Member Reviews

I am conflicted. While overall the story kept my interest enough to keep reading, (much of the time to discover what stupid thing Susan was going to do next,) it was the execution that gave me pause. Many of the situations were unrealistic, and unbelievable. For example, who in their right mind would take out a huge wad of bills, mostly ones, to pay for a cross country bus trip? And there was the chipper public relations woman who led Susan and company through a narrated “tour” of the prison as if she were a guide at some famous tourist attraction. In addition much of the dialog was stilted and the novel rarely showed us what was happening but told us instead. These factors prevented this story from being the winner it should have been. Thanks to Netgalley and Oceanview Publishing for giving me an advance e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book. It started off a smidge slow for me, but one Susan started suspecting someone else of murdering her daughter I flew through this book. This is one of those mysteries that you cannot get out of your head and cannot put down. Witten does an excellent job of messing with your emotions, and your mind, as the theories circulate about who is actually responsible for the murder. I stayed up late just to finish this so that I could have a resolution.

I highly recommend this book if you're looking for a quick read or a mystery to keep you glued to the pages up until the last word. Would make a great beach read!

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Title: #TheNecklace
By: #MattWitten
Source: #NetGalley
Read on: Kindle Paperwhite
Published by: #OceanviewPublishing
Pub Date: 07 Sep 2021
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers
Rating: 4/5
Trigger Warnings: A death of a minor, Sexual assault, Child abuse

Thank you #Netgalley and #OceanviewPublishing for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review! Thank you to #MattWitten as well for writing this gripping and unputdownable book.

The necklace is a page turner mystery thriller that pulls the readers in right from the very first page down to the last few seconds of the story.

After twenty years Susan has never felt at peace even when her daughter's "killer" was behind bars and it was probably because of her motherly instincts. She knew deep in her heart that the man that was about to be executed wasn't the one who killed her little girl. Now that the execution date is near it was now up to her to find the real killer of her daughter.

Although personally the story was quite predictable, and I felt like I've read some books & seen movies with similar stories/themes to this story, I was still captured by Susan's quest to finding justice for the death of her daughter. I couldn't stop reading the book (thank goodness for voice over kindle feature) even while I was doing adulting stuff, I was still listening to the story. I was just so desperate to find out more about Susan's journey. Matt Witten did a great job in taking us along the main character's "adventure" (as how Susan's mother would put it). I felt like I was right beside her the whole time. The way the book ended was rather unsurprising, but it was still enjoyable nevertheless.

My rating is a 4/5 because of its predictability. However, even if most of the things in the story were quite obvious, that didn't stop me from reading it. It was still a quick mystery read (so quick that I finished it in just a few hours). Oh, it was a plus as well that Matt Witten added in a "Filipino" bouncer (Lol) in the story. I always like it when there's a mention of Filipinos in the books that I read. I recommend it to people who are seeking for a speedy read.

So once again, thank you to NETGALLEY and Oceanview Publishing for this advanced readers copy. This review is unbiased though and my own opinion.

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I have mixed feelings about The Necklace. It started out super slow for me. It just didn't grab me. It didn't even seem like a thriller at first, just a woman heading to watch the execution of her daughter's murderer. I'm glad I stuck with it though because it quickly became a hunt for who the actual murderer was on Susan's hunch.

By the middle of the book, I couldn't put it down. I needed to know what was going to happen next. I was so engrossed in the story. Susan started out seeming so meek and mild, and suddenly she proved to the readers, and even to herself, her own strength and the importance of trusting your gut.

The ending snuck up quickly. I felt it was a bit rushed and definitely predictable, but still told a very

Overall, it was a good book and I'm glad I took the chance on this book I've never heard of before.

Thank you to Netgalley and Oceanview Publishing for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.
3.5 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing this book for an honest review. The book starts as Susan is starting a road trip to see the execution of the man convicted of raping and murdering her daughter. The trip is a disaster from the beginning. This book has twists and turns that you don't see coming. This is one of the best thrillers I have read. The ending just blew me away. You don't want to miss this one!!

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Despite the plot being a little bit predictable and characters who tend to err on the side of overwrought, I really enjoyed this book. Had the Tokyo Olympic games on TV not interfered, in fact (I'm a die-hard fan), there's no doubt I'd have polished the whole thing off in two sittings or less. In part, I suppose, that's because it taps into the nightmares of any mother.

It was that kind of heartbreak that happened to Susan Lentigo and her husband Danny 20 years ago, when their young daughter Amy went missing one day in Glens Falls, New York. Soon thereafter, their worst fears were confirmed: Amy's body turns up. The killer is nowhere to be found, nor is the beaded necklace Susan and Amy made that Amy wore around her neck every single day. Later, though, a suspect is identified; he confesses, and despite a subsequent recant, he's convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection.

