Member Reviews

5 stars book
I really love reading this book, I love the characters and all the story.
A fast reading with all the condiments to a great romance

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This was a super sweet (and steamy) romance!

Mia moves to Manchester to get away from an ex who won't leave her be. She is going to spend time on her own and finally work on the novel she's been meaning to write. The sexy bar owner who lives in the flat across from hers is a temptation she wasn't planning on.

This book was a slow burn romance with pacing that is consistent with Brit Lit, much slower than American-written romances with an emphasis on daily life and friendships with others as well as the main romance.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

Mr. Right Across the Street focuses of the meeting, subsequent friendship, and mutual pining that occurs between Mia and Luke.

I enjoyed the idea of writing notes on a window for someone, especially after being in quarantine for a year. Overall this was definitely a cute and sweet romance. My only qualm would be that in an effort to make Mia seem 'not like other girls,'there is some shaming of other women.

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After reading several thrillers, I realized I needed something light and easy to read. Mr. Right Across the Street was absolutely perfect for this. It kept me smiling, laughing at times, and turning the pages. I loved their banter, their chemistry... I love enemies to lovers best of all.

I read this in one sitting and would recommend it to anyone.

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Mr Right Across the Street is another Kathryn Freeman smasher! Always offering a slightly steamy, happy ending, it’s easy to see why her books are so popular. Even though a happy ending is on the cards, the reader has to accept that there will be no instant payoff.
As the synopsis explains, this book is about Mia Abbott and Luke Doyle. They are both bearing the battle scars of poor relationship choices and still forging ahead with the intention of throwing themselves into their new businesses. Their courtship is both gentle and unique, Mia has been burned in the past and has no intention of allowing another man to control her life or her destiny. Luke cannot believe that after years of meaningless hook-ups, he’s finally attracted to someone on more than a physical level.
Of course, nothing runs smoothly in real life, so why should fiction be any different? There are hurdles to jump and objections to overcome. Exes to deal with and nerves to calm. In fact, this book has everything that you could be looking for in a romantic fiction title.
Special mention has to be given to the lovely senior romance. Finding someone special, at any age, is not an easy task, so taking that leap is a scary step. If you want to know more, then this book is available for you to enjoy yourself.

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Mia has recently moved to Manchester to gain some independence and some distance from her previous relationships. Working at home, she definitely hasn't noticed that the handsome man in the flat opposite works out every morning at 10am. When she bumps into Luke, Mr Flat Opposite, at the neighborhood bar, there's a connection between the two, but she realizes he's a player and that's not a road she's going to cross, so to speak. However, when Luke looks out his window the next day and catches glint of the green streaked hair he recognizes from the bar, he starts up a window note conversation that has her questioning - is Mr Right right across the street?

I enjoyed this one! It was funny and sweet with a surprising amount of depth from the two main characters, particularly Luke. The story kept me guessing and took some unexpected turns on the way to the end. There's lots of fun Manchester references (City or United - a question for the ages), a pet rabbit named Pickles, fun cocktails, good side characters and window notes are always a fun element in a rom-com.

Thank you to One More Chapter/Harper Collins for the advanced copy of this book via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I found the story to be cute most of the time. I enjoyed getting to know Mia and Luke as characters, and their relationship evolved in a steady and nice way. I would have enjoyed it better without the constant references to his muscles and her curves, though.

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I loved this book! It was heartwarming and strong. It was exactly what I needed with everything going on in the world! A happy little escape!

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At a time when the world seems dark and uncertain, Mr Right Across the Street was the perfect racy and romantic pick me up. I loved the premise of the signs in the window between the two main characters Mia and Luke, just like in a fun Taylor Swift video.

Kathryn always writes great characters, full of wit and banter, but undoubtedly one of the best things about her books is her ability to create chemistry so strong it practically sizzles off the page.

I loved Mia’s quirkiness and Luke was both sweet and really HOT.

I can’t wait for Kathryn’s next book.

With thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I’m conflicted on some of my opinions but I will say that ultimately I did enjoy the majority of the book and plan to read more of Kathryn Freeman’s work.

