Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for an early copy of this.


This is not my usual type of book AT ALL. But it sucked me in from the very beginning to the very end. This book was very well paced. So much happened. I was never bored.

I had moments when I was a little frustrated with the main character. But then I had to remind myself she’s a teenage girl, and teenage girls make those types of mistakes all the time.

I thought this was creative, exciting, and very well written.

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We will blame some of disappointment on my inept ability to read a synopsis all the way through. My brain processed the key points: Girl wrongfully accused of murder skirts prison time by joining an assassination training camp, even though she is actually squeamish about blood. This sounded interesting and I imagined something sort of campy with lots of action. I missed the part that noted this girl, Signal, would find love at the camp, which played a huge role in the story and, for reasons I’ll explain soon, wasn’t my cup of tea.

The writing is certainly worthy of praise and the story is solidly developed. It had a more serious tone than I’d expected, which was not an issue. This simply required some adjustment on my part. There was more than one page-turning mystery to unravel and I definitely found some of the reveals surprising. Lily Sparks has talent as a storyteller and while there were well-worn tropes within this, the book centers around a fresh concept.

I do appreciate the underlying message about judging others and having the capability to see beyond certain labels. This is a positive theme but the way it evolved in the story also had hints of toxicity. It seemed to negate the importance of comprehending that some people are genuinely dangerous; that there isn’t necessarily some saccharine personality hidden underneath that tough exterior. Since this is directed toward teens, I do feel mild concern over what is being conveyed to impressionable, developing minds.

There is a love triangle in this book, which I wasn’t fond of. I can see how someone like Signal could get caught up in this vulnerable predicament, but it frustrated me, nonetheless. Most of it felt very cringy and it also seemed to romanticize the “bad boy” notion.

My final gripe is that I found a particular villain came across as a major cliche toward the end of the book. I won’t detail this further, as to not spoil anything.

I think this novel holds promise, despite my qualms with it. It wasn’t the fun read I’d anticipated, but it held my attention all the way through and offered gratification with its twists.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my audio review copy. All opinions are my own.

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*ARC Audio provided by NetGalley*

Wow. I read the synopsis for this book, however I don't think I realized what I was getting myself into.

Girl *possibly* kills best friend.
Girl gets shipped off to camp.
Camp is full of killers - and is there to teach them to be even better killers.

I did find a few parts of the story confusing at times. One of the flashbacks confused the heck out of me and I'm not sure if it was the book or the narration of the scene that made it so convoluted. Other than that, the story was put together well. I liked Signal and the other campers were great too. It was nice getting to see several of them show growth as real people and not just "psycho killers." I also liked that I went the whole book without guessing who killed Rose. Was it Signal? Was it someone else? The ending brought it all together nicely.

The story was enjoyable. The audio performance was fantastic. I definitely think you should check it out. It's worth the read!

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DNF at 10%
I got an audiobook review copy from NetGalley and I cannot stand the audiobook. The narrator is fine but it sounds so robotic that it's hard to listen to. Sped up especially it cuts out words and is impossible to listen to. I'm really sad that I couldn't listen to it because the concept sounds so interesting but I just can't.

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I received a digital arc and an audiobook copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

<b> Spoilers! Not any of the major endings, but some smaller details and plot points. </b>

OH WOW. So do I have mixed emotions about this book.

The story revolves around Signal, a girl who believes she is innocent and was framed for the murder of her best friend Rose. She is given a second chance to live a life outside of prison by joining this secret camp of teen killers.

Right off the bat let me say I really really enjoyed reading this book and I REALLY hope the author writes a sequel. I was so excited for every time I had a chance to read a little more of this book, and to me loving the experience of reading a book is the most important thing. So 5/5 stars for that. I also adore the narrator for the audio book version and will probably seek out more that she's narrated.

The story was a really unique and interesting one and there was enough mystery to really keep you on your toes. Another thing I really enjoyed was it gave me, oddly enough, <i>Unwind</i> by Neal Shusterman vibes. The whole "group of kids who are hated by society even though they're just kids, now matter what they have or haven't done" thing is an obvious similarity, though of course in this book, these kids are actual former prisoners. But besides that, the talk of the Protectionists and the testing and classifying of individuals just really reminded me of <i>Unwind</i>. In both books, there are definitely those moments where you stop and think about the way we judge and handle those who society looks down on and kids in general. They're obviously very different books, but I loved those little similarities.

