Member Reviews

An okay read with some interesting ideas, but the execution falls a little short. The pacing feels a bit inconsistent, and there are moments where the story drags on unnecessarily. The characters have potential but aren’t fully fleshed out, which made it hard for me to connect with them. Overall, it’s a decent book if you’re looking for something light, but it doesn’t leave a lasting impression.

I don't know how to describe this conclusion other than that it is the perfect ending to a wonderful saga!!
The setting, the characters, the dialogues, the mystery!
I already loved Cooper and Park in the previous books but the fact that in the last two books they have appeared as the power couple that they are fills me with joy and nostalgia, is just that- THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL, I CAN'T 😭😭
I love that this book further explores their relationship outside of their work: we can see them talk about their future, their expectations, see them heal old wounds and interact with family members in a healthier and more beautiful way, but more than that, we see them trust each other and love each other with the intensity of a thousand suns!
Honestly, I'm mad at myself for not reading this book sooner because it's LOVELY!
Every sentence, every moment between Cooper and Park was beautiful and even though I know this is the end of their story, I'm sure I won't be able to forget them.
They are incredible, unique and so real characters that I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my best friends 😭😭.
I'm this close 👌🏻 to begging Charlie Adhara to write another book about them because I just love their story 💗💗.
Thanks to the publisher and author for providing me with the advanced copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
No sé cómo describir esta conclusión más que es el perfecto final de una saga maravillosa!!
La ambientación, los personajes, los diálogos, el misterio!
Ya amaba a Cooper y Park en los libros anteriores pero el hecho de que en los últimos dos libros hayan aparecido como la power couple que son me llena de alegría y nostalgia, es que- SON HERMOSOS, NO PUEDO 😭😭
Me encanta que en este libro se explora más su relación afuera de su trabajo: podemos verlos hablar de su futuro, sus expectativas, verlos sanar heridas viejas e interactuar con familiares de una forma más sana y bonita, pero más que eso, los vemos confiar el uno en el otro y amarse con la intensidad de mil soles!
Honestamente, estoy enojada conmigo misma por no haber leído este libro antes porque es UN AMOR!
Cada frase, cada momento entre Cooper y Park fue bellísimo y aunque sé que este es el final de su historia, estoy segura de que no voy a poder olvidarlos.
Son personajes increíbles, únicos y tan reales que siento como si estuviera despidiendome de mis mejores amigos 😭😭.
Estoy así 👌🏻 de rogarle a Charlie Adhara que escriba otro libro de ellos porque simplemente adoro su historia 💗💗.
Gracias a la editorial y al autor por proporcionarme la copia avanzada a través de NetGalley a cambio de una reseña honesta.

I absolutely love this series. Cooper and Park are two of my favourite characters and these books are an immediate purchase. The only downside for me was that the chapters were too long for my personal taste. But I loved everything else about this books.

Well, I left the last book leaning toward total aggravation with Cooper, but that wasn't a problem here. What was a problem was the mystery side of the story. It just fell way short of what I've come to expect from Adhara. It was completely over the top and there were too many characters involved to make it plausible. I know, I know, this is paranormal romance/suspense so believability is already stretched. That should say something right there when I feel like it's too unbelievable for me but I'm okay with the other aspects of the story. Thankfully, the author's wit and humor were present because that is what saved this one for me. Even though this one didn't really hit the mark for me, I do enjoy this author and will be watching for what she does next.

4.5 stars
Another great installment. Great story, great cover.
And Park dirty talking........hot damn

Included as a top pick in bimonthly January New Releases post, which highlights and promotes upcoming releases of the month (link attached)
3.5 stars
I super like this ship, but it’s been five books and I STILL don’t understand this alpha quotient/moon leader nonsense! Is it supposed to be inexplicable? Because I am bewildered and the series is now over (still looking forward to Eli’s spin-off series). Knocking off a star for worldbuilding confusion. I also don’t get why Park/Cooper want to remain working for the Trust, despite all evidence that it’s a terribly-run organization that they would be better off leaving.

