Member Reviews

This is a very gentle coming of age story mixed with a bit of philosophy. Koperu is a teenage boy in Japan in the 1930s. His father is dead and he has a close relationship with his uncle. They share letters and journal entries, where they discuss philosophy, history, and how to be a good person. I really liked the emphasis on trying to be good, even when it's hard. Koperu makes mistakes, but he learns that it's how you handle those mistakes that really matters. This is a lovely book for young people.

I read a little bit in October when I had bronchitis that eventually became pneumonia, and then I didn’t read any more until today, March 2. I understand that I wasn’t in a place to read it then because I couldn’t breathe and things were hard. But now I have influenza A, and things are still hard, but something clicked. I read it straight through, almost from the very beginning, and it was fabulous. This is a book about which all young people should read, discuss, and think. I can see why it is so revered and beloved. Amazing, amazing book. Such wisdom. I wish I had a hard copy, but this version came from NetGalley as an uncorrected proof. I will need to buy a hard copy as there is much in this book that is worth highlighting, thinking about, and discussing.

This book is sad but hopeful. It captures a lot of questions you have as you grow up and experience life and hardships. It is still beautiful though, and really you can learn a lot from these stories and lessons in the book.

When I read that this was Hayao Miyazaki's favorite book as a child and that he would soon be adapting it into a film, I knew I wanted to read this story. I think this book is a wonderful introduction to philosophy, for young readers, as it discusses realistic scenarios in which children often find themselves, as well as the philosophical life lessons that these scenarios teach. Some of the chapters felt a bit repetitive so I feel like they could've been much shorter, but I still enjoyed the stories, regardless!

I had been curious about this book for a while since it is apparently the favorite of Hiyao Miyzaki of Studio Ghibli fame. When I realized that a movie based on this book, created by Studio Ghibli, is slated to be released next month, the book got bumped up on my reading list.
This was apparently written as a sort of primer in how to think about this world, with an emphasis on the importance of relationships, connection, and the humanities. The book was originally release in 1937 and although I don't know much about how it was received, I would imagine that its themes were much needed at that time.
Part of the book is a story about a boy called Copper and his life: school, friends, family, and Copper's own philosophical musings. The rest of the book, in alternating chapters, is Copper's uncle writing a sort of journal that he intends to give to Copper to help Copper gain an understanding of the world and what to value in it.
I'm in a pretty different place than Copper and so I wasn't incredibly impressed with the uncle's sage advice. However, Copper ends up in a situation that I have a feeling has happened to many people in some variation, and Copper disappoints himself with how he handles that situation. The emotion related to that event feels very true and raised my opinion of the book- I wasn't entirely sure about it up to that point.

"How Do You Live?" was originally written in Japan by Genzaburo Yoshino in 1937. Junichi Hondu, our 15-year old protagonist, goes by the nickname Copper, after Copernicus. After the death of his father, Copper struggles to find his personal philosophy to life. His maternal uncle is a close figure that helps him seek these answers. The novel is interspersed with his uncle's letters full of advice and encouragement.
It's interesting to think that this novel sits between the first and second World War, four years before the Pearl Harbor attack. While the war isn't touched upon in this book, it's a bit sobering to think how the Tokyo-based Copper would change as he grew into an adult.
"How Do You Live?" is written as a middle grade novel, but I would say it appeals more to a teen or adult audience, particularly those who are studying or interested in Japanese history.

Copper is a fifteen year old boy coming to understand how much his life is changing (or will need to change) after the recent death of his father. Copper's uncle provides the moral lessons and life guidance for Copper, generally through writings in a notebook.
This is a very simple book and, as many other reviewers on Goodreads have noted, it is possibly overly didactic. The uncle's notebook entries (which are more like letters) are full of "this is how a good person behaves" kinds of lessons and almost as directly as that. A modern reader will likely roll their eyes at the directness of this. But ...
1) This isn't so much for the adult reader, interested because of either Neil Gaiman's name on the cover (he wrote the foreword) or because it is named as the favorite childhood book of a noted anime master. This is for very young readers. And ...
2) Is there anything actually wrong with getting these messages across to young readers? Yes, it's didactic to many of us, but for some readers, subtlety flies over their heads.
3) The lessons and morality here are worth striving toward.
The translation is (presumably) really good because this is very easy to read. In many ways it doesn't feel specifically Japanese at all - it is universal in its themes - and even the setting only occasionally reminds us where we are.
This is a very easy read and I really appreciated getting a look at a 'classic' children's book from another culture. What would be the equivalent for American readers? Mexican readers? Swedish readers? Kenyan readers?
Looking for a good book? How Do You Live? by Genzaburo Yoshino is considered a classic children's book in Japan and it's a powerful morality tale, sometimes a bit overt, but modern, adult readers need to remind themselves who this is written for.
I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Sadly, this book was not for me or for my ESL students in my school library. The premise was interesting but the philosophical nature of the book made it far too complicated for my students to understand. I found myself skim reading instead of relaxing and enjoying every time that the story was told from the perspective of Copper's uncle. I did, however, really enjoy the coming of age aspect of the story and wish that this had been addressed in a less philosophical way. I can see that there is an audience out there that it would appeal to in the young adult market.

