Member Reviews

Most if this worked, and was, in fact, at least marginally profound, but I had a really difficult time placing myself in an era, a timeframe, a decade. I'm sure she mentioned early in when the events took place, but that isn't grounded in the rest at all, leasing to a feeling of mild unease.

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This was a good Sc-Fi/Mystery/Thriller about one of nine girls born without male DNA. Josephine, has tried to avoid all contact and publicity regarding her life at the experimental commune called the "Homestead". When her mother goes missing under mysterious circumstances, Josie finds herself tracking down her "sisters" in an effort to find her mother. As Josie follows the clues left by her mother, she and her sisters uncover dark secrets about their origin and abilities they possess. The author did a pretty good job of character building with Josie. The supporting characters lend a lot of background to the story. All in all, this was a decent, intriguing read.

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This book sounded really unique and interesting, a mix of sci-fi and mystery. It was ok. I liked the main character well enough but got confised with the science behind the book. Glad I hit an ARC of this and didn’t buy it. Thanks to the author and publisher for the NetGalley copy.

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Josephine is a 20 something medical student who grew up in unusual circumstances -- she was born at the Homestead, a community of women who conceived without the benefit of a man. Not a result of artificial insemination, but a baby with her mother's DNA and no others. The daughters born there were big news and sparked a great deal of controversy. After a devastating fire that destroyed their home, she and her mother moved to a small town and a quiet existence away from reporters an "fans". Now Josephine's home has burned and her mother has disappeared.

I could not put this book down. I'm not a medical student or a medical expert, but although the premise seemed preposterous as first, Murphy's writing had me convinced that this was possible. As Josephine searches for her mother, she reconnects with the other daughters and discovers that they have something in common besides the circumstances of their births -- they all have special abilities. There are many twists and turns that kept me turning pages. The action was fast-paced and, although somewhat predictable at times, I was completely enthralled. This would make a good movie - suspenseful, a bit of romance, lots of action. Some will quibble that all the male characters are "bad guys", duplicitous, self-serving, controlling,, downright evil and they would be right. There are also several moments that stretch the imagination, even for a sci-fi book, but it was an enjoyable read, nonetheless.

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I can't believe this book hasn't gotten more hype. A twisty sci-fi thriller with characters you can root for and an underlying theme of sisterhood, family and feminism.

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Having lived her whole life in the news, Josephine Morrow, girl one, is still searching for answers to the questions surrounding her birth. As the first baby born with no male DNA, she is considered a "miracle", one of nine babies born to nine different women. Her "father" Dr Joseph Bellanger, created the controversial science that would allow the births. His process was so controversial, it would cost him his life when an arsonist set the fire that killed the scientist and one of the mothers. The remaining mothers and babies would flee, spreading across the United States and cutting off communication with anyone involved in the science.

Now, many years later, Josephine's mother is missing. There has been a fire, but there is no sign that she was injured and none of her belongings are missing. Josephine does find eveidence that her mother has been talking with a journalist but she has no idea why. This is the back story of this original plot line. Sara Flannery Murphy has built the perfect story and populated it with characters that act and react true to nature. The story builds in layers as we meet more of the characters and find the missing pieces of the story. In a world where women can be cloned, emphasis will be placed on strengths and breeding. Every chapter leaves you wondering if it's a good idea or a very scary development that mankind is not prepared for.

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I love scifi, and I thought this one was really inventive. I liked the writing a lot -- there were a few head-scratchers for me in the science fiction of it all -- but overall, I enjoyed this one a bunch.

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Sara Flannery Murphy's "Girl One" is an electrifying journey filled with mystery, suspense, and the complexities of human identity. This captivating science fiction thriller deftly explores themes of family, genetic manipulation, and the relentless pursuit of truth, delivering a unique and thought-provoking narrative that will keep readers hooked to the end.

The story centers around Josephine Morrow, known as "Girl One," the first of nine “Miracle Babies” born through experimental reproductive technology. The technology aimed to bring about extraordinary abilities in their offspring. However, when the project abruptly ends, leaving the girls scattered and their mothers dead or missing, Josie becomes determined to uncover the truth about her origins and the fate of her fellow "sisters."

One of the novel's strengths lies in the intricate world-building crafted by Murphy. She skillfully balances the familiar with the fantastical, blending science fiction and thriller to create a compelling atmosphere. The Gemini Project, with its hints of conspiracy and hidden agendas, serves as an intriguing backdrop that adds depth and tension to the narrative. Murphy's vivid descriptions transport readers into a world where science pushes the boundaries of what is considered possible, while also addressing ethical concerns surrounding genetic manipulation.

The character development in "Girl One" is commendable, particularly Josie's growth throughout the story. As the protagonist, she is an intelligent and determined woman with a strong sense of justice. Readers will find themselves emotionally invested in her journey, experiencing her frustrations, fears, and triumphs as she unravels the secrets of her past. The supporting characters, such as Josie's father and her childhood friend Nick, are equally well-crafted, adding layers to the narrative and providing a sense of depth and authenticity.

