Member Reviews

4.5 Stars
In her debut novel Lily Sparks takes readers to the Teen Killers Club camp, where they learn to be the best assassin they can be:
Signal was often seen as the weird outcast Goth from the trailer parks for most of her life. When she is convicted of the brutal murder of her ex-best friend Rose, it is discovered she is a Class A: the most dangerous and manipulative within the criminal profile. This designation means that she has no chance to appeal her conviction or any chance of parole. She will spend the rest of her life behind bars. When she is given a chance to avoid prison for the rest of her life, she signs up for a secret program: Teen Killers Club. Here she meets other teens who are also Class As and it is clear she does not fit in at all. This raises the question, Did she actually kill Rose? Signal has more immediate problems on her hands before she can figure out what happened the night of Rose's murder, she has to survive camp and there are people and forces that do not want that to happen.
I really enjoyed this book, I did not want to put it down. It was a lot darker than I thought it would be and was a refreshing take on the train teens to be assassin books. This is a camp set book but instead of learning how to tie knots, scratch that they probably learned how to do that, they receive tasks of best way to dispose of a body and some are better than it than other. Additionally, they are not all the same, each has a different set of skills and skill sets that can be used to kill people so it was nice that the characters are not redundant of each other.
This is a group of misfits for sure but some how they all complement each other and lets be honest some stereotypes are mixed in there as well, but I think some of this is society perception especially around Signal with er Goth look, I mean how can she not be a killer unless she is a Goth. But as the story continues the stereotypes are broken down and something new has appeared, the Class A type of people. Although that all the people within this group are Killers, they have killed before, you still feel for them as you find out their backstory and who they killed. You begin to root for them as this is their chance at a second life as a class A there is not other option for parole or appear of your convictions.
Signal stands out amongst the rest of the Class A as the "camp". If you know anything about the psychopathy scale of any kind, you can clearly see that does not have a lot of the traits needed to fit. She is pretty naive (especially towards boys, but she has been incarcerated for most of her teen years so this is to be expected), squeamish towards blood and well tried to be everyone's friend or help other people at camp without something to gain for herself. And it is this lack of fitting in that leads to the mystery of the book, if Signal did not kill Rose then who did? I can honestly say I did not figure the mystery out in this book, you go back and forth between people and even Signal herself. It was an interesting well thought out mystery, and once again I DID NOT FIGURE IT OUT (craziness here).
I could have done with the whole love triangle aspect, but at least in this case it did not take away from the overall story and actually had a purpose. I cannot think of how Sparks could have achieve the type of loyalty between the members of the love triangle without it being love based, it's just not my favourite aspect that you often in YA and New Adult books.
One aspect that is not quite explained in the book is why it was decided to have people classified along a psychopathy scale. I mean there are people high up in a corporations that would test as a class A as described in this book, and it did not seem like these people were affected by the classification. However, this could be due to class, money and power, not sure, it not completely defined here. Additionally, the teens talk about how some people want all Class A's rounded up, maybe that is a plot for a different story?
I was Wowed to find that that this was Sparks' debut novel as the writing was great, the plot interesting and the character really fleshed out. This book was unexpected and one that I highly recommend that you pick up especially if you are fans of New Adult Mystery/Thriller genre. Cannot wait to read the next book that Sparks releases

So I initially requested this book because of the awesome cover and title. Turned out it lives up the amazing cover. This is a weird story of a group of misfits from prisons being used as assassins. I enjoyed the characters and their back stories. I would absolutely be down with a sequel with this group. It doesn’t feel like their story is quite over yet.

My initial reaction to this title went a little something along these lines . . . .
And I surely was not disappointed at the onset where a bus of juvies being transported to a new facility seems to be taking a bit of a detour – calling to mind a potential YA version of Con Air.. That wasn’t quite the case, but still the idea of an algorithm that rates your potential for murder and arson on a scale of D (being a benign granny) to A (true “human-sharks” a la Charles Manson) was still right on brand when it comes to things I enjoy. And the idea of . . . . .
“We want to use Class As’ skills in a … productive way.
“We’ll be training you to kill people.”
Well, as the late Kurt Cobain once said - here we are now, entertain us : )
Unfortunately this fell victim of YA selections of the past with a real Mary Sue for a leading lady who was more concerned with receiving her first kiss and relying on the kindness of a real stupid effing love triangle strangers rather than learning how to kick some ass when given the opportunity. This had true potential for being 4 Stars, but between the kissing stuff (I mean, really, aren’t we better than that at this point????) to the whodunit reveal that more than kind of jumped the shark (additional twists instead of the most obvious solution aren’t always necessary) and the ending leaving this wiiiiiiiiiiide open for a follow-up has me saying that's a pass for me, dawg..
3 Stars because I was entertained for the majority of the book and because I'm well aware that I am not the target demographic.
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for a honest review.
When I read the synopsis of this audio book, I knew I would like it and it did not disappoint. Killer teenagers is a great storyline. I really enjoyed the characters and it was a little predictable but overall I had a great time reading it and will read more from this author in the future!

