Member Reviews

Joyce Meyer delivers! It’s rare for a Christian author to be capable of writing both topical books as well as Bible studies successfully. Joyce does both beautifully! If you’ve enjoyed her topical books or preaching I definitely recommend her Bible studies! Reading about the Bible is great but when you have the chance to actually study it with the guidance of a renowned biblical teacher that’s a completely different experience!

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Meyer offers excellent insight into Philippians and provides practical application of biblical truths.

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Joyce Meyer has been a favorite author of mine for years. One of my favorite books of the Bible is Philippians — I was excited to be able to read this book. I enjoy the practical application of God’s Word and the way that Joyce writes for the reader to have understanding. Although not a really deep dive into the book of Philippians - it was informative. I would recommend this to my friends and those wanting to grow more in their relationship with Christ.

I was given a copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review and opinion.

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Thanks to Netgalley and FaithWord for granting me this book to read.

This is supposed to be an in depth bible study on the book of Philippians but it's not.

The book is more of a glorified devotional rather than a deep study on Philippians. It is glossed up and shiny but it doesn't make it a deep study. This is not a verse by verse study but more of a general information book which makes the title very misleading. A few questions here and there does not make a bible study. Meyer does have a few good thoughts that she uses in her chapters but all in all this is a very disappointing book.

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Just started reading books by Joyce Meyer and love her writing style. She writes to her readers like she is having a cup of coffee with them. I love how she provides real life examples to relate to the scripture and bible passages. Most helpful and will recommend to others.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. Interesting read. Would recommend to friend and family.

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This is an excellent in depth study of Philippians. Joyce Meyers does an excellent job of applying biblical principles to everyday life. I thoroughly enjoy her books that break down different books from the Bible. This one didn't disappoint.

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I have always loved the book of Philippians so was pleased to get this bible study. Joyce Meyer is one of my favorite bible teachers and she does a wonderful job with this study. If you want to dig a little deeper, this is a great study to choose and the personal reflection sections are helpful too.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own..

Published 2 March 2021.

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This was an inspirational book based on Paul's lletters to the Phillipians. He empathizes the word "joy" several times and Joyce does an excellent job of breaking down each letter and interpreting it to her readers in clear, concise prose and even asks questions at the end of each chapter so that the reader can really reflect on what they have just read and see how it relates to their own life. After reading the book I picked up the AMP version of the Bible and read through the book of Phillipians and that also reinforced many of Joyce's many points. I highly recommend this book and thank Net Galley and Hachette Book Group for allowing me to give my honest opinion.

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Joyce Meyer does it again by releasing another wonderful Bible study. This biblical study covers the book of Philippians. This study is easy to understand and is written to aid the reader in learning the message of the book. Mrs. Meyer includes reflective questions that allow the reader to delve deeper into the Word.

I would recommend this biblical study to anyone seeking to learn more from this book of the Bible.

Happy Reading!

Note: I have received a complimentary copy of this book from Hachette Books in exchange for an honest review. #SponsoredbyFaithWords

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I love everything that Joyce comes out with. Her teachings are practical, yet full of timeless truth, wisdom and encouragement. This book is a wonderful, in-depth study on the book of Phillipians that I very much enjoyed.

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Every Joyce Meyer study like this that I've read, I've enjoyed. I love how she takes the book of the Bible and breaks it down, not just by chapter but by verse. I went in to it the first time expecting it to be a bit deeper of a commentary, but it's much more of a personal Bible study. So while she doesn't necessarily include the Greek or Hebrew words like some commentaries etc., she does break the verses down with practical stories of her own life or even of the historical times when the book was written.

Philippians is such a short book, but she digs so much truth and depth out of it. It opens up with information about Paul and where he was at in his ministry during his writing this letter. And goes from there. I got a lot out of this study and continue to do so as I continue to study it.

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I love every book that I have ever read by Joyce Meyer and I really enjoyed Mrs. Meyer’s commentary on the book of Philippians. In the commentary, Mrs. Meyer goes through the book verse by verse and chapter by chapter, explaining the book of Philippians and what she learned and what God has taught her through Philippians. Mrs. Meyer’s commentary also puts the book in historical context. The commentary also gives the reader things to think about and encourages them to read the Word of God for themselves and to get closer to God. I used this book as part of my devotion time. I highly recommend this book to others! Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book! (This review is also on GoodReads.0

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I enjoy all of Joyce’s devotionals. Philippians is one my favorite books of the Bible, too, so that made it even more interesting to me.

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I have only read a few studies like this one from Joyce Meyer but found it to be easy to read which makes it easy to recommend. It was not too in depth, so for my personal study I'd like to dig a bit deeper, but I appreciated the starting point and the teaching offered here.

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Great study by Joyce Meyer on Philippians. I love that she talked about each verse individual and clarified many that I had just glossed over with the expectation that I already understood it. This can work as a launchpad for your own individual Bible study (since she leaves places for you to write your thoughts and answer questions) or can even be used for larger Bible studies as a group. Great work.

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"Philippians" is a Bible commentary on Philippians that can be used for personal Bible study. The author printed the verses at the start of each section, doing one to seven verses at a time and working her way through Philippians. She talked about each group of verses and brought out insights to improve our understanding. She stayed focused on the verses rather than telling funny stories, but it wasn't highly academic or difficult to follow. It's written at a layman's level and contained short enough sections that it could be used for daily devotional reading. She included questions for personal reflection along with space to write in your answer. Overall, I'd recommend this to anyone wanting to better understand Philippians.

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I absolutely love these studies! I appreciate the deeper dive and how she breaks it down into realistic ways that attribute to your life. Each chapter is well written and includes spaces to journal your thoughts. I read this as a devotional, as I did the other ones like it. It’s uplifting, motivational, and a fantastic way to get into the word. Highly recommend these!

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I really enjoyed this study of Philippians by Joyce Meyer. She really helps you delve into the book of Philippians, bringing a better understanding and appreciation to Paul’s letter. I really feel you can’t go wrong with one of Joyce’s studies, and this one is no exception.

Thank you to NetGalley and FaithWords for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review.

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Meyer's book is more of a devotional exploration of the major teachings in Philippians than it is a study. Her emphasis is not increasing knowledge. It is not a verse by verse study. Meyer encourages readers to live in the power of the gospel, to live more Christlike. She shares her inspiring thoughts on the truths found within the book.

I appreciate her insights, such as those from Paul's prayer (1:9-11). We are encouraged to pray for spiritual insights and blessing when in a difficult situation rather than just asking God to change those circumstances. Meyer suggests we focus on what God is doing in the inner man rather than on outer circumstances. Another insight is on the meaning of a surrendered will, using Paul as an example. Another is why living in unity is important and what that really means.

I like how Meyer clarifies Phil. 4:13, often taken out of context. We can do what God has given us to do, not everything we decide to do.

This book would make a good devotional reading. There are short sections within each chapter that are good for daily readings. There are periodic questions for reflection as well. Meyer's work is a good reminder that, like Paul, we are to focus “on things that bring us joy rather than things that steal it.” (63/270)

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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