An absolutely wonderful addition to the series. I really enjoyed this visit with Oliver and Cooper, they continue to be wonderful characters and love seeing their relationship continue to evolve. All in all a fantastic read.
*I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley*

I was very excited to get ahold of the next book in this series! It was a great addition and I was happy to see Oliver and Cooper continuing to grow. I would love to read more about these two!

This was another fun entry in the series. I have read them all, and loved them equally. Fast-paced and incredibly romantic as always. When I finally got around to reading this, I couldn't put it down and read it in one day.
I enjoyed the new developments in Cooper and Oliver's relationship. I appreciated how Cooper was determined to be a better person for Oliver (although Oliver loved him just the way he was), to show Oliver how much he loved him and how much Oliver made him happy, and to be more affectionate. I liked how Oliver was so completely loyal, protective, and trusting. I also liked how well they understood each other and just wanted to make each other happy. Their intimate moments were both swoonworthy and hot. Oliver might be a big bad wolf and Cooper might be a prickly porcupine, but their self-defenses only proved how strongly they felt inside.
Cooper's family was certainly entertaining, especially his brother Dean. I liked how Cooper and Eli got along in this novel, and how their relationship developed. Eli is an exciting, lovable character, whose backstory is intriguing, and deserves his own book. I want him to find the love of his life too.
As far as the murder mystery, I didn't figure out who the true murderer and villain were, until they were revealed. The main conflict raised questions about whether Oliver's needs as a wolf would cause a rift in Cooper and Oliver's relationship, or make them stronger. The murders reflected those themes and showed how Cooper understood Oliver's fears and was willing to stand by him and protect him, too.
I liked how Cooper and Oliver made a family of their own and how Cooper stepped up in the end. Though Cooper was clearly the protagonist and Oliver didn't do much this time, I still enjoyed the story. I hope to see Cooper and Oliver solving more cases together, and see a little bit more of the magic.
*ARC received from NetGalley

This one didn't initially grab me like the other books in the series. I don't know if that was the book or just the pandemic wrecking havoc upon my brain's ability to do things. I was fully invested by the end though. The mystery was not as interesting to me overall, but I enjoyed the characters figure out the mystery and their relationships to each other. I am a sucker for any hint of found family and the way this book ended was just *chef kiss*

Every book further cements that this is becoming/has become one of my all-time favorite series. I love the world, and the mythos, and the cast of characters, and most importantly my two boys: Oliver & Cooper. One of my absolute favorite things is reading a series with an established couple and getting to see their relationship develop and deepen. I absolutely love the direction Charlie Adhara takes things in Cry Wolf and I am already dying for the next one!

I think it’s safe to say that Charlie Adhara’s Big Bad Wolf series is among one of my favorites in this genre. The world building is unique, yet familiar. The relationship between Cooper and Park is beyond complicated, yet it works for them and the supporting characters keep things interesting. It should come as no surprise that I considered Cry Wolf an excellent addition to the series.
Readers got to know Cooper’s family a little better in Cry Wolf. We were also treated to more time with Park’s ex, Eli. It was a toss up at times to figure out which bothered Cooper more.
There were some interesting twists and turns – so many that at times it was hard to keep track of who it was safe to trust. It was also hard to figure out exactly who was being targeted. There’s also Cooper’s unusual tie to the werewolf community in general – not just his relationship with Park.
Through it all, the relationship between Park and Cooper is the one constant. It’s grown stronger with each installment of the Big Bad Wolf series. I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for them next.

