Member Reviews

I received this book complimentary from NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

Honestly, this was a really unfavorable book. Rose and Sarah had a wonderful life going until Jack showed up, took Rose’s job (for only like 3 months too) and started pressuring her to marry him. Their first time having sex was high pressure for Rose. The spanking thing was weird and gross. The insistence on “being a man” and “man of the house” was really overblown and important to Jack despite his supposed pride at Rose’s independence. Really, Jack was just controlling. He was okay at first but very quickly got overbearing and bossy. I don’t think I’d try anything from this author again because it was so disappointingly “old-fashioned.” I realize it was set in the 1940s but there are definitely some egalitarian relationships from that time. I wouldn’t have read this had I known.

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A Husband For Christmas by Nancy

A well written book set just after the war where Sarah’s husband is missing presumed dead. Her daughter write to Father Christmas asking for a new husband for her mother. Like a lot of women at the of the war they lost their job as the people who previously did them are now returning Jack is one of them. He has Sarah’s job but as he is injured he approached Sarah asking for her help to help him .

A good story with a few twists and lovely characters.

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I love Christmas stories. A Husband For Christmas by Nancy Pirri was a very cute one. Lots of love and challenges in this story.

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A Husband for Christmas by Nancy Perri was a very comfortable book for my reading pleasure. Captain Jack Campbell comes home to St. Paul Minnesota after the war in September 1946. The wounds that he sustained caused him to have a limp and hopefully in time it would not be so noticeable. He intends to go back to his old job as the head accountant at LaSalle Bank. However that position has been held by a war widow since his departure.

Rose Delaney is told by her boss that her position will no longer be available to her as the former accountant is coming back from the war and will take back his old job. Mr. Jorgenson’s attitude is that women should be at home with their children and not be in the work force. However, Rose is the sole provider for herself and her child. What will she do now that her job is no longer hers? Finding work that would pay as much as she was making was not easy, nor was it available.

When Captain Campbell finds out that Rose has lost her job because of him, he tries to make it right by finding her something else that would compensate. Rose is not happy with him, but he persists and they eventually come to an understanding.

I really enjoyed this novel. It may have a predictable storyline and ending, but I found it very relaxing. Kudos to the author.

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Rose is a mother of a 4 year old daughter, Sarah. Sarah's dad, Timothy, is listed as missing in action after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Jack is returning from war, injured, but alive and ready to settle down and start his new life.

Rose and Jack's path cross and it is an adventure to see if they can both get what they want.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars for this story that I thought was a Christmas story, but it really wasn't. This book takes place over two years and shows the relationship between Rose and Jack. I was a little disappointed, because I thought it was going to be a Christmas romance, which I am trash for this time of year.

The characters were okay, I was annoyed by both Rose and Jack at some point during the book. Jack started out great, but toward the end he seemed really chauvinistic. I know this was set back in the 1940s, but he took it to the extreme. Rose kept hiding things from Jack, and that annoyed me. Rose was also previously married, and I thought the arc between her and her husband that was lost at war fell flat. There was really no need for it.

This was an okay romance, but definitely not a Christmas one, and not one of the best I've read.

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The story was "cute" the scenes with the "spanking" though. I mean I am all for traditional husband wife values. But these scenes just made me uncomfortable. I am not sure if the author was trying to make it seem cute but it kind of made me uncomfortable. The story itself was cute. Some of the book seemed rushed. The main characters were cute and I am happy that at the end they started maturing and fixed their traits that needed to be fixed. The whole first husband issue with the main character was a bit unrealistic to me and again felt rushed. But all in all it was a cute book. Thank you Netgalley for gifting me this book!

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This charming love story during the era of post WW11 was one that captured my heart immediately. I loved Rose Delaney and her little daughter Sarah who wanted to find a Daddy for her mom since hers had gone missing in the war and had not come home. Rose had job as a bank accountant until she learned that Jack Campbell returning from active duty was to resume this position as promised by the bank. What would Rose do, how would she support her little family? Things change and so does Rose. She finds she is offered a position as Jack's secretary but will her new job lead to happiness? This story so reminiscent of days gone by, brought back many memories of the 1940's. I enjoyed reading it.

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Thank you NetGalley, Nancy Pirri and Satin Romance for the book A Husband for Christmas. This is my personal review.
Rose is a strong woman who is raising her daughter alone after losing her husband at Pearl Harbor.
Rose takes a job as an accountant but soon loses that job to a returning serviceman. Jack steps into his old job and then decides he wants Rose as his wife. He is so confident she will marry him that he stops at nothing to make that happen.
I did not like the connection between Rose and Jack. I did not feel any attraction between them at all. I could see no reason why Rose would agree to marry Jack.