<b> That being said, I did have some issues with the book... </b>

While I loved getting to know these somewhat normal characters and this very not normal camp and all of the mystery and suspense that came with them, I am very over the teen book cliches that have once again shown their faces in this book. Love triangles, "The Bad Boy Who Isn't Good For You But Wants to Make Out Anyway", and "I'm Not Like Other Girls" tropes? It's unnecessary and overdone. These tropes by no means keep me from liking a book, but I do think they aren't necessary. Thankfully, after the first quarter of the book or so, the "I'm Not Like Other Girls" dies down a bit. In this particular book's love triangle, we have Erik starring as the guy who is a jerk at least 50% of the time, but because he's infinitely more interesting than good guy Javier who is so very bland (besides his back story), you end up rooting for Erik anyway. Or at least I did.

I also had a couple of moments that just left me confused as they seemed to be convenient plot points that didn't really make sense with the previous information we'd been given. For example, I was so confused about why everyone believed two of the characters were dating, when right after they supposedly broke up, one of them was making out and "dating" another person. I get you're a teenager at camp, but still. No one questioned it. Along those same lines, one of the campers had a huge issue with the main character, Signal, flirting with any guy, more so Erik but also any guy there. But when Signal ends up kissing a guy, suddenly the camper is rooting for her! I understand they had become sort of friends, but people don't just change their feelings like that. I just found it convenient that when Signal is finally openly ready to be with someone, everyone is now okay with it. It's a minor thing but it kind of bugged me.

My biggest issue with the book is probably the camp. I don't understand why they never really taught the kids how to fight. Where were knife lessons and lessons on defensive techniques? Maybe we are supposed to assume that they were taught that in between the scenes we actually read about, I don't know. But Signal sure didn't seem to have actually learned how to kill someone. I mean... what's the point in learning how to dispose of a body if there's no body to dispose?

How the book wraps up, the characters all tie together, and the mystery is solved has me really split. I won't say what happens, because you should read it to find out, but... I love when books tie things together and characters are connected in ways you may not have thought of, but in this book, I feel like some of the endings and connections come off as a little far-fetched and convenient. But then again, it's a book about a Teen Killers Club... what else should I expect?

<b> To wrap things up... </b>

Despite the many issues I had with this book, I really enjoyed it! I demand a second book ASAP! I NEED to know how and why certain people are alive and demand to know Erik's backstory. I was so disappointed that we never got to find out more about his past, but I'm hoping it's because the author wanted to leave room for Book 2.

I would definitely recommend this book as it's a great fast-paced read! 3.5/5 stars!

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Teen Killers by Lily Sparks is not my usual style but I wanted to try something new and it did not disappoint! Lots of twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting. I found myself wanting to listen to it even when I was doing other things! The narrator was also new to me and she did a great job. I’ll be looking for other books with her reading them!
Teen Killers is the story of Signal, a teenager accused of murdering her best friend. After almost a year in prison she is brought to a camp where she meets other convicted teens. While at camp, they are expected to learn how to kill more efficiently, how to clean up after themselves, and how to not get caught. But she doesn’t fit in with the others. She finds no excitement in the tasks and soon finds herself making friends and falling in love, in spite of herself. When they are sent out on dangerous missions, though, she will have to learn fast. All while trying to figure out who really killed her best friend, because she is innocent.
Good book. Fast paced. Lots of fun! Definitely recommend.
Thanks NetGalley for the chance to listen to this story. All opinions are my own!

