Member Reviews

It took me awhile to get into the book since I thought the main character was immature and clueless. Though as I kept reading, the story did get better and Ky grew on me. The story was about Kyla who thought she was in love with Wes. So she tried her best to get his attention. In the meantime her besties older brother Eric helped her along even though he loved her himself. I loved Eric and thought he was great. Especially when he was there for her regardless if she wanted him around or not. And I have to state that the sex scenes were extremely hot and steamy in this book.
On a side note, I actually wanted to know more about Gracie and didn’t know she already had a book of her story. So now I will check that out.
Overall, it was a good, sexy, love story and I will read Gracies story soon.

I received this ARC from the publisher and Netgalley for my honest opinion and review.

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Hot book with an amazing ending. You will fall in love with the main characters and want the story to keep going. Great book that keeps you engaged.

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A light and easy read, entertaining enough, but I found that I just couldn’t get on with the main character Kyla, I just found her a bit irritating at times, immature so it was just a struggle to empathise with her. I will read other books by the author as I’ve enjoyed them before, just this one wasn’t as good as Rae’s usual books to me.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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Well, it took me a while to sit down and write this review more so because I have mixed feelings about this book. Generally speaking, I enjoyed the book, it was a quick and light read that honestly took me less than a day to finish. Eric and Kyla’s relationship was adorable. From the get-go you can tell that they were meant to be. However, what slightly irked me was our heroine, Kyla. In my opinion she was very childish and a bit dense. How she viewed Wes was so meh to me. They literally had nothing in common and yet she kept pushing. You could FEEL how strained everything was when she conversed with Wes because Wes showed to interest in her. There was no chemistry. Hence why I thought she was a bit dense.

Overall, I would rate this 3 stars, 3.5 actually. It was a quick and fun read. If you’re looking for something to delve into for a nice light read full of romance and banter then this is the book for you.

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While I’m not usually a fan of first person POV, I really enjoyed this story. I liked how this author took a tried and true romantic trope and made it different.
This was a small town romance yet neither character wanted to leave for bigger and better things. The H was not your typical handsome, billionaire love interest coming in to ‘save’ the woman. Eric was a quiet understated hero which was a good balance to Kyla’s crazy. I loved his dedication to Kyla. Afterall, he starts by being her wingman as Kyla tries to attract the attention of another guy. Kyla was a nut bar … in a good way. She was fiercely loyal to her family and friends but was directionless with her life goals. Reading her POV was hilarious especially when her mind always jumped to the dramatic. Kyla was the more sexually experienced which is not the norm for most romances. While Eric may have technically been a virgin, he certainly knew how to bring it as some of the scenes get mighty hot when he and Kyla get together. It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.
I will definitely be looking for more from this author!

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This was incredible.
The writing was perfection.
The humor was had me in stitches.
The romance was heart-warming.
I have read a novel by Rae Kennedy before so I knew I would love the writing but damn this was on a whole new level of greatness. Genuinely it was amazing. The characterization was so great. I adored Kyla as the main character, I actually related to her so much; especially her word vomit. Eric was perfection. He was so sweet and helpful and I felt sorry for him so much. I just couldn't handle his cuteness. Plus, he sounds dreamy AF! Ginger and freckles are just too adorable.
Anywaaaayyy, the plot was so gripping. I read it in almost one sitting. Romances can sometimes sink in the middle but this didn't have that at all. It was very well-paced.
I definitely have to mention the sex in this book is quite intense and does play a very large part in the plot. Personally, I really liked it. It was very well written but it was very graphic so I feel the need to mention that for others who might have issues with this although I thought it was great and really fit with the book.
So in summary, I highly recommend it. What a great book to start off the year with. If I had to pick one element about this book that blew me away it would be the humor. It was incredible. I cannot recommend it enough. 5 stars. I can't wait to read what Rae Kennedy writes next.

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Kyla was such a fun character to read about. I think she and I would be great friends. She’s such a good friend for Gracie, and I loved reading her side of the story. Something that was also really beautiful to me was her caring for her grandpa. As for Eric, I think he’s such a cute guy and I’d definitely fall for him. The way Rae Kennedy described him… GIMME! I also think it was so sweet of him to try and help Kyla with her crush on Wes. But I’m really glad that they ended up together.

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New adult romances are my jam-- I LOVE them so much. Even as a 32 year old adult, I really have no shame in admitting that. Maybe because I devour so many of them, I didn't find "To Be Your Only" by Rae Kennedy to be one of my favorites.

If you're looking for a steamy romance, this book certainly has that. For me, the protagonist Kyla was a little bit too sex-forward for my taste. But, I definitely understand the need for strong, woman characters who own their sexuality. It just was a lot for me personally.

