Member Reviews

As soon as I learned that Matt Witten wrote for Pretty Little Liars, I knew I needed to read The Necklace, and I was not disappointed. It's a fast-paced read told in dual timelines (aka my fave) with a compelling plot that kept my interest from start to finish. Susan is a strong main character whose energy counters the dark subject matter. I recommend it for thriller fans!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the gifted e-arc.

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From the first page of The Necklace to the last, I was all in. The author is a TV writer and his ability to immediately insert his audience into an unfolding drama and hold their attention the entire way through has transferred effortlessly from screen to page.

This is the story of a penniless woman whose community has raised enough money for her to make the road trip to North Dakota to witness the execution of the man who raped and murdered her young daughter twenty years ago. But on that trip, she encounters people from her past and a new clue comes to light that could prove the innocence of her daughter's convicted killer. Everything she believed to be true begins to unravel. It's a race against time for this desperate mother to convince the authorities that the wrong man is about to be executed.

The story is told across dual timelines and the author uses a consistent rhythm between past and present to pull it off successfully. I knew where I was at all times.

This is just how I like my murder mysteries. Fast-paced, suspenseful and hard to put down. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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This was an interesting read by an author that I was not familiar with having never read their work before. I always enjoy a new to me author and I wasn’t disappointed.
I found the characters interesting and really had a depth to them with lots of details described for me to portray them in my mind and really get inside them.
The story line took me to a place I wasn’t expecting and kept me intrigued right until the end.
I would recommend to anyone interested in this genre and will be reading more.

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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4

The Necklace by Matt Witten is a riveting, page-turning thriller that centers on Susan Lentigo, a mother seeking justice for her seven-year-old daughter Amy, who was brutally raped and murdered two decades ago. The prime suspect, Ray Jansen, a drifter with a criminal record, confesses to the crime but recants before his trial. Nevertheless, the court finds him guilty and imposes the death penalty by lethal injection.

On the eve of Jansen’s execution, Susan embarks on a road trip from her home in Lake Luzerne, New York, to North Dakota to witness the execution and find closure. During her journey, she discovers shocking new evidence that casts doubt on Jansen’s guilt. Even more disturbing, her new prime suspect has a young daughter who might be in terrible danger.

The story alternates between past and present, maintaining high tension until the dramatic climax. While the plot has a few weak areas and some overly dramatic parts, the story is well-written and has a strong female lead. The pace is good, making it an intense but easy read. The language and descriptions of the crime, based on the testimony and confession of the convicted man, are graphic and upsetting. Additionally, a disturbing tour of the prison and a detailed explanation of execution procedures heighten the sense of realism, though some elements, like an execution witness passing inmates or seeing Death Row, are unrealistic.

Despite some flaws, such as characters making frustratingly poor decisions and legal inaccuracies (e.g., the concept of "fruit of the poisonous tree" not being properly addressed), the book remains engaging. The ending, though predictable, is still quite satisfying.

As a grandmother of two girls the same age as the victim, this was a tough read for me, as I could easily imagine their fear in such a situation. Overall, The Necklace is a powerful story about a mother’s relentless pursuit of justice, the complexities of the legal system, and the enduring impact of grief and loss.

** Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a comp of this title. The opinions are my own.

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I picked up The Necklace, based on the cover. We follow Susan, mother to young Amy (daughter who tragically died). Told in dual timeline from when the tragic incident of Amy’s death occurred and the aftermath after. Susan lives in the horrifying aftermath that is now her nightmare reality of losing a child. Seeking to get closure and see the killer’s death sentence carry out and mysteries unfold.

What wouldn’t a mother do for their beloved children. This story is truly horrifying and heartbreaking. There are a lot of triggers in this book due to the content this book holds. This book was very well written and charismatically told. This story had me on the edge of my seat and rooting for Susan. I enjoyed the flow of this book and felt the content and story writing to be adequately told. Thank you to Netgalley, Oceanview Publishing, and Matt Witten for this ARC digital copy.

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The Necklace is a book with good intentions (the intentions give it an extra star), but ultimately it lacks in delivery. It's very pulpy and, at times, implausible. I can suspend my disbelief, especially with crime thrillers, but I can only suspend so much.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ (4.5/5)

This was a book that grabbed me in right away. I was totally invested in the story.

The pacing was solid and the story flowed well

The story definitely gave me the creeps especially in regard to the death of a child, physical abuse and sexual abuse.

The ending wrapped everything up nicely.

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After 20 years, the man convicted of kidnapping and murdering her daughter is to be executed. Susan plans to be there to see him die. She leaves today on the thousand mile drive. She finds evidence that maybe the wrong man was convicted. This story plot and Matt Witten's skillful treatment of a trip that will tear the whole system apart are an awesome read. The pace is fast, no time to waste as Susan investigates her daughter's death and tries to make sense of the actions that drove the police to convict and condemn the wrong man. The end will surprise many.