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I requested this from Netgalley based on a quick glance of the synopsis, and I liked the cover. Knowing next to nothing about it, I was immediately pulled into Signal's life on the bus on the way to some "class A" teen killer's program. It started off with a bang that just makes you need to keep reading.
I really enjoyed Signal's time at camp getting to know these other teen killers. The more main-side characters I liked a lot. Nobody was one of my favorite, she started out completely terrifying but I liked getting to know her and how Signal tried to protect her and she repaid the favor. Javier (please excuse if the spelling is wrong since I listened to the audio!), Eric and Jada were great additions. Javier was the mysterious handsome dude, Eric was the cocky handsome dude and Jada was the spunky outspoken female. We didn't know much about Dennis at first (computer nerd), but I'm happy he got more of a role in the story as it went on. The others (Kurt and Troy?) kind of faded into the background.
Now, the whole reason Signal is considered a teen killer. She was convicted (or was she framed?) of her best friend Rose's murder. She doesn't remember a lot from that night, just that she was found with the dead body. I liked that this book focused on trying to find out who did kill Rose, if not Signal, but also focused a lot on the camp and the other campers. As the clues get put together, they find out it could have been this, this this person, and it all makes sense. It doesn't feel like unnecessary red herrings just to have them in there, but actually logical suspects from the clues they start to figure out.
After a man in a dog mask tries to kill the campers (SUPER creepy, on the edge of my seat scenes here!), they are sent out on their first missions, and this is kind of where I lost a tiny bit of interest. They end up at a cult on a farm and I just...why? By the end, it did make sense with the story and I liked how it all played out, but I'm not really one for a cult. I'm glad it didn't take up too much of the book.
It ended with a lot of hope (if this is a standalone book), but at the same time kind of on a cliffhanger that sets up nicely for a sequel that I would be very interested in reading!

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Oh my lanta people. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, go go go preorder this book because it was one hell of a ride. I went in pretty blind, the cover and blurb was enough to make me request. I am thrilled I did.
The story arcs in SO many different directions throughout. It was almost like getting a story within a story three times over. Let us jump into our rag tag crew of misfits. I do not want to say too much because it is better to catch it all as it comes but I loved them. I loved camp, the twins, the girls, Jada and her cutting of people, and of course our romance. Signal our lead has some shit luck, and in way plays into the needed someone to save her trope, however not really. I think her compassion was her greatest strength and in turn, it showed out more because of her shortcomings in the physical.
Speaking on the romance its where my one and only problem comes in. We have a love triangle; I am cool with that, but cheating. I am going to try to lay this out as spoiler free as possible. I felt as though it could have been avoided. She could have just not made Signal official with the person. We still would have had the pull and the angst without the cheating. Book would have been perfect.
All that said the story was almost flawless. I will be biting my nails until the next one comes out. It was SO GOOD.
Narration was EVERYTHING get this as an audiobook people because Jesse Vilinsky out did herself. I love her narration usually but this was the best. She brought so much life to every single character, they each had such distinctive sounds that I would have known who was talking without the book telling me. tens tens tens across the board for her.
JUST BUY THE DAMN BOOK. You will not be sorry.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an ARC of this book.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.5 stars

Oh my GOODNESS. I don't even know where to start. This book had me hooked from the very beginning. We follow Signal Deere and a group of Class A teenage killers who are sent to a "camp" to avoid a lifetime behind bars... But it is so much more than that. They are teenage assassins who must face new trials and tribulations as their time in camp progresses. There's a HUGE love traingle, a killer trying to take them all out and so many unexpected surprises throughout this story. AND THE ENDING?? I NEED more!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fun thriller with wild twists and turns.

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I received this and as an audio galley to listen to for free in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for giving me access.

Teen Killers Club is a story like no other and took me on an adventure that I was not prepared to go on! The twists and turns kept me wanting to listen to more.

Super original and a great debut novel. I can't wait to see what else Lily Sparks comes up with next!

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I was given a free review copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Wow! This book was just so good! It was so different from anything I’ve read before. I loved Signal was a great character! I also loved all the other class As. Eric, Javier, and Nobody! The narrator was awesome! I cannot wait to read more by this author. I would definitely recommend this book!

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Thank you so much to Net Galley and Dreamscape Media for an ALC of this bo

Signal has been framed for the murder of her best friend, and to escape life in prison she is sent to a camp for Teen Killers, a secret organization that trains teens to take out targets for the government without getting caught. But Signal isn't like the rest of the teen killers, she's innocent...or is she?

