Member Reviews

While set against a dystopian backdrop, this is a very human tale (or maybe not?) of complex relationships and need. The writing is compelling and creates a believable world in which this usual and original story exists.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this book. My only slight criticism is that sometimes the excellent prose can slow the plot. For me this was fine, but I can see some people may give up. Don’t you will be rewarded with an excellent finale.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.

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One part sly dystopian, one part “what the heck did I just read,” and one part creepy creepfest! This equals an inventive and compulsive read by debut author Caroline Hardaker.
The reader will get to know a little about Norah’s past and her dreams of the future, but the majority of the book is set squarely in the present. The present. The now of Norah’s life. Her assigned partner Art. Her boring cubicle job. And their new addition… made ready for harvest.

Y’see, the air outside hasn’t gotten any better in this near future. And with more pollutants everywhere, the price of good food has gone up, and health care? Forget about it! Get in line… especially if you’ve contracted The Greying. But if you have the money, you may be able to afford to go to a clinic like Easton Grove. They will provide you with services and a bundle of joy that will help you prolong your life.

I woke up this morning at 5am with 15% left in this book… actually, I’m not really sure how I fell asleep last night, ha! Well, I turned over, away from my wife (didn’t want to disturb and dove back in… needing to finish. I left to work with 7% left. Usually I want my Fridays to end quickly, but today, I wanted to time travel!


Hardaker’s has great skill at holding back just enough to get the reader to keep compulsively turning pages… As I said above, this is one of those books where the first person narrator picks and chooses what to focus on… and much of that focus is on the new developments in Norah’s life. Things are forgotten and dismissed and Norah may delude herself at times, but the pieces that Hardaker does give us just add to that creepy atmosphere.

And yes… a bit of “What the hell did I just read?” I spent the first third of the book asking questions: Is this going to be like The Handmaid’s Tale? Or Never Let Me Go? But I quickly decided it’s like neither, a compelling story that questions everything about our future and combines it with unique storytelling. The quiet creep…

Pick up Composite Creatures for a frightening look at our own mortality and a compelling narrator to hold our hand throughout…

4.5 out of 5

Thank you to NetGalley, Angry Robot Books, and the author for an advanced copy for review.

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Based in the near future Composite Creatures paints a world that is easy to imagine. I found the pace of the book quite slow and it took a while for the story to really grab me. However once it did I found it hard to put down.
Would I recommend it to a friend? Probably not but then again I’m not really that fond of cats!

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In the not-too-distant future, the prognosis is grim for humanity. Centuries of human activity have contributed to not only the death of innumerable species of plants and animals, but have also begun to exact a heavier toll on our own bodies. With toxicity levels increasing constantly, we are being poisoned by the planet we have so mistreated with every breath we take. In an effort to extend their lifespans and stave off “the greying,” Norah and her new partner Art turn to the mysterious Easton Grove; the company’s novel answer - to supply them with a furry bundle of joy to care for - the beginning of potentially long and healthy lives for both of them. As long as they can keep it safe.

The plausibility of much of the world of Composite Creatures is certainly chilling. Hardaker paints a picture of a world which from a distance might look relatively healthy, but up close is frequently an elaborate sham. Grass which squeaks when you walk on it, patchwork animals burrowing through dying hedgerows, cardboard pinecones… it’s all the work of an industrious humanity that’s trying to buy itself time and deny the realities of the situation with typical ingenuity and fakery. Off in the distant fields, veiled scatterers treating the land with a cocktail of chemicals serve as a constant reminder of the illusory control we have over our environment, their desperate and life-shortening work a necessary evil. It’s a world we recognise, but one that’s been twisted and warped artfully.

It’s not just the world itself though - everything about Composite Creatures is just so perfectly off-kilter, seemingly mundane facades obscuring the frequently disturbing reality. The relationship between Norah and Art, for example, would seem fairly normal from the outside, but actually it’s anything but. They met each other through Easton Grove, who appear to have a vested interest in getting the two of them together, as well as being intensely interested in how things are going for them personally. The exact nature of the programme which they have signed up for is unclear for much of the novel, its purpose revealed through a gradual drip feed of hints and clues which, when viewed with hindsight, is masterfully well done. Crucially, this deliberately crafted air of mystery never frustrates; its careful cultivation in fact makes the reader feel as if they’re in on the secret despite not actually knowing what it is.