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The book was archived before our group could download it. We are sure that we would have enjoyed the book judging from the reviews it has received.

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The Necklace by Matt Witten

Susan Lentigo is setting out on a journey from the Adirondacks to North Dakota to witness the execution of the man who raped and murdered Amy, her young daughter, twenty years ago.

Susan and Amy made a necklace with colorful beads just days before the murder. Amy loved the necklace and wore it constantly, vowing to never take it off. The convicted murderer, a man Susan calls The Monster, had confessed to the crime. While there was an admission of guilt Amy's necklace was never found.

Susan’s trip starts badly. She abandons plans of driving her old car and must take a bus. She meets some friendly people, others not so. Money is lost, hope nearly is. Susan is focused on one goal, and that is to get to North Dakota in time for the execution.

With little else to do on her bus ride, Susan thinks about the days surrounding the murder. Conversations with police and FBI investigators, neighbors, family, and friends are revisited. The missing necklace is always on her mind.

Despite herself, Susan begins to wonder if The Monster is truly responsible for Amy’s murder. The closer she gets to North Dakota and the execution, the more doubt she has.

I enjoyed the book, and the latter half was simply unputdownable. Several times I felt as if I were watching a slow-motion crash. I couldn’t look away, even though the suspense in a couple spots was palpable.

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Very well written book. Really enjoyed this author, would definitely read more by this author and recommend on my book IG

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This is a great story with a fantastic strong female character. It is extremely well written and has a great pace.

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This story is rooted in every parent’s worst nightmare – the abduction, rape, and murder of a 7-year-old girl. Susan and Danny were high school sweethearts. They married young and tried to start a family. After several miscarriages, their daughter Amy was born, and she was the light of their lives. But a single miscommunication resulted in someone abducting Amy from her school, and her body was found a couple of days later.

Someone was arrested, charged, and convicted of the crime, and with Susan’s anguished plea to the judge, was sentenced to death.

The book skips back and forth from the events at the time of the crime twenty years earlier to the present when the execution is about to occur. As often happens when a child dies, Susan and Danny have divorced. Susan remained enmeshed in her anger and sorrow, unable to move on with her life. She is determined to travel 1500 miles to witness the execution. Part of her motivation is to ask “The Monster” what he did with Amy’s beaded necklace, which had never been found.

Her journey, arduous and full of unexpected setbacks and encounters with a variety of people, leads her to the suspicion that perhaps the wrong person was convicted. She is desperate to find evidence before the scheduled execution. This journey is the most compelling part of the book, as Susan discovers her own strength in her search for the truth.

Some of the details of Susan’s journey seem beyond belief, but the story is compelling, and with a few twists and turns, comes to a satisfying conclusion.

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"The Necklace" by Matt Witten is a tightly woven thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Witten's writing style is sharp and engaging, drawing readers into a world of mystery and suspense. The intricate plot and well-developed characters add depth to the narrative, creating a compelling reading experience.

One of the book's strengths lies in its ability to keep readers guessing. Witten skillfully constructs a web of intrigue, with unexpected twists and turns that leave readers eager to unravel the truth. The pacing is well-executed, maintaining a sense of tension and urgency throughout the story.

However, some readers may find certain plot points to be a bit far-fetched, requiring a suspension of disbelief. Additionally, the complexity of the narrative may be overwhelming for those seeking a more straightforward thriller.

I was provided an advanced copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Title: "The Necklace" by Matt Witten - A Riveting Psychological Thriller

Rating: ★★★★☆

I had the privilege of reading an advanced reader copy of "The Necklace" by Matt Witten, and I was thoroughly captivated by this gripping psychological thriller. Witten masterfully weaves a tale of suspense and intrigue that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The story centers around the enigmatic Dr. Sheila Tanner, a renowned psychologist who becomes embroiled in a perplexing case when a patient named David Miller presents her with a peculiar necklace. As Sheila delves deeper into the mystery surrounding the necklace's origin and its connection to David's past, the narrative takes unexpected and thrilling twists. Witten's writing is sharp and suspenseful, and he skillfully creates an atmosphere of unease that lingers throughout the book. The characters are well-developed and complex, and their interactions are filled with tension and intrigue. The exploration of psychological trauma and the human psyche adds depth to the narrative, making "The Necklace" a compelling and thought-provoking read.

I am immensely grateful to both NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to delve into this advanced reader copy. "The Necklace" is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers, as it expertly combines suspense, mystery, and psychological depth into a riveting story that will leave you questioning the boundaries of reality and perception.

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This such a good psychological thriller. It's a fast paced read that I had to read in one sitting. I say had to, because I needed to know what happened.

