Member Reviews

Georgia Beers is one of those consistent writers where you can be confident that you’ll get well developed characters, a few tugs at the heart, and quality writing.

The characters as always were well done. I thought there were these elements to both characters that felt genuine and honest. I felt for Macy every time she froze or got stuck in her own head as her thoughts and emotions warred or each time Brooke thought about her family. The supporting cast was also well written.

I will share that I started to get antsy around a 1/3 into the story. There was a lot of characters just being and doing stuff but not enough happening for me. I actually put the story down a few times. The pace of the story unfolding was a little slower than I was in the mood for. So it took a bit of patience from me. It picked up once the characters started interacting with each other and I’m glad I stuck with it.

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When I start another book by Ms Beers I’m always impressed. Not only with the plot but with her ability to create characters that you just know you're going to like. And now she has given us another book, a great plot with very likeable characters.
Macy Carr knows that there are such things as soul mates. She also knows that it should happen only once in a lifetime. Now she works staging properties, a job she loves and best of all she has the talent. Her sister and her family live close by, including her nephew Tyler. While still young he seems to be able to make a hard day that much easier. Even her family and friends think she should open herself up for the possibility of finding someone else to love.
Brooke Sullivan has just moved to the city Macy calls home. As a real estate agent she knew how to sell a house to turn it into a home. She’s lived with her family close by and even had the strength to come out to them. It didn’t mean that her mother wouldn’t keep introducing her to men her mother finds suitable. Moving was just what she needed. She missed her family but through her sister she still felt a part of it all.
Brooke has never had a serious relationship but that doesn’t want one. The first time the two women met was an experience she had never had before. You see Macy is an accident waiting to happen. Tripping over nothing, knocking into things and when she meets Brooke she somehow outdid herself. Brooke can see herself falling for Macy and miracles of miracles Macy finds herself falling to. That is until….
Ms Beers is a favorite author, meaning she has yet to write a book I didn’t like. Great characters with a story that keeps moving along, with the help of her supporting cast. Fast fun read. Very, very enjoyable.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

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If Georgia Beers writes it, I am going to read it. I don’t even need to see what the book is about. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the book is going to be good. This is one of the author in this romance genre that you can always count on to give you an amazing read. I love her work and I am thankful for what she writes. Beers’ latest work is 16 Steps to Forever and my goodness is it delightful.

Brooke Sullivan moves to upstate New York to start fresh with Wolfe Realty. Brooke has found a new town, a new house and a new real estate agency for a chance at a fresh start. Her life in Ohio was always under scrutiny. Her parents will never accept her as a bisexual women. She packed up and moved so she could live her lie on her own terms. Brooke one her first day of her new career, she is exceptionally dressed and runs headfirst into Macy Carr and a platter full of raspberry Danishes.

Macy Carr is a klutz of epic proportions. While Brooke reserved Macy is a free-spirit. These two opposites make an impression on each other from the beginning. While it doesn’t always go smoothly it is definitely memorable. This books bring two opposites and throws in a lot of chemistry and fun. Georgia Beers builds a friendship and attraction that keeps you locked in till the end. This light-hearted romance is just what the doctor ordered during these trying winter months.

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A feel good, sweet romance from Beers. I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as Hopeless Romantic but this definitely cemented my enjoyment of Beers’ work for me. I liked this took place in the same universe as Hopeless Romantic and I’m hoping there’s more to come from this town.

Brooke has recently moved into town for a new job with a real estate agency. She’s well thought of in her field and is leaving behind family disappointment. Macy is a home stager who happens to work with the company Brooke has started with.

I liked Macy’s animal menagerie and the delicate way that Beers wrote her exploration of how to meet someone whilst dealing with the death of a previous partner. I loved her clumsiness and reactions to both Brooke and her family. I also really enjoyed her interactions with her nephew.

I really identified with and liked Brooke. I appreciated that Beers included a character that was both bisexual and of faith. I thought both of these and the reactions of the characters to these things were written really well. From the quick reading of the blurb I did I was expecting Brooke to have a lot more control issues than she actually did. Her moving and settling into a new job, whilst meeting someone she likes and trying to keep control makes things interesting.

I liked that both characters were intriguing with careers and pasts that made sense with regards to how they react to each other, which made the book a compelling read.

Fans of Beers will love this, and all romance fans will enjoy this too.

I received an e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This story really crossed many emotions for me-the MC, Macy will bring a smile to your face with her slight clumsiness, make you laugh with all her fur babies and tug at your heartstrings with her past. She meets the other MC, Brooke in a messy sort of way, and leaves Brooke with a first impression that would be hard to 'clean up' <that's all I am saying>.

Even though Brooke comes off as a no-nonsense, hard set worker, I read it to be more like her armor she brings out to hide her soft inner-self that protects herself from disappointment from family and struggle with her sexuality (Bisexual). You find yourself cheering for Brooke (and her cat) as she moves through her emotions with Macy, and cheering for Macy and her struggles with loving again.

