add to the story because the main characters hear and process what they say sometimes taking it in and sometimes dismissing what they say. More information for self-reflection in my opinion is a good thing. Wonderful love story with a little bit of spice.

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I absolutely loved book 1 Entangled where we met Joey, Becca, Madison and Gabriella. But I always have a favorite and it is Gabriella whose love story is Two to Tangle. Gabriella is a pistol. Beautiful, talented, sassy and she plays softball. Be still my heart. Gabriella meets Ryan who is building her dream restaurant and there are sparks right away. Melissa Brayden writes the best fun, sexy banter.
Ryan is a player and though Gabriella likes to flirt with her, she thought it could be no more than that. Getting to know Ryan she found there is so much more to Ryan than her good looks and sexy smile. They both had trouble communicating because instead of telling each other their feelings they just kept quiet. There was more angst in this book than I really care for, but I couldn't stop turning the pages. With the help and determent of Joey, Becca, Madison and The Biddies they may find their way.
The setting in the vineyards was beautiful, food was amazing, softball games fun and this book was a joy to read.

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Gabriella has been working out of a charming food truck at Tangle Valley Vineyard, but her friend and boss Joey has promised her a restaurant. Ryan and her construction company has been hired to create the restaurant of her dreams. The two women clash over the finer details of the build, but outside of work they find themselves drawn to one another and leaves Ryan questioning her usual no-strings relationships.

This is the second book in the Table Valley series, this time following Ryan and Gabriella’s story. If you haven’t read the first book you should have no trouble reading this one since it follows a different couple, but if you have read the other book you’ll be happy to catch up with Joey and Becca.

In these tense times its so wonderful to get lost in such a picturesque world, with amazing friends, and a super sweet and sexy romance. The chemistry between Ryan and Gabriella was exactly what I’ve been hoping for since getting my first glimpse of it in the first book. However, I found Gabriella’s sudden stubbornness/anger didn’t fit organically with her character but more like a trait Brayden really wanted her to have but didn’t seem to fit. It took me out of the story a bit but I still thoroughly enjoyed the book as always. Melissa Brayden really does well creating a world full of interesting characters and I love that the background characters are not static which really makes the world comes to life and evolves through a series of books. Looking forward to the next book!

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was really looking forward to Gabriella's story, I just really liked her character in Entangled. I'll admit, I was a bit disappointed at the end of that when when Ryan comes into the picture because I was truly hoping Gabriella and Madison would get back together.

Soooo... I like everything about the way Melissa Brayden writes romances. Creative characters, a great mix of humor and hurt/comfort, sweet romantic scenes, and interesting supporting characters, but I didn't love Gabby and Ryan together.

Entangled was so good and maybe I had my sights set too high? The townsfolk are still good here, Biddies and their nosey shenanigans not withstanding, and I did miss the gay ranchers, but it's still a place I'd love to visit. And I'm enjoying watching the Tangled Vineyard estate continue to grow, so that's great. I think I just really didn't love Ryan or buy a long term relationship between her and Gabriella.

Well, nothing is going to stop me from reading Madison's story and I'm anxiously awaiting its release.

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4 stars. Unfortunately, this didn't live up to my extremely high expectations set from Entangled, but it was a good read nonetheless, if only because Melissa Brayden delivered fantastic writing as always.
I... just didn't like Ryan. I don't love player type characters in general, but I forgive them when they reveal their *unexpected depths* and repent their ways. I didn't get the impression that there was much substance to Ryan, which is a huge disappointment to a character-driven reader. I thought that Gabriella deserved better, and that thought only intensified when it came to the relationship angst moment. Neither could I get behind the whole Madison storyline. I'm sure there's bias coming from the fact that we know she gets her own book, but I hated her role here. Entangled made a big deal about how they were one cozy family, and how Gabriella and Madison were obviously better as friends. Suddenly, Madison's all surly and spiteful, and it just doesn't suit her. Then there were the Biddies and Gabriella's sister, who were out of line with their comments when Ryan and Gabriella were clearly trying to make it work. I remember being annoyed with the Biddies in the first book as well, because they could be quite intrusive even if they meant no harm.
I'm eager for the third instalment, even if I wasn't sure what to make of the side of Madison that surfaced here. Clementine seems nice, and I like what I see from the hints of setting up for the next storyline. The best part of a series is familiarity with the characters, just as I loved seeing Joey and Becca again. I'm ready for one last visit with the Tangle Valley family, and hopefully with two protagonists that I can ship together.

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Melissa Brayden as once again as given us a fantastic read. She always seems to know what her readers will enjoy and so far as never disappointed me with a good novel.

Two to Tangle is a the second instalment of the 'A Tangle Valley Romance' , the first instalment is called 'Entangled'.