Susan is travelling to the execution of the man that was convicted of her killing her daughter. She has been in
understandable turmoil every since her daughter's brutal death. Although it wasn't easy to be empathetic to her character. She is rude to people and has inappropriate outbursts. She had never moved on in her life, past this horrible trauma. However, she starts having doubts that this man really killed her daughter. The story flips between present day and the past.

This is a dark book with heavy themes. Parts are based on two true crime stories, as the author explains in the back of the book. I could not turn the pages fast enough towards the end.

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Such a tragic story loosely based on two separate real life cases. It’s such a powerful read of getting to the truth. The main character’s pain, frustration and grief was written both superbly and realistically as emotions run raw throughout the book bringing you to a devastating realization of the characters plight and what every parents worst nightmare is. It’s brought to life in this heart wrenching and brilliantly written novel that really encompasses the main characters raw emotions during both the past and present timelines. There were parts that I found really hard to read and was too overwhelming to read I had to pause.

One example was the main character’s horrifying realization when recalling past incidents, could actually mean who she thought was the killer who she is going to see executed could very well be innocent, which I found mind blowing. Such great writing and cemented this novel as a favorite.

Both timelines are very fast paced, which kept me reading through the night. I enjoyed solving things alonside the main character. It was a powerful novel which evoked my own emotions as a mother. It truly was such an amazing and brilliantly written novel that immersed me into a late night reading session when I most certainly should have been sleeping.

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Rounded up from 3.5

The Necklace was a book with a lot of emotion. I wasn’t expecting this. I was expecting a tense thriller with lots of twists and turns and plenty of action. Yes, there were elements of this within the story, but it’s not what made it a good read. In fact, it took over a third of the book for Susan to start suspecting somebody else, and there weren’t so many twists when she does. In terms of action, The Necklace was quite a slow read.

It’s best to read this book if you are looking for emotion; an in-depth look into what it feels like to not just be a mother, but a mother who has lost her child. The author did such a great job building up Susan’s level of despair, not just from what she said or how she acted, but also how she moved, how she dressed, and how she acted around other people. The geographical setting of The Necklace also adds to the atmosphere and I believe this will come across wonderful in film format (apparently it’s in the works!).

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Triggers: Child Assault and Death Penalty/execution details

- the book honestly got me hooked from the first pages, until i wasnt .
it gotten to the point that it has to be combine with two scenes that i couldnt understand and nearly dnf.
Apparently , i tried to finish it and it was worth it the end .

+ thankyou netgalley for the opportunity .


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"The Necklace" by Matt Witten is a gripping and emotionally charged thriller that takes readers on a heart-pounding crusade for justice. Susan Lentigo, a small-town waitress haunted by the murder of her daughter two decades ago, embarks on a road trip from Upstate New York to North Dakota to witness the execution of the man convicted of the crime. However, along the way, she uncovers compelling new evidence that points to the possibility of his innocence and the existence of a still-at-large killer. Determined to save an innocent man and protect another child from harm, Susan finds herself in a race against time.

Witten skillfully builds tension and suspense throughout the novel, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The urgency of Susan's mission is palpable, and her relentless pursuit of justice is both admirable and captivating. The author expertly weaves together multiple plot threads, introducing unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end.

Susan Lentigo is a compelling protagonist who undergoes a powerful transformation throughout the story. Her journey from a grieving mother to a determined fighter is portrayed with depth and authenticity. Witten delves into Susan's emotional turmoil, capturing her pain, resilience, and unwavering love for her daughter. The exploration of Susan's inner strength and her refusal to be silenced by those who doubt her is inspiring and adds an empowering element to the narrative.

The supporting characters in "The Necklace" also leave a lasting impression. The inclusion of a cynical and defiant teenage girl, as well as a retired cop who made the original arrest, adds layers of complexity and depth to the story. The dynamic between these characters and Susan brings an element of camaraderie and unexpected alliances that enrich the narrative.

Witten's writing style is engaging and propels the story forward at a rapid pace. The short, punchy chapters contribute to the book's addictive nature, making it difficult to put down. The author's ability to create vivid and atmospheric settings enhances the overall reading experience, immersing the reader in Susan's journey and the world she traverses.

While the novel offers a thrilling and captivating plot, there are moments when the story relies on convenient coincidences to drive the narrative forward. Some aspects of the plot may stretch the bounds of plausibility, requiring a suspension of disbelief from the reader. Additionally, certain characters could have been further developed to enhance their impact on the story.

In conclusion, "The Necklace" is a gripping thriller that combines heart-pounding suspense, emotional depth, and a quest for justice. Matt Witten delivers a compelling narrative with well-drawn characters and unexpected twists that keep readers engaged until the final pages. Despite a few instances of implausibility, the novel succeeds in delivering a satisfying and thrilling reading experience. Fans of suspenseful and fast-paced thrillers will find themselves immersed in the relentless pursuit for truth and justice within the pages of "The Necklace."

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