This book centers around Kyla trying to will a romantic relationship with her long-time object of affection Wes. In the midst of her plan on winning over Wes, she attempts to use Eric as her wingman. But as stories usually go, it is Eric, not Wes, she ends up falling for.

Eric was definitely a likable character, way more than Kyla. He was genuine and funny and not the typical Alpha Male Persona a lot of books center their male characters around.

This book had elements that I really enjoyed, but overall Kyla just wasn't a hit for me, so with so much of the book focused on her, this isn't what I would consider a must read.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me an ARC of "To Be Your Only" by Rae Kennedy in exchange for an honest review.


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*I was provided with an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you Rae Kennedy and Netgalley!*

From a first time reader of Kennedy, I loved this book! I'll be adding Rae Kennedy to my TBR from now on.

Kyla was fun to read and so was Eric. Even though the story was predictable it was a cute romance and I am excited to see what else Rae Kennedy is going to write.

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Well I think I’ll be adding Rae Kennedy to my TBR list. I’m a sucker for the best friends brother trope and the STEAM. Hello yeah i loved it.

Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I adored these two characters! I couldn't put it down! I loved it! it kept me on the edge of my seat!

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To Be Your Only by Rae Kennedy

Oh where do I start? I got in to this book blindly, something I rarely do. All I knew for certain was that it’s gonna have some sorta triangle and triangles usually make me uncomfortable but something about this book made me still wanna read it.
And what do you know, it was such a pleasant surprise.
Humorous, wonderful characters and situations that weren’t too awkward or angsty. Just the right amount of everything.
I loved Ky’s uninhibited vocabulary and conversations, reminded me so much of myself. I also loved Eric’s persistence and his absurd sense of humor; made him all the more adorable. I loved the side characters, which made me want to look in to their books... and I did go back and read Gracie’s book and I loved it even more.
So here’s the thing, if you are looking for a low angst, fun book that’s a quick enough read and still doesn’t compromise on its characters and it’s story telling abilities, this book, heck this whole series is for you.

I was provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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When I spotted Rae Kennedy’s latest release ‘To Be Your Last’ I jumped at the opportunity to read it. After all her previous book in the ‘To be Your Series’ titled ‘To Be Your Last' was in my top ten reads for 2019. I LOVED IT!!

Unfortunately, I couldn't get into this latest installment and have rated it accordingly.

I can't put my finger on exactly what I disliked but I do know that I couldn’t warm up to Kyla, I found her immature and juvenile, and it wasn’t a smooth read like the previous books in the series.

This has in no way deterred me from reading another Rae Kennedy novel. As I mentioned, ‘To Be Your Last’ is one of those books that touched me in a way I can’t describe. I’ll never forget it!!

Thank you Netgalley and Rae Kennedy for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is just a bit over the top with the lust and vulgarities. I'm far from a prude, but it's hard to feel as much of a connection to the characters when basically all they do is talk/think about "eating pussy," and masturbating with toys. The details of Kyla's fantasies were just too much, and the amount of times they reference Eric going down on her once he does is seriously overkill.

There was potential here, but the plot got lost in a horny teenager and a 27 year old who apparently was only really good for one thing... I feel like these characters deserved more depth than they got. Eric seemed like such a sweet guy! Kyla seemed like she would start off as a juvenile, spoiled kid and grow up (sadly, she didn't seem to).

That said, if you're someone who reads more for sexytimes, this would be a good choice. It's certainly not lacking in that area.

3 Stars

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Thank you NetGalley, RAKE Publishing and Rae Kennedy for gifting me an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!
Ok first of all? I love this cover! It instantly caught my attention and really stood out from the other romance books on my list. Second of all? I’m always on the hunt for New Adult books. I turned 25 in September and got engaged in October so while I’m no spring chicken and I find most Young Adult books too immature for me, I sometimes struggle to relate to the older, married/divorced and or parents in Adult Romances. I think this book was a little bit NA, a lot bit YA. Things flipped between very sexy scenes with a whole lotta chemistry to immature inner dialogue. Granted, the main female lead is 19, almost 20, and the male lead is 25 so there’s quite the maturity difference there. Before the characters admitted their feelings for each other, I loved reading their witty banter and teasing behavior, their relationship developed super organically. I do feel like things hit fast forward once they got together and the steam factor went from sexy to smut. It got to be a bit much by the end, if I’m honest, and I wished the writing from the beginning of the book matched the end, but I really did like this book overall!
When Kyla’s best friend, Gracie, leaves her in their hometown to go on tour with a band, Kyla is left without a wingman. She’s had a crush on Wes, a farm hand on Gracie’s family farm and Gracie’s old brother’s best friend. She’s determined to convince Wes she is more than Gracie’s little friend and more like the young woman she'd grown to be. When she recruits Gracie's brother, Eric, to take her place as her wingman, she never expects to start seeing him in a whole new one. Suddenly she’s hoping her wingman will help her set her up with himself.