This is probably one of the most underrated paranormal romances I can think of that I want more people to read. At first glance, it may be any wolf shifter paranormal, but there are so many Adhara layers in this world.
I know not everyone loves following the same couple throughout a series and I’m not always a fan of it either. But I just love Cooper Dayton and Oliver Park so much. This classic pairing of a human and a wolf shifter has worked for me since book one when both their relationship and work partnerships were established. Their relationship has gone through their ups and downs but this book is by far my favorite so far because they are so clearly happily in love in Cry Wolf.
But what I loved is *how* they’re in love. Coop and Park are just so incredibly awkward with how to show their love. They remind me of so many men I know in real life who may actually be in love with their partners but don’t know how to actually show that or say the words. But then either Coop or Park will bust out with “You are my favorite part of living” and I melted. There was such a great balance of humor and heart in their relationship that I couldn’t get enough of.
Then there’s the mystery plot, the overall story arc that was continued on from the last book was thoroughly developed in this book and I was so intrigued. It tied up so much from the previous books, gave us – and Coop -so many answers, yet managed to leave me with so many questions! The lore of these shifters that has been carefully seeded from book one paid off in a big way. The society and culture fascinates me because every time an author manages to pull off twisting werewolf folklore into something new, especially set in a contemporary world, I am always impressed since I’ve read so much of it.
There was so much growth in this book. With the characters. With the plot. With the romance. There’s a side character that I am super interested in. There’s and new subplot I am ready to explore. Basically, I want like 5 more books.
Grade A+

Cry Wolf" first caught my attention as it has the same title as one of my favorite PNR books, Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs. Both are about a romantic couple and both have a mystery and wolf politics but that's it. Adhara's "Cry Wolf" is a / couple who work an agency that polices werewolf behavior. The world, except for a few select humans, does not know about werewolves and the agency would like to keep it that way.
I read the first book and enjoyed it then skipped several books. Although that worked, it was confusing at times. Quite a lot happened in the intervening books and while Adhara did provide info on the previous books, I was lost at times. That feeling of being lost didn't keep me from enjoying the story; Adhara did provide context and it helped that I had read the first book.
Adhara's werewolf world is different from other books though it shares similarities. Their world is firmly grounded in a pre-pandemic world and feels real and recognizable. Cooper has gotten better an navigating the werewolf world, thanks in large part to his fiance, Oliver, a werewolf. But he comes to realize that there's a lot he still needs to learn and understand. There are times of course when the human world and the werewolf world come into conflict. One such conflict is his and Oliver's engagement. That's not how werewolves conduct romantic matters and Cooper is intensely aware that his and Oliver's wedding will be a spectacle voraciously observed by the wolves; he wants to get it just right and he also wants it just right for he and Oliver. He's so focused on getting it absolutely perfect that he's paralyzed when it comes to making decisions.
Then a visit from one of Oliver's exes, some blackmail, and some murder occupy his attention. Throw in werewolf politics, family dynamics, and evil humans and werewolves, and Adhara gave us an engaging, fast-paced story. I was partly right about who was responsible for all of the trouble but there were lots of twists and surprises. This is also where I wished I'd read books two, three, and four as they apparently laid the foundation for much of what happened in this book. I may have figured out parts of the mystery sooner; or maybe not. Adhara definitely raised the stakes for Cooper and Oliver as well as the werewolves in general. I'm a little worried about Cooper's role in the werewolf world but also intrigued. He can't just sit back and observe anymore.
With all of this going on, Adhara did not forget the romance. Oliver and Cooper were so sweet and thoughtful, always looking out for each other and trying so hard to do right by each other. Their romantic gestures were tailored and specific to the recipient. I loved that they knew each other so well and worked so hard at communicating and sharing. And Cooper has become more open emotionally since the first book, though he still had trouble at times expressing himself to his family members. But even there, there have been many changes since the first book.
"Cry Wolf" was sweet, suspenseful, and engaging. It's an interesting world with a lot of potential and I enjoyed both the mysteries and Cooper and Oliver's relationship. But do read the earlier books before starting this one; it'll be less confusing.
Some favorite quotes:
What stage of love was it when another person became a habit? How quickly had the mere background hum of another person's life become such an essential fixture of the house that its absence felt like a robbery?
In some ways, their entire relationship had felt like tripping down a cliff side.
You'll have this forever, he thought suddenly. This moment. This memory. No matter what happened in the future, no one could take away the fact that imperfect Cooper Dayton had found his own perfect love.
Fear is just your body protecting itself, Dr. Ripodi had said once. Just like pain exists to let you knkow something is wrong, fear is another message.
"Dreams change. People change. Please just don't stop giving me the chance to change with you."

