Member Reviews

4.3 "the most empathic of aunties" stars !!
Thank you to Netgalley, the author and Matador books for an ecopy. This was released October 2020.
I am providing an honest review.
I am completely appreciative and in awe of this most remarkable of women and this passion project. Ms. Miserez has compiled a remarkable book that would be of benefit to any world citizen but especially settlement workers, social work students, trauma therapists and policy makers. Ms. Miserez has spent her life in support roles in a variety of international organizations assisting citizens in war torn countries that have experienced displacement, unjustified imprisonments, assaults, rapes, even torture. After all these years she remains empathic, compassionate and even hopeful.
Ms. Miserez explores many world atrocities and their associated contexts and histories, gives many case examples, describes programs that assist (or hindered), discusses therapeutic methods and gives many opinions on her personal and professional experiences. She even takes care of the reader by giving helpful self care strategies and trigger warning and encourages slow measured reading and not overexposing the self to the many horrible situations described within the pages.
Ms. Miserez covers
-basic education on what is trauma and PTSD
-traumas of the first world
-personal experiences of trauma and their impact on herself and family
-the Holocaust
-pioneers in trauma therapy
-nature and methods of torture
-development of human rights
-coup d'etat in Chile and Argentina
-Laos and Vietnam
-Children as a special population
-Yazidis in Northern Iraq
-Mass rapes in Congo
-Culturally sensitive treatment methods
-Research in Areas of psychotherapy and community justice
and a whole lot more....exhaustive, exhausting and incredibly eye opening
An extensive bibliography and appendices are included.
Believe me ....you will not be the same after reading this but will deepen empathy and understanding of the experiences of many of our brothers and sisters in this very troubled and inequitable world.
My only complaint is that the author tends overidealize particular individuals and therapeutic methods and I wished there had been more on the social determinants of health, healing and quality of life
A remarkable and amazing and helpful passion project. With gratitude to Ms. Miserez

I found this book under self help, and I would not say that, descriptor fits this book.
Trauma and Uprooting is a great historical look at some of the most traumatic events to affect people of the last century, while also detailing the changes we've seen in psychological care.
It is an interesting read but definitely further from self help then it seemed by the description.