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4.5 Stars
Well I binged this book in one sitting. How could I not? Rae Kennedy takes such a fresh spin on NA romance. And thank god. So many authors just follow the same beaten path every other romance author writes and I love that Rae Kennedy proved she can write more than a cliché romance with this series.
Kyla is an independent, sex positive, hilarious character than is so unlike any other character I’ve read. I have been waiting for a book like this. A book with a sexually explicit and positive woman character, who loves her body and herself. Kyla isn't afraid to own her confidence and her dirty mouth. Finally, a heroine we all can look up too! The fact that Kyla is experienced and Eric is a virgin is a aspect to romance I have been waiting for. Gone are the days of a mousy virgin woman who is lured in by a sex god guy.

In this book, Kyla finally works up the courage to talk to Wes, her longtime crush. She even goes as far as to get a job on her best friends ranch so that she can be closer to Wes. Little did she know, Eric would be the one her heart wants. I loved Kyla and Eric’s relationship so much. They were so fun, had great banter, and were so so sexy. They communicated and respected each other, which feels so hard to find in romance these days. So many romance books end when the couple can't communicate and leave you shouting, "JUST TALK ABOUT IT!". Thankfully, Kennedy didn't have me shouting this once. I love best friend's older brother tropes because there is always that air of it being forbidden and having to sneak around, which is so sexy.

I absolutely adored the setting that this book took place in. A small town set on a ranch? Yes please, I want to move there immediately. I loved that Kyla’s character loved living there and didn’t have big dreams of leaving her small town. She didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life, didn’t want to go to college She was head strong and owned herself.

This book wasn't overally drawn out, and if anything, left me wanting more which rarely happens in romance books. I will read any book that this author puts out.

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Home in Your Arms by Charlotte O'Shay is a romance, and my first book by this author. I found this book hard to rate. I liked the characters and the romance, but for me the sex, especially the oral sex got old. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy hot romances, but I would have enjoyed seeing the couple grow more in other activities. I have rated this book 3 stars, because the plot and characters kept my attention. I highly recommend this book, especially if you enjoy a lot of sex in your romances.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you so much NetGalley for this arc!

Wow. So I’ve been blessed with receiving arcs for all of the books in this series so far and can I just say, Rae Kennedy knows her stuff. She is so brilliant and so insanely talented and I am forever a fan of her writing!!!

These characters really took me by surprise for how much I loved them. I wasn’t so sure (not gonna lie) when I started and figured out who they were. I got a little nervous which was idiotic because hello? It’s Rae Kennedy and she’ll never let me down with her books.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one with all of the incredible banter, innuendos (seriously I was dying from laughter), and building romance between Kyla and Eric. Their romance was just beautiful and flawed yet perfect and so effortless and it was absolutely incredible! I loved this so much and am definitely hoping for more because I’m obsessed!

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This book was provided by the author through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Rae Kennedy and Netgalley!

To Be Your Only is the fourth book in the To Be Yours series and tells the story of Kyla and Eric. Even though this is the fourth book in the series, it can be read as a standalone.

To Be Your Last was such an enjoyable read, just like all the other book in the To Be Yours series. I really liked Kyla and Eric’s story and I’m a sucker for the older brother trope. From the beginning, I knew that Eric had feelings for Kyla and I loved reading about Kyla discovering her feelings for him. I also loved reading the best friend’s POV of the previous book, To Be Your Last.

Kyla was such a fun character to read about. I think she and I would be great friends. She’s such a good friend for Gracie, and I loved reading her side of the story. Something that was also really beautiful to me was her caring for her grandpa. As for Eric, I think he’s such a cute guy and I’d definitely fall for him. The way Rae Kennedy described him… GIMME! I also think it was so sweet of him to try and help Kyla with her crush on Wes. But I’m really glad that they ended up together.

All the books in the To Be Yours series are so good and To Be Your Only was yet another great read by Rae Kennedy. I’m so glad that I discovered her books because they’re so good and are the perfect New Adult Romance. I highly recommend the To Be Yours series if you’re looking for a good and enjoyable read!

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Really cute romance.

I wont describe what the book is about - you probably already know. Now you are wondering if you should buy this book.

Yes, it is somewhat predictable - we know who ends up together, let's be honest. However, this book is about the journey. And i loved the journey. And how they get together was a total surprise to me - didnt see that coming from a mile away!

If you are looking for a sweet, fun, romantic, escape give this a try.

I want to thank the author, the publisher, and #netgalley for the advance copy, but this did not impact my review.

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