Member Reviews

By already having a consistent meditation practice under my belt, I felt pretty confident that I knew all that I could know about meditation. This book proved me wrong. I loved the topics and themes for each week throughout a year to help bring more mindfulness and to change some of my perspective. This is a wonderful book that I will return to again.

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What better way to start a new year than with this title that will be published on January 2. The author has penned a book on mindfulness and focuses on taking a little bit of time for one’s self each day. I hope to start and continue following some of this author’s advice over the next year.

The book is divided into chapters by month with something to consider for each week of the year. A few of the chapter headings include New Beginnings (January), Storms and Changes (March), Loss and Birth (April), Being a Curious Learner (September) and Darkness and Light (December).

I recently spent time reading the section on November. In it the author talks about what gratitude is and how to cultivate it. For example, she has helpful insights into how to create a gratitude journal and how to keep writing in it from being a rote exercise. This is just one of the sections for November. The others include Smiling and Laughter as Medicine, The Power of Attention, and Loving the Life Within,

There are so many mindfulness books out there. Even so, I think that this one is worth a look.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Una breve, semplicissima introduzione alla meditazione.
Per completi principianti, data la semplicità dei suggerimenti forniti.

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"I once thought that equanimity meant a serene, unmoved peacefulness that rose above difficulty, an elusive state that I rarely experienced. But what if equanimity just means embracing and allowing the messiness of life? Irritation, sadness, and grief - these too are a part of the whole human experience." - A Moment for Me

Embracing the messiness of life is a bold and powerful statement, especially in the world right now. Embracing the anxiety, the worry, the sadness, the joy is not always easy. I think for me it's allowing myself to have the feelings and not go numb. To sit in them - that's the hard part - and that's where A Moment for Me can help.

Split into 52 different exercises, one for every week of the year, A Moment for Me offers simple and peaceful ways for us to breathe and find balance in small moments everyday. I loved how much I could feel my body relaxing as I read reminders and ideas on how to be present and live in the moment.

For those of us who sometimes have a hard time with meditation during stressful seasons, I think this book will be the perfect companion to find peace without expectation. Orzech describes these 52 moments in her book as acts of love instead of meditation. Just a moment to love yourself, meet yourself where you are. Absolutely recommend this for the busy humans out there that just need a moment.

"Intentions take faith. When we start with the intention to walk, we begin each step - without consciously realizing it - by falling....Every step is a leap of faith."

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A Moment For Me is filled with important exercises, prompts, and reflections. There are no shortages of these! The information contained in the book is not new, and you will find many principles about looking inward and finding happiness and contentment inside of yourself is repeated throughout the self-help world of books.

What makes this book different is the engagement that comes with it. It's not begging to be read, it's telling you how to use it, befriend it, and integrate it within your life and world.

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I enjoyed this book! I love the author’s approach to mindfulness. The author has a wonderfully unique and compelling perspective which takes sometimes complicated emotions and mind habits and beautifully simplifies them. This book is divided into monthly themes and weekly chapters rooted in discernment, and soothing rituals. I especially enjoyed the “mind the gap” chapter. If you find yourself occasionally craving a calming, comforting voice amidst the busyness of your week, this book is for you.

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What a beautiful, calming book! Every section offers comfort and a positive way of looking at things. Whilst the book is split into months of the year most are interchangeable so you could dip in and out of the book if you preferred. Yes, for example, the December section concentrates on Darkness into light and refers to relevant festivals, but the theme is relevant at anytime - seeing light come from periods of darkness in our lives. In the troubling times we are currently living in, where we are restricted in what we can do, this book gives you a different focus - concentrating on the positives of actually being instead of just doing and achieving and not fully appreciating our earthly time here. It slows you down to encourage you to enjoy and get the most out of every minute we are alive and truly live and be aware of that life and all it’s positives. Yes, I really enjoyed this book. I have read a lot of self help books and this is one of the most thorough for helping you get the most out of life and appreciating what you have.

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A beautiful book to nibble away at through the year to put into action daily mindfulness. Lots of topics are covered making this a useful book for your journey through life experiences. I would definitely buy a paper copy and am grateful to Netgalley and publisher for the opportunity to review a digital copy.

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Unfortunately, I didn't finish reading this as it was not what I expected. However, I did see some value in the book as it is meant to be used as a daily ready for each day of the month. Each day the author asks the reader to participate in a ritual of mindfulness. We definitely need this today.
Thank you #NetGalley for giving me a chance to review A Moment for Me by Catherine Polan Orzech #AMomentForMe

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Thank you Catherine Polan Orzech, New Harbinger Publications, Inc. and NetGalley for letting me read and review this book. WOW!! Run and get this book as soon as it comes out. A Moment for Me is a 52 week plan for being more mindful in how you approach life. Each week is laid out with a lesson and practical knowledge to work on what you need and want to work on. Or you can work use each week as a stand alone, instead of the 52 weeks. I really like how she got me thinking, even on topics I felt didn't affect me. I can't wait to actually use this book next year and see how much my life has changed after applying these acts of mindfulness.

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I downloaded this book at 2 am during an anxiety-induced insomnia episode and have been flipping through this book for the last 7 hour and I am not a fan. My therapist has me do a lot of "mindful" exercises and I immediately gravitated towards this book hoping that I would find something more (even though the book is written as kind of calendar) and I didn't. I couldn't relate to the stories that tried to put the chapter in perspective, and they seemed somewhat pointless to the thought of being "mindful." The breathing techniques are the same that are taught in CBT, so it just didn't work for me. If someone may be new to mindfulness, I can see how this book might help. But for something like me, this book just does nothing for me.

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How frustrating is it to be told by all the different sources the things you must do to be successful in life? This book definitely does NOT do that. It instead takes an empathetic approach and gives bite size approaches and allows you to have kindness and patience with yourself. This is so necessary for everyone to read in life. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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