This book was a ride from start to finish! I was instantly hooked from the first bus ride. I loved the flashbacks and every one of the characters! God help me, I even loved the love triangle. This is such a thrill and the writing was addictive.

So, when will there be a sequel?

CW: murder, abuse, dismemberment, pedophilia, cults, gore

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I absolutely loved this book! It was so fun and adventurous. The characters were very dynamic and the drama was great! The narrator was amazing and captured Signal’s character well. I hope there is a sequel!!

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This audiobook immerses the reader in a crazy world of convicted teenage killers. The story and writing style were more appropriate for teen than YA category.

The narrator does a nice job of bringing the story to life. However, during parts of the book she almost whispers the text and it was often inaudible, requiring that I adjust the volume in order to hear.

The author built a world that was a bit difficult for me to immerse myself within. She had my heart pumping during many riveting action scenes, but she lost me during some of the more atmosphere-building parts of the story. The Teen Killers Club itself was of particular concern and I think that it could have been developed in a more sophisticated fashion, even if teens are the target audience.

For parents concerned about the appropriateness of content, note that this book does contain scenes of graphic violence which will likely not be too startling to most teens, but might be for others. Sexual intimacy is discussed but I would say it does not cross the line into anything too explicit or erotic.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, the narrator, and the publisher for the opportunity to listen to this book. The opinions in this review are entirely my own.


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4.5 stars

Thanks to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio book in exchange for an honest review.

Imagine if Dexter went to summer camp or The Breakfast Club was made up of teen killers? I enjoyed this audio book immensely for its originality and great set of characters. 17 yo Signal is convicted of killing her best friend and sent to jail. She and seven other teens are taken from jail and brought to an abandoned summer camp to train and become special ops assassins. The only issue is Signal is not a killer and is a genuinely nice person.

Highly recommend the audio book. Narrator did an excellent job. I look forward to reading more by Lily Sparks.

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Book 235 towards my goal of 280! 4/5 stars for this YA Thriller read. Another perfect Halloween read! This one isn't out just yet, so thank you to Netgalley for the early audio <3 Such a unique storyline. I love any and all books set at camp! Love the cover! Narration was great! Definitely recommend!

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I really dig this book. Like... a lot. A murder mystery? Sociopaths? Teens thrown together under questionable circumstances? Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh and there's a cult. I loved how the secondary characters were fleshed out and the entire premise. Our main character, Signal, feels a little emotionally stunted for her age, but being a loner and then being in prison can do that to a person. My biggest complaint was the rather abrupt ending. I was hoping for big government conspiracies and... well... more... If this happens to have a companion novel later, I'll definitely read it.

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&nbsp; I want to start out by saying my problems with this book were mostly just my own personal issues and that most people will probably like this book just fine. Also my low rating does not mean this was a bad book it just wasn&apos;t a book for me.<br>
&nbsp; I think the main thing this book suffers from is it tried to fit to much into one book and so nothing felt completely fleshed out. The characters all seemed to be pretty flat or not individualized enough. I spent a good portion of this book forgetting who was who because they all felt the same. We didn&apos;t get much of a back story for any of them and what we did get was so generic it did nothing to actually flesh out the characters.<br>
&nbsp; Secondly none of these characters felt realistic as &quot;class A&quot; killers. They had way to many emotions for being psychopaths or lacking empathy. There was no deference from the killers to the main character making it all feel very shallow and fake. <br>
&nbsp; I also hated the love triangle Sparks tried to incorporate. It again turned what could have been a great dark twisted book into just another shallow boring YA novel. She had such an amazing concept that if she had really focused on she could have written an amazing YA horror/thriller but she wasted it on a sloppy love tried and boring meandering characters. <br>
&nbsp; The only thing that really saved this book for me was the last five chapters or so when we got a few answers. I enjoyed those last chapters so much more. If the rest of the book had been that intensive I would have given this a much higher rating.<br>
&nbsp; I also just want to take a quick aside to say quit having characters claim to be gay or queer to avoid being with a character! Its played out and extremely offensive to the queer community! We are not an identity for your characters to hide behind! I am so sick of seeing that! Its disgusting that I need to point this out in 2020!

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