Member Reviews

A short and sweet collection of stories detailing some of the important horses in the author’s life. Each horse has a lesson to teach us and Moschera explains how horses do it naturally without beating you over the head with it.

I would have given it 5 stars except there’s a heavy religious overtone in the beginning as well as the end which didn’t resonate with me. Overall it’s well written and an easy and enjoyable read.

Received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Just gorgeous. Such a beautiful and inspiration book about these beautiful creatures. This book will bring wisdom and hope.

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Diane is a writer/person after my own heart as her passions are horses and books, As a child I too dreamed of owning my own horse and saved every cent I had. Now I can’t imagine life without one. This book is about horses and the valuable lessons we can all gain from them if we just listen properly.
The photos of her beautiful horses were a much enjoyed addition to a book no horse lover should miss. I couldn’t help feeling there was more to learn about the author’s horse world. Perhaps there will be another book?
It is obvious religion plays a big part in her life but even as a non religious person I didn’t feel it was displayed in an intrusive or over the top way. I thoroughly enjoyed her first attempt at writing and want to thank her for the glimpse into her life particularly her horse world.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free digital copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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This is a book that weaves Christianity with horsemanship. I loved the connections THE AUTHOR made between a Bible verses, their lessons, and the stories of her beloved horses. This was a quick, light-hearted and captivated read sprinkled with photos of the gorgeous equines. I really enjoyed this read!

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I loved this book! This book is for anybody who loves horses. I loved how the author told how each horse and God taught her a different lesson. This book could be used as a devotional and it would make a wonderful gift. Thank you Carpenter's Son Publishing via NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I was torn between two or three stars and opted for three because I really enjoyed the writing tone and style.
The stories could and should go much more into detail, it feels like the author held back and could have told tales upon tales as they happen on a daily basis when you share your life with horses. That way, the book could have gone beyond a mix of scripture quotes and listing horses.
I would have loved to read more about the everyday, the tiny things, the lessons she learned from loving, training, and watching them.

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As a girl, Diane had a passion to own a horse. It took 18 years, but with hard work and dedication, she bought her first horse, Tyro. From there each chapter is dedicated to a specific horse that has lived (or lives) at Second Wind Farm. Heartwarming stories that connect her love for God and her passion for each horse that is led through the gates of their farm. Each horse has a story and Diane connects those stories to the things God has taught her along life’s journey. My only regret is this book just wasn’t long enough. I wanted more!

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Having a horse is a childhood dream for many young girls. Imagine having a stable full of horses throughout your lifetime to love and give a home. From a young age, Diane Moschera felt God lead her to work with horses and she has captured their character in her first book The Horses of Second Wind Farm.

This work is a window into the lives of the occupants of Mrs. Moschera’s barn. Each chapter gives the background and the personality of each horse that is special to her. It is evident of the time the author has spent with these animals by the clear descriptions she gives, with each one being an individual. Note a portion of the chapter on a horse named Small Town, who worked with her to give riding lessons -“His kind heart had no issues being a slow ride and having to tote so much pink all the time. Horses, unlike people, do not have egos that get in the way of switching gears to a job that might be lesser in another’s eyes.” In addition there are many beautiful photos of each horse, so we may look into the eyes of the subjects of each chapter. The photos reminded this reader of both the size of horses and the gentle nature within them as well.

Being a Christian, Mrs. Moschera uses scripture and anecdotes to convey the way she believes God spoke to her about decisions for the horses. In many of the situations, she has to teach the animals to overcome behavior to be useful and have rest. This work is a sweet reminder of how animals help us learn how to be forgiving and patient, a very enjoyable read.

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The Horses of Second Wind Farm is a charming book written by the farm’s owner, Diane Moschera. The chapters are dedicated to each of her horses, telling the reader what God and the horse have both taught her. This would make a great devotional for the horse lovers in your life or even to inspire a young person to pursue what is in their heart. It’s a cheerful and positive book which is refreshing. The only issue I have is that I want a horse (or 10) now.
(I received an ARC from Carpenter Son Publishing. Thank you! The review is mine.)

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Cute book with a considerate message but it's not Biblical. Horses and animals don't have souls, as God only breathed his breath into humans when he created us. I didn't finish the book but I can see how others could enjoy it.

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A well-written memoir that any Christian reader would find uplifting.. The writer's love for horses comes through in every chapter as she tells the story of her farm through the lives of the horses who have passes through it.

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