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Overall - ⭐⭐⭐
Heat - 🔥🔥🔥

Black Witch Magic is the first book in Mila Nicks’s new series, Paranormal Hunters. The story is about Selene Blackstone, a witch who’s been cursed by an evil witch grannie, and Aiden O’Hare a paranormal researcher who’s in town for the holidays and to investigate her grannie. He wants to expose the secrets she’s desperate to hide. So why is she falling for him?

This was cute and a quick read for me. I love all things witchy during October and the fact that this also includes the winter holidays was just a bonus. This book is super soft, nothing too hard or upsetting to deal with. Even with the issue of a curse and Aiden working to expose her grandma this book was still like a warm hug. And that’s totally what I wanted. Not every book has to tackle huge issues or be full of important lessons.

The couple was cute and their chemistry was one point. I’d never heard of this author before finding this book and I’ll be checking out more of what she has to offer. So if you’re looking for paranormal but not like save the world paranormal check this out. Trust me it’s a nice comfy read.

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I really liked this book! The characters were great. I loved Selene's friendship with Noelle, and all the witchy worldbuilding. I thought the romance worked really well, I liked Selene and Aiden together. Some of the word choices were a bit weird, but I put that down to quirkiness so it didn't bother me much. I had expected to enjoy the romance, but I was surprised by how much I liked the way Nicks describes the small town with its agressive holiday cheer, the magical life running through the mundane in the setting. I'd like to read more of this.

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Black Witch Magic is a diverting read filled with the right amounts of sarcasm, magic, and mystery.

I loved this book!! This story has everything that you could have asked for in a paranormal romance book. From the prologue until the last chapter, the book was fantastic. It was a long time since I enjoyed a romance novel, and this book broke that curse.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions and expressed here are my own.

I just loved this story. It was a Black Woman White Male (BWWM) romance novel. I liked how the representation wasn't glossed over and felt real. Their relationship wasn't one dimensional. I was also happy to read yet another story featuring a curvacious-female protagonist with a good plot.
Selene is my favorite character in this book; she was sweet, funny, and witchy. She never misused her powers and was kind to her friends.
Fun fact: She never used a broom to fly and was a dog person.
Though this book had a few cliché witch tropes-- old hag, the eerie cackle, evil witch-- in it, I enjoyed every bit of it.

This book is a perfect Halloween read. I absolutely loved this book and hope that the next book in the series is as good as this one. If you are searching for a book with witches, magic, mystery, and romance, you should definitely be reading this one.

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This story was pretty good. I enjoyed Selene and Aiden's meet-cute. They were both adorable awkward and nerd and the progression of their romance was sweet. I thought Aiden deciding to go to a big Christmas celebration with his friend was odd since he doesn't like Christmas and didn't want to participate. Why not just stay home with your dog?! And I thought Selene was kind of whiny towards the end of the book. There were a lot of loose ends since this will apparently be a series. It took me awhile to get into the book because it was just overall a bit flat for me.

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This book brings the holiday feels! If Halloween and Christmas had a baby it would be this book 🎄🎃
You have witches, paranormal investigators, an adorable pup, and the holiday season. What can go wrong? Nothing, absolutely nothing!

Well..... Actually something can go wrong and that is an old family curse and a certain supernatural entity trying to get its revenge. Will Selene be able to juggle her attraction to the highly handsome Aiden while figuring out who could be causing harm to her small town? Read to find out!!! It will soooo be worth it lol I cannot wait for the next book in this series

I voluntarily read this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Selene and Aiden were such a cute couple. They were adorably socially awkward and their personalities fit perfectly. It wasn't a cookie cutter romance and there were some unexpected twists. This was a charming story with a lot if enjoyable characters.

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With great sadness.... I have to say that this book was not for me. The plot sounded so good (and the cover is gorgeous). But this book is not for my reading style.