The book had not like other girls energy which bothered me at times. I clarify that neither characters looked down on the “other girls” and their attitudes felt quite realistic. I do wish Mia could have been described without being repeatedly told that she’s ‘different’ and ‘quirky’ because she codes and doesn’t dress up to go out.

Now for the positives; I do think you can write a story with the “not like other girls” narrative involved because ultimately that characterisation does exist. I actually think this book did a very good job of the characterisation but again I just didn’t need to be reminded so explicitly. With Mia I wish she didn’t acknowledge that she was a geek so frequently but also where she differs from many other characters is that she doesn’t look down on “other girls”, they befriend each other and she also recognises her own strengths and is confident in herself.

Luke is a bit more complicated to explain. I would say it’s implied that Luke sees “other girls” almost as sex material and Mia as relationship material to put it bluntly but I also think there’s a bit more nuance to it. I think his attitude is quite realistic (although unfortunate) to what I have seen in real life and I actually don’t get the impression he sees “other girls” in a bad light. It just really feels like he is so intrigued by Mia because he’s used to only being around certain women and more specifically fails to make friendships with women who aren’t Sandy and therefore has categorised them differently from Mia.

I should also note that Luke’s categorisation is not as clear cut; for instance he groups the women at the bar together when speaking saying that they wear tight dresses and makeup, implying that they’re “other girls” but he also categorises Chloe closer to Mia than to the “other girls” like Tanya and Helen. I guess what I’m saying is that Luke talks about Mia in a “not like other girls” way but ultimately I think his main categorisation of that is “girls who don’t immediately want to have casual sex with me and also be okay with sex being completely casual”. While I was very happy to have a character who has sex with numerous people, while ensuring they’re on the same page, it did irk me that Tanya and Vicky were still implied to chase him.

Without going into spoilers, I liked how their relationship developed and I like the dynamics we find out about later that complicate it. The book was strongest when the characters when honest and had strong communication, I found the only times I didn’t enjoy the book was when they gave each other silent treatment.

Overall, the book made me want to read more books by this author but I do wish it had relied less on the ‘not like other girls’ trope.

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I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book, but in the end, I think I enjoyed it.

Luke was not super charming to me, but I did like his notes on his window. He was persistent in reaching out to her and was great in reminding her how interested he was. He never faltered in his trust and what not in Mia which was very admirable. My heart would also break for him each time Mia pulled away. Like, he was so committed and it just made me ache for him and his little broken heart.

I wasn't really physically attracted to him either? I think that might be why I didn't find him *that* charming. Possibly it was the constant reminder that he was ripped and I'm not really into the guys with giant muscles. Just a personal preference.

Also, it was annoying how Mia liked Luke, but then she was like, i can't do this with him. But then she would say, but I like him so much! but i can't date him. Pick a side, woman! Dadgum. Also, she always doubted, like the whole book, whether he liked her or not. Like, he proved over and over how much he liked her and she was still like, oh. i don't know. maybe I'm just *another girl* to him. Ugh.

I was intrigued enough to read the whole book though so that's a plus. I think it was my lack of interest in the characters that led to my lack of investment in their relationship which led to my less than stellar rating. But, I didn't hate the book.

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This was a lovely, light, fun read. It was enjoyable from start to finish. I found it well written and never dipped. It was a feel good tale about Mia, starting off in a new town, looking for Mr. right having escaped the possessing and controlling clutches of her ex boyfriend. She is mainly happy to be free, and about the possibilities that lie before her, when opportunity falls into her pathway. Luke, the guy who is right across the street, leaves a note for her on her window and the avenues of communication open up and progress from there. It's a funny book and really relatable, especially how she coins names for those neighbours she hasn't yet gotten to know. It's a fun easy read that keep you entertained.

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I had a hard time getting through this. Not sure if I just couldn’t get the humour or if it was the male lead, Luke who I didn’t really enjoy reading. I did have fun getting to know Mia and her story.

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This was so fun, but I wish they communicated their feelings better towards the end. It got a little sloggy at that point, but I loved the premise.

