Member Reviews

First and foremost, thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for an advance copy of Mr. Right Across the Street.

Mia Abbott has moved to Manchester to give herself change of scenery. And the scenery itself is quite her flat view includes a well built neighbor who enjoys working out every morning at 10am. Mia is not mad about that view at all. However, she realizes that she is spending too much time working and staying within the 4 walls of her apartment. When she visits the local pub, charmingly named The Bar Beneath, she realizes the stranger she's been ogling is the owner of the bar.

Luke is immediately fascinated with the green-haired pixie who pops into his bar one night. However, his past quickly catches up with him. As Mia is burned from her previous relationships, she strikes the only bargain she feels comfortable with - being friends.

The friends to lovers trope is one of my favorites and this book did not disappoint. I loved watching Mia and Luke's relationship develop. Would highly recommend giving Mr. Right Across the Street a read!

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I want to express my gratitude to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for giving me the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

I felt quite interested in this title when I read the synopsis and I believed that this could be an attractive read.

In this book, we meet a young woman called Mia that is living in a new place in order to forget her ex-boyfriend. In this situation, she meets Luke, a hot bartender, that he feels attracted to since the first look and wants to spend all his free time with her.

The premise of the book is quite simple, but it could work better than it. Maybe, this lack of interest that I felt is the fault of Mia, the main character. She is a nerd girl, for this reason she thinks that Luke can't be falling in love with her, this situation extends the plot too many to me.

On the other hand, Luke is a really interesting main character. Yes, he is a hot boy and the reader can think that he is only this, yet he has a lot of background that the reader finds page by page that made his story indeed great.

If I have to talk about the writing, I can say that Kathryn Freeman has a good style, it’s not heavy nor quite fluid, however me as a reader had a good rhythm of reading. I want to say that to me the chapters were a little bit longer, perhaps because I like short chapters.

To sum up, it is a tantalising read if you want something easy to rest from books of other genres.

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Mia Abbott has moved away from her home town to Manchester, escaping an obsessive ex. She is slightly hesitant to get out and meet new people and experience new things. The view from the apartment across the way does offer a pretty decent view. Most days at 10am, the occupant of said apartment works out, shirtless.

Luke is your typical good looking male. He isn't one for settling down and in his business, he is able to meet a lot of single women. He owns the bar on the street, The Bar Beneath.

When Mia finally decides to give the bar a try, there is a connection between Luke and Mia. So can Mia stop being skittish and Luke stop being womanizing? Only one way to find out.

This story had a great premise but I found myself often annoyed by her lack of trust and periods of doubt over her self worth. Everytime she had the chance she voiced it by stating their differences and how they couldn't work. It started to feel repetitive everytime the two characters were together. Thank you Netgally and the publishers for allowing me the opportunity to review this book.

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When life is proving to be a little bit shitty I absolutely love reaching out for a romcom and being able to escape into the lighthearted and at times, cliche world that they deliver and this book did not disappoint me in that.

I loved the short and snappy chapters and how the chapter was halved between Mia’s and Lukes pov’s. There is something about alternative pov’s that draw me in so much more when it comes to romcoms as it strengthens the character progression for me so much.

I loved Mia from the minute she was introduced. She was such a strong female lead who was in many ways so confident in who she was as a person but also wasn't afraid to admit that her past experiences had resulted in her putting her guard up when it came to future relationships. At first, I was very vary of Luke. He was portrayed as your stereotypical 'player' but as the characters progressed and their individual stories unfolded, I ended up loving Luke more than I loved Mia!

The one thing that I NEED closure on is what happened between Stan and Naomi.?! As a second storyline I was so invested and need to know asap please. I adored Stan's character so much.!!

Overall, this book was really enjoyable and it was the exact book I needed at this point in my life. It was such a lovely way to escape the realities of the world right now and I need to stock up on my Kathryn Freeman books asap!!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

Firstly, thank you to @harpercollinsuk for my advanced review copy of Mr Right Across The Street. This one came out TODAY and to all my rom com babes (you know who you are) this one is definitely for you!!

Mr Right Across The Street is about Mia Abbott who moves to Manchester to escape her life of failed relationships and dating disasters. There, she spies hot as hell neighbour Luke who lives in the flat opposite her and owns the bar underneath. Luke spies her too and starts leaving handwritten signs in his window for Mia and the adventures and romance start from there!

This book is the perfect fluffy, rom com, easy reading vibe that I love in a book! It has romance, banter and a wee bit of smut that we all love, while also covering more serious topics around dating, relationships and trust. It is about two people with baggage that are afraid to be hurt again, while also drenched in fun dates and witty comebacks.

The only downside to this book for me was that it had a lot of British phrases and words in it that I wasn’t sure the meaning of 😂 I feel like if you’re from the UK this book would be actual perfection for you, but a lot of the references I didn’t understand and I’m sure even more went completely over my head (soccer team rivalry haha?!)

This one would make an awesome Netflix movie and I definitely recommend it for readers who loves cute, easy, predictable reads filled with romance and happily ever afters!