Murphy's writing style is engaging and accessible, making "Girl One" a page-turner that demands attention. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing the story to unfold at a steady rhythm while maintaining a sense of urgency. The author's ability to seamlessly shift between past and present narratives enhances the suspense, gradually revealing critical information while keeping readers on edge.

“Girl One” is a thought-provoking novel exploring the ethical implications of scientific advancement and the profound impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. With its intricate world-building, compelling characters, and a suspenseful plot, it’ll captivate fans of science fiction and thrillers alike.

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-Girl One is a compelling novel that explores the complex themes of family, identity and science fiction.
-The story follows a young woman named Josephine who was raised in a cult-like community known as the Genesis Sect.
-Josephine is the first child born as a result of a controversial fertility treatment that combined the DNA of multiple women.
-Josephine searches for answers about her past and the true nature of her abilities. Along the way, she must deal with complex relationships with her adoptive mother, her biological sisters, and the enigmatic leader of the Daughters of the Ark.
-I love thrillers, but I don't typically read books that have a sci-fi feel to them. However, this novel is well-written and I was engrossed from start to finish. The characters are complex, yet believable and I felt the subject matter is relevant for today.
-I would highly recommend this read for fans of science fiction, dystopian fiction, coming-of-age stories or for someone that wants to branch out into this genre. That's why I picked it up and I felt like it was a great story and not too over the top for my liking.

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It took a couple of times attempting to read this one. Each time I ended up getting halfish way before losing interest and shelving it for another read. I finally made my way through this with no thrill on the other side. The first third of this holds great promise but the rest veers off to something with an entirely different voice.

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I loved Orphan Black, so I thought I'd give this book a try. I'm glad I did! I really enjoyed the super creative plot as well as the protagonist's journey to discover the truth about herself. It was clever and surprising and tragic and occasionally bloody. (It was also a little slow in parts. Man. That never-ending road trip) I could easily see this being turned into a movie or limited series and would totally tune in to watch it.

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This was a lot of book or maybe it seemed that way because so much was going on. It could definitely be a movie.
There were a lot of characters and most of the time Murphy did keep them clear. However, there were a few times I had to look back to see “who was whom”, so to speak. Aggravating now and then.

Nonetheless this was an enjoyable read, and I look forward to another.

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I started reading this book and found that it was not for me. I didn't want to review a book that I didn't finish.

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Girl One by Sara Flannery Murphy
Ok, I've got to admit I wasn't really sure if this book was for me and ultimately have to say it wasn't really my type of book. That being said, the writing is good, and it does have twists and turns but I just couldn't get myself to connect with any of the characters. Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book and leave my opinion.

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This book~! I won't say I haven't been itching to read something like this but phheeeewww!!! I'm such a sucker for sci-fi books set on a commune, a farm, whatever you wanna call it and cloning! Ugh I just loved it. My only complaint is I wanted- no- I NEEDED more from this. If it becomes a series I won't complain. Please give more like this.

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Didn't capture my attention and engagement. Interested in trying it again though and hopefully it will take.

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Sadly... I dnf'd this book.

I really really really love the premise. But the chapters were really dragged out and I found the pacing to be so unsettling. For me, personally, when reading a book, I really crave a certain finesse when it comes to story telling. I like when characters learn things in the midst of a tense moment. If a character is constantly given information verbally instead of finding it out or having some conflict, I don't enjoy the plot as much. I'm sure this book picked up eventually and it has so much potential, but I found I became very disinterested by the middle of it and decided to read another. But thank you for the opportunity to read your work!

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As a genre fan, I devoured this. If you're a fan of Orphan Black, Black Mirror, and destroying the patriarchy, then you might enjoy Girl One. Josie is Girl One, the first of nine miracle babies born on a weird commune without male DNA. Under suspicious circumstances, a fire destroyed the commune, killed the doctor behind this experiment, and the younger miracle babies. Years later, Josie's mother goes missing under similarly suspicious circumstances and sets her off into a frantic search to unravel the mystery. I ate it up.

I sort of wish this book contained even more science, because it kind of felt like it wasn't quite thriller but also not quite sci fi. The premise is so interesting, and I just was left wanting a tiny bit more. Regardless, this is absolutely worth a read for genre fans.

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Thank you, Netgalley and the author/publisher, for the opportunity to read and review an advanced reader's copy of this book. This in no way affects my review, all opinions are my own.

This was an OK book. I had to wait until I was more than halfway into the book before it finally started picking up. I also couldn't connect with the characters. I really wanted to love this book, the story/premise was great. Maybe that set my expectations too high. I'm not sure. I would recommend it to people who like slowburners. I'm not one of those.

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GIRL ONE is a tale that fabulously blends science, fantasy, and mystery. Sara Flannery Murphy seamlessly weaves together a narrative that pushes the boundaries of who we are as humans. The author's writing is delightfully compelling and enjoyable.

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