Member Reviews

Like other books in this series, it is a fun little introduction to inspiring people. Definitely a great way to introduce kids to biographies and a nice read for adults too. I would recommend all the books in this series.

I'm so glad Sanchez Vergara decided to honor this everyday hero by immortalizing him in print! This gentleman deserves all the accolades he received and more!

I've enjoyed several books in this series and the book about Captain Tom Moore is no different. It's a very relevant book in terms of the pandemic.

A great series, always good for teaching young minds about influential (and sometimes lesser well-known) influential people. And I often learn something too!

Thank you for the opportunity to review this children's book. I thought this book was concise, cute, and valuable in its aims. Foremost, I was interested in reading this book due to its cute cover. I hadn't heard of the little people, big dreams series, so I thought I'd give it a go. So, basically, the aim is to provide biographies to children/young readers of high profile people. With what's going on the world, I thought Captain Tom Moore would be a very interesting person to read about. Without spoiling the contents, I can say that this book was very worth the read.
RIP Captain Tom Moore.

This is a bit different from the usual story in this series- he wasn't famous during his lifetime, and his life, while full of service to his country, wasn't extraordinary. He was a good man, a good person, who at the end of his life proved you're never too old to make a difference, and that ordinary people can do amazing things. Initially trying to raise 1000 pounds for the U.K.'s National Health Services Charities Together by walking laps around his garden, he ended up raising over 32 million pounds, or over 45 million U.S. dollars. It's a truly inspiring story, and a good addition to the series.
#CaptainTomMoore #NetGalley

Yet another charming book from the series Little People, BIG DREAMS, which gives child-friendly potted biographies of inspirational characters. Beautifully illustrated, this tells of the life of Captain Tom Moore, the veteran who captured Britain's heart in 2020, thanks to his fundraising and steadfast positivity. I highly recommend all of this series, what better way to inspire children?
Thanks to the publisher for a review copy.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!
The cover of this book really is adorable.
The illustrations were great!
This book was fantastic. Seriously.
My kids and I loved it.
I'd definitely purchase a copy and check out other books by the author.

This was actually a story I had not heard before. What's interesting to me about this choice of subject is that he is noteworthy for a single simple action. He set out to do something small and captured international attention. That's it. His story, though, is the argument against people who say that an individual can't make any real change.

Another great addition to the series! My cubs love these books and often want to learn more about the people discussed. Perfect for any child's library and for classroom use!

This is one of the more timely books in the Little People, Big Dreams series. Tom Moore was an ordinary, grounded young man who was born in Yorkshire, London. When he grew up, he joined the army and was an inspiration for those he served with. He was never one to sit still, even as he aged, so at the age of 99, he saw a new challenge. As the pandemic hit, he decided to try and help in the way he could. His goal was to walk 100 laps of his garden to raise £1,000. Well, all around the world this inspiring story had people donating and he ended up raising over £30 million! This is the story of a man with a can-do attitude not giving up and doing good for many. This is the perfect story for this series. The message that anyone can have a dream and with perseverance (an maybe a bit of luck) can achieve it. The illustrations by Christophe Jacques were well done, a bit quirky, yet realistic. I always enjoy the timeline included at the back of the book to give me the information in a clear concise way. This series is great for schools and would be a wonderful way to introduce biographies to young children as well as motivation them to have dreams and goals, even as children.

'Captain Tom Moore' by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara with art by Christophe Jacques is a new edition in a series of biographies of famous people and probably my favorite entry in the series.
Captain Tom Moore lived a life of leadership and sacrifice. He grew up and served in World War II. Every year, he held a dinner for his dwindling group of comrades. Perhaps the world would have never known who he was except that for his 100th birthday, he decided to walk and raise money for the UK's NHS. He made the news as he walked. He raised way more than he set out to, and he won everyone's hearts along the way.
I love this series, and I REALLY love that they chose to write a book about this singular man. In a series full of singers and artists and athletes and explorers, here is a story about Captain Tom Moore. The illustrations are darling and fitting, and I'm so glad I got to review this ebook.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Quarto Publishing Group - Frances Lincoln Children's Books, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

And tomorrow will be a new day and the sun will shine, as little Tom goes for his daily stroll. The humble hero and national treasure, who invites us to keep walking next to him, never leaving anyone behind.
Captain Tom Moore from Yorkshire England being 100 years old had more to give to give this world. He was known as his feet firmly on the ground serving in World War 2. Now at 100 years old, he is facing another war against Covind 19.
Tom Moore makes a great role model for any child and his story encourages that it doesn't matter what age you are, you can be encouragement for greater things.
A special thank you to Quatro Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

Prior to reading this book, I had never heard of Captain Tom Moore. I am pretty sure none of my students have either. It was a simple biography that helped me understand the importance of him. On a child level, it is a good book. I did more research after reading it to learn more.

For starters, I love all the little people, big dreams books. The people they highlight are great role models for the kiddos. I remember seeing Tom moore on the news this year for the hard work and money he raised for the healthcare workers. I'm happy he has been honored with his own little people, big dreams book. He is who people of the world should assure to be like.

This is another outstanding entry in the series. Captain Tom Moore is a wonderful role model who shows that small acts can make as big of an impact as large ones. It can also be used to spark COVID conversations with younger children.

I really love this book series and the way that it tells the stories of people in a way that children can understand and with beautiful illustrations. I remember hearing about Captain Tom Moore back in April when he was doing his walking and loved what he was doing and I love that they have turned him into a book. It is nice to have books that are of more "normal" people and to tell inspiring stories that we haven't heard before. Overall I really enjoyed this short and sweet book.

This has some nice messages about loyalty and giving back. but this glosses over the colonial aspects of war and the issues with nationalism and military worship in way that just isn't comfortable to me and goes against my morals.

Aww such a cute story and so relevant to the current situation. Absolutely loved it. Captain Tom Moore is a legend and we can't honor him enough. This book shows how self confidence and determination can take to the new levels. Sky is the limit.

Yay! Another book by the fabulous Maria!
Little People, BIG DREAMS is such a fabulous series. If you haven't grabbed this magnificent children's non-fiction picture book series, get on it! There are so many to choose from and they are all packed full of info, great pictures and inspiration.
This time around, Captain Tom Moore! This young sprout from Yorkshire grew up to join the army and be a source of pride and inspiration. He walked 100 laps around his garden before his 100th birthday, all around the time of a global pandemic. This guy deserves his own book and is an excellent addition to your children's book shelves.
Five out of five stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.