Thank you again to @harpercollinsuk and @kathryn.freeman_author for allowing me to read this early - I absolutely loved it!

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This book was just ok for me. I stay interested in it about halfway through. I definitely feel like the book could have been shorter than it was. I liked the fact that Mia wanted to be friends with Luke at first. It is hard to see that type of situations in romance books now, a lot are definitely instalove.

I didn’t really understand the whole not giving out phone number thing except to those closest to her. Once they became friends they could have stopped with the notes. It was cute at first then that also dragged a bit.

There were also a lot of stereotypes done in this book especially because of the main girl character. She judged Luke constantly despite the fact that he was changing other people.

All in all, it wasn’t bad. I was interested in the first half and this was a three star rating. This does not mean it was bad. Just could have been better.

Thank you Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a very cute but very predictable romance book. Mia the main female character is out of a bad/board line abusive relationship is new to the area. Luke the main male character is the local barman who is a big flirt with numerous hook ups. The characters are cute and you root for them the whole book. If you like warm, comfortable, happily ever after style books you’ll love this book. If you want drama and will they won’t they style then skip this one. Overall it was enjoyable.

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Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgally for the ARC for an honest review.

This is the third book of Kathryn Freeman's I've read, and I enjoyed it immensely. I definitely will say it was a bit sexier than her other books. That isn't something I'm complaining about. I felt that there were far less fade to black scenes in this book than in her previous ones. They weren't melt your clothes off, I need 14 glasses of water, and a cold shower hot, but I felt that with Kathryn's writing, they were fitting.

Mia works from home as a web designer. She’s always been very into computers and considers herself a nerd. She wears nerdy tshirts and leggings, and this makes her different than the other women she meets throughout the book. She talks to Luke about being the nerdy girl in school, and how the nerdy girls never got the cool guys. Luke, our handsome as the Devil bar owner, after meeting Mia wants to show her that sometimes the nerdy girls get the cool guy after all.

The whole "not like other women" trope was a bit too much in my face as a reader. I appreciate that Mia wasn't one to dress up or put on makeup just to impress a man, but I found the underlying attitude about the women who did was a bit put off. It was very present in the book, especially towards the previous women in Luke's life. Mia can't be bothered to put on make up or dress up in slinky dresses and high heels, and that's fine for her. What the other women did with their lives or wardrobe was no one's business but their own, but Mia made it very clear how she felt about them even if didn't outright say anything negative. Girl, let them do their thing, you do yours, and we can all live in a much happier world.

My biggest issue with this book was Mia's constant judgment about Luke's past sex life. The man is attractive, single, and didn't want anything serious. That is perfectly fine. It would be no different if Mia had a similar past. If you're two consenting adults and are careful, what is the big deal? This seems to be more of the author's view that is slipping into her characters, because this is an on-going theme in her books. It was just more present in this one because of who Luke is as a character. Mia continuously brings up his past sex life, almost to the point where I kept wondering why Luke was bothering with her in the first place.

I will say this about Kathryn's books. The conflict can be a bit of a stretch, but it doesn't make it less real. Her male leads aren't assholes with toxic behaviors like extreme jealousy, possessiveness, or are straight assholes. I liked Luke. He tried to give Mia agency, even when it came to a scene with her previous ex, and although he missed her when they couldn't spend time together, he understood she had her life and he had his. I also enjoy that her characters TALK. Yes, it may be a day or two (or three or four) before they have a much needed conversation, but they do talk. Mia and Luke talked through their issues, and even though Mia made me want to beat my head against the wall at times, you could see their growth through their conversations as they both tried to overcome past experiences and current obstacles.

If you like quick, beach read, healthy-esque type rom-coms, I recommend this. I enjoyed it, and I've come to appreciate Freeman's writing as a romance author.

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Mia is a website developer looking to start over in Manchester away from family and friends and to escape a bad relationship that she just ended. She is determined to be independent and build a life for herself with out relying on a boyfriend.

she quickly comes to discover two things there is a very hot guy across the street from her flat and she enjoys oogling his morning workouts every day. The same super hot attractive guy is also the bar owner just around the corner from her flat.

Luke is going through some personal stuff. He is no longer working at the bar but is now the owner. Realizing he comes in an owner is a lot more involved than initially anticipated, he does not have time for a relationship until Mia walks through his doors.

Me. Right Across the Street suffers from “I’m not like other girls” trope, which after a while became a little frustrating to keep reading. It’s a sweet story like very sweet Friends to couple romance, if you will. Having to learn to understand each other and be patient with each other.

If you can overlook the clichés and enjoy the friends to lovers romance, it’s a book for you.

Thank you, One More Chapter and NetGalley, for the approved ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Hoping for a fresh start away from ger ex-boyfriends, Mia has left her family and friends behind to move from Somerset to Manchester. Her family are worried that she is lonely and not heading out to meet new people. Although she's already made friends with her neighbour, Stan, a 67-year-old, overweight and somewhat grumpy man. Plus there is the hot guy across the street conducting his weight lifting regime at 10 am every day to look forward to.