As the plot gradually unwinds, we’re also treated to fleeting glimpses of Norah’s past life, showing the decisions that led her to her current situation with Art, as well as developing her character further. It all feels very intense in its focus, as she is increasingly confronted with her past actions by the vague allusions of her friends, as well as by her own persistent and frequently painful memories. With the mysterious creature to care for, Norah becomes more withdrawn from the rest of the world too, with the intensity of focus ramping up to positively claustrophobic levels - it’s practically impossible not to get completely invested in her story, with all of its very human messy decisions, regrets and recriminations.

Composite Creatures has real staying power. You can practically feel it clinging to you as you read, working its way under your skin insidiously on its way to total absorption. Its subtle wrongness is wonderfully unsettling, its mysteries engaging and enticing, with a main character who feels utterly believable. A dark delight.

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Reviewed by my friend, Nils, from Fantasy Hive

Composite Creatures by Caroline Hardaker is a thought-provoking dystopian debut which continuously questions what it truly means to be alive in a dying world.

Over the years Earth has essentially become toxic, the soil and air has become contaminated, many species of wildlife and plants have become extinct, and sickness reigns through the human race cutting their lifespan far too short. Yet a beacon of hope emerges in the form of a medical institution called Eastern Grove, scientists cannot yet promise a cure, but they have found a way to prolong life. The only drawback is what will it cost?

The novel begins with our main protagonist Norah meeting a writer called Art, in a restaurant in London, on a seemingly ordinary awkward first date. As we slowly meander through Norah’s day to day life, things progress and we quickly learn that their relationship is far from a normal one. I think it’s fair to begin by saying if you’re expecting a fast paced read with plenty of shocking turn of events, then you’ll be sorely disappointed. Composite Creatures simply isn’t that kind of novel, however it is a remarkable window into the human psyche.

“In the bedroom mirror I looked like me and not like me. A dream version of me. All grown up now. I pressed a cold glass of water against my neck to cool the red petals of anxiety blooming up my throat.”

Through Hardaker’s first person narration we get an intimate look into Norah’s relationship with Art, her connection to Eastern Grove and their growing involvement in her life, we also witness her strained friendship with Eleanor, Rosie and Aubrey and how Nut, a mysterious creature akin to a cat, impacts her life. We learn of her childhood, and through her poignant memories of the times spent with her mother we envisage the world before it became toxic, of all the animals which roamed free but no longer exist. Her mother was a being of the past raising a child of a future where the very air was killing her breath by breath, and I appreciated Hardaker showing the toll that takes on both parties. There were moments where I felt perhaps the plot stalled too much, particularly during the middle section where Norah falls into a repetitive routine, nonetheless despite this I was always compelled to read on. Norah often appears fairly detached from people and the world at large, she’s never quite sure who loves her or even sure who she loves. She’s a character we can sympathise with, a character who I felt for, because she’s clearly vulnerable, lonely and extremely insecure.

“My idea of the natural world was a fairytale, based on the storybooks I read at school or the stretching cats in Mum’s paintings. She captured wild things amidst the slow tide of extinction. She looked over her shoulder as the planet moved forward.”

Hardaker’s prose is pensive, melancholic and lyrical. Each chapter swept me along on Norah’s journey, her growing need to connect with Art and her anxiety and dependency towards the creature Nut kept me turning the page, I found the mystery made it very hard for me to put the book down. I was particularly drawn to Hardaker’s exploration of ethics. Eastern Grove may boast of their success at prolonging life but it is only accessible to the wealthy, and their methods are more than questionable. Even those who can afford treatment soon realise the consequences of putting their lives in the hands of a corporation. In essence Eastern Grove is a corrupt institution playing God, and also exploiting lives to gain money and prestige. The way the novel reflects upon these subjects fascinated me, like many who live in Britain I have come to rely upon our NHS healthcare, but what if that became privatised, what if suddenly life-saving treatments were no longer affordable?

Although I haven’t read the book Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, I have watched the film adaptation and I have to say that this book reminded me a lot of it. I feel they both share the uncomfortable themes of an institution deciding who lives and who dies, of your life never being in your control, of loving something or someone, watching them grow and then losing them. Of a life becoming something to be harvested rather than lived.

Composite Creatures is an engaging psychological read with an unsettling atmosphere. This isn’t my usual kind of read, but by the end I fully appreciated Hardaker‘s cleverly written novel where even the title reflects upon so much. We are all creatures made up of many parts, but which of those parts make us human?

