Member Reviews

If you're half way through right now and going through the comments seeing everyone say how good this book is, don't worry, I was there with you until it all changed. The beginning is very slow, I can't deny that, but when it gets to the halfway point, things start getting good! It felt like a completely different story after the halfway point and I'm not really sure what changed. I think it may have been intentional character development which, if it was, very clever! Even if it wasn't the book really redeemed itself. I wanted to bad to give up in the beginning but something kept pushing me forward and I'm SO glad I kept going! So if you're struggling like I was, hang in there, it'll get better! For anyone who loves a good werewolf romance, give it a shot!

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Wavering around 2.5 stars
This book felt like a Twilight rewrite without the vampires and with all the Cullens as werewolves.
I liked the funny banter between the two main characters but the plot didn't hold my attention. Long, dragged out and predictable.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Another great book from one of my favorite authors. Highly recommend to friends and family.

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I loved this book and if you are a fan of Twilight you will too. It has the same vibe as other werewolf romances but is definitely an original story so it keeps you hooked from beginning to end.

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This was a decent read for a debut author. I had some issues with it, but overall. not bad. I look forward to reading more from this author.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Sadly this wasn`t for me. The main characters were boring and i didn`t feel like they had chemistry.

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An enjoyable slow burn paranormal romance, nice characters and story, easy to read and interesting, drew me in from the beginning. Looking forward to more

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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I loved Thorne Bay. I've been a fan of Mrs. Croft for a little over a year now on Wattpad (a fantastic website for aspiring authors) and I am a firm believer that she has incedible potential to be a positive influence on the paranormal romance community! I've devoured her stories (and now books!) And I can't wait for more!

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I'm going to need more on this one. Disappointing world building, as the were lives, politics, courtship, mating elements are .......... well real mysteries for something so basic. Folks that want a heavier romantic element that I tend to like will enjoy this a lot tho, and I will be following this author to see how she expands on the world!

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Thorne Bay was an interesting take on the shapeshifter urban fantasy genre set in Alaska. When Even Spencer embarks on an adventure into the wilderness, she didn't expect the magnetic pilot was more wolf than man or that their relationship would changer her life forever.

This is a story filled with witty dialogue and a very rich and lyrical language. It was slightly more poetic than I tend to like, but overall it was a pretty adventurous romp.

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3.5 stars

Thorne Bay has the makings of a potentially fun, entertaining, and sexy new paranormal/shifter series by new-to-me and fairly new author Jeanine Croft.

Evan Spencer has found herself in a rut. She has tried college and well, that didn't end up so well. She's back living with her mother and working in a cafe. She has a horrible crush on a guy and she's just too shy to actually tell him about it. At the constant urging of her none too kind grandfather, she decides to create her own adventure. She takes a dart and a map and lets destiny take the wheels. That dart points her to Thorne Bay, Alaska. She gets a summer job and a ticket and is off to discover what she is made of. Little does she know that the small tourist town is full of mysteries and quirky people with very strange behaviors. The first person she meets happens to be the most handsome person she's ever met that ol' what his name she used to crush on doesn't even stand a chance. As Evan settles into the quiet little town and her friendship with the enigmatic Tristan deepened, she learns that the whispers and gossip around town are nothing compared to reality and her life whether she wants it to or not will be changed forever because of it.

Thorne Bay was full of mystery, intrigue, and well, my fav, shifters! The book reads like a young adult to new adult book. Evan is a bit of an odd duck. She vacillates between extremely shy and naive then daring and a bit bold. I mean, how can you not be daring when you use a dart and a map to figure out your next steps in life? I often felt like I wanted to smack Evan because well, common horror movie etiquette of "Don't go in there!" or Don't do that!", "Why are you looking over there? Run, you stupid ninny!"

The whole shifter aspect of the world-building left a lot to be explained. Shifter politics, behaviors, courting/mating explanations were very vague. I'm not sure if the author left us with a keep 'em guessing attitude for further discovery in latter books or whether she just wanted the air of mystery to prevail. Tristan left a lot of mystery surrounding himself and the wold mate musky thing, but alternately made wolfy references... it kind of got a bit frustrating.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. I have so many unanswered questions and I SO want to know more about Dean. I am totally hooked for book #2 whenever that will happen. I'm totally down for that!

*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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Now I am very fond of books about Alaska, and this promised to be interesting, but it wasn’t as good as it could have been. This followed the expected trope with little to distinguish it from many of these werewolves in the wilderness, rough and ready men, pack loyalties and so on, which are typical of these stories.
It was not one that I felt I needed to read more about these areas. But it did bring out my memories of Alaska when I went there one late May, just as the tourist season opened, and went on trips to see the glaciers calving and the sea creatures especially various whales. And the moose even came and stood in the porch of our hotel. The stuffed brown bear rearing up at us in the lobby was not my favourite part of the trip though

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#thornebay #netgalley

I couldn't get into this book, it just wasn't my kind of book. I may pick it up and try again in the future.