This book has every cliché that I hates in books, every single one hahaha. I don't think it's necessarily a BAD book, it just not for me. Sooooo.... here's why:

The main reason: Insta love. And I'm the type of reader that loves slow romance.... not just assume there is attraction between the protagonist just because the universe says so. And -for me- Selena and Aiden didn't have chemistry.

Another reason why I didn't like the book was because of Aiden. He's insufferable and very cringy. The book tells the reader that Aidan is sarcastic like 10 times but never shows that. Show, don't tell. If I could describe Aiden... well, he isn't sarcastic. He's grumpy and bitter. That's a big difference.

I didn't like the paranormal part of the book. I found that the theme of witches and magic was very weak and with not much sense.

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This was a fun read. Despite the Halloween vibes from the title and cover, this one is actually set during the holiday season, spanning across Christmas and New Years. It’s the perfect transitional book, with its paranormal storyline and sprinkles of Christmas cheer.

Selene, a lunar witch, is cursed. Confined to the town of Brimrock, Massachusetts, she spends her days as a librarian stocking shelves under the watchful eye of her colleagues. As an outcast of the town who suspects her secret, and doomed to live a life of misery, a newfound romance with Aiden, a paranormal investigator, is not what Selene anticipated.

Sarcastic and charming, Aiden was the absolute sweetest hero. Together with his partner, Eddie, their brotherly bond, along with the glimpses into their show 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴, was the perfect comedic touch. As a true skeptic of the paranormal, I loved the opposites attract type connection he forms with Selene.

With this story featuring an investigation of paranormal activity in the town, I found it slightly overshadowed the romance. Their moments together were cute, but a little uneventful compared to the mystery threatening Selene, making the overall story feel slow to me. I was hoping for more sizzling tension between them, but still an enjoyable read.

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I picked up the book because it is almost Halloween and I loved the cover. This is a new-to-me author. I am so happy I did- I really enjoyed this book. It was a super cute book but be warned this book is not set during Halloween.

The story is set in a small town with a bad history regarding witches. In fact, the book starts out with a flashback to an event between an unknown witch and Selene's (the heroine) grandmother. Selene is forced to live under the control of a family curse which keeps her in a town that hates witches and refuses to acknowledge their existence, while at the same time ostracizing them.

Aiden, one half of a paranormal hunting team, is skeptical of all things paranormal. However, in preparation for their next show, he agrees to come home for the Christmas holidays (something he is apathetic on) with his work partner, Eddie. Selene and Aiden's paths cross and the friendship and chemistry is something that is very well written and developed.

I really enjoyed this sweet story. I think there were a few things that could have been developed more (specifically when Selene and Aiden push forward with their relationship) but generally I enjoyed the story. The magic/paranormal investigation parts were my favorite. I also enjoyed the side characters including Eddie and Noelle, but I would have liked more of Selene's family including Uncle Vee and Luna.

All in all this was a very cute fun read with enough paranormal to make it perfect for a Halloween read- even though it isn't set during Halloween! There is a second book with these characters which I will definitely read and hope to see some more of Selene's family and their history discussed!

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First, I'd like to thank Netgalley for the ARC for an honest review.

This is my first novel by Mila Nicks, so I can't compare it to anything else of hers, but I have to say that I really enjoyed this. It had a mystery within the novel as well, so it wasn't just a contemporary romance. I thought the book blended both elements together, and I'll be honest the twist towards the climax of the book actually surprised me.

In Black Witch Magic, we have Selene Blackstone, granddaughter to the infamous Luna Blackstone who the whole time despises. We don't ever actually know why, just that there is a curse on the Blackstone family made back back in the late 70s by either a jealous or jilted lover. I couldn't quite figure that part out. I wasn't sure if it was some white hag of a witch who was beyond delusional, or if her fiancé was having a legitimate affair with Luna. I do think that could have been fleshed out a little more, but perhaps that was the point, that there is never just two sides to a story, but the truth somewhere in the middle. Anywho, due to said curse, Selene is destined to live her life in Brimrock, a fictional small town in New England. Everyone hates her or thinks she's weird. They don't know that she's a lunar witch except her best friend and sister from another mister, Noelle who is a green witch. She's just trying to live her life with the crappy people of this town, and honestly, the fact that she hadn't decimated them all by this point was a miracle in itself.

