Member Reviews

The Necklace is based on a disturbing, chilling event the author reveals in the foothills of the Adirondacks, names and circumstances are different, but the loss of a child at the hands of a rapist and murderer defines this story. Without stories as these, we can sink our head in the sand as if it doesn’t exist, but the author brought out the anger of a desperate mom to brand the hurt many share. The language was explicit and at times unbearable, but an honest reaction I’m sure.

With a corrupt criminal justice system, we witness an innocent man convicted while a murderer runs among us. As The mother, Susan, travels to watch the killer’s execution 20 years after the gruesome death of her 7 year old daughter, she comes to grip with her hurt and pain to unveil the truth that he may be innocent. With time against her and a multitude of roadblocks, she meets with the detective that helped convict him to clear his name.

The title is remnant of a little girl at the beginning of the story excited about her shopping excursion with her mom to create a necklace of beads. The necklace is a key element to the story’s plot, so I won’t give it away. It’s slow to start, but the alternating past and present leads you less than perfectly to the end.
Thanks NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I wanted to like this book, but really didn't. It was too dark for me. I actually usually like dark and twisted books (I love John Locke who is the most twisted author out But this was not only a dark story, the mood was heavy and dark. And I did NOT like the main character. The mother of a child who was murdered - how can you not have sympathy for her? But I didn't. And I felt like the rest of the town characters were just as dark and depressing.

The writing was really well done. I certainly could picture the mother and the world that this took place in. I felt the tension literally while reading it. But for me personally, it wasn't a good tension. It felt like a cloudy drizzly day with not even a good cleansing thunderstorm.

I do want to thank the author, the publisher and #netgalley for the ARC which did not impact my review.

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What if the worst tragedy imaginable struck and your little girl was taken from you? You spend years believing the man responsible was behind bars and soon will receive justice for his misdeeds. And what if, suddenly, you begin to question everything you had ever believed and start to think the man you have loathed and hated is not the one truly responsible? And, what if you think you know who is responsible and it not what you ever expected?

How far would you go to correct this mistake? That is exactly what The Necklace is all about. Tragedy causes the mind to think unthinkable things and be willing to do unthinkable and unspeakable things. Grief often overcomes us in the wake of tragedy. As humans, we often make mistakes and others are forced to pay for them. Witten looks at all of this in The Necklace and also asks the reader to ask themselves the same questions. What would you be willing to do and how far would you be willing to go to save an innocent person, wrongly accused?

The Necklace is mysterious, suspenseful, heart pumping and heart warming. At times it will make you hold your breath and your heart race. The Necklace is a hunt for truth that you will find you must know and you won't want to put it down.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for allowing me to read this!

I was instantly intrigued by the synopsis of this book. This book instantly drew me in, I got to explore through the eyes of our main character and this is always my favorite way to discover these details of the story and, it was done very well in this book. I really enjoyed this book and the plot. This author did amazing. I loved the writing style.

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I normally struggle to hold interest in a book where I don't like the main character but not even the god-awful Susan Lentigo was able to stop me from enjoying this one! Great storyline that kept me hooked and in a near permanent state of anxiety. I would have really liked to have known the circumstances around why Amy was killed but, that aside, it was a great story. Highly recommend reading it.

A very strong 4 stars.

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This book is dark! If you enjoy the super dark Karin Slaughter type books then you will enjoy this one. I think it’s probably a bit much for most people, but it kept me reading!

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Dark read that was quite heavy. Even though I read the summary and knew the general idea I wasn't prepared for how dark it got. I did enjoy the fast pace plot and the characters, including a cast of badass courageous women but overall just wasn't my fav, the pace was fast but the twists were a let down.

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This book is really dark. I also found it heavy to read. I nearly didn't finish it.

It definitely took me way out of my comfort zone. It is heart rendering. It pushes the boundaries. When you close your eyes it may even haunt your dreams. It's not for everyone.

The book is about a mother who has waited 20 years for the murderer of her young daughter to be sentenced to death. As I said earlier it grips you in a way that surprises you. You feel the pain and emotion. And yes it go's places I'd rather it didn't.


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This book had me feeling every emotion but in a good way. The Necklace is a gritty gripping thriller with characters real enough that you can almost feel what they are feeling at any given moment as well as sympathize with them. It's definitely a must read.

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I enjoyed this story but I could not stand the foul mouthed main character, Susan who was the mother of the murdered and raped daughter. This book could have some minor trigger warnings as well

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I had a really hard time with this book. While I found this one to be a fast paced read, I was deeply disturbed by the direction this story took.

