Member Reviews

A really solid paranormal romance!! I had a lot of fun reading this, and enjoyed the romance between Selene and Aiden. I will definitely check out more from this author!

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I was so ready for this book because I love witchy stories and love witchy romances. I also thought the paranormal hunter aspect of this would be super fun. I struggled quite a bit in the beginning. It took me most of the month to get to the halfway mark. It was strange because it felt like two different books. The first half was very square - there was no cursing, the budding romance was very chaste, and then in the second half I was, to use a word that cracked me up, dickmatized. This would be a 4 pepper on my spice scale (not fade to black, but not uncomfortably explicit/graphic). I wish there had been more of the witchy side of things rather than the male MC's "friendship" and friend's weird family situation. Namely an overbearing aunt who wants some random stranger to be part of all the holiday traditions despite them being full grown adults with their own lives and only visiting for work. I also would have loved more of the background of the female MC's family - more of the history behind her grandmother, Luna, etc. Overall, such a bummer because I actually did like the two MCs and Selene's witchy friends.

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Mila Nicks is NOT. FOR. ME. The writing style is very elementary. It is so bad that the story does not make any sense. She does not build characters or successfully build the plot.

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This has been on my TBR for several years now, and I can’t seem to make myself finish it. I’m sorry! I’m sure someone will love it, but it just isn’t for me.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advanced copy of this book to read and review.

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Honestly I got a few chapters through this book and still wasn't completely loving what was going on. The beginning story was a bit confusing between the two women and the love interest just seemed to not to my taste. I was also getting instalove vibes, which is not my kind of book, but I may consider picking it up again in the future.

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What a fantastic romance! I'm loving all the witchy books that have been coming out lately -- can we make this a year-round trend? Mila Nicks has written a fantastic fall-themed romance here -- I can't wait for her next release!

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It took me a while to finish this book, if the pace was a lot slower than I’m used to with fantasy you paranormal romance novels however once things get going I found myself really in love with the characters and wanting more from the story after the final chapter.

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I really enjoyed this book! At first it seemed a bit slow-paced but then things started happening and I couldn't stop reading! It's pretty good!

Selene Blackstone is a witch and she's cursed. Aiden is a paranormal investigator who doesn't believe in the paranormal. The people in the town of Brimrock hate Selene cause they think she descends from a family of witches and there was something weird about her grandmother Luna. Aiden goes to Brimrock with his friend Eddie to investigate the Blackstone family for their YouTV series about paranormal stuff. But when Aiden meets Selene he feels she's different in a good way.

This is the first book in a series and it was really good. I love magic and romance so this was the perfect book for me!

The mystery was interesting, I kept wondering about it. The romance was so good, I just want to read the rest of the books in this series to know more about the main characters! The friendships were great, Noelle and Selene are the best.

I wish there was even more magic but being the first book it's okay, I guess there's more magic in the sequels. But it was fantastic the bits of magic in this one.

The ending of the mystery was totally unexpected and I love that, I didn't see it coming.

I'll try to pick up the rest of the series to see where the story is going.

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This novel's was a spooky read that I wasn't expecting during the Christmas season. I didn't mind it though. I felt Selene was a strong character despite the whole town hating her and unable to leave her hometown she carves out a space for herself at the library, often using her magic to organize books.

The love story felt a bit to fast for me. But I kind of let that slide because the mystery aspect of the novel held more of my attention.

I wish this novel developed more of the magic, explored more of Luna’s history via Selene’s weird uncle, as well as Aiden’s paranormal web series. I think it would have been interesting to see Selene and Aiden team up and investigate with spirit boxes. As this is just a first of the series I'm excited to see more of Selene and Aiden.

Overall,, this novel was a quick read and perfect for those who love to feel spooky even after Halloween.