“One day bleeds into the next, and though the tide washes in and out, it’s the same sea. You’ve plugged your toes in the sand. This beach isn’t going anywhere.”

ARC provided by Caroline Lambe at AngryRobot. Thank you for the copy! All quotes used are taken from an e-ARC and are subject to change upon publication.

Composite Creatures is released on April 13th but you can preorder it now!

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Composite Creatures is one of those books that slowly draws you in and keeps you hooked, wanting to find out more. There’s a real sense of tension and unease which works it’s way around all of the events, even those that may seem mundane from the outset. As a reader we are kept very much in the dark, for example the match between Norah and Arthur seems to be orchestrated by a shadowy company and the creature that they ‘adopt’ is never fully described. The world seems to be very different from the one we inhabit now – there are no birds and the land seems to be toxic but we are not told a lot of the precise details or backstory. The suspense kept me reading and I was really excited for any piece of information that was given to me at the beginning, but I did find it a little frustrating later on, when I was so far through the book with no real answers.

Some things are fully explained thankfully, but it comes as a bit of an info-dump towards the very end of the book. As we get answers there is suddenly an influx of plot-holes as you start to think the plot through with new eyes. As we find out what Nut is it seems very odd that she is initially described like a cat – why does she have fur and a tail for example? When we learn that the soil seems toxic and the farmers who work on it die early it seems jarring that we see our main character gardening or going outside without putting on some kind of protection from the elements. The idea of someone ‘greying’ is also never explained - it seems to be a deterioration that happens overnight but that is all we are told about it. I would have loved a little more world-building, even though I understand why Norah’s secrets are kept held tightly by the author it would have been nice to find out what happened to the planet and nature around her at least and perhaps would have prevented the book from becoming frustrating.

Norah isn’t a very likeable main character; she is jealous and obsessive with no real drive or ambition. This again takes a confusing turn when we learn what is actually going on in her life later on and the choices she has made. The writing style in her narrative is really well constructed though and the book kept me hooked throughout.

Overall, Composite Creatures is an engaging read, I just wish a few of its secrets were revealed to the reader a little sooner (if at all!). Thank you to NetGalley & Angry Robot for the chance to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Caroline Hardaker’s Composite Creatures is one of those beautifully delicious and quirky reads which is not quite what you expect it to be; the type of book where you must trust the author to take you where you will need to go … eventually. But first, you will experience a winding and often uncomfortable journey.

In this new novel, Hardaker creates a world where pollution has corrupted the air and the earth, where disease spreads quickly through human bodies; a world which, sadly, is not so difficult to imagine. Norah is a young woman who lost her mother years ago to such an illness. Now as an adult out on her own, and thanks to her meagre inheritance, she has solicited the help of the illusive Easton Grove. The public knows only what Easton Grove wants them to know about the healthcare they provide for the wealthy: that they have developed a means of supporting a long, healthy life despite the decaying world around them. They have even matched Norah with Arthur, a kind and successful young writer who seems to make a fantastic partner and may just be someone Norah can love one day.

Reflecting back on her life and choices, Norah tells her story as a way to make sense of what she has done over the years in the name of self-preservation. Through this narrative, Hardaker slowly opens layer after layer to the reader, sharing more and more about Norah’s unique partnership with Arthur, the life they have chosen to live together, and the furry little creature Easton Grove claims is the key to their longevity.

From the very start Hardaker’s writing will pull you in, creating an underlying sense of horror and dread as you flip page after page trying to figure out what in the hell is going on in this world. She is skilled at simultaneously pulling the reader forward with the narrative, yet also building a sense of discomfort and unease. And she paints such a clear picture of how this fading world both looks and feels. Bleak yet compelling, this novel takes an unexpected look at our mortality by examining what really makes a life worth living, by asking if a longer life really means a better life? And if so, at what cost?

More tender, complex, and introspective than perhaps the synopsis conveys, Composite Creatures is sure to be loved by fans of character-driven novels and eerily atmospheric tales. The reader will find themselves not so much pushing to reach the conclusion for the sake of finding out what happens, but rather simply going along for the ride, even as they may feel afraid to turn the page.

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This is a potential "thinker" at times. Solid sci-fi written with good prose, interesting characters, and the author's vivid imagination. Recommended to dystopian sci-fi fans.

I really appreciate the ARC for review!!