Disclaimer: My thoughts are my own I received an ARC of this book in exchange of an Honest Review.
This book series is such a love hate relationship for me, not to say that I don't love it because I do. This is the fifth installment in this wonderful series where we follow a detective and a werewolf and mysteries. It is very sherlockholmes-esque in it's formatting, meaning that while you do need to read this series in order, there is always a mystery that is solved in each book. Thus, it is a fun time not an eternal mystery that is seemingly endless.
This is a mystery, contemporary paranormal, MM romance. I know a mouthful, but truly a beautifully written series that has the right amount of everything.
I love our two main characters, this was no different their romance is organic from book one and the author manages to truly make you root for them. I love how each books elevated the romance ( I mean they are getting married what more do you want right !!) and how they both grow as people together and individually.
Something I truly love about this series is that after the initial (books ago) communication issues that were quickly solved, we haven't had that issue again. I find that the author manages the perfect balance of romance with it truly remaining a mystery driven book, the plot is linear and easy to follow and these book are quick reads that leave you smiling. (Also leave you wanting more, I read the first three back to back because the other ones were not out yet and the last two together; it is just that addictive)
If there is one thing that I regret is the fact that there are no physical copies of this series, I would totally buy them !
Always a great time, I will miss them, thank you for this wonderful tale and characters.
4/5 stars
Cannot wait for the next book the author publishes, a bittersweet ending (because this is the last novel to my knowledge) to a series that I love so much and has been a constant 4 stars all throughout my read.

This series took a couple of books to find its footing but I would up really enjoying the last couple of installments. I was really hopeful we would continue in that vein but unfortunately, this wound up being my least favorite book of the series and I doubt I’ll continue on with it after this.
Before I get into everything that didn’t work, I’d like to start with what did. Cooper and Oliver are great together when talking about non-case things. They banter and tease but there’s an underpinning of affection and love that’s wonderful to see. Their sex scenes continue to be the star of the novel. This continues to be an area of Adhara’s strength as a writer: the sex scenes are hot, play with power dynamics, and really illustrate how they’re doing as a couple. I particularly enjoyed the blindfold scene, as well as Oliver taking Cooper against the door. Those scenes are doing really great work!
There were also some lovely details, like Oliver had already written his vows. While I got very frustrated with Cooper (a constant theme) for bellyaching about wedding planning and not making any decisions when he was the one who proposed in the first place and werewolves typically don’t get married so Ollie is doing this just for him…I did really enjoy how it all resolved. It felt perfect for who they are. As much as I despair over their professional actions and Cooper's general selfishness and cluelessness, there's something so compelling about their relationship. I am in their corner, no matter how much I side eye Cooper.
My true favorite part of this story, however, was Eli. If there’s any justice in this world, he’ll get his own spinoff series.
Now back to what didn’t work. There’s a major conflict of interest in this murder case and Cooper and Oliver are told not to do anything. But of course they do anyway. There’s no discussion about how they’re disregarding orders or even acknowledgment that they’re not supposed to investigate, to the point where I thought I must have read it wrong. I went back and nope, they were definitely told to go home and not worry about it. This whole series, except for book 4, has been a massive conflict of interest. Maybe that's part of why each book never comes together for me—there are ethical violations left and right, even if Cooper bumbles into solving the mystery at the end. I get that they wanted to help Eli in this specific instance but that doesn't mitigate harming the investigation and it sure doesn't mean they can see things more clearly. Not to mention, what are they supposed to be doing for the Trust? Shouldn’t they be focusing on their assigned cases? And yet somehow neither Cooper or Oliver got in trouble for investigating a case they were explicitly told to stay out of.
There were so many things that made no sense to me. I got very hung up on logistical issues and I was frustrated that Cooper never learns. Despite the author insisting otherwise, Cooper is Not A Great Detective and therefore much of this story was incomprehensible to me. Oliver literally says Cooper is great at his job when this entire series is riddled with evidence to the contrary. You cannot tell me characters are one way and then have their actions indicate the opposite. Or simply not give us any evidence to back it up at all. To that end, I cannot believe Cooper’s perfect AQ when I see nothing alpha about him, nor do I believe the notion that he’s the Moon. The idea that a human will be the one to save the wolves and lead them in reform was reminiscent of White Saviorism. Not to mention, I’ll never be able to believe Cooper is capable of such leadership. I simply don’t see it. And since the series seems to be going all-in on that idea, I won’t be able to read any further.
Additionally, the story heaped on more trauma for Cooper with the reappearance of his ex. This felt completely unnecessary. He’s dealt with enough and Neil could have been his former boss/colleague and that would have been enough. Cooper and Oliver deserved to catch a break and simply investigate the mystery at hand and plan their wedding, not incorporate processing more trauma while they were at it.
Character notes: Cooper is a 37 year old gay Jewish white man. He has a cat named Boogie. Oliver is 39 years old, gay, and a werewolf. In the first book, his skin was described as “warm honey brown” but it was not described at all here, nor was his race mentioned.
CW: anxiety, multiple murders, arson, secondary character was betrayed by his Alpha and given to humans who kept him in fur on a chain “like a guard dog” (past), past HIPAA violation (<spoiler>Cooper’s ex visited him while he was hospitalized after he was attacked and looked at his records without Cooper’s knowledge or permission</spoiler>), assault (minor injuries), stalker, wolves were poisoned and killed (past), Cooper’s ex was possibly abusive and certainly abused his power in their relationship as he was Cooper’s boss/partner, Cooper has a PTSD diagnosis, Cooper is missing six and a half feet of his small intestine, ableist language