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I really enjoyed this novel. I don't read a tonne of contemporary or paranormal romances but this could change all that. Selene and Aiden are super lovable plus their friendship side plots were a wonderful addition. I also loved that their sex life wasn't perfect from the get go and they had to communicate and grow together - that is so rare to see. You can see my full review on my YouTube channel:

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Thank you for this copy of Black Witch Magic, This was a fun read. usually something I dont read often so it was nice for a change. I should have read it more around the holidays since it has that holiday vibe to it. The characters were great and fun to read about. Their friendship was really good. Overall it was a quick and fun read and im sure many would enjoy it esp if they are looking for something quick to read.

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Black Witch Magic is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed and I'm not even sure why I didn't get a proper review for it out when I read it in October. It was the perfect Christmas read. The characters were adorable, the romance was sweet and fun. But it wasn't light and fluffy, the mystery throughout kept me on my toes, it was really dark in places and the way Selene is treated by the community is downright horrible.

One of my favourite things about the book is that Selene and Aiden's relationship is so awkward in places. Like the second hand embarrassment was huge in places. And they get past hard spots with conversation. That is refreshing, I hate when things could be fixed with a conversation but it never happens. It felt a lot more real than many insta love scenarios, even with all the magic thrown in.

Magic - Mystery - Romance - Libraries - Revenge

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Enjoyable read! I haven't read many paranormal romances so I don't have a lot to compare to but I love a witchy heroine! This was great!

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Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

Black Witch Magic was a fun paranormal romance book centered around Christmas time which was refreshing because you would probably expect it to be Halloweenish. I initially did and I was pleasantly surprised.

Selene Selene Blackstone, a curvy Black girl, is a very likable character. She is cursed and not able to leave the town, she has to deal with the town´s gossip, yet she remains a strong independent woman. She works as a small-town librarian, owns a terrier names Yuki, does magic at home and tries to date.

I loved the scene where she met Aiden O'Hare, a paranormal investigator who actually does not believe in the paranormal and plays a skeptic in his and his friend´s show on YouTV channel. He does not know she is a witch, but secretly investigates her for their new episodes. The two keep meeting to investigate what happened to the two men in town, one of them being Selene´s date who has not arrived.

I liked their interactions and I would gladly have more of them and more of the magic and details about the curse. I would love to read about more rituals and magic happening. I loved this aspect. It reminded me the times when I was 13-16 and watched Charmed. Plus I feel like there are stuff that need to be further developed and explained in the next book.

It was very easy to read. The pages were flying in front of my eyes. I enjoyed it.

There's a warning at the beginning of this book, yet it was not THAT spicy. There is some spice but I expected more hot scenes and swearing. So have that in mind.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love good witchy reads, and that's why I couldn't resist this one. Especially since it has some diversity and spicy romance! If you read the synopsis of this book, it might sound like a cliché, but you would be surprised how original it in fact is. There's this curse that follows women in Selene's family for a long time. And Selene is cursed too. She'll never find love or happiness, because of a mistake her ancestor did. And she's also bound to her birth city, where everyone knows about her misfortune.

However, even with the curse, Selene doesn't give up and she tries to date. That's how she meets Aidan, on her way to the date, only to discover that her date disappeared without a trace. And soon after that, she meets Aidan again. He's everything she could ever want, but... because of her curse, she's the reason why he's in the danger. The curse is still out there, waiting and ready to "kill her happiness". Literally.

Selene was a great character I liked from the first page. Her personality is so sweet and nice, yet so strong. It was honestly refreshing to see a normal female character that isn't eternally beautiful nor powerful. Selene has hew own beauty and strength and this fact made me so happy! And I can say the same about Aiden. He is a bit mysterious character at the beginning, but once you get to know him, you'll love him as much as I did. I shipped him with Selene so hard, that I couldn't wait for their relationship to develop! The romance plot wasn't perfect, but it gave this story some amazing scenes and a great atmosphere! I wouldn't mind if it was a bit slower though because there just weren't enough scenes with those two.

I liked the writing style in this book. It was really easy to read that I finished it quickly and still managed to enjoy it a lot. I only have to mention something that confused me a bit. There's a warning at the beginning of this book, that it's a story with some spiciness. Because of that I actually expected this book to be way steamier than it was. There are just two spicier scenes, so try to keep your expectations about this low.