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Just about a year ago, just as the first lockdown was beginning to take hold, and it started to become clear to people that the pandemic was definitely going to be A Thing, there was some discussion (well, a flurry of random tweets) about how we would face (tut, sigh) an onslaught of bad, indulgent Covid fiction, followed by a welcome uptick in feelgood lit. Romcoms maybe.

It’s possible, of course, that all this will turn out to be true but it also strikes me as superciliously patronising and even wrong-headed. There’s no doubt that we’ll see lots of lots of terrible Covid novels (and films and plays) but that’s absolutely no reason to dismiss them all in advance. Because among the dross, there will inevitably be stories told that offer valuable insight and perhaps even catharsis around a phenomenon that has affected pretty much everyone worldwide.

But almost lost deep in this argument is a more general point. That there are certain events which change people and their narrative discourses at the most fundamental cultural level. Any writer post-1945, for example, whose work didn’t reflect the change in attitudes caused by the Second World War would look hopelessly outdated, even if the work in question doesn’t directly address the war and perhaps also the time period. Covid is another example. There have been a few novels published recently which (through no fault of their own) have failed to reflect a change in social sentiment and as a result emerge from publication already looking like period pieces.

All of which is just an admittedly long-winded way of saying that Composite Creatures is emphatically not one of those novels. It’s a brilliantly, disquieting work that synchs perfectly with the unsettling period in which we’re living. I’d hesitate to even describe it as ‘dystopian’ rather than an entirely relatable and human desire to find normality in abnormal times.

Thematically, it’s perhaps reminiscent of early Black Mirror and it certainly owes a debt to Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go but it is not overly derivative or either. It has strong elements of SF and horror but it doesn’t fit neatly into either category and in fact touches on a surprisingly varied number of contemporary issues — from genetic manipulation and climate change, to our fear of illness and mortality, to office politics and corporate intrusion in the personal, to the dismantling of the NHS, to how our youthful friendships can change and decay over time, to the role creativity can (and should) play in our lives.

The real strength of the novel is in its superlative treatment of character. The central protagonists, Norah and Art, are not what I’d call particularly likeable — are, in fact, described as ‘monsters’ at one point, although for the entirely wrong reasons — but they are entirely believable as individuals. Their actions and attitudes, occasionally questionable and downright horrific as they are, can be readily understood and they largely retain our sympathy right to the end of the book. Despite the heavy genre elements of novel, Hardaker grounds the book in the intimate and personal. The set-pieces are dinner parties and restaurant dates rather than anything more bombastic.

If one had to dredge up a criticism, it might be in the book’s scientific vagueness. The central concept behind the ‘ovum organi’ doesn’t strike this layman as particularly scientifically viable, although I can understand Hardaker’s motives for disguising the central horror of the concept in a way that, say, Ishiguro tackled in a more direct way. It enables the novel to utilise a sense of creeping horror and dread as the truth gradually unfolds.

However, I’d probably argue that this vagueness is a strength rather than a weakness. There are few details given to explain the disappearance of the bird and wildlife, the toxicity of the soil and water and of the accelerated ageing of ‘the greying’ phenomenon. And nor is it really necessary. Our imaginations can fill in the gaps and the lack of explanation gives them an odd kind of nightmarish plausibility and tells us this is a novel of existential horror rather than scientific speculation. It gives it the air of parable, perhaps the same parable that Art is trying to create as his literary legacy.

The writing throughout is exquisite and there’s a hauntingly dream-like character to much of the prose. Much of the imagery is poetically haunting and the book lingers in the imagination after reading, like the after-memory of a potent and disquieting nightmare. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

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Well, now, this is a Marmite book... and I’m a fan of Marmite.

It seems that the very things which put some people off, appealed to me: slow, creepy, cryptic, dystopian.

The writing style is deliberately languid, with a building sense of dread. They’re not in the least bit similar but the only other book I’ve read that’s created that stinging-nettle sensation of anguish was “Affinity” by Sarah Waters. “Composite Creatures” isn’t a horror story, per se, but finishing it was both disorientating and a relief.

Consider me very excited to see what Caroline Hardaker publishes next.

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A difficult book to review. It provides strong and evocative writing and some stunning descriptions. On the other hand, the pacing is glacially slow. Additionally, for the first half of the book readers can ask themselves if the author really knows what kind of story they want to tell. An ok read that will appeal to fans of strong prose but that will probably bore fans of tight plotting.

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Composite Creatures by Caroline Hardaker

I was unable to get interested in this novel. I tried multiple times, the description made it seem like something that I would enjoy, but it never engaged.