Fast-forward to the present as Susan - who's long been divorced from Danny - makes her way to North Dakota to witness the murderer's execution. Most of the story focuses on the tribulations of her journey (which, trust me, are plentiful) with chapters flipping back to the time of the murder to add background and insert Susan's recollections of what was going on at that time. During her in-the-here-and-now trek to the prison, though, she unearths evidence that rouses her suspicion that the wrong person may have been found guilty. Now, instead of deriving satisfaction at watching the life of a man she's hated all these years come to a welcome end, she's intent on finding out who really killed Amy and, ultimately, preventing a wrongful death.

Needless to say, there are some twists and turns along the way, and the whole thing comes down to a nail-biting end as I expected. It was a thoroughly engaging adventure, but I'd be remiss if I didn't note one potentially serious glitch: at one point, a person in law enforcement hands a half-empty bottle of liquor to a character who is about to get into a car and drive. I know the laws in my home state, but just in case I checked New York's as well. And yes, there, too, drivers and passengers in cars are prohibited from possessing a container of alcohol that's been opened. So readers, please do not try this at home (and on the off-chance that you run into a clueless officer like the one in this story who tries to give you one, Just Say No).

All in all, well done - and many thanks to the publisher, via NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review a pre-release copy. If you read it, see if you agree with me that this one has the makings for a terrific motion picture (or perhaps a TV series).

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Somehow I was not able to finish this book. I rarely DNF a book, however this is one of the rare occasions. It just didn’t catch me.
I was not able to go past the first few chapters. The story starts with a mother, and the town she lives in, raising money to go the the execution of the man who killed her child.

I like a good mystery thriller just as much as the next girl, but this one was too slow for me. Maybe it was the main character, she is so much older than me, I just couldn’t relate..?

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book .

This book worked for me. It seems like more and more we are hearing about people who have been wrongfully charged and convicted and to be on death row when you are innocent is absolutely appalling. Susan's daughter was murdered 20 years ago. This book flips back and forth between past and present to tell us what led up to the disappearance and murder of 7 year old Amy. When Susan decides to watch the execution of the convicted murderer who had previously recanted his original confession and claimed his innocence ever since, we are suddenly given some evidence that may prove he is, in fact, truly innocent.

The necklace is not only the title of the book, but also a key piece of evidence. Susan and Amy handcrafted this necklace together with special beads that Amy, herself, picked out. This necklace was on Amy when she went missing and was never located.

Although somewhat predictable, it was still a fairly fast-paced and enjoyable read.

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Wow! What a ride! Literally, the main character (and just plain badass), Susan Lentigo, is on the road to witness the execution of the man convicted of raping and murdering Amy, her daughter. Let’s just say things don’t go smoothly.
Susan questions the generosity of strangers and the credibility of the ones dearest to her.
I read this book in one sitting and it didn’t disappoint!
The Necklace has all of the twists and turns you could possibly want and more. The dialogue and subject matter is honest and raw. Five stars!
This book is loosely based on a true story and has been optioned for film with Leonardo DiCaprio attached as producer. I can understand why.
It’s definitely one of the best thrillers of 2021 and it will stay with you long after reading. Thanks to NetGalley, Oceanview Publishing, and Matt Witten for the ARC! Available September 7, 2021. #NetGalley #TheNecklace

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Well researched, well written, intriguing story. The plot line revolves around the abduction, rape and murder of a young child and the decades long efforts of the mother to ensure the perpetrator pays the ultimate price for the crime.

So far, so simple, but the story veers. Into murky waters as the mother travels to witness the execution of the muderer. We are somewhat suddenly thrust into the situation of “ why did he do it” to “ whodunnit “.. The resolution is deftly dealt with and although it might seem fanciful
it seems that the novel was inspired by real events.

Well worth a read.

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I just read and reviewed The Necklace by Matt Witten. I could not put this book down. The author draws you in quickly. A mother trying to get to North Dakota to watch the execution of the man found guilty of murdering her daughter and the things she learns on her way. Is she crazy? He confessed right so it has to be him.

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Amazing book!

What if you thought you knew exactly who had murdered your precious daughter and you were finally going to see justice done but on the way to the execution you learn things that change everything you "know" to be true about who and what happened to your daughter?

Dang, this was SO good.

Thank you to the publisher for gifting me a copy. It was my pleasure to write an honest review.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. More than twenty years ago, Susan's young daughter was killed. A man in jail is to be executed for the crime. As rhe date fir the execution grows nearer, Susan has doubts that he's the killer. This book kept me guessing.

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What a very interesting story. Well written and hooked me in.
Did the man on death row really kill Amy? That is what her mother is worried about on the long trip to north dakota to witness the execution.
Will she find out the truth and get evidence needed.
Well worth the read.

