Member Reviews

What happens when an awkward human falls for a hunky werewolf? Laughter, drama, and steam!

Evan knows exactly what to say -- inside her head -- but when it comes to actually speaking with hot guys, she gets tongue-tied and trips over her own feet. Good thing Tristan finds her adorable. He happens to like weird and quirky -- things Evan has in spades.

The first half of Thorne Bay was a little slower with hardly any action but filled with humorous moments. I loved the way Evan tried so hard to be flirty and cool around Tristan and instead ended up blurting out whatever crossed her mind. It made for quite a few laugh-out-loud moments. But when the action starts, be prepared to hold on for a bumpy ride! Heartache. Pain. A scorned woman. It has it all! The secondary characters add color to the story, and I'm honestly hoping we find out more about a few of them, like Tristan's brother Dean.

A jealous she-wolf, an alpha who only wants the human he shouldn't have, and a human woman who knows something more is going on but she just can't quite figure it out. It has all the makings for a page-turning story you won't be able to put down. And steam! Loves of steam once Evan and Tristan finally come together. The author's imagery when describing the actual shift from human to wolf was wonderful. I felt as if I were going through it right alongside them. Overall, a great addition to any werewolf lover's TBR pile!

* Thank you to NetGalley and the author/publisher for the opportunity to review Thorne Bay. The review above is my honest opinion of the story.

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After reading the synopsis for this book I was unsure. It looked like a book I would normally read, but in this instance I was unsure. Maybe it was because the synopsis seemed...vague. I'm the type of reader who likes a little more information about the book before I read, so that I know what I'm getting into. I'm glad that I picked up this book. After reading, I was actually appreciative of the vague synopsis, it allowed me to discover the book on my own. On that note, this was a great book and if you want to read a book about werewolf romance with a slightly different take on then this is the book for you.

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Loathed the use of "half caste" - why use a racial slur when you are inventing a world of werewolves and can use any word/s you like?

Otherwise, the book was a bit cliched, and I did get annoyed with Evan. the lusting after hot men is rather shallow and gets old fast. And the clumsiness, supposed to make our heroine 'adorkable' I suppose, hmm. She was snarky at times, but caved to other people quickly at others.

Cliched stories of young women discovering the object of their affection is a werewolf can be fun, this one just wasn't for me.

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I'm always up for a werewolf tale!

Whether flirty or not, I loved the repartee in this book. It is definitely my kind of humor and I did laugh a lot.
Yes, there’s cringe-worthy and cliche (I’m sorry to say) {ooooooh it’s similar to............twilight........} moments but it makes it more exciting, as if hoping there’s something more twisted to come, which my wish was granted.
I really enjoyed the joking nature of Tristan and Evan, I did have thoughts that since Evan was so smart (the words she used, how she thought, etc) she would make better decisions, during the falling action of the story, but people i.e characters, make mistakes.

I feel the ending was a bit rushed and would have liked some more action/conflict, but understood when it wasn't direly needed.

I do look forward to any more books in this series and the growth of these super likable characters.

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One would never guess how much a dart, mundane as it is, might change a life. In this story, it is a precursor to the chain of events that make up a most engaging plot. Thorne Bay is like a wheel rolling down a hill. It starts off with just the right amount of speed to get you going, and as it progresses, the plot intensifies until you find yourself heart-pumpingly catapulted to the end. Our story begins with a young woman in her early twenties, confused like so many of us at that age, about what path to take in life. Fed up with her grandfather’s snide remarks about her failures, she finally decides to allow fate in the form of a dart thrown at a map, to determine her path. After all, all her attempts at decision-making clearly didn’t pan out.

Evan is a character I found very relatable. I instantly fell in love with her relentless sense of humor and caught myself chuckling at the pages quite often, while swept into her quirky mind. I also found myself sympathetic to her inner struggle to find herself whilst figuring out what she wanted in life.

Fate leads Evan to Alaska, where our story is set against a beautiful backdrop of Alaskan wilderness, in the small town of Thorn Bay, where Evan must make a new life for herself. It isn’t easy when you’ve got a hot, rugged outdoorsmen paying you attention. Especially when that man is a helicopter pilot with a whole lot of charm and even more secrets. But Even manages, albeit with some great banter between herself and our mysterious Tristan. Not to mention the tantalizing romance that begins to unfold between them.

Very quickly rumors of werewolves start marking the pages of Thorne Bay, and I found myself eager to learn the truth. Evan also quickly finds herself tangled up in their politics before she realizes what she’s gotten herself into. And at this point, I could not stop turning the pages. I often had to force myself to slow down my reading for fear that I would miss important details scattered throughout. At first, I thought I could predict the plot but quickly found myself presently surprised time and again when things didn’t go the way I first expected. Who doesn’t love refreshing unpredictability?!

While I don’t want to spoil the plot, let’s just say that Evan does not make it out of Thorne Bay unchanged, but, unchanged for the better. I absolutely loved this story. It is one I would read again, and recommend to anyone who wants to escape their lives for a short while to enjoy the excitement, warm moments of romance, and suspense that this book has to offer.

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The story follows Evan Spencer as she makes a drastic move to try to follow her destiny and find her place in the world. She moves away from her family to Alaska in the hopes of finding herself and her independence. On the way we meet Tristan who is extremely good-looking, but shrouded in mystery along with his family. Not bothered by rumors, or perhaps eager to discover the truth by herself, Evan forges a friendship with Tristan that seems to be more than that. As their bond develops, we meet some of the people Evan works with and some of the people from Tristan's family.

The author maintains a level of intrigue around Tristan and drops enough hints without directly giving way to the idea of werewolves. Though the main characters are well developed, some of the supporting characters like Nicole and Dean are just touched upon. It would have been nice to have some more background on them, some insights into their lives before Evan turned up in Alaska and this entire plot line was set in motion. Some horrors of the werewolf world and the laws that govern their existence are brought in and this adds context, but could have been addressed in-depth to add to the storyline.

Some parts of the story are quite normal and expected and the love story that develops between our two main characters is wonderful to read about. I enjoyed the way the author approached the supernatural and the punny banter between Evan and Tristan.

Overall however, I would say that this is definitely an enjoyable and worthwhile read!

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