Overall, I can recommend this book to every mature reader. If you like funny paranormal romances, this one might be your new favorite.


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Black Witch Magic by Mila Nicks is a BWWM paranormal romance and the first in the Paranormal Hunters series. We see our main characters - Selene Blackstone and Aiden O’Hare set in a cozy New England town called Brimrock.

Selene Blackstone is a Librarian by day, cursed witch by night. Her grand mother, Luna Blackstone and the other witches on the Blackstone bloodline were cursed few centuries ago. She has a best friend Noelle.

Prickly Paranormal Investigator Aiden O’Hare speaks two languages: sarcasm and more sarcasm. He travels the country—and sometimes even the world—investigating strange phenomena with his best friend, Eddie.

I loved how the story started with a little flashback of late 1770s where the Ancestral Blackstone Bloodline Witches were cursed for the upcoming centuries in this town. Then slowly and steadily the story builds up between Selene and Aiden.

We also see a lot of friendship components between Aiden and Eddie as well as Noelle and Selene. The story is a perfect sweet, cozy winter romance which is witchy and little bit of magical at the same time. I liked how the narrative style is and how the author has explored the plot.

You will find not only sweet romance, but love for books, a girl who prefers books and libraries, a guy who is equally shy, paranormal stuff and those little small town mysteries roaming around. I liked this book overall and ask you to pick it up if you are looking for something light and cozy at the same time.

Thank You to NetGalley and the author Mila Nicks for the eARC in exchange for a honest opinion.

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Such a fun book - a paranormal romance and what feels very much like a cozy mystery, all rolled into one! One might argue that it's the best of both worlds. I loved Selene (who DOENS'T love a librarian witch?!) but Aiden was very "meh" for me. He's supposed to have a "dry wit," but he was really just kind of condescending and annoying. She can do better, haha.

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this was so refreshing and fun! I actually really enjoyed the Christmas/holiday aspect when normally you see these "witchy" type book centered around Halloween. There was some good social commentary and the book was really well written!

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3.5 stars rounded.

Black Witch Magic is a story about a young bookish witch, Selene Blackstone, who suffers from a family curse. As she struggles to make a living in a town that pretty much hates her guts, she meets the sarcastic Aiden O’Hare, and the connection between them is undeniable. When mysterious and dangerous events start occurring around town, people are quick to point the finger at Selene, but Aiden is determined to help clear her name.

This book wasn’t exactly my cup of tea–though I love paranormal romance–mostly due to the writing-style and the side characters. The book struck me as very YA-esque and since there weren’t many steamy scenes (though I did appreciate the first one as it was something I’ve never seen in a romance before), I think it could have been easily adapted to that age group. There were also a few instances where the writing was either repetitive or lacked continuity. Since I read the eARC version of the novel, things like this are expected and I’m hoping they got fixed for the final print.

In regards to the characters, I was actually very happy with Selene and Aiden. I thought they were a good amount of mature (aside from the insta-love that occurs between them) and that they handled conflict fairly well. My problem lay in the side characters, particularly Eddie (Aiden’s best friend and fellow paranormal investigator) and his family. The whole lot of them was almost unbearable. I couldn’t understand how they could all be so inconsiderate, and it seemed to only get worse as the book progressed. I kept hoping to see some character growth, but I feel like instead I saw the complete opposite. It’s something that continued to bother me even after I finished the book.

Although Black Witch Magic is labeled as a romance, I think the fantasy-side of the story was definitely the best part. As I said previously, there aren’t very many “steamy” scenes and most of the book follows Selene as she attempts to connect with her inner-witch without being discovered by a town that is desperate to vilify her. Because of how much I enjoyed reading about her craft, I wish there were more scenes of her and her fellow witches actually using it. There are mentions of several potions and spells, and I think the book could have benefited a lot from showing more of this. It is the first book in a series so maybe the next installments will be more involved.

Overall I’d recommend this book if you’re looking for a cute, easy, and relatively quick read. I’m interested in seeing what direction this series is headed (and what characters Mila Nicks will decide to follow) so hopefully I can get my hand on the next book at some point!

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