I enjoyed this but found it a bit predictable (which isn't necessarily a terrible thing). I think the premise of a club of killer teens is pretty fascinating but the way everything played out made me feel.. fine/meh? I wasn't on the edge of my seat until the last 10%. I think the ending was well done for the most part and I thought how everything wrapped up was pretty interesting. This is a bit nit picky but I couldn't get over the MCs name. Every time I heard it I was confused and had to remember that's her real name (same with Nobody), because everyone else had "normal" names. Lastly, I really disliked the love triangle we had going. I usually don't like love triangles so that one is more of a me thing than anything else in this book.

TEEN KILLERS CLUB is a fast-paced YA thriller. While serving time for the violent murder of her best friend, Signal is transferred to a training camp where she and other violent teen killers hone their killing and concealment skills. Signal's more kind and empathic nature stand out from the other teen assassins that she is grouped with. Filled with dark plot twists, love triangles, and murder, TEEN KILLERS CLUB will keep you hooked.
I recommend it for YA readers, ages 14+
The audiobook was well done and engaging.

Framed for the murder of her best friend and given a choice, prison or join a secret group of assassins. There is a classification system. Everyone who commits a crime is tested and based on this almost personality test it helps determine your likelihood of repeat crimes or violence. This gives the book a very dystopian feeling.
Our main character didn't hurt her friend, but everyone believes she did. I really liked the comment about how she tried so hard to be feared while in high school and now, she is. There are so many great one liners. It also has a creepy factor. One of the characters wears a dog mask and it is so creepy, who would have thought that was possible.

Sorry, I thought I would not be able to listen and review this title, but t still appears on my bookshelf on my NG app, It may be due to me sampling the start of the narrator. I will update my review once I finish listening to it (over my holiday break).
thank you

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an audiobook copy in exchange for an honest review.
Teen Killers Club follows Signal, a girl who has been charged with her best friend's murder being offered a chance to ditch prison to become an assassin for an undercover organization. The catch? Signal is innocent and now surrounded by Class A killer teenagers. The worst of the worst, those without remorse or comprehension of what they've done wrong. Can Signal survive long enough to escape and find a way to prove her innocence?
I really enjoyed this book! Signal is a well written main character who fits in with this crew of killers in the best way, while also not being one of them. It's a hard balance to explain without spoiling the book, so you'll have to read it yourself to understand, but I'd bet you'd feel the same way. The other Class A's are exceptionally written. There is something to love and fear about each of them and their stories are peppered throughout the novel. The only reason it gets four and not give stars from me is this: it leaves us with a massive cliff hanger and there is no confirmation for a second book yet! I'm waiting on baited breath to find an announcement about a second one.
Overall this is a great beginning for what will hopefully be a great new trilogy or series. I recommend it for anyone 13+ as there is some violence in it, but nothing too graphic. Here's hoping there will be a book 2 to review!

I don’t know if it was the narrator or the story, but I could not get into this book, which made me so sad because the premise interested both myself and my teen daughter. She gave up on it first, and I followed soon after.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free audiobook ARC of Teen Killers Club! So right away the premise of this book got me and stories about framed murders fascinate me. There was a love triangle that I was kind of meh about... and an introduction of a cult! Also fascinated by cults so I liked that plot point. There were a couple of twists I did not see coming! Overall I really enjoyed this book and the narrator was AMAZING! Perfect for the characters.

