Member Reviews

Well I knew this book would tug at my heart strings given I tear up at any dog/veteran video I see … and man, it totally got me.
This book was beautiful. The heartwarming relationship between a dog and they’re human, no matter where they are found or how they meet.
Hearing about how Craig and his team came across Fred and the lengths they were all willing to go through to get him safe and home was so amazing. It was funny and inspiring. Their story is one of perseverance, both together and individually. Not just overseas and making it home, but also adjusting once they were home. Fred helped Craig to be less isolated, to help him talk about a time that normally is so hard to discuss.
I absolutely loved this book. The audio, read by Craig was fantastic.

A man and a special dog saving each other. Such a heartwarming and beautiful story. We don’t deserve dogs.
Thank you to William Morrow and Custom House, NetGalley, and The Book Club Girls for the opportunity read and review this book.

Engaging book! This isn’t my typical type of read but I’m glad I picked it up. I’ve always been humbled by the sacrifice of military members and this highlights some of the reasons why. It was interesting how the author incorporates the story of finding his furry forever friend and such a difficult time. They embark on journeys that help keep each other going and at times do they same for others they meet along the way. It’s amazing the experiences our military face and then one day are expected to adapt and return to a “regular” life. I can imagine that putting some of his experience into words was challenging becasue it’s hard to capture an entire experience and have another person fully grasp the impact of that experience. The author did a good job of shifting the narrative between some difficult situations to focusing on the story of his experience with his dog. It was great to hear that the experience of writing the book was cathartic.

What a wonderful story about a man and his dog who connect and help one another recover from war experiences. This book gives the reader huge insights to the realities of war and the personal cost it inflicts on people. Craig Grossi shows how amazing the power of pets can be to help aid in the process of "healing" and how it helps a serviceman transition back to life at home. He tells this story in such a moving and loving way about his dog.

This was a sweet story of a special man and his lovable and protective dog, but it could have used better editing. Still, I did enjoy reading it and found that the story moved along nicely. It’s a road trip book, but so much more. It should also have been titled, Craig, Fred, and Josh, for Josh is an integral character in much of this book.
Craig is on duty in Afghanistan, working in Intelligence, when he finds an unusual looking dog, one with a long body and short legs. Despite being covered in bugs and living on whatever it could scavenge, the dog soon to be named Fred, is sweet, lovable, and loyal. The bond that’s formed in combat situations between human teammates is also formed with animals.
At times, the book skipped around and left out details. I never did figure out exactly how Craig was injured or what happened after the attack. While we’re told what happens to others that were injured in various attacks, we never learn about this incident with Craig. The best I gathered is that there was a rocket and he might have suffered a traumatic brain injury It was never very clear though.
I do remember, I think, when Craig’s sister made the rounds on television and radio shows when they were trying to get permission to bring Fred home. She had me convinced that Fred should join Craig stateside. Reading this book helped fill in more of the details, but even here, much is skipped over. I can’t imagine details were left out to insure national security. I do wish that this had undergone more thorough editing.
I knew I had rescued Fred once, but Fred continued to rescue me time and time again.
The book covers bravery, courage, companionship, and connection. It’s about Craig and Fred’s relationship and mutual love, but it’s also about life in a combat unit. The road trip aspect shows the strong friendships formed through military duty and how hard it is to deal with the aftermath of constantly living in danger and recovering from war wounds.
This was a quick and enjoyable read. The characters are real and easy to identify with . Fred, of course, came across as the delight Craig found him. There are tough scenes to read, and they help illustrate the ravages of war both quick and long-term.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley. I thank them for their generosity, but it had no effect on this review. All opinions in this review reflect my true and honest reactions to reading this book.

Love love love. This is so heartwarming and just an honest and uplifting story about a US marine and the stray dog her found on an Afghan battlefield. This was an inspiring true story that feels like a big hug or your favorite warm sweater.
The moral being it isn't what happens to us but how we respond to it is something everyone should hear. I would love to hand out copies of this book to everyone I meet. I think most would truly enjoy it.
5 huge stars and I wish I could give more.
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing a copy for me to read and review.

Sargeant Craig Grossi met a dog while in Afghanistan. He named the dog Fred.
In a stars-aligned story, Craig was able to get Fred transported back to the United States. There his family took care of him while they waited for Craig to come home.
Craig may have saved Fred's life in Afghanistan but Fred saved Craig's life once he was home.
This is a beautiful story about the human/animal bond.
Thank you Book Club Girls through NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Craig and Fred is more than a book about a relationship between a man and a dog. It tells the story of military service and it's after effects. I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. I learned much and really loved how Fred and Craig save each other! Heartwarming, Beautiful story! Thank you NetGalley and Book Club Girls for kindle edition of the book!

This was a sweet story and an easy read but overall it did not move me. Because of the concept of the story, I really wanted to love it but i did not.

This book about a friendship between a soldier in Afghanistan and a stray dog shines a light on the reality and sacrifice of military service. It helps people with little military knowledge understand the challenge of life after serving and shows the power of love between a dog and a man.

An honest and heart-warming true account of a man and his dog during war and beyond. The author tells an inspiring story of his real-life experiences in Afghanistan where he first meets the incredible Fred, their adventures together during that time and back in the States. Two brave souls who find one another against all odds. Welcome home!