Member Reviews

My eight-year-old son liked reading this to me. He likes when it's something girly because he says that he knows I'll like it. This is a cute story that teaches kids how to tie a bow while sharing the story of a bunny accepting help from a friendly fox in the forest.

These instructions can also be used to help kids tie shoelaces. Cute and helpful! My kind of book!

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Cleo Can Tie A Bow (A Rabbit and Fox Story). By Sybrina Durant, Illustrator: Pumudi Gardiyawasam. Sybrina Publishing (ARC eBook).

Cleo Can Tie A Bow features a young girl name Cleo and a friendly fox and bunny who help teach Cleo how to tie a “bunny ear” bow. Learning how to tie develops fine motor skills and this adorably illustrated story will help build confidence for readers ages 4-8 in their endeavors.

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It is wonderful that a book can teach your child something just by reading to them. This book will help them to tie. I can see them pointing out all the bows they see and practicing how to tie their shoes, if they have laces.😊
I kept thinking that there must be a craft that could go with this. Maybe a kite and bows tied on the tail or possibly a barrette holder using the butterfly. Maybe you have some ideas after you read this book.

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Every parent wants the best for their children. Proximity and their need for parental care diminish over the years. This is why it is sometimes difficult to accept the independence of children, and many parents try to prolong the process so that instead of teaching the child to perform certain tasks, the parents try to do the tasks themselves. But is it good for the children?

The best thing a parent can do for their children, is to prepare them for the world as best as they can. Teaching them skills and forming their competences for life is something that every parent must pay great attention to. This process is not always easy and straightforward, and parents will encounter a lot of pebbles along the way. To facilitate our task as parents and educators, we need to rely on children's literature and prompts, which are largely adapted to the mental and cognitive development of children.

Cleo Can Tie A Bow -A Rabbit And Fox Story by Sybrina Durant is a great selection of children's literature, a picture book that will help children, especially girls to get acquainted with the term ribbon, to understand what a ribbon is, what is its purpose and most importantly, how to tie a ribbon themselves. Yes, we can always tie the shoe-strings, but what if we are not nearby?

The story of the little girl Cleo and her ribbons introduces children to the world of ribbons in a really informative, yet simple way, using simple language structures that the children can understand. The illustrations are very interesting and vivid which means that they can attract and keep the attention of the little ones. And the instructions at the very end, vividly and simply explained, are simply priceless.
The story of the bunny and the fox is an additional plus, which shows that the diversity of friends is not a problem but just a value. And the use of the fox as a positive character, essentially shows the children that appearanceс can deceive. They should not judge/trust someone based on appearances only.
All in all, a great story that will help you climb one ladder in the process of forming the independence of children, and will provide you with an opportunity, filled with interesting moments and quality time that is extremely important for both children and parents.

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I really liked the idea behind this book but it was not that well executed for me and I was not the biggest fan of them using a rabbit to do the example bow even if the author did stress not to do it on a real rabbit!

It was a great idea, just didn’t really work for me but I did think that the images were cute. It is 3 stars from me for this one.

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Such a cute book about a girl who can tie a bow. I highly recommend to be read to any child unless you have a child who knows how to read by themselves.

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A cute story about a girl who loves bows that gives step by step instructions to help kids learn how to tie bows on their own too.

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