In comes Aiden O'Hare, paranormal investigator part of a duo with his best friend, Eddie. Eddie's aunt and her family live in Brimrock, so they decide to go there for the holidays before investigating into Luna Blackstone's history as they said the town is haunted by her ghost. All these strange happenings are occurring, mainly to the male sex, so this would be prime footage for their 50th episode of their little YouTV channel. Aiden doesn't particularly like Christmas, and he finds Eddie's family, especially his Aunt Priscilla overwhelming. He wasn't far off because they are a lot, especially the aunt. She's a Hallmark Christmas movie made flesh, and even I hated her by halfway through the book.

Due to a rideshare mishap, our two lovebirds meet and eventually keep meeting until they decide to go on a date. Aiden lies about who he is, Selene doesn't completely tell the truth, but this all comes to a head pretty early on in the book. Soon enough, our Hardy Boy and Nancy Drew are doing their own investigation into the unfortunate happenings to two men in town. The whole town believes Selene is responsible, and Aiden just isn't having that.

I really enjoyed Selene and Aiden together. I felt that they complimented each other well despite the fact that they were both awkward turtles when it came to dating or people in general. They had some snafus throughout the book, but they actually sat down and discussed them like healthy adults, especially after their first go around in the bedroom left Selene very dissatisfied. I loved that Mila went there. She made the first sexual experience a total dud, complete abolishing the trope of a wonderful, orgasmic first time. It was embarrassing, mortifying, hilarious, and real. Yet, our lover boy Aiden was not going to go down without showing her that he knew how to take care of a woman, and boy did he ever. There isn't a lot of steaminess in the book, but that makes the sexy times even better.

The story itself is nicely paced. I don’t think there were any particular moments that dragged on. I don’t think there was any insta-love, just a very deep connection based on mutual respect, admiration, and fondness for each other. There were no “I love you” tossed around after knowing each other for less than a month. I also really really loved Selene’s friendship with Noelle. These two were ride or die, and they meant it. I could have read a whole book of just them being best witch friends together and breaking the curse themselves.

I will say that if you are going in thinking this is set during Halloween, it isn't. It's set during Christmas, but the mystery of the book does provide a certain spookiness to it. I think this is start of a very cute series with these two, and I can't wait to read more about them.

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I really wanted to love this. From the beginning I found that difficult.

I greatly appreciated the content warning at the beginning of the book. When an author thinks to warn readers of possibly upsetting content, it really puts them in a good place for me.

As far as the book, it reads like it was written for a younger audience even though it's aimed at adults. As I read I kept coming up against grammar issues and wild pacing that made it impossible to catch up. The sex is written in a way that doesn't make it romantic and the love interest doesn't come off as someone who should actually be a love interest.

This book had a lot of promise for me but it didn't follow through.
Thank you Netgally and publisher for this ARC

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Heat Factor: They have extremely bad sex and are both absolutely mortified. This scene is excellent. (There is also a bit of good sex at the end.)
Character Chemistry: They’re both misanthropes who like reading. I buy it.
Plot: Selene’s family is cursed. And she’s a witch. Aiden is a paranormal investigator who definitely does not believe in magic and wants to do a show about her grandma.
Overall: Mostly fun

Here’s the basic set up: Selene cannot catch a break. She is living under a curse that means that she’ll be unlucky in love and life - plus she is physically unable to leave her small New England town of Brimrock. Pretty much everyone in town hates her. She lives in a creepy gothic mansion. And her best friend keeps setting her up on blind dates.