Literature from around the world is so interesting. Japanese literature is always lyrical, always pondering - at least what I have read so far. Reading this book felt like watching a Miyazaki movie, and that's what I loved about it so much. It felt comforting, but made me think and question things at the same time.

That cover art is simply stunning and reminiscent of Mizayaki’s animation movies, and the title is so very potent and posing such a seemingly simple yet hugely important question. So it was love at first sight for me when I got the invite for the tour. Then I read the book description and Neil Gaiman’s foreword (his is the writing I most aspire to be able to emulate!), and I fell even more deeply in love with the book.
But wait, I had not even started reading the book at that point! Now that I have, I can strongly say that all those feelings of instant deep love were fully justified, more so actually.
What Do I Love About the Book
Well, simply put, everything!! I almost wish I knew how to read Japanese so I could read it in its original version but Bruno Navasky’s translated version is so very beautiful as well. However, I feel the need to say something more about what do I love about How Do You Live? So here goes, well, everything I love about it
The Characters, the Concept, the Descriptions,
Copper, the main protagonist, is so very delightful and likeable. As I turned the pages, I kept picturing this young teenager going about his everyday life in 1930s Japan, and it was – precious. His relationship and interactions with friends and family is full of warmth and so believable.
I loved the glimpses of prewar Japan, its back-alleys and its mansions all made alive and real through abundantly detailed yet not-at-all overwhelming descriptions of the sights, sounds, and smells all around that make our world more so. In addition, we also get to look at the other side of the coin, of poverty and of bullying, of life in prewar Japan.
With chapters that switch between Copper’s life (his adventures with his friends, the discoveries he stumbles upon as he makes connections in his ever-curious and thinking mind, and all the daily minutiae) and his uncle’s journal entries that his uncle writes with the intention for an older Copper to read, the book takes readers on an exploratory and learning journey without us realizing it.
The book engages us on so many levels and brings with it lessons on philosophy, history, science, sociology, human relations, morals and ethics, and so much more. I l was awed by how Copper and his uncle talk about how everyone is connected to each other, each one of us, because of various reasons and dependencies. In one way or the other, each of us is connected to perfect strangers across the globe. This truth is timeless, and holds a deeper and stronger truth in today’s highly connected world.
and the etcs.
About a third of the way through, I stopped highlighting as I realized I was marking up most of my e-copy (not the physical one, thankfully!). I am going to skip a favorite quotes section and leave you to read the book for yourself. While this is intended for young readers, I am sure adults will enjoy this read and cherish the life lessons it offers in its own delightfully gentle way. Written in sweet, simple language, the book has a magic all its own, a peek into a past gone by and a hopeful look at the coming ages.
Last but not the least, it is sure to make readers pause every so often and ponder on the question that is also the title of this book. As for me, I am thinking about it for sure, and in a few different ways.
One, to ask myself how I am living my life currently
Two, to ask myself how I should live my life
Three, ask others (and listen to their answers) this question ‘How do you live your life?’; again, both in a simple ‘how their everyday is’ and a deeper sense of living their lives.
What Might Not Work for All Readers But Should Not Discourage Any Reader
The back and forth between the POVs, while entranced me and made complete sense to me based on what I realized this book is trying to do, might not work for all readers. To be more specific, the philosophical or rather didactic turns the book takes when Copper’s uncle pens his thoughts down in his journal might feel too slow for readers in its target audience of 10 – 14 year-olds. But I want to tell all readers – young and old – keep going, and you will be glad you did!
For if you keep in mind the ‘why’ of this book, and look at all the gems of wisdom (some obvious and others that leave you feeling ‘oh yes, I have had that thought’, or ‘of course, why did I not think of that before?’), those didactic parts will totally be worth the read
In Summary
A beautiful and brilliant, insightful and inspiring, tender and timeless, and thoroughly thought-provoking book that is a must-read for everyone, regardless of age. Read it yourself, gift it to loved ones, and yes, make sure you read it before the Studio Ghibli movie based on this book (currently in production) comes out.
Thank you once again to Algonquin Young Readers for providing me the physical ARC of this book; and for inviting me for the book tour. All opinions are my own.

This is an English translation of the Japanese novel, How Do You Live, which was published in 1973. It reads simply but the message of this book is deep, and necessitates conversations around what it means to live a good life.