I really love this series and the characters are so rich and complex while still evolving through the books. The series also contains a complex werewolf culture with three different "political" groups of wolves. The differences between the packs, the wolf independence party and the rebels are explored in a lot more detail in this book and I was fascinated.
The plot in this book was clever and while it gave the reader a lot more background on the culture and with some of the characters it also left me with questions that I hope are answered in future books. Cooper is definitely one of my favorite characters and he is so realistic. He doesn't see himself the way others do and still struggles with both feeling like he is good enough for Parker and with expressing his emotions to Parker, the later of which leads to some humorous moments in the book. I'm fascinated by where the author seems to be taking Cooper and the new role he took on in this book.
Cooper and Parker's relationship is also front and center in this book and we see them working as a team both in work and personally. They both want the best for the other and the love shines through in their actions.
This book is definitely set up to continue the series and with so much left to tell about the culture, the characters and the new role in Cooper's life I certainly hope we will see more in this series!

Cooper and Park are back!! Cry Wolf was an utter delight and one of the best books in the series (which is saying something because it's a great series). I loved seeing Cooper being more confident and comfortable in his skin, there has been real growth throughout the series with him. Park is as lovely and wonderful as ever. Their relationship has grown leaps and bounds and the light teasing mixed in with the tender moments was a wonderful treat and put a massive smile on my face throughout the book. I also highly enjoyed the mystery of this one and the way they really had to be a team in order to make it through. Cooper's family were a joy to have, especially Ed with his speech that almost made me cry as well! However, one of the absolute stars of this was Eli. I desperately want him to have his own spin-off series! He is such fun and snark with a deeply hidden delicate underbelly. Cooper and Eli were a bit of an odd couple friendship and I could easily read more of that!
Overall an excellent edition to an already great series and I already can't wait for more!