Aiden, along with his best friend, Eddie, have a show where they investigate paranormal activities. Despite his hatred for the holidays, Aiden agrees to accompany Eddie to Brimrock for Christmas, after which they’ll film their 50th episode, about the local witch who continues to haunt slash terrorize the town.

Aiden and Selene meet cute when a rideshare mix-up happens, and they end up sharing a car to the local fancy restaurant. They’re drawn to each other, even as Aiden secretly starts investigating Selene’s family. They go on cute dates. They tease each other. And Selene starts to think that maybe, just maybe, this time can be different, and her luck will change.

The real focus, however, are the shenanigans going on in town. Remember that blind date Selene went on? Well, he never showed up, and then was found in a coma in his apartment. Foul play is naturally expected, and since Selene is the local weirdo, she is the prime suspect. Eventually, Selene reveals her witchy moon powers (mainly telekinesis) to Aiden and the two of them team up to figure out what the heck is going on.

I thought the mystery was well down. I was genuinely surprised at the final reveal. But I also wouldn’t classify this as suspenseful - I wasn’t really on the edge of my seat. It was more like I was wondering in the back of my mind where the author was going with the story. I also thought that Aiden’s relationship with Eddie was well done. They’re best friends, but sometimes your best friend is resentful of your new relationship, especially when it feels like you’re being replaced. So maybe these guys aren’t extremely emotionally mature, but the hurt between them, and the conversations about that hurt, felt real.

However, there were a few things that threw me out of the story a bit. Eddie’s family, especially his Aunt Priscilla, are really insistent on Aiden participating in all the holiday gaiety, and the whole dynamic was really uncomfortable for me. On the one hand, Aiden is their houseguest and shouldn’t just show up to be fed and then peace out. That’s rude as hell. On the other hand, their insistence on him spending quality family time with them, even when he clearly wants to just hide in his room, was very off-putting. I just didn’t know what to think about this dynamic. (If Aiden wrote in to AITA on Reddit, the internet would probably agree that everyone in the situation is The Asshole.) There were also some discontinuities in the writing, and a few places where words were misused. Everyone waits forever to catch a ride, but it seems like the town is small enough that Selene usually walks everywhere?

Is Black Witch Magic a perfect book? No. But it was fun enough. I would recommend it to people who like cozy mysteries and want to branch out into low-key witchy romances.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. We disclose this in accordance with 16 CFR §255.

This review is also available at The Smut Report.

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I ended up liking the book quite a bit but it took a really long time to get into it. While I enjoyed the characters and the town setting, nothing of interest happened for a good chunk of the book. It was a lot of waiting around for URides (the word "URide" is mentioned 34 times in the book.) instead of actually doing anything.

The romance portion was sweet and awkward which I loved, but sort of took a back seat to the "mystery" plot. I want more romance and shy, awkward encounters! I did enjoy the slow build to their relationship, it felt very realistic and their banter was funny and snarky. The steamy parts in particular felt realistic in a way you don't often see portrayed in Romance.

Once I realized this was going to be the first book in a series it sort of made sense, this was more of a world-building book rather than a true paranormal romance (sort of like a pilot of a TV show). It's a marathon, not a sprint.

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I loved this witchy, spooky read, and it's just in time for Halloween. Selene Blackstone is cursed. She can't leave her town, where she is treated like a parish because of her famous witch grandmother and she's not prone to good luck. When fate puts paranormal investigator Aiden in her path she thinks her luck might be turning. When she finds out he is investigating her grandmother, Luna, she knows she needs to keep her family's secret. I like that Selene and Aiden are on opposite sides but they keep getting thrown together and they are still attracted to each other.
This is the perfect read for fall and getting ready for the beginning of the winter holiday season.

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This book is a nice mix between a paranormal romance and a cozy mystery! It was a cute story perfect for halloween! I enjoyed the relationship between the hero and heroine but loved the relationship between the 3 witches.

