Member Reviews
I was not feeling this one. I think I was expecting one thing but got something different. The writing style also made it difficult for me to connect with this book - I just didn't find it to be particularly well-written. Overall, it just wasn't for me.
Unfortunately this was a DNF for me, I just couldn’t get behind the character. The premise was good, it just want for me.
Yikes this made me cringe all the way through. So many weird things to focus on like how apparently it's unsexy to not shave and so you shouldn't ever try to have sex without shaving your lady bits first. Ugh. Also what kind of person spreads information at work about their best friend having an abortion?
Jessica really was a total piece of caca. I'm honestly amazed at an adult not knowing what that word means. The same adult finds it hard to put together a basic salad in the kitchen, making a bland thing of just a can of chickpeas and pomegranate seeds mixed (pre-removed seeds I mean the girl doesn't even know how to get seeds out of a pomegranate) but then is having a homemade bagel? Who made the bagel if she doesn't even understand how to make a salad?
I guess I just couldn't relate to anything in this story. Jessicaca was just making bad decisions all around and then trying to find someone else to blame them on. Plus having a blackout drinking problem is not cute, get help Caca.
My copy was provided by NetGalley for review.
This is a very standard-issue, run of the mill romance/romantic comedy. Jessica is an early 30s single gal who has a boring job, a crappy boss, and a few close gal friends. After a particularly bad day at work, she goes out to the club with her friends, gets smashed, and hooks up with a randomer who ends up being super sweet, self-possessed, and ... a lot younger than her.
The ensuing chapters involve Jess and Steven's growing relationship (which is standard issue casual dating), Jess's fight against sexist hiring practices at work, and some complications in Jess and Soo's friendship that spills over into work. Unfortunately, Jess remains neurotic and self-conscious until the bitter end, and even then shows minimal personal growth. And the work situations, while realistic and timely, are neither entertaining nor thought-provoking, and they don't really drive the plot; it's sort of like 2-3 separate plot lines just popped together into this book.
Initially, I found "Jessicaca" to be perfect literary popcorn. I was enjoying the story - but then I started to really love it as themes of feminism, love, and societal expectations revealed themselves.
While I didn't love the ending, I do want to thank the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the chance to enjoy this! A perfect weekend read!
this was a fun read, I enjoyed going though this book and had a few laughs along the way. The author was able to write this really well and I look forward to more from them.
I do wanted to like this one. Not only is my name Jessica, but the blurb sounded great.
Whelp - I couldn’t get into this one:
Nope. And I tried