Ms. Beers ability to draw you into the story with her beautiful descriptions of surroundings (I loved the walks Brooke would take) and how she gets you invested into the characters emotions, just has you reading this book in one sitting (yeah I did that). This is another great book from Ms. Beers, I always look forward to her storylines, and thinking of the characters long after I put the book down.

I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.

To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Heart tugging story

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4.5 stars. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my Georgia Beers marathon as of late, and I’m happy to say this book is one of the ones I enjoyed the most. In 16 Steps to Forever, Beers explores new topics I haven’t seen in her work (so far): bisexuality, labels, loss of a partner, being a Christian in the LGBTQ+ community, and even being a lesbian who isn’t into sports! This is probably the heaviest traditional romance I’ve read from Beers, but it maintains a light and sweet tone overall. There’s no shortage of beloved tropes and swoon-worthy moments.

When we’re introduced to Brooke Sullivan, she seems like a bit of an ice queen. She’s not, though; she just has her guard up. She’s uber-organized and counts things to calm herself down, but she also has a flirty and playful side (which I loved). I love how Beers handled Brooke’s bisexuality and faith: two things we need to see more of in lesfic! I was also touched by Brooke’s loneliness and her willingness to reach out to Macy.

Macy Carr is an adorkable disaster lesbian with a tragic past. She’s clumsy, disorganized, sweet-as-sugar, and has a heart of gold. She lost her longtime partner in a freak accident a few years ago, but Brooke makes her want to open up her heart again. In contrast to Brooke’s rather empty social life, Macy has a solid support system, which introduces us to several lovable side characters. Macy also has an utterly adorable pack of animals, as is expected from a Beers novel.

My main complaint is that I didn’t quite understand why Brooke acted the way she did during the inevitable conflict. I thought it was OOC of her to be so reactive and not think things through more. However, the lovely ending kinda made up for it.

Overall, it was a pleasure reading Beers’ latest installment, and I’m looking forward to the next one!

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I was given a copy of the story in exchange for an honest review.

Georgia Beers is the queen of lesbian romance. Her scenarios are beleiveable and the characters are people we might know.

Macy is a young widow - she has a loving family and best friend for support. But it's been three years since her partner died and she has not moved on.

Brooke is a successful real estate agent - while she has a loving family, they do not know how to deal with her bisexuality.

Macy and Brooke meet at work, and as they say, you do not get a do over on first impressions. Yikes, Macy, the klutz, literally runs into Brook with a plateful of pastries = one ruined designer suit on Brook's first day on the job

The story follows the two women through their undeniable chemistry and working through their personal traumas.

Fun read, likeable characters with the same dilemmas we all face.

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You really can't go wrong reading a Georgia Beers book. She knows how to create characters that you will want to read about and who you will find yourself rooting for. 16 Steps to Forever is no different because her formula works.

Brooke Sullivan moves to a new city to start a new job and new live. Her job at Wolfe Reality starts with a bang when Macy Carr collides with her destroying her new white suite with raspberry Danishes. Talk about an impression. These two can't be any more different. Macy being more free spirited and Brooke being more uptight (but not an ice queen). Of course you know what they say - Opposites attract. There is chemistry, great interaction and you actually get to know the mains. This also has a really good supporting cast. Of course a good romance must have some angst and this one is played out well. I can't stand angst that just seems like it comes out of no where. Beers builds this one from the very beginning of the story. You just don't know it until you are in the mist of angst. I loved that. The only issues I have with this romance is the ending. It was really lackluster. I wasn't expecting it to be glitzy, I just think it was rushed.

I liked this one and will recommend it. 4 stars.

This arc was provided by netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.

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It took me a bit of time to get into this read. I just didn't find myself feeling drawn to the story or the characters. Once I got to the half way point I did find myself getting into the book more and enjoying seeing where the characters story would end up.

I do feel Beers comes up with good character back stories but find she keeps it fairly surface level and would love to see her really go in deep to the storyline I feel that would make her books go next level.

It was an enjoyable read in the end but didn't feel like a memorable one for me.

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Usually I believe that a staple of whether a books is going to be good or not is the author, however, there a several times in which I have found this to be a hit and miss situation, this one being one of them.

When it comes to Georgia Beers I usually find myself devouring her books and wishing they could be longer, in this case I had a hard time reading the book and an ever harder time identifying myself with some of the main characters.

Yes, there is chemistry and all, but the book did not flow smoothly enough that left me wanting more, still, a bad novel is not enough for me to give up on this author completely.

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Sixteen Steps to Forever is a delightful story of two women taking chances despite different fears. You’ll be even more delighted when you find out what those 16 steps means for both of them. Another great book by this veteran BSB author.