That being said there were some discrepancies in the story. Such as: Aiden and Eddie’s van is frequently described as a 1976 Dodge Caravan, the first year the caravan was produced is in 1984. The biggest one for me was Aiden’s basil allergy is an important scene in the story, yet they enjoy pesto chicken together toward the end of the book. There were enough things that bothered me but it wasn’t enough to not finish the story. Overall, I enjoy it!

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This was overall a very enjoyable read and I absolutely loved it. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started Black Witch Magic, but man was I very pleasantly surprised and blown away. It was such a cute and fun story that kept me completely engaged and immersed.

Selene and Aiden were adorable and I loved that they weren't the typical characters I read from fantasy books. They are a bit nerdy and I loved this aspect of them. They are both witty and the two of them together were amazing. I especially loved how relatable Selene was.

I also loved the other characters in the book and felt that they too were well rounded and not just after thoughts that can sometimes occur with side characters. I'm definitely excited to see what happens with these characters in the next book, for me especially Eddie and how his and Aiden's friendship will be affected. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good bromance.

While this isn't the typical action-packed, crazy adventure that I usually read in fantasy books, man, I couldn't help but love it. And while this is my first book Mila Nicks, it most definitely will not be my last. I'm very eager to continue this story and hate that I have to wait so long to do so because I need more Selene and Aiden in my life.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I haven't ready many paranormal romances and was excited about this one. I definitely liked the mystery element of this - the main character (Selene) is a witch from a long line of cursed witches - she can't leave her small town of Brimrock, Massachusetts and she's also cursed in love. A paranormal investigator (Aiden) from a popular web-based show comes to town to research Selene's grandmother, a famous witch who disappeared mysteriously. Soon after Aiden arrives, weird things start happening to people connected with Selene, and a mystery unfolds. I thought the mystery was more effective than the romance, which didn't feel completely fleshed out to me. Still, I enjoyed this and found the characters quirky and interesting.

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A romance between a witch and a paranormal hunter sounded amazing and I ended up liking the story. The fact that a witchy story was set in Christmas time and not Halloween felt off to me and the writing style was a little hard to get into but I still enjoyed the story this book had to tell. Aiden was really witty and charming and I loved the banter between Selene and Aiden. This was my first time reading paranormal romance and it won't be my last! Looking forward to reading more books by the author :)

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Selene Blackstone is cursed. Decades before she was born, a witch placed a curse on all Blackstone witches, that they will never be able to leave their town or fall in love. Selene has always resigned herself to her fate, but things change when a paranormal investigator shows up to town. Aidan is a skeptic by nature, but he knows there’s something different about this town, and about Selene.

This was a really fun book! I was expecting it to be more Halloween-centric but I loved that it took place around Christmas. It felt like a cozy mystery but with added witchcraft and Christmas vibes.

Selene and Aidan were really cute. I love that they’re a witch and a paranormal investigator. They’re both super awkward but have some great banter.

I found the villain to be a bit over the top, but all-in-all this felt like watching a hallmark movie!

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Selene Blackstone is a witch working at her local library. Ever since her grandmother’s disappearance many years ago, the Blackstone women have been cursed in love and are forbidden to leave the town of Brimrock. Although the townspeople don’t know the details of the curse, they treat Selene like an outcast anyway.

Enter Aiden, a cohost on a paranormal hunters YouTube channel, whose been coerced by his friend Eddie to spend the holidays with his family in Brimrock. Aiden is the classic Christmas grinch, but he’s more than happy to spend his time researching the mysterious disappearance of Luna Blackstone instead. When chance puts Selene and Aiden together, magic sparks.

I enjoyed this romance! Selene and Aiden banter adorably and the mysterious circumstances that arise in the town kept me guessing until the very end. This is a great witchy read for the Halloween season or, could even be read in December when you’re missing All Hallow’s Eve since it’s set at Christmas.

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