Review (#giftedbook): How Do You Live?
Author: Genzaburo Yoshino
Translator: Bruno Navasky
Thanks to NetGalley and Algonquin Young Readers for this free digital copy in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to Libro.fm for the free educator ALC. This is a reissue and the first English translation of this story (first published in 1937) and is available now!
This is such a lovely, unique story. It follows the main character Copper, as he navigates life after the death of his father, new friendships and betrayals, and his growing curiosity about the world around him. Interspersed throughout the story are journal entries to Copper from his uncle, which address many of the social, political, and philosophical questions Copper begins to have.
I loved the audiobook but I would definitely like to get a physical copy of this one as well just to read again. I’m not one to annotate books but I feel like this is one I would! Even though this story was originally written in 1937, so much of what Copper went through feels relevant…probably because so much of the pre-teen/teenage experience is universal.
This was such an endearing, beautiful read and I highly recommend it for young ones as well as adults. The translation is excellent and the audio narrator, Brian Nishii, does a wonderful job!

I really wanted to like this book more than a did. It was just ok. It seemed to be drawn out that the same information was repeated over and over again over the pages. I know it's an older book, but I don't see it appealing to the US YA audience even as a classic. I enjoyed the uncle's diary entry more as he seemed to give insight into what the main character was either learning or going through.

I ultimately could not get into this one and am giving it a pass. It was too lengthy and meandering for my personal tastes.

After reading HOW DO YOU LIVE, it is not clear why this young adult novel has garnered so much love and attention.
Some of the themes written about in HOW DO YOU LIVE apply to people everywhere, such as bravery and/or lack thereof, classical, socioeconomic status, bullying, and even nationalism. In these ways, it is astonishing that it was written 85 years ago.
The very best part of this book, and the most important, are the letters that are written to Cooper from his Uncle. It is through these letters that Cooper learns what is truly important in life.
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, and would place its target audience as either Young Adult, or New Adult. I know it is being marketed as a middle-grade book, but I think it would be more suited to a high school or college aged readership. In fact, I would have loved to have read this in high school English class. I think teachers would also enjoy dissecting this book with their students.
I rate HOW DO YOU LIVE as 4 out of 5 Stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

With this being originally published in 1937 I wasn't sure how this would read or impact today. Such an amazing book. Highly recommend.

I didn't finish the book - not the books fault, juts didn't quite grab me. Perhaps because at the moment all my work is focused on 11/12 year olds! Still rating it 5 stars as the book itself, whilst dense, was good.

If you could go back and relive your teenage years, thinking about the fights with friends, the love-hate relationship with school, the kind of problems you used to ponder, would you? Would an insight into your teenage mind help you solidify the lessons that you learned (and maybe never verbalized) that make you who you are?
How Do You Live? is a lovely story about Copper. He lives with his mom; his dad passed away when he was little. His uncle (mom’s brother) is a frequent visitor and confidant for Copper. Copper shares many things with his uncle, from his triumphs and thoughts to his vulnerable moments.
I loved the format of this book: each chapter began with Copper as the central character, and then, the narration switches to his uncle writing in a diary, putting words to the thoughts he had while Copper was sharing what had transpired. The intent is to give this diary to Copper eventually and I am a huge fan of chronicling a young life from the lens of an adult, bringing our knowledge of the world and what we have learned to help the young ones succeed. This offers a fantastic analysis of the big things in the little boy’s world and how that all fits into a big picture.
Overall, How Do You Live? offers a comforting place to ponder childhood and put words to things we might have learned and internalized but never realized that had happened. This is a story I will come back to and hope to share with young kids.
Read the full review on Armed with A Book. Many thanks to the publisher for providing me a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

How Do You Live? is a quiet story of one young man's life over the course of about a year. While Copper navigates friendship, bullies, socioeconomics, and the pressures of adolescence, his uncle uses Copper's experiences as opportunities to guide him. The story reads as part-diary and part-letter from an older relative, and this combination allows readers to see Copper through his own thoughts and words and from an outside perspective. It does, however, slow the pacing of the story significantly, creating a story that lags often and seems like a lecture frequently. It also creates a protagonist who seems very young. It is easy to forget that Copper is fifteen and imagine him as eight or ten based on his actions and thoughts.
Despite the story's slow pacing and pedantic tone, Copper's experiences will ring true to many young readers. He sees injustice when school bullies target a boy who is poor, awkward, and solitary, and he reaches out to the boy and makes a genuine friend. He experiences shame when he hides from bullies who target his friends, and he has to find the strength to apologize and take the consequences of his actions. These and so many other events are relatable, authentic, and helpful for young readers to see.
While Copper's experiences are genuine and interesting, the way they are told will cause many readers to abandon this book before they reach the end. The uncle's chapters, in particular, feel like academic lectures that will lose the attention of many young readers. Even Copper's chapters, however, seem elementary in their voice and tone. The chapters from Copper's perspective could be used as a read-aloud book for younger children who would enjoy the cultural references and the experiences of Copper. As a novel for older middle grade or young adult readers, however, I think this story lacks the action, voice, and pacing to maintain reader interest.

This book checked a lot of my boxes before I even started reading it. Prologue by Neil Gaiman, favorite childhood book of animator Hayao Miyazaki? Sold.
This story lives up to the hype tenfold.
The themes of morality and applying them to science and history will resonate with older Middle-Grade readers and YA readers who are discovering these issues themselves.
So much good discussion fodder and Mr. Miyazaki is making a movie of it? Swoon.