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Thank you to Oceanview Publishing and Netgalley for my early copy. This book will be published 9/7.

I had a really hard time with this one. The writing style felt very YA but the subject matter was quite the opposite. The story couldn't keep my attention the way it was executed. It was like a second hand account and train of thought dialogue instead of being shown the story. This one was just not for me but other readers seemed to enjoy it!

Susan Lentigo's daughter was murdered twenty years ago and now, she's headed on a road trip to witness the killer's execution. On her journey she discovers shocking new evidence that leads her to suspect the condemned man is innocent—and the real killer is still free. Even worse, her prime suspect has a young daughter who's at terrible risk. With no money and no time to spare, Susan sets out to uncover the truth before an innocent man gets executed and another little girl is killed.

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Twenty years ago Susan and Danny experienced the tragic loss of their 7 year old daughter. Now divorced and Danny has moved away, Susan, has been fund raising so she can attend the execution of the man who murdered her daughter. Can she forgive him and herself for the events that led up to Amy’s death.
This was a solid read told from a then and now POV which helped to see how much Susan had lost as a person and her relationship.
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Twenty years after the murder of her daughter, the man who murdered her seven-year-old daughter will be put to death.

Susan is on her way to the execution and begins to panic because something she saw may prove that this man is innocent and the real killer is still out there.

Could she be correct, though? All the evidence pointed to him, so how could the wrong man have been in jail all these years?

Susan did not have a smooth trip so maybe she is just imagining what she saw. Her money was stolen, her car broke down, and she isn't sure she will make it in time to save this man.

We re-live the nightmare of the trial as well as present day.

Mr. Witten’s writing style flowed smoothly, and the story line kept my interest even though the book was tense with some upsetting situations.

You will be with Susan and feel her anxiety and her questioning herself about if she is right.

A nice twist at the end. 5/5

This book was given to me by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book gave me so much anxiety - in a way that thrillers should - but there should be a sexual abuse trigger warning ⚠️ because some graphic language is used throughout this book.

Twenty years ago, Susan’s 7-year-old daughter, Amy, was taken from her school and murdered. Now Susan is on her way to the execution of the man who killed her. When Amy was murdered, she had been wearing a beaded necklace that she and Susan had made, and more than wanting to watch the life be taken from the man who took her child’s, Susan hopes 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 will tell her the whereabouts of that necklace. However, the more time she spends obsessing over that awful time in her life, the less the “facts” add up, and Susan starts to believe that she may be on her way to an innocent man’s execution. But will she get there in enough time to state her beliefs? And if she gets there, will anyone listen?

I could not put this book down! I was quite invested in these characters and their story. As a mom of a girl about the same age as Amy, this book brought my worst nightmare to life - which is one of the reasons I think I had to power through it. Even as I was driving home from work, I had to call my boyfriend to discuss my thoughts on this book because I could not wrap my head around who had done it.

Susan was an excellent female protagonist. She was intuitive and smart and she went after what she believed in, no matter the personal struggles it caused for her. I am actually happy that the book ended with her getting a happy ending because that woman deserved it! As for the rest, I can’t say that I never saw the ending coming because I 𝘥𝘪𝘥 have an inkling about Amy’s murder, but it was so absurd that I didn’t want to believe it. I was racing through the last half of his book because I had to know what was going to happen next! In the end, it all came down to Amy’s beaded necklace 🐬

A big thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with a copy of The Necklace to review. This book is available September 7 and if you’re looking for a fast-paced, quick-read thriller, I recommend this book!

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An emotional and taut page-turner. Susan's road trip to North Dakota to attend the execution of the man convicted of killing her daughter comes with surprise twists and traumatic flashbacks to the events surrounding her daughter's death. As Susan's doubts begin to creep in about whether or not the right person was convicted, she becomes torn between what she thought she knew to be the truth and the need to obtain justice for her daughter and possibly even for the man convicted of killing her. I was on the edge of my seat, particularly as the race against the clock began. Susan's resilience in the face of so many obstacles, and her gut-wrenching emotions, made her a compelling character, even if the subject matter and graphic depictions of the crime, investigation, and death row made this book hard for me to read at times. Secondary characters, like Kyra, were also well fleshed out and compelling. Fast-paced and well written. I liked the very satisfying Epilogue and the Author's Note where Matt Witten details the real-life events that inspired this book. I understand this book has been optioned for a movie, and I can see it translating well to that format.

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This book was interesting from the get-go. It was fast-paced, intriguing, and well-written. I think the idea of second-guessing whether or not the person accused of murdering your young daughter actually did it is what drew me in initially. From there, the story just kept me on my toes. A wonderful thriller.

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