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“‘I love you.’ He kissed me then, lips in fierce espousal of his claim. A kiss that left no doubt of his feelings.”

Thorne Bay by Jeanine Croft tells the story of Evan Spencer, who decides by blindly pointing at a map to move to Thorne Bay Alaska and to make herself a life there. When she is flown there by the handsome Tristan, she feels an attraction to him from the beginning. It doesn’t take long for her to see that something is off about Tristan and his family. Rumors around town say they are part of a cult. She can’t seem to stay away though.

I adore a good shifter book, especially werewolves with a fun pack/family structure. Thorne Bay does not disappoint in this category in anyway. I loved the main characters. Their banter was adorable and witty. I love the wolves back story. And the romance is fab. I would highly recommend this to any paranormal romance fan, or fan of werewolves or romance. I give this book 4 full stars and I fully intend to stalk this author for more books.

Review was posted to Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. I will also post it on my instagram page in the near future.

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ARC from NetGalley

Okay. I have mostly good things to say about this book. It was an A+ slow-burn paranormal romance. There was no unbelievable instalove. There was no immediate boning. The plot was actually interesting, and I wanted to actually read it and not just skim until I found the sexy bits *cough* not that I would do that >>.>> It became a bribe book for me. I could only read it once I got my work done, and when any book gets to that place, it's a 5-star for me unless there is something seriously wrong with it.

On to the negatives.

There were a few times that things were unbelievable. Evan is literally told over and over, she sees sculptures, reads books, just.. there's so many times I was rolling my eyes like GURL. I shook my damn head several times.

Additionally, this book is really adjective heavy, and at times I felt I was reading the product of the author's word-a-day calendar. Exhibit A: “Yet Tristan had stated this in such a <b>contumelious</b> way that I was hardly flattered by the declaration.” I mean, maybe you throw words such as contumelious around on the daily, but I don't. There were several times words like this popped up. I mean, for the most part I knew what they meant, if only in gleaning. I don't consider myself an imbecile. I've read a lot of books and thus a lot of words, but yeah it stood out. Also, not necessarily rationally, I was irritated by the excessive use of the word "piquant."

All that bitching aside. This was a good read. Not perfect, but good. If you like paranormal romance and don't like reading shitty ones that have you rolling your eyes, the kind that are churned out like rabbits, read this one instead.

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Thorne Bay by Jeanine Cross is book one in An Alaskan Packs Novel. The book tells the story of Evan, a young woman who is trying to find her path in life. To help make a decision she throws a dart at a map one day and it lands in Alaska, a place which is completely different from where she has been and what she knows. On her journey to Alaska, she meets Tristan, a dark and mysterious man who flies her up to Throne Bay. From there Evan starts her new adventure…but everything is not what it seems.

Thorne Bay is a really descriptive, beautifully written book about secrets, finding yourself and a refreshing take on the werewolf, paranormal genre. Evan is a likeable character, even though at times she could be slightly frustrating, but this could be due to the age that she portrays and the self-discovery journey that she is on. At times she can be wildly quirky and that helped to balance out the ever-serious Tristan. The story flows and leaves you wanting to know more about other characters and their own journey.

A well written book with detailed description of life in Alaska and the secrets it can hold.

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review. All opinions are my own. 😊

More of my reviews can be found on my blog:

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If you like long winded, complex using, and long books this may be for you. The story was amazing but ho boy did I get bored and skim half of it. It has a ton of non normal words you probably need to look up and so much extra added in my kindle told me I had 8 1/2 hours to finish it.

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I very much enjoyed this book. It’s a typical story of werewolf falling in love. The same sort of story line as most. Which I won’t get into too many details because I don’t want to spoil anything. But it was a good, easy read regardless .

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To say that I was enamored by this book would be an understatement. I practically ate it up,down to the last page. This werewolf is understandably unique in it's presentation of the paranormal. The easing off of the heroine is so smooth and so well done that it is understandable to think she does not get upset. The circumstances are all very relatable and one can just see oneself in her shoes.

Thorne Bay is an excellent example of that book you can read over and over and over again and it still has its bite and action and suspense.

The writing is masterful and the plot is well-thought out. I believe it would not be an understatement to say that Jeanine Croft is romance mastermind, a genius with the pen.

Brilliant work!

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WOW! Did not see this coming! I loved it, I don’t recall ever reading a story with this type of story, the characters are unique and so well written. I enjoyed the story and all the who, what, when’s it was so refreshing. The romance was developed well and not to steamy. I do hope there is another book coming with Dean and Aidens story.

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