Member Reviews

Thanks to #NetGalley, publisher and author for allowing me to read this advanced reader’s copy in return for a fair and honest review.

This was a fascinating book that had me gripped from the start right until the end. It had mystery, unanswered questions, grief and a lot of despair. I felt like I was going through the same emotions as Susan. Difficult reading at points but highly recommend.

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Great book. Highly recommend and will most defiantly read more by this author and suggest to others!

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Pretty good read! I really liked the main character and was rooting for her. The short chapters that switched between present and 20 years ago kept me on the edge of my seat. I would have liked an epilogue to explain more about the motive for killing but otherwise it was a great thriller with twists and turns.

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This was such a well told story! I was unsure about what direction it was going from the start, but I really enjoyed the alternating timelines and the countdown to the execution. I did feel like the end result was a little far-fetched and unbelievable, but sometimes those kinds of stories are okay. As someone who works in an aspect of the criminal justice system, it is so terrifying to think of the system getting things wrong, but it definitely happens. This story is tense and nerve-wracking all the way through, and there is quite a bit of triggering subject matter, but I really did enjoy this book more than I thought I would and I absolutely would read more from this author.

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It had been twenty years since Susan Lentigo’s seven-year-old daughter had been found, raped and dead in a wood. Susan had never forgiven her mother for the terrible mix up that ended in no one going to pick her daughter up from school. Then Susan's husband had abandoned her six months after the murder because she had a mental breakdown, as he couldn’t cope with her. She had waited all these years for the man who killed her daughter to be executed, and now that time had arrived.

Susan still worked in the same diner that she had done all those years ago, and so the town had a fundraiser to get her enough money to face this man one more time and ask him to tell her where her daughters necklace was. The neckless, they had both chosen the beads and animals for and made not long before her murder. The killer’s trophy.

What an incredible story this is! It seemed right from the start that obstacles were being thrown in her way to stop her from getting to her final destination. She had started out in her beaten up old car, the one her daughter travelled to school in with her, but not long into the trip, and the car couldn’t give anymore. The only other way was to get the bus as a flight was too costly. The journey was huge, from Upstate New York to North Dakota with so many bus changes and stopovers before she would be there. But she faced hardship from the first bus station when her money was stolen, while she slept.

The journey is so incredible and will push her past every limit it possibly could, but sometimes things happen for a reason, that we don’t know at the time. It just seems like life only throws some people bad things all of the time. Her journey crosses many people, all very different, and yet it seems that they were meant to meet. There was a reason, and it kept pushing to an unthinkable possibility.

It is one hell of a top read, one of my best this year, and there have been some great books. I can’t recommend this story enough. It will stop your heart at times until you can remember to breathe. It will break you and put you back together. Highly recommended.
I wish to thank the publisher and Net Galley for an e-copy of this book, which I have reviewed honestly.

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This book was not my cup of tea. It took me forever to finish it. I had to keep putting it down because I got bored with it and had to go and read another book. Overall, this book wasn't my type of book that gripped me, but it could for someone else. I gave it two stars.

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A mother’s worst nightmare, her child murdered. The guilty party behind bars, justice served or is it?
Susan has no money but her town rallied together to fund her trip to finally see her daughter’s killer be executed 20 years later. She is poor, yet determined and resourceful. Ready to move on and see justice served until doubt creeps in. The crazy adventure on her cross road trip, leading this penniless mother to become resourceful. Crazy to see what she goes through to make sure the right person is punished and stopped before another young girl is lost.
Filled with adventure and a mother’s determination for justice to put the right man behind bars. Susan will stop at nothing and seeks help from some interesting characters along the way. All leading up to the shocking jawdropping ending that leaves you wondering what this author will come up with next!

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Excellent, well written, good pace and keeps you up all night reading! I loved this and would reccomend it.

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This story is much more then a thriller, it is filled with loss and grief. You never really know the people around you. A few of the scenes had me suspending belief but this was still enjoyable.