4.5/5 stars
Thank you Crooked Lane Books for the finished copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media as well for the free ALC. All opinions are my own.
I listened to the audio and I think it’s helped get me out of my slump. This book was definitely not what I expected at all and then it turned into even more than I could have hoped for!
I’ll get my one gripe out of the way first; I’m not a huge fan of the love triangle trope so I could have done without that aspect.
Everything else, however, made for an awesome YA thriller (maybe even a tad horror?) that was completely original. At one point, I was kind of like okay where is this going, but the way everything came together at the end was mind blowing! Plus there’s a cult! Who doesn’t love a good cult?
I definitely enjoyed the narration. The part that sticks out the most for me is the cult scene where there’s a lot of chanting going on. Props to the narrator for giving me actual chills! Super creepy.
Overall, I really loved this book, even if the love triangle was a huge portion of the plot.

Signal is in jail for the murder of her friend, but she could never guess where life will take her next- A camp for teen killers to learn how to be better killers.
This audiobook dives into Signal's life at this camp and her continued fight to clear her name. Listening to her struggles and winning moments was brought to life by the narrator in this story. The twist of this story was one I didn't see coming and made this story for me.
There were a few points that seemed a bit far fetched for me, but the story was so enjoyable I was able to overlook them.

While I was not a huge fan of the voice actor who narrated the book, the story was good enough to get past that. This story follows Signal Deere, a teenager accused of essentially beheading her best friend in a shed in the woods. Though she doesn't remember much of that night, she is convinced she was framed, but it's too late. She's on a list of kids rounded up and taken to a camp to train to be a teen, covert operative tasked with killing targets-- or rot in jail for a crime she doesn't think she committed. However, the other campers are all essentially teen serial killers, so they can't know she's not one of them.
I can definitely see how this is progressing as a series. Would make a great CW show, especially if you're into the will they/won't they/who to choose dynamic like Team Stefan vs. Team Damon.

* I received this audiobook for free from Dreamscape Media and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review *
When Signal wakes up with the dead body of her childhood best friend, Rose, in her lap, she has two options. Either she can spend her life in prison with no chance of parole, or she can join a secretive government training program to develop teenage killers to take out dangerous targets. Signal chooses to join the Teen Killers Club and is suddenly thrust into the hazards and stresses of training alongside skilled and experienced teenage killers. But there’s a catch, Signal didn’t commit the crime she was convicted of and she has never killed anyone. Will she survive inside of camp? Can she figure out who did kill Rose, and clear her name? Will she ever have her first kiss? Teen Killers Club by Lily Sparks perfectly combines all the drama of teenage life that YA Fiction demands with the chilling and gruesome narrative twists and turns that True Crime buffs obsess over.
If I could, I would give this book 3.5 stars! It took a long time for me to get into this book, and I didn’t feel engaged with it until about the 60% mark. But, once I was in it, I was really into it! This story has so many unexpected twists and I felt like I was unraveling the mysteries at the core of the book at the same time as the characters. I know this would have been one of my favorite books as a teen, but as an older reader I felt a bit more removed from the story and found the quickness with which the characters bonded to be somewhat unbelievable.

This was enjoyable. Intriguing and interesting. I felt as if it was definitely a good read for the YA

This was the first audiobook I've listened too and I loved it! I enjoyed the narration, the plot, and most of the characters. It kept me engaged throughout.

I found this novel quite interesting. It places the reader into the perspective of someone who is innocent, yet punished for the crime. I wish there were some other references to the other characters, like Rose or Eric. It does end on a cliffhanger, which was great.

The protagonist is a convicted teen murderer who has no recollection of her accused crime. Still, she is sent to a camp for teen murderers with the express purpose of learning how not to get caught. As the story progresses, she learns more about her campmates, each developing into rounded characters, and the multilayered mysteries began to show themselves. This book was well-written, engaging, and found the perfect balance between giving closure and an opening for a sequel. It's a great addition to teen libraries!

Signal doesn't remember what happened before she woke in a barn, holding the dead body of her best friend. All she knows is that she was convicted of murder, tested and labeled as a Class A (only used to describe the most gruesome killers), and sent to jail. When she is moved to a camp-style assassins training camp, Signal is surrounded by other Class A's--all more dangerous than herself. As Signal tries to complete the various assassin tasks like dismembering a body, cleaning up after a murder, and mastering the dreaded obstacle course, she realizes that none of the Class A's are exactly like they seem. When it becomes clear that Signal was framed for her best friend's murder, Signal must rely on her assassin peers to solve the mystery.
Teen Killers Club is an adventure packed mystery/thriller that is a step up for fans of Camp Valor and #murdertrending. Although a bit descriptive in the violent murder sense, the humorous tone is a sharp contrast to the content. Audio was fantastic.