Things are settling down a bit for Agents Cooper Drayton and Oliver Park of the Bureau of Special Investigations after their latest case. Now, the most stressful thing they are dealing with is wedding planning and Cooper’s awkwardness at spending some time with his family. But what starts as a routine visit to the zoo ends up with Oliver’s ex-boyfriend, Eli, back in the picture. Eli is in trouble, being blackmailed by his old rebel pack leader. Cooper and Park are determined to help Eli, but almost before they get started, the blackmailer is murdered.
Now, the case is getting even more complicated. Murders pile up, Eli disappears, weird packages are delivered, and a ghost from Copper’s past shows up as well. It is clear that this is more than the simple murder of a zookeeper; there are much larger wolf politics at play and someone clearly has a motive that Park and Cooper don’t yet understand. As they dig further into the case, however, Cooper and Park find things hitting closer to home than they ever expected, and before they know it, their lives are on the line as well.
Cry Wolf is the fifth book in Charlie Adhara’s excellent Big Bad Wolf series, and I think it is my favorite one since the series debut. This story brings together everything I love about these books. The mystery is exciting, the connection between Cooper and Park is so clear, and the overall lore is developing really well.
From a suspense end, I found this to be a great mystery. Adhara tends to really set the stage with her books, introducing a variety of characters and putting all the pieces in position, and then suddenly kicking things into high gear as the mystery comes together. It is a great balance of moving parts and this story I found particularly interesting. It brings together a murder mystery, but also components from both Park and Oliver’s pasts, which gives the story a lot of dimension. It is engaging and thrilling, with some really intense moments and I loved how it all comes together. One thing I particularly enjoyed about this story is that Adhara is also advancing the overall series plot, bringing together some big picture themes about the wolf politics. We have seen this slowly developing in earlier books, but here things really crystalize and we can see how a conflict is building between the three wolf factions — the packs, the rebels, and the WIP group. I think five books in, this really enhances the series, making it more than just a set of mysteries, but really adding an overarching plot that is building the series.
I also loved seeing the interaction between Park’s ex, Eli, and Cooper. Eli loves to poke a bit at Cooper, and the two can sometimes seem at odds, but it is also clear how much Cooper cares for Eli and I am enjoying seeing their relationship develop.
The heart of this story is really Cooper and Park, however. I totally have a soft spot for the grumpy, prickly guy who gets all gooey for the man he loves. Cooper is antisocial and awkward and, at times, difficult to know. But boy does he love Park. I love the juxtaposition of the way Cooper is with others and the way he is with Park. There is a moment where Park notes that other people just see the cool Cooper, the one that seems unknowable, and that he loves that he can break down that facade. It turns into a super sexy scene where Park shows Cooper just how much he can make him lose his cool, but it applies outside of the bedroom, as well. For all of Cooper’s sense of reserve, he doesn’t hold back showing Park how much he loves him. He has come such a long way since the early books and I found this story to be the most romantic and sexy so far.
Since I am often critical of books that don’t get local details right, I want to be sure to give Adhara credit here for the wonderful job she does portraying one of the major settings of the story, the National Zoo in DC. I grew up going to the Zoo, we have been members for years, and I have probably been there 100 times over my life. So I know the place well and I have to say, Adhara really captures it spot on here. It is clear she is either very familiar, or has done some serious research, because everything was just right. From the description of the sea lion’s underwater exhibit, to the details about the Amazonia display, to the darkness of the reptile house, everything was about as close to perfect as I could have wanted. Bonus points for also capturing the creepiness of the National History Museum’s mammal hall, another of the story settings.
So I really enjoyed this latest installment and I feel like Adhara is putting all the pieces in place with Cooper and Park’s relationship, as well as the larger series plot. This one was exciting, suspenseful, and romantic, and I am so eager for more.

This book is everything I needed and wanted it to be. The Big Bag Wolf series is one of my all-time favorites and I am so happy Charlie Adhara published a new one. I hope she writes many many more! This book was so much fun and I am getting more and more invested the longer the series progresses. I love Park and Cooper sooo much! They are the best power couple ever!