Basically, it's about a man and woman who move in together and live their lives. They adopt a pet that is some sort of genetically modified creature. Maybe resembling a cat, possibly has gray or purple fur. The book went on and on about their love and care for their pet.

I received a complimentary copy from #netgalley @netgalley of #compositecreatures and was under no obligation to post a review.

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Let me start with saying that I loved the writing style of this book. It was beautiful and descriptive, albeit rather terrifying at times.

The book begins with a couple named Norah and Art being "matched up" and beginning to date. As their relationship progresses, we start to learn more and more about the circumstances of their relationship, as well as the kind of world they are now living in, a true dystopian future. When Nut is introduced, more and more comes to light about the purpose of this animal and what it means for their future.

This book was a slow start for me. It took quite a while to really settle into the groove of the story but once it did I was very pleased with the direction it went. However it was very confusing at times and often left me frustrated with the extremely slow paced reveal of what was actually happening. It definitely forced you to think. By the end, it all came together into one crazy explanation of events that are hopefully in a future far far away from anything we will ever experience. I have thought about this book a lot since I finished it a few days ago and have a feeling it will stick with me for quite a while.

*I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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Norah and Art seem like a nice, normal couple, but they are living in a dystopian future where there are no birds or animals and few plants. They met through Easton Grove, an unusual matching agency with a purpose, and soon fall in love. Then from the agency a small furry creature comes into their lives. They name it Nut and their job is to nurture it and let it grow for a particular purpose, which is slowly revealed. Norah forms an attachment to the creature and treats it like a cross between a pet and a child. Their friends are horrified when they find out what she is doing. Art becomes ill and Nut is needed to do what she was made for. This is a disturbing story, reminiscent of Kazuo Ishiguro's novel. Never Let Me Go. The writing style is flawless and the tension grows to a satisfying conclusion.

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DNF at 55% (220/400 pages)

**ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.**
#CompositeCreatures #NetGalley

Pros: eco-dystopian setting (no animals, pollution), lab-created creatures, shadowy controversial labs creating these beings

Neutral: the chaos/creepiness from Nut (the lab-created creature that the MCs take care of) that could have been everything, but as of 220p, was not developed at all

Cons: glacial pacing, couldn't care less about the 2 MCs, all the creepy dystopian action I was hoping for just never came (as of 55%), every potentially creepy thing is *barely* alluded to (to the point where I'm not intrigued by the possible mystery), I have read over 200 pages of NOTHING happening so I really don't feel like slogging on

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Composite creatures tells the tale of a future, where Earth has gone toxic and wildlife is extinct. We follow the story of Norah as she learns what is means to survive in this world.
I really enjoyed the storytelling style - it really lets us take a look into the main character's mind. This gives the story some unexpected nuances. The furry bundle of joy, that the Grove gives to Norah, is our greatest mystery, as Norah herself is not sure what she has signed up for, and we're on the road of discovery with her.
The way the author embedded so many important topics and the way she addresses it all, is lovely, and it's something else I really like about the the book.

I recommend the book, if the description catches your eye - you (most probably) won't be disappointed.

*Thanks to NetGalley and Angry Robot for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.*

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The description in this novel is thorough and lovely. This book was amazing and I would definitely read it again, as well as read from this author again. I really liked the narrative style, it is something I would like to bring to my own writing.

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Composite Creatures had me hooked from the beginning to the end. I don’t think I have ever finished a book this fast. When I wasn’t actively reading the book I was obsessing over imagining what might come next.

The book takes place in a time when the earth has been strained to the point of breaking including the contamination of the air and soil, and the absence of most animals. The main characters, Norah and Arthur, begin as strangers and we as readers get to know them as they get to know each other. At the heart of the novel is the struggle for survival and the varying lengths that Norah, Arthur and their friends will go to in order to improve their chances for survival. What I most enjoyed was that the book was cryptic with horror undertones which kept me at the edge of my seat anticipating and guessing what might be coming next.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I do have to say this book has an interesting storyline. I unfortunately wasn't too impressed with the writing style. I couldn't completely finish the book as I truly struggled to get through a lot of the chapters.

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I requested this one to see if I was interested enough to request a review copy because I'm trying to only request books I'm very likely to give 4 or 5 stars. However, after reading the first several chapters I have determined that this book is not my tastes. It's actually quite a interesting story, but I have very particular tastes in SFF so I know I could only give this one an average review.

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