The story is about a renowned chef named Gabriella Russo, she lives to cook, which leave's her love life non existent, which is how she prefers it. Gabriella move's to Oregon to open Tangle, a restaurant on the grounds of Tangle Valley Vineyard.
Ryan Jacks is a skilled carpenter, who's been told more then once she's good with her hands. Ryan takes a job building a new restaurant, her world suddenly stops when she meets Gabriella Russo for the first time.

The romance between the pair is slow, the characters 'click' together in all the important places, the story' as angst and at points i found myself getting irritated with the pair. Two to Tangle is a wonderful romance, warm, funny and you have the occasional banter between the characters. I'm looking forward to the 3rd instalment.

I was given a ARC copy for a honest review.

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Two to Tangle starts off in typical Brayden trilogy style with friendly banter and light humour as good friends Joey, Gabriella and Madison get together for movie night and a chance to discuss Joey’s happy life with Becca. Good food, good wine and good friends continue to be a winning combination but what impressed me the most in this story were the hurdles the leading ladies have to overcome to reach their HEA.

Gabriella Russo creates mouth watering dishes out of her food truck, Jolene and loves working and living on the Tangle Valley Winery estate. She has started a culinary apprenticeship program with the local Whisper Wall highschool and even joins the local softball league hoping to meet new people. She is excited Joey has left her in charge of the renovations and design for the building destined to become the restaurant Tangled since it will be her space to work in and manage.

Ryan Jacks is her contractor. Dark hair, deep blue eyes, muscles in all the right places, attractive as hell. Also a player. Meeting the fiery, confident Gabriella puts Ryan back on her heels and has her reevaluating her (lack of) love life. The sparks are flying from the moment these two meet. I loved their scenes together facing off on opposing softball teams. We’ve come to expect terrific dialogue from this author but she outdid herself with the trash talking fun on the field and the heartfelt moments on and off the field.

As much as I was drawn to Gabriella in Entangled and the opening scenes in this book, I found myself rooting for Ryan when it seemed like Gabs was throwing out all kinds of mixed signals. I was impressed with how annoyed I became when both women listened to the little voices in their heads saying they couldn’t make a go of a lasting relationship. The old biddies who added comic relief in the first book in this series were full on meddlesome making a big impact and not in a good way on Ryan and Gabriella’s confidence and trust issues. The angst levels grew as their relationship faltered. The rock bottom hits yet Brayden pulls out all stops to make the last twenty percent of the book upbeat, funny and entertaining. I almost forgive her for Ryan's treatment at the hands of Gabriella. Almost.

You know a book is well written when you are begging characters to listen to you and not believe what they are being told. When an author can make a reader experience all the emotions her characters are feeling and not be able to resist making muskrat faces at appropriate moments you’ve done your job.

4.5 stars

ARC received with thanks from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for review.

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wow!! I say again Wow!! A very good read. I was hooked from the start and wasn't disappointed at all. The dialogue and chemistry between Gabriella and Ryan was superb. It made me laugh. I was definitely entertained. I would recommend this book. 4.5 stars.

I received an ARC copy from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest opinion'

Thank You NetGalley, Bold Strokes Books Inc. and Melissa Brayden : Two To Tangle

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This is the second offering from Ms Brayden’s series ‘A Tangle Valley Romance’ and it’s every bit as good a read as the first book ‘Entangled’ featuring the romance between Becca and Joey.
Ryan Jacks has lived in Whisper Wall all her life. An only child who grew up in a house filled with love, even when she told her mom that she was attracted to women. With an abundance of good looks she has never had a problem with the ladies. All she was looking for and everyone she met knew it, was some fun. She never saw herself as the settling down type, that was until she was hired to build the new restaurant for the owner of the Tangle Valley winery. The owner of the winery, Joey, thought having a restaurant was just what was needed to complete her business.
Joey got lucky when her old friend Madison decides to come work for Joey making some great wine. She just happens to have a good friend who was also looking for a change. At one time their relationship was more like GF's but after a while they decided that they made much better being just friends. Everything was working out fine for Joey because Gabriella Russ just happened to be a great chef.
For now running a food truck was fine but Gabriella was looking forward to the opening of the restaurant featuring not only her dishes but the wine from Tangle Valley Winery. But what she didn’t think about was the very attractive Ryan Jacks. Now when she was checking out the construction going on she found herself checking out Ryan just as much.
With a few twists and turns Ms Brayden has given us another great read dealing with three friends and their romances. Great, fun dialogue along with some very well developed characters. While focusing on the main characters Ms Brayden also allows us to catch up with the cast from the first book in this series. Something Ms Brayden does very well.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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