Member Reviews

I wanted to like this more than I did but the overall book as just ok. You meet Hakim and discover he is depressed and having hard time caring/socializing with his friends and is going to his therapist Elizabeth. He shares all his entire dating history and how he feels about women. He feels he was abandoned in all his relationships. Maybe because he has sex with all of them too quickly, which becomes very unlikeable quality in Hakim as reader as the book goes on.

I can definitely empathize with some of Hakim's issues in relationships when it comes to breaking up with for no reason or being cheated on. It is one of the reasons I have been single for so long because most men I meet just want one thing and I deserve better than that. I can understand how that made him have trust issues in much of his life.

Not my favorite but not my least favorite. This book is someone in the middle for me. Still recommended for a YA rom com.

Thanks to Netgalley, AA Syrias and Books Go Social for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Available now: 9/30/20

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In this novel the author has us following the main character Hakim through his therapy session. Right from the beginning I didn't like that the therapist suggest that all Hakim's problems "all stems from women". Now Hakim takes us through a journey of all his ex's and heartbreak. He starts all the way back in highschool. I found Hakim to be hard to like once he gets a bit older. At first I was just thinking ya he sounds like some of the typical highschool/college boys that all he wants is one thing right away, then it just got harder to like Hakim. I guess he could say he was betrayed back with his first crush and that lead to a series of failed relationships but I just didn't find it the best storyline. The novel was ok but I wouldn't read it again and the writing style was different then I am used to.

I give this book a 2.5 rounded to 3 stars as it is a quick read and there are some parts that I could empathize with Hakim and other times I just wanted to shake him silly for his behaviour and choices.

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Absolutely loved this book from beginning to end. I highly recommend this if you love books with these topics.

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This book really didn’t work for me. The writing style, the characters, the entire plot, it just didn’t work. It isn’t really a subject that I normally read, and not one I’ll be revisiting anytime soon based off of this.

A lot of my problems stemmed from our main character, Hakim. I really didn’t like him. I get that he had a rough life, but the way he treated everyone in his life was terrible. I really couldn’t deal with the way he treated and talked about women. On two separate occasions, he talked about how he was disappointed that he followed his partner’s beliefs. When is that ever ok to say? And because this entire book was about him, not liking him was a bit of a problem.

I also felt like the writing style was kind of a mess. It got overly flowery at times, but was super choppy at others. These discrepancies really hindered the story’s flow. I’m going to put a quote here, just to show you how bad it was.

“ Hakim’s eyes held a water reservoir that was just about dried up, but he was able to speak through it.”

What does that even mean???

As for the plot, it was just story after story about Hakim’s failed romantic ventures. I liked the ending, but because Hakim was the only developed character, I really struggled to enjoy this.

Thanks to Netgalley and A.A. Syrias for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review

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