Member Reviews

I loved the idea of this book, what if the wrong man was convicted. It is a very real issue that has happened in real life. I like books that go from the past and the present. I liked Susan, the mother, and the struggles\ adventures she had on the way. I like the doubt that was sowed into the narrative. Both the doubt for if the man convicted, Curt Jansen did it, and the doubt for if her ex husband did it. The pacing of this book was well done. I also liked Kyra, although she was an unexpected addition, she added to the story. I especially liked how you didn’t have a definitive answer to the very end. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

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After the initial pages, I found myself not connecting with the story or characters, so I decided to pass on this book. Did not finish

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Firstly I really liked the author's writing style and found it very descriptive and catches the emotions very well. Another plus point for me is the strong female led story. There were many likeable and not so likeable characters in the novel and very enjoyable read. Definitely recommend it.

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This was a heck of a read from start to finish and will leave you breathless, for sure, in a good way. A horrific murder of daughter and mother's search for justice and mysterious necklace that is a clue. I like that the mother is based on a real person and the teenage girl that helps was based on the author (what?!), that just makes this story even better. This was a quick read given the content but was well written and I will definitely be reading more from Matt Witten in the future.

Highly recommended! Mostly suspense/thriller with a touch of historical fiction. LOVED IT! Buying this at publishing.

Thanks to Netgalley, Matt Witten and Oceanview Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Available: 9/7/21

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I was contacted by Mr. Witten to review this very gripping and intense novel about a mother's quest for getting closure for her young daughter's brutal murder.

After twenty years of waiting for justice, Susan Lentigo raises money to take a trip to North Dakota where the Monster who murdered her baby will be executed. On the way, her old car breaks down, she is robbed of her money, and after visiting her ex-husband who left her and began a new life soon after their loss, she discovers something that places doubts in her mind about her crusade to see the Monster die. But time is not on her side.

Susan's story smoothly switches from the present to the past as the reader slowly finds out the tragedy that led up to Susan's trip to North Dakota. From the death of her daughter, Amy, to the search for suspects, to the conviction of the Monster, and to the doubts raised by Amy's favorite necklace that was never found, my heart breaks for Susan as her guilt and grief eat her alive. With the kindness of strangers and the help of retired FBI Agent Pappas who was part of the original investigation, she is in a race against time to provide evidence that will break the case wide open.

Susan's unending determination against all odds makes for a powerful story. There are a couple of unbelievable spots such as breaking into the home and being pursued by a man with a gun in the middle of the night without consequences and Susan's sudden aha moment in the end, but the story held me captive from the start.

I recommend this riveting murder thriller countdown with family dysfunctionality and corrupt criminal justice systems. Triggers include child abuse, graphic violence, and descriptions of public execution.

Thank you to Mr. Witten for giving me the opportunity to review this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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This is the first book that I’ve read from Matt Witten and I absolutely loved it!

This book is a real page turner and it will have you hooked from beginning to end.

Great characters, Susan’s determination to find the real killer is admirable and I love that she is based on a real person. It made me laugh too that the teenage girl is based on the writer. You’ll love her character!

I also think it would have been so great to hear from the killer and his motive behind it. It would have tied up the book perfectly.

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Great story, highly recommend for Thriller genre fans that that takes them on quite the journey to get justice. Will be purchasing for library.

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Trigger Warnings: Death of a minor girl, abuse.

To begin with, I must say that this novel actually managed to overwhelm me in bits & pieces. Some transpired to be too interesting, while some didn't make much sense. The end, where all the built-up sentiments were supposed to pop, didn't actually blast for me. The peak simply arrived & left, offering no huge impression at all.

The account is packed with emotions & parents with little kids (particularly daughters) are sure to get extra moved. The protagonist's trip assuredly wasn't easy & I had tears when reading most of the touching pieces. The past-present story-narration was a great concept by the writer & it had me hooked. The novel held a great pace from the start, explaining in detail the surroundings, character's styles & all that's needed in a fiction thriller/suspense.

The book's title is quite apt, representing the crux of the tale. It is not only the lead who's on a ride in quest of truth; the author makes sure that you too are traveling beside her, cruising by all her emotions.

I want to thank NetGalley, publisher Oceanview Publishing & author Matt Witten for an e-ARC of this title in exchange for my review.

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This book was hard for my mama heart. Seven-year-old Amy was raped and murdered. It’s 20 years later and her mama is trying to afford a trip to see the man convicted get executed. As she makes her way to the execution, she starts questioning if they got the right man.

