Member Reviews

This was actually surprisingly decent for a random Netgalley find by an unknown author. A proper character written drama featuring three distinct plotlines and three distinct protagonists and their respective turmoils converging all too neatly in the end into something of a Thanksgiving special about the meaning of family and love and chances, second, third and otherwise.
I didn’t quite expect the narrative to turn into such a stirring made for tv special complete with a rousing finale, but that’s where the author took it and, to be fair, it worked. In fact, it probably would have done even more so had it been tailored to Christmas…why not, at least it’s a proper occasion, not the sociopolitically challenged PR disaster of an overeaters familiar celebration.
Set (and published) in a city of brotherly love disdain, the book does its best to give the place that NYC magic sheen where all things are possible if at the end of the day you just end up at the right bar and meet the right strangers.
The overall tonal balance is slightly confusing, it goes from heavy and dark to almost quaint, but at least it stays away from cute, so that’s done right. Plus it’s well written, features likeable flawed redeemable characters and is an exceptionally quick read, just about 100 minutes for the entire thing. All in all, pretty good for what it was, an indie that can. Optimism is a tough sell these days, but this book really does try its best to look at the puddle and notice the stars. Almost admirable, in a way. Some might even find it inspirational. At any rate, a nice read. Thanks Netgalley.

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