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I finished reading The Necklace within a couple of days; the story kept me interested and I wanted to know who the murderer was.
I liked how the story was told in alternating chapters between present day and 20 years ago, as it slowly helped to reveal the secrets and mystery surrounding 7 year-old Amy's murder.
The main character, Susan (Amy's mother) is one I couldn't quite warm to for some reason, she felt a little fake and over-the-top with her actions.
There were parts to the story that I thought were far-fetched. For example, I found it hard to believe that Susan wouldn't call a friend or family member to borrow some money from, and instead took her chances on scoring a free meal here and there.
I also found the ending a little bit unbelievable; it could've worked better if the writer perhaps didn't leave it til the last minute. I can't elaborate further than that as it may spoil it for others. Overall, this was an enjoyable read and I'd recommend it for those who enjoy a good thriller or murder mystery. 3 1/2 stars

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I finally finished this book and I just didn't like it. I found it boring and not at all like I thought it was going to be. The characters annoyed me but the writing was quite good.

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We join a mother on her journey to the execution of her daughters killer. It’s a difficult journey in more ways than one after the mother raises enough funds to make the long trip. We are told of the initial search and then loss of the daughter, this helped me to understand more of the feelings that our main character experiences. We aren’t given a one dimensional character, but someone who has had a hard life. I felt her pain, anguish, and frustration. It’s a good read, but note that the subject of abuse and murder of a child is difficult to read about.

The only issue I have looking back at this story line is that it seems to be pretty improbable that someone would experience the multitudes of difficulties our main character does. However, while I read the book this never occurred to me as I was totally invested in the journey.

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Did he or didn't he do it? Twenty years ago Susan's daughter was murdered and on the way to witness the killer's execution, she finds evidence that he may not be the murderer after all. Susan must now convince the FBI to reopen the case, which they are refusing to do. This book kept me on the edge of my seat and it was hard for me to put down. I found myself wanting answers as much as Susan wanted answers. I will definitely recommend this book!

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This thriller really got me out of my comfort zone! Our main character is traveling across country to witness the execution of the man who killed her 7 year old daughter years ago. Along the way, she begins to doubt he is the killer. What if he is innocent and the real killer is still free out in the world? Strong lead, well written, difficult subject matter, almost too dark at times, corrupted justice. Some areas are far-fetching. Thank you, Matt Witten, Netgalley, and Oceanview publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Published 9/7/21.

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this was an enjoyable thriller novel, it would definitely make a good film. The characters were great and I enjoyed going through the mystery.

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This book takes you on a wild ride and it was so captivating. Witten did a great job at making you doubt the main character but also your own instincts as a reader. What a great novel!

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It takes a lot out of your life when someone close to you is murdered. It doesn’t help if you don’t believe the man convicted of that murder is guilty, and your family and friends do. Usually in these types of books the protagonist has access to large amounts of money to solve the mystery but in this story that’s not the case. It’s a good whodunnit with little bits of info doled out quietly. Enjoy!

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After waiting 20 years for her daughter's killer to be executed, Susan is all in to attend the Monster's big day. Friends have helped with the funds to get her there, and she is on her way. Only one spontaneous action on the way changes everything.

A great read - intense, fast and keeps you on the edge of your seat!

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Susan’s seven-year-old daughter was raped and murdered 20 years ago, and justice in the form of execution will finally be served. Or will it? This story was interesting and gripping, and the fact that it’s based off true events was what really made this book compelling. However, I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I wanted to. Susan - who I had a huge amount of sympathy for - was impulsive and quick to blame, and was her own downfall. If her past wasn’t so heartbreaking I would have disliked her character more. My biggest issue with this book though was the number of out of this world coincidences that just so happened to fall into place. And that extremely unbelievable ending. It was predictable, but the way everything unfolded had me rolling my eyes. Overall if the story had been more plausible and Susan’s character more likeable, this could have received a higher rating from me.

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This story tore me up. I was devastated for this mother and everything she had to go through and then when the twist happened… wow. I was so angry on her behalf. Very well written and I will definitely be far more of a helicopter mom than I already am.

I received an ARC, but my opinions are all mine.

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