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First sentence: Captain Jack Campbell, a schooled architect and accountant, and a medic during the war, honorably discharged from the United States Army, sat on the doctor’s examination table, wondering if his leg would ever heal completely.

Premise/plot: Captain Jack Campbell newly returned to the States resumes his position at the bank as head accountant; Rose Delaney "loses" her job as head accountant when he returns. He feels bad when he realizes she's a widow--well, assumed so since her husband is missing in action--with a young daughter, Sarah. He invents a job for her at the bank, and begins courting her. She's reluctant to get involved with anyone though she finds him incredibly attractive. Is she ready to say yes to his proposal?

My thoughts: This one is set in 1946/1947--possibly even into 1948. I love the time period. I love the premise. A widow and a veteran falling in love and creating a new family together looking forward to the future. It almost had a Miracle on 34th Street feel to it--at first, only at first.

This romance novel started off strong. I liked both Rose and Jack--at first. But as the novel progresses, I began to HATE their relationship and HATE him in particular.

At one point, he was all love-and-sweetness. He wanted to marry her and felt it only right to consummate the relationship after they were married. But. He changes his mind several months into the relationship and becomes forceful. I won't say out-and-out violently raping the heroine, but, at the very least not listening to her protests and proceeding with pressuring her to sleep with him. This was one of those, well, I ended up wanting him so I guess it's okay? moments. I guess this wouldn't be a huge deal breaker for me....if that was all.

What was the deal breaker for me was when he decided after talking with a buddy of his that SPANKING her when he was angry was a great way to maintain his authority and impress her with his manliness. His friend told him that if he would spank her when "she needed it" that their sex life would improve and she'd swoon all over him. And he takes his friends advice. HOW ROSE PUTS UP WITH HIM IS BEYOND ME.

I felt there was some switch-a-roo-ing in this one. At first the hero we get is, well, a good guy, it's only as the story progresses that we learn that he has to CONTROL everything about "his woman" and "his house."

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This sounded like a cute story. It's 1946. Rose lost her husband at Pearl Harbor, and her little girl wants her to find a new husband. Rose worked as an accountant , but loses the job when the former accountant returns from the war. Jack Campbell is overbearing and confident. He wants a wife and family and decides Rose will be the wife. When she doesn't act exactly as he expects, he believes in punishing her, by spanking. If that's not bad enough, Rose comes to see his "love swats" may be justified. Time have fortunately changed in seventy years, but too many men still believe in abusing their wives.

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A Husband for Christmas
Rating: 2 stars
Thank you to the publisher for the ARC given through NetGalley for review. All opinions are my own.

I've realized with the other reviews posted that I'm in the minority here. I did not like this story. I feel that it was mostly about Jack controlling Rose in all aspects of her life. I know this book takes place in the 1940's but I still feel that what he wanted in a wife was mostly a maid and broodmare. (She even mentions this in the book) I liked how Rose was taking care of things for her and her daughter before Jack appeared.
She deserved so much better and most of all respect from Jack. There were certain scenes that made me uncomfortable. There truly was nothing romantic about what happened between them. He always put his needs first.
Sorry but no.

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Set just after war. Some came home injured, some never made it back. Sarah's husband was missing, presumed dead. Her daughter saw how sad she was and wrote to father Christmas for a new husband for her mum. Jack was injured during the war and went back to his previous job, which was Sarah's job during the war. Their paths had crossed and was the start of a beautiful friendship.

A beautiful love story set around Christmas. You can't help but feel for Sarah as she was pushed away, unwanted, as soon as the men returned from war. But I loved Jack's kindness. I enjoyed the story and I will be looking out for more from this author.

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A Husband For Christmas by Nancy Pirri
Story starts with Rose and she works at the bank and tends to her young daughter. We learn about her past, getting married and her husband ships out to fight in the war.
She got the notice he was lost, not dead and it's enough to keep her going.
The war heroes are returning back to their home states and are taking over their old jobs.
That puts her out of a job as Jack has returned but he wants her to help him, but not at the salary she got before...
He has another idea that might work. Love learning how things and people survived during the lean war years.
So romantic as he has money in his pocket now and he knows how to show her a good time.
Just when things are going well she hears his cousins talking about why he needs to marry and soon... He had not been upfront with her and it's all about money she thinks....
There's a lot more to this story and never expected it to turn out as it did. WOW.
I received this review copy from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#AHusbandForChristmas #NetGalley

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