Determined to step out of her comfort zone and prove her family wrong she visits the bar across the street. With Luke (aka hot weight lifting guy) being the bartender/owner that attends to her. Looking up and spotting Mia's green streaks in her blonde hair and leggings/oversized jumper Luke knows she is unlike any girl he has met before. They chat as he attempts to get her to try a cocktail but she's happy with a beer. Asking her out she declines and manages to make some girlfriends in the toilets who know all about Luke's playboy nature.

Discovering that Mia lives opposite him he pops a note in his window, which Mia ignores at first. Soon they begin a fun/flirty back and forth via the window messages. Meeting up for non-dates to show Mia what Manchester has to offer, they enjoy each others company but it's just as friends - right?

With secrets, issues and ongoing problems in their way - are they able to stay and argue or will they keep running away from things?

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This was a slow starter for me, but Mia and Luke really got under my skin. They are such lonely souls, each with their own reasons for not letting people in. Their banter and chemistry really pulls you along with their story. And I loved the slow build up to their relationship - it really adds to the tension. There’s humour, romance and obstacles galore - and a house rabbit. Who doesn’t love a house bunny? Loved this!

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This is my first encounter with the author and I have to say I'll be reading more from her in the future.
The cover was so cute and when I saw it I just knew I wanted to read it and I didn't even need to look at the blurb. I loved how this story so mych and how we had strong female lead with Mia. The story was just heartwarming and sweet.

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Such a lovely, feel-good read. Perfect for a lockdown Saturday! Mia has moved to Manchester after a bad experience in a relationship and the feeling she is destined to always make bad relationship choices. She pushes herself out of her comfort zone and into the local bar where the hot guy from the flat opposite is behind the bar. This is a love story, with plenty misunderstanding, hesitation, fun, humour, and honest to goodness nice people. A story of Mia finding a new life for herself and how getting out of your comfort zone and making an effort can reap rewards. And of believing in yourself. Neither Luke nor Mia had positive images of themselves at the start. And this is also a hot read! It cheered me up. #netgalley #mrrightacrossthestreet

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I actually loved this book. My husband made fun of me when he first saw me reading it because he said it sounded like a Hallmark movie, but it was so much better than any Hallmark movie! The character development was so lovely. I really appreciated the way the layers of each character slowly unfolded and loved that we had a chance to hear both sides of the story. It was a really sweet and easy read but one that will stick with me!

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Set in Manchester, boy meets girl is quite a complicated affair for gorgeous Luke, and lovely Mia, a newcomer

to the city.

Luke, owner of The Bar Beneath and computer whizz Mia, live opposite each other, really fancy each other,

and start a hilarious romance by writing notes to one another from their respective flat windows., However,

it's not all plain sailing as they both have skeletons in the cupboard and have to learn to trust each other,

The story is warm and funny. Fortune smiles upon the couple.

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Thanks to One More Chapter and NetGalley for an advanced copy of Mr. Right Across the Street.

While this was a cute (and easy read) and I liked the notes in the window bit, there were a few things as I read this that bothered me - the not like other girls (which was on almost every page) and that the characters seemed a lot younger than I would expect people in their 30s to act.

If you're looking for a quick easy rom-com then I'd recommend it.

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This book is the perfect mixture of romance and comedy, it was genuinely so much fun to read! Mia has moved to a new city to start over, forget her ex, and make the most of her life in this city full of singles. So what if she doesn't actually get out to do anything, and spends her Friday nights at home? So what if the best part of her day is when she watches her neighbor work out? Mia is moving on with her life... until she realizes that Mr. Hot Neighbor knows she watches him and what's more, he's written her a note confirming as much. The story is so cute and the characters feel like they could be your friends. I loved the character development throughout and the reality of how difficult it can be to start your life over.

4/5 Stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for providing me with an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very fun book. Like the rom-com Mia was writing, it hit all the right notes. My favorite part was the notes in the window. I also enjoyed how Mia and Grace’s and even Mia and Freya’s relationships developed. And the reltionships with friends, too. Mia was a great heroine and hottie Luke a most excellent boyfriend.

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A really cute, quick, quirky, funny read. The characters are well thought out and relatable. I loved the flow of the story and the characters relationships. I wanted to be part of this story and friends with everyone. This book is like a warm hug in book form.

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After leaving Somerset to live in Manchester following the end of her relationship with her last boyfriend Mia spends a lot of her time watching her neighbour in the flat opposite. She has moved away from her family and friends so she doesn’t have much to do. Luke a local Bar owner is the man who lives in the flat opposite Mia. He meets Mia in his Bar and asks her on a date. However having had a bad experience with several previous boyfriends Mia is apprehensive. He writes her messages in his window instead of texting. As friends they go out and have fun whilst Luke hopes that in the end he can convince Mia to fall in love with him too.
It’s a good story but I found it very slow at the beginning and it took me a bit longer than usual to read. It did have some very funny bits and was worth reading. Just keep reading!!

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