Member Reviews

I was really excited to read this book, excited about the premise, and I thoroughly enjoyed the narrator. Unfortunately, I cannot abide by racism and animal mutilation. This adds nothing to the plot and was completely unnecessary.
Aside from that, the book was a little tropey and predictable, and going back and forth between viewpoints is always difficult to do and rarely enjoyable.

I listened to the audiobook version of this story and I am glad I did because I don't think I would have finished this book if I was reading it. The story has a great plot...avalanche hits train, two people survive, need to fend off wild animals and cold to live. The story is more character driven and I just wasn't that interested in either character enough to care. The author keeps switching from present day to the past and I wanted less of this. A lot of key elements of the story seemed to be thrown in to be jarring or offensive, I didn't think they added anything.

I picked up this novel because it’s set in Glacier Park, one of my favorite places, but the plot is so engrossing that it was hard to stop reading. Margo is crossing the Park by train when an avalanche causes a derailment and the death of every single passenger except for her and her savior, Nick. A retired Army Ranger, Nick knows how to survive in the wilderness. Margo is an ER doctor, so she is smart and resourceful but she is also eight months pregnant which makes everything, even walking, harder. They will have to rely on each other to survive, but they are both hiding secrets and nothing is what it seems. Big trigger warning to animal lovers: I had to skip some parts with explicit animal cruelty. The characters are complex and their evolution compelling. The twists are unpredictable and the pace frenetic. Allyson Ryan does an excellent job with the audiobook narration and all the characters are distinctive and easily identifiable.
I chose to listen to this audiobook and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/Dreamscape Media!

I expected a story of survival according to the book's front cover blurb; what I read/listened to, was all of that, and so much more! OMG! Suspense, twists... Holy snowballs! I'm trying to be careful not to give anything away, but the story line is really brilliant. However, that being said, the dialogue wasn't always brilliant. A few lines were unbelievable in light of the supposed maturity and expertise of both characters. With that overlooked, a very memorable and poignant story is left with me.
Margo Fletcher, ER Doctor, is eight months pregnant. Former Special Forces Army Ranger, Nick Eliot, 42, is retired, and has served his Country well. Both traveling on the same train, but while passing through an isolated portion of the Rockies in blizzard conditions, the train unexpectedly brakes due to a deadly massive avalanche plummeting down the mountain. The conductor gives the order for the passengers to stay seated! But Nick, insists that survival depends on moving to the back of the train. He tells everyone, move to the back of the train. Margo is the only one to listen to him. Nick uncouples the last car just in time to avoid the avalanche. The rest of the train is hurled down the mountainside and is soon lost forever. Margo and Nick are the sole survivors.
When the weather turns violent again, the pair must flee the shelter of the passenger car and run for their lives into the wilderness. Fending off the deadly cold as well as predatory wild animals foraging for food. But there is more than nature's elements that threaten to destroy one or both of them.
Narrator, Allyson Ryan, does a good job with turning on emotional characteristics of the story. Only wish, her voice could have been deeper and more unique for the male character(s).
Cover Your Tracks is a chilling story of love and hate, the devastating power of nature, and the will to survive. 4.5 Stars.
My thanks to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for Advanced Audio Copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions are my own.

I wanted to roll my eyes so frequently during Cover Your Tracks. This your predictable and generic thriller – one that fails to deliver any real thrill. The most exciting part of this novel happens at the very beginning, making it difficult to keep my attention. I’m also not a huge fan of the “my daddy didn’t let me get an abortion and I’m so glad” narrative OR the portrayal of Native Americans (slurs and the correlation the author forces between indigenous people and violent behavior). Normally if I don’t enjoy a novel and find it lackluster, I’d still encourage a reader to give it a try and come to their own conclusion. Don’t waste your time on this one. Lack of character development + lack of thrill + lack of consideration for other cultures = dud.

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and Keylight for my audiobook of Cover Your Tracks by Daco Auffenorde, Narrated by Allyson Ryan in exchange for an honest review. It published October 20, 2020.
This is your quintessential mystery/thriller! I was initially drawn to two things about the premise: Spokane, WA, and the main character being pregnant. I don't think I've read many books where the main character is pregnant, so I was glad for something fresh. Also, I spent lots of time in Spokane growing up, and wasn't disappointed about the landmarks being mentioned.
I don't want to give anything away, but I will say, the multiple points of view served this story well, and there were many twists and turns I didn't see coming. I also predicted a lot of twists that didn't happen--that's exactly what I want! I want to guess wrong!
The narration was done very well and convincingly. Allyson Ryan is skilled and did this book justice! I would choose more books narrated by Ryan.

Very well written character driven suspense story! The ending may be slightly predictable but the ride to the end more than makes up for the predictability. Highly recommended and the narration in the audiobook is amazing!

COVER YOUR TRACKS by Daco S. Auffenorde is an action packed thriller that keeps you on edge from beginning to end. There is no slow burn to get this story going; it immediately launches you into action and suspense.
The characters, Margo Fletcher and Nick Eliot, are at odds with one another as they battle a life or death situation. Margo is driven by her maternal instincts while Nick is driven by his combat experience and an unnaturally keen interest in Margo’s safety.
There is a constant, palpable thread of tension between Margo and Nick the whole story. Margo, 8 months pregnant, must rely on Nick to navigate their dire situation. However, Nick’s demeanor and impersonal behavior keeps Margo at odds between trusting her maternal instincts or meeting her immediate physical needs. Something feels off. But Margo can’t put her finger on what.
Nick and Margo have tortured pasts and that influence their present state of mind. The narrative alternates between the past and present telling the reader about their life experiences that make the characters who they are today.
In addition to the narrative being an intense read, the scenery is also a gripping experience. Auffenorde describes the mountainous terrain, avalanche destruction, and blizzard conditions in such detail that it almost feels like you’re there, and it’s very, very cold.
There is a moment, a specific dialogue, about halfway into the story that makes you think you’ve figured out what Nick’s deal is. But the narrative is written carefully as to not give anything away and keep the reader guessing. The book is written in short chapters and reads very quickly.
Thank you, Daco S. Auffenorde,, Dreamscape Media, Turner Publishing and NetGalley, for an Advanced Readers Copy of this book!
Possible triggers: pregnancy, abortion, adoption, war, combat, animal abuse and mutilation.

This book is the ultimate horrifying, claustrophobic tale of survival.
There's nothing like a train breaking down in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard. But that's the least of the problems faced by the characters in this book. Margo, who finds herself on the train while traveling to her childhood home, is eight months pregnent; there is an avalanche coming that could kill all passensers. Ultimately, that's what happens and the only survivors are Margo and Nick, an army ranger who tried to warn everybody to move to the back of the train.
Now, normally this would be it. I can easily imagine this tale as a movie where the climax is when everyone dies but the two characters miraculously survives. Hold your horses! This is only the beginning for Margo and Nick.. So how will the two survive all alone without food, water or heat in the middle of a blizzard?
Boy, was this a wild ride. And as I had the great pleasure to listen to Cover Your Tracks via audiobook, I experienced the emotions and events times three. The narrator is excellent and I just couldn't shake the feeling that something is very wrong. Perfect thriller experience which I'm so glad I've listened to. The only thing keeping me from a five-star rating is that I didn't like Margo's flashbacks, which were quite prominent in the story.
*Thank you to the Publisher for a free advance copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.