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The two main characters in this book are both interesting women, Brooke is a real estate agent new to the city; Macy is a real estate stager who has been in the city her whole life. When these to initially meet there is a bit of attraction between the two, even though both women are opposite in many ways. Macy is a bit of a klutz well Brooke is very organized and precise. Macy is from a loving family who excepts her for who she is while Brookes family Rejects her sexuality and is a source of pain for her. These two unlikely women keep running into each other which Brooke gets excited about because there’s a potential there, however Macy feels she has her heart full of her cats and dogs and isn’t in the market for another human to capture her heart. Then one night, unexpectedly, Macy kisses Brooke and the intensity of their feelings is in that kiss. Brooke is thrilled by the development but the kiss suddenly ends when Macy sees a picture of her deceased partner and ends the kiss and feels very guilty. Macy has been unable to move on to any type of relationship because of the baggage she still carries concerning her deceased partner. Brooke helps Macy process her feelings and the to begin to move on with a hot and heavy relationship until it all comes to an end because of Macy’s fears. The road to a happy ever after is a challenging one for these two but they are able to work things out with the help of a fantastically well developed cast of secondary characters who are very involved in the entire story.
Georgia beers is a top-notch writer and her stories are always very well developed, that being said I would have liked to of seen a little bit more of an ending that would have cemented the happily ever after in the book for me.

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You always know more or less what you’re getting with a Georgia Beers book, and they are gentle and comforting reads. The characters here are new-in-town estate agent Brooke, and Macy, who works for a staging company, which basically means primping up properties to make them look as good as possible prior to putting them on the market, to maximise the chances of a good sale. (I had no idea this was a thing, but evidently it is.)

Brooke is super organised and Macy’s a bit of a klutz, prone to falling over and dropping things. Not the most original dynamic, but it’s fine. More significant perhaps is Brooke’s issues with her parents, and most of all the shocking bereavement Macy suffered a few years earlier.

I like Georgia’s characters, who have proper jobs, believable emotions and don’t act in ridiculous ways. This is a sweet if relatively uneventful read, following the developing relationship between Brooke and Macy. As usual there are various animals around too - a host of pets for Macy, a new cat for Brooke - who always enhance the story.

A good addition to the Georgia Beers bibliography.

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This has been a sweet story, very sweet indeed. And it also has human and non-human protagonists, as is usually the case in the books of this author.These non-human protagonists play a sufficiently relevant role and also contribute to the overall sweetness of the book.

The truth is, in many moments along the story I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, some of the things the two protagonists carried inside seemed like they were going to explode at any moment, but to my complete satisfaction there has not been as much drama as I could have expected as the story went on. Because me and excessive drama don't get along very well, but, you know, that's just me.

Of the two protagonists, I preferred Brooke over Macy, if only because of her adorable compulsive count of everything around her. Although Macy is also worthy of esteem, if only for her attitude in dealing with the blows of life.

I would have liked the ending to have been stretched out a little bit more, but overall it has been an entertaining, romantic and very enjoyable story.

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“And I will continue to, every time you say it. You gotta have faith, honey.”
“I used to.”

When Macy Carr crashed into Brooke Sullivan and ruined her perfectly put together, very professional and expensive business outfit, she also left an undesired impression on the very cold but beautiful woman she was supposed to work with.

In a new city with a new job, Brooke Sullivan is determined on a fresh start and to build her career as the newly recruited real estate agent with Wolfe Agency. Organised and poised, she was thrown into a mess when the clumsy Macy Carr ran into her.

What started off as a stumble from their first meet up developed into mutual liking as they started to work together. However, as their relationship developed further, Macy’s past threatened to put a halt to all of it.

This is a story of letting go, acknowledging and moving on from grief, strength to overcome stigma and courage to embrace love.

Readers who have read Georgia Beer’s novella in “All I want for Christmas” will be pleased to learn more about Sasha Wolfe in this book.

I just reviewed 16 Steps to Forever by Georgia Beers. #NetGalley

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I think I have loved every book by Georgia Beers I have read in recent years. She had some sort of writing slump at some point but she’s clearly over it and it makes me really happy. Because when she’s good, she’s really good, in that soft, warm and, yes, sexy way I love in romance novels.

New city, new job, new life. Brooke Sullivan left Ohio, hoping from a new start away from home. That new life starts with a bang when, a few days into Brooke’s new job at Wolfe Realty, Macy Carr barrels into her, sending raspberry Danishes flying every which way and, of course, directly on Brooke’s ivory suit. As Brooke will find out, Macy’s clumsiness is legendary. What else is legendary is how talented Macy is at staging homes, a skill Sasha Wolfe, Brooke’s boss, plans to make good use of for the new high-end property she’s been hired to sell. Despite the disastrous first impression, Brooke quickly learns that Macy is well worth the effort. Sweet, complex and still grieving the death of the love of her life, Macy has filled her life with pets (three dogs, two cats), family and friends. She never thought she would, again, feel what being near Brooke makes her feel.