Though this book was incredibly difficult to read as a mom of girls, it was soooo good. Guys, I choose to not watch the Bachelorette and finish this book instead. That’s how much I had to find out what happened next. 🥀

If you’re a fan of thrillers or the justice system, then this is a book for you!

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A fast paced thriller with a nail biting finish. The suspense is not in the who but in proving the guilt. The whole plot is built beautifully around the necklace. Only the mother comes out more as unhinged than tough. Excellent.

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4.5 Stars from me

Bloody hell this was impossible to put down!

An unpleasant storyline but one hell of a read - The Necklace will keep you reading into the wee small hours as you will simply have to know the truth.

Hats off to Susan Lentigo and her sheer determination and drive to know the truth and be sure that the right person pays the price for her daughter's death.

As if this lady hasn't suffered enough, life just keeps on throwing sh** at her! But she is persistent and dogged in her quest and she has enough wits and charm about her to make sure that she succeeds.

Absolute epic read that I devoured in one sitting on a grey and rainy Sunday.

Thank you Matt Witten - great book!

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Susan Lentigo’s daughter was murdered 20 years ago. She travels from Upstate New York to North Dakota to witness the killer’s execution. She discovers new evidence that the condemned man is innocent and the real killer is free. The prime suspect has a young daughter who is at risk. Susan must act quickly before his daughter is killed. Susan battles the FBI to put the real killer behind bars. Will she win justice for the condemned man—and her daughter—at last? Matt Witten has written an unforgettable read with believable characters and a fast-paced twisty plot. I will be reading Witten's Jacob Burns Mystery series which I own and highly recommend this book if you enjoy mystery books. I would like to thank NetGalley and Oceanview Publishers for a free copy for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the combination of flashback and present day scenes in this thriller. I felt the characters were well rounded and I became invested in their relationships. While it was not the most exciting thriller I have read, there was a good amount of plot twists to keep my interest.

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#TheNecklace #NetGalley
The author writes a captivating narrative about Susan Lentigo's endeavour to see justice served after she realizes that the man imprisoned and on death row for her young daughter's rape and murder is not actually guilty. The story is deeply rooted in reality throughout, except the part before the conclusion where Susan <spoiler> convinces the ex Special Agent Pappas to reopen her daughter's case <spoiler>. That part seemed a little forced to suit the story's narrative and the following conclusion. I found the story heart-warming regardless of the dark subject atter it deals with.

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A very good read.
I found the beginning of the story narrative hard to get into, that is the reason for the three stars. I came close to putting it down, but I kept going and the narrative of the story got better. I’m glad I continued because it was very interesting and different than your run of the mill stories.
Why after twenty years, when you have demanded the death penalty of the man who killed your daughter and have waited so long for it to come to fruition, would you suddenly think he is innocent?
As Susan is on her way to witness the execution, after a terrible run of bad luck, she stumbles upon something that makes her believe the accused is actually innocent.
Well worth reading, I just had trouble at the start, but that’s just me,.
Actually as an after thought, maybe it does deserve 4 stars.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for an eARC of this book

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Wow, one day to read, usually takes about a week, but this book is so absorbing I could not put it down. The tale of the man that murdered and raped a young girl. And a mother fight to make sure the right man faces execution. Her story is so compelling that you want to be with her cheering her along. The death of her daughter changes her life in so many different ways. Thank you for letting me read this arc.

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Things haven’t been easy for Susan; it never is when you lose a child.

She’s barely scraping by, but she is determined to be at the execution of the man who murdered her daughter. It is through that determination that the story unfolds. The story is written in alternating timelines, The Necklace is a book that hooks the reader from the start.

The Necklace is a HUGE page-turner, which I enjoyed reading!

Thank you NetGalley for the arc of this book!

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This was an awesome read. Fast-paced but still well developed. Definitely a thriller. I have already recommended to friends!

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This was such an interesting read although not entirely captivating to start with. I found it a bit slow and more about the need prison reform rather than the plot. I think a lot of people will love that about the book but I look for very plot driven books. The ending was fast paced and wonderful however. It was a hard emotional read which I think I struggled with.
Because of the last half ish of the book I did really enjoy it and the ending was brilliant.

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Twenty years ago, Susan Lentigo's daughter was murdered and now she is on her way to North Dakota to witness the killer's execution. Shockingly, she discovers new information that could mean the killer is innocent. Spellbinding and fast paced, this is one ride you won't want to miss!

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