Susan daughter was murdered twenty years ago and in present day she's heading to North Dakota to witness the killer's execution. On her long road trip she begins having major doubts that the real killer is still out there and that an innocent man is about to pay the price. But Susan is broke and running out of time. Can Susan stop this execution and make sure the killer is finally held responsible?

This premise had potential, but the dark turn this one took truly left me sick to my stomach. Child sexual abuse is never something I want to read about but when it is taken to another level for shock value- I just can’t recommend others read this. Thanks NetGalley for this advance reading copy.

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Susan Lentigo is looking for justice of the brutal murder of her seven year old daughter twenty years ago. But after meeting several obstacles on her way to the execution in South Dakota she begins to suspect the killer isn't who was convicted of the crime. It's a fast paced race to justice with not a minute to spare.

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This was the first book that I have read from this author. I found it to be a good average, basic mystery. Not a lot of suspense. The basic foundation I found rather lacking and the outcomes rather flat and unbelievable. In addition, it was rather difficult to relate to the main character who was totally lacking in personality or intelligence.

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Driven by the death of her daughter to witness the execution of her daughters killer . Her journey reveals new evidence that could clear the condemned man. The only hitch no one is willing to dig deeper and help her . That is until she goes to the officer first assigned to her case and a teen symbolic of all teen anger. With few resources it’s up to this trio to right the wrong done so long ago.

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I really enjoyed this book. The main character just can’t catch a break through the whole book so you watch her struggle through financial, mental, and physical hurdles. Some of the possibility of the plot points are questionable but I find that’s the norm in many murder mystery/domestic thriller type books like this one. Regardless of the unbelievable plot points, the book is a really fun read and moves along very quickly. It was over before I knew it but had a perfect ending IMO.

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This was an exciting and twisted story! I loved that a mother's need for justice kickstarts this story! It was hard to put this one down!

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A good mystery that had several twists and turns. I read the whole thing in one sitting because I needed to know what was coming up! I enjoyed this one.

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Emotional, grabbing thriller about the pending execution of a convicted man for the brutal raping and strangling of her young daughter, Amy. The devastated girls’ mother, Susan, many years later still a struggling and grieving waitress in rural New York, scrapes together savings and money from a local bar-fundraiser to enable her to travel to North Dakota to witness the execution. Susan’s hoping for closure on this tragic chapter in her life and sees the death penalty as the final deliverance of justice.

Along the way, amidst constant travel set-backs, Susan keeps ruminating over the circumstances of the gruesome crime and the killer. And in doing so, she begins to question all her assumptions about the investigation and starts to focus on puzzling clues that don’t quite add up. Susan, overwrought and guilty in the face of failing to protect her young vulnerable daughter, brings emotional instability to her inner dialogue as she wrestles with potential alternative scenarios for what may have happened to Amy. There’s also intense reflection and wrestling takes on the death penalty, which seem particularly coming from an impoverished, small time Mom whose life has been ruined by this crime.

Add into the mix Robert, a dashing and protective retired federal agent who’s still haunted by the case, Kyra, a sympathetic rebellious young fellow traveler, Lisa, the convicted man’s passionate loyal sister, and Susan’s ex-husband Danny who’s remarried and stand-offish, and the plot starts to boil and bubble into a crescendo of tension.

Plan to stay up late for the over-the-top plot twists that rush in at the end.

Pick up this now in anticipation of the feature film version that’s been optioned and includes
Leonardo DiCaprio as a producer.

Thanks to Netgalley for an advance reader’s copy.

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This was a quick read with an interesting plot that kept me gripped. I can see why it’s been optioned.

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I couldn’t imagine being in Susan Lentigo’s shoes. Twenty years have passed since her young daughter was raped and murdered, and now it’s time to face her killer as he is executed. But what if they convicted the wrong man?

New evidence has led Susan down a rabbit hole while on her journey from Upstate New York to North Dakota, and she discovers another young girl may be in danger. Susan is determined to uncover the truth of what really happened to her daughter, but her own mother and the FBI think she is just being emotional. It isn’t until she befriends a defiant, sardonic teenager who is willing to help her and reconnects with the retired cop who made the original arrest, that she is finally able to make some headway. But can she handle the truth or will it only reopen old wounds and cause more heartache?

I really enjoyed reading this story, and I loved Susan’s strength and determination. While I was happy she was able to get some closure and justice for her daughter, the reality of what happened made me sick. I know it was a realistic outcome, but it was no less disturbing. That being said, I do recommend this book, but I think it could contain triggers for some readers.

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