On the surface, Brooke and Macy are complete opposites. Brooke loves order and logic, Macy thrives in organized chaos. Then again, Brooke brings peace and serenity to Macy’s life while Macy brings the fun side of Brooke (who definitely has a fun side) out. They both make the other feel safe. Not as in playing safe, as in safe to be who they are and, honestly, that’s kind of everything in a relationship.

What I love about Beers’ writing is that she doesn’t need to overstate anything. Her characters are genuinely nice and lovely, and she’s awesome at writing the subtle shifts that move friendship into “more” territory. In romance, what matters isn’t the way the story ends – there will be a happy-ever-after or, at least, a happy-for-now –, it’s the journey, and Beers makes that journey very sweet.

It’s in the details, such as Macy’s relationship with her nephew Tyler, her friendship with Lucas, Brooke’s complicated relationship with religion, her bisexuality, her budding friendship with Sasha… Sasha, whose story Georgia Beers tells in Triple Dog Dare, one of the three novellas that make up Bold Strokes Books’ 2020 Christmas offering, All I Want for Christmas. I’ll be reviewing it very soon but I can already say that while I liked Macy and Brooke’s romance a whole lot, I loved Sasha’s. More soon.

Oh, and Macy needs to get tested for dyspraxia. Just saying.

I received a copy from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Light hearted romance with meeting and falling in love as the driving story. Brooke moves from Ohio to start a new job and life in upstate New York. She is successful and wants to perform her best. Macy is klutzy and an animal lover. She is also talented and provides much of the property staging for Brookes new agency. Their paths literally cross more than once as they become friends.

This is my first Georgia Beers novel and her characters have a lot of depth. Macy has lost a partner and must deal with guilt as she moves forward. Brooke feels her parents disappointment but she wants to make friends, renew faith and be happy in her new life. The side characters Sasha, Eva, Tyler add so much as the story unfolds. Even the menagerie of dogs and cats all have distinct personalities. I love the natural conversations between characters and I could see the love relationship developing.

The angst moments were realistic. Macy uttering "Well, well, well,..If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.", is so self aware even if she isn't sure how to make things right. I wish there were a few added scenes at the end or an epilogue but I finished feeling things were on track for a HEA. (4.5 stars rounding up)

Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Big fan of this book! It was really close to getting 5 stars from me, so I definitely would agree with other reviews giving that rating.

Georgia Beers always is a great writer, but for some reason I felt like her banter and witty dialogue was better in this book than a lot of her others. Kudos to her there. Brooke and Macy bounced off each other so well, that I could hear the flirtation in the dialogue.

I think the topic of second loves is always a challenge, and this story felt real. Theirs the obvious guilt of falling for someone again, but also, what about the guilt when you realize you aren't feeling guilty? It was neat that she touched on that aspect as well.

Also have to say, I'll be really annoyed if Sasha isn't the lead in her next book! Love the workaholic but lovable boss thing she had going on. The girl needs some love! Plus, then we'd get a sneak peek at Brooke and Macy again...

Overall, really sweet book to read and one of Beers' better books to date.

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I have mixed feelings about this story. It was sweet, the characters were sweet, the pets were sweet....but I didn't get emotionally involved this time. Dont know why...but I didnt.
I have read all of Georgia Beers books and loved them. So maybe just my current mood. (Covid...election aftermath)
I felt a little irritated with Macy...I realize her past experience was shocking but it had been 3 years. I would expect her to be thrilled she had found someone as special as Brook.
Again, I realize she was shocked again, but it turned out fine. That should have shown her that not all emergencies turn out the same. And grateful. But then we wouldn't have the angst to complete the book.
Good characters, cute pets, very warm and funny dialog but a bit too formula this time for me.
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is an absolutely lovely story! 16 Steps to Forever truly is a classic Georgia Beers novel with lots of romance, a fair dose of angst, and of course a small herd of adorable dogs and cats. Does a group of dogs and cats make a herd?

16 Steps to Forever tells the story of Brooke Sullivan and Macy Carr. It is a beautiful story of two women who obviously have major chemistry together. However, they must find a way to overcome heartaches and disappointments in their pasts in order to have a possible future together.

A city in upper New York during Spring is the perfect setting for this story, and is well described in the tale. The characters (main, secondary, and animal) are all well developed. I connected with both main characters immediately. It probably helped that both of them are animal lovers, especially Macy. In fact, as I was reading about Brooke being “adopted” by a stray cat in the story, my family was being “adopted” by a (formerly) feral cat in our neighborhood. Talk about a story coming to life!

I truly loved reading this novel. It left me feeling really happy. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a great romance.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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