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Mr Right Across the Street
By Kathryn Freeman

This was such a fun read I enjoyed for a great hot and sexy romance read. The characters were fun to read about especially with the two point of views between Mia and the ever so handsome across the street neighbor Luke whose daily exercise routine makes for a lovely view across the street. I did enjoy the secondary characters as well which rounded out this fun and quirky enjoyable quick read.

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This is a cute romance and an easy read, if at times a little cliched. Mia has moved to Manchester after a difficult break up - working from home, she notices a good looking man in the apartment opposite who works out every morning. That man turns out to be Luke, who runs a neighbourhood bar - when Mia goes into his bar, Luke is smitten immediately but still feeling burned and seeing Luke as a bit of a player, Mia is determined to avoid romance. She is keen to make friends in a new town however, so agrees to allow Luke to show her Manchester and the relationship soon hots up.

Whilst I enjoyed the development of the relationship, it did a feel a little drawn out and the book became a little slow-paced for me. I liked aspects of the main characters, and there was a great supporting cast, but the cliche of the cool guy liking Mia the nerd "who is not like other girls" made them at times feel like teenagers rather than the 30-somethings they were supposed to be. But overall it was a fun bit of escapism for a few hours and I would happily pick up another Kathryn Freeman novel if I was looking for an easy read romance.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins/One More Chapter for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Mr Right Across the Street by Kathryn Freeman was a romantic comedy with some cute scenes.

Mia is a green haired web designer trying to start over in a new city. When she shows up at the local bar sparks fly between her and the bartender, Luke. However he can make sparks fly with any women and has. I had a hard time liking Luke’s character. I just could not sympathize with his supposed drama.

I enjoyed the secondar characters as much or more than the lead characters. The author created a great relationship between Mia and her sister, Elle. I also enjoyed the unlikely friendship Mia develops with her neighbor; Stan.

The book takes place in England and is written in British English.

Sexual content – physical scenes
Violence – previous violent boyfriend
Profanity – f-word is used 18 times, Sh&t used 57 times D*mn used 54 times

I received this book from Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

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This was a fun, feelgood romance, that although you knew the outcome would be a 'happily ever after' type, was still an enjoyable read. Original storyline, easy reading. Fun characters that you could imagine having in your own circle of friends.

What would you move into a flat for a new start & then you notice the hot guy living opposite you has started leaving you notes in his window...would you take him up on his offers...or just close the blinds?


Many thanks to Netgalley for my ARC in return for my honest review.

𝗜 𝗴𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮 5 ⭐ 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴

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I loved this sweet, light-hearted read! There are few things I love more than a book and a romance like this when life/the whole world is a bit crap.

I previously read The New Guy by Kathryn Freeman and although it wasn’t my favourite, it was still sweet and it still made this one jump out for me because I recognised the name. This one was definitely a massive improvement and now I want to give this author’s other work a go too.

I loved the relationship between Mia and Luke, neither of whom fall into regular stereotypes. Mia was a fun, relatable character and Luke fulfilled every fantasy whilst also being a genuinely believable love interest. The idea of the messages between the windows instead of texting was definitely cheesy but in a cute way, and I liked the way it fit into Mia’s backstory.

Moreover, I loved the secondary characters in this book and I think they really made it for me. Stan was just wonderful, and I wish we had more closure on him and Naomi. Mia’s sister was fantastic too, as were the other side characters and their character growth throughout, which I won’t say any more on incase anyone reads this review before reading the book.

A perfect escapist read that I couldn’t tear myself away from.

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When I got the email from One More Chapter inviting me to the Readalongg, the first thing that caught my attention was the book cover (as you are well aware by now, I have a thing for book covers)\. I loved it! In fact, I even asked if there was a hardcover available that I could buy. I totally would but unfortunately it was not available.

The characters are adorable with the fact that they have many faults which make them appear real. Faults and insecurities that are displayed in all the right instances.

The story puts light on one very important aspect about security for women that it comes to an extent that a woman needs to think a thousand times before she even gives her phone number to someone she may even start liking. Now I understand that portrayed situation is kind of an extreme in today’s time but it is the idea that needs to be thought about.

The story’s pace varies from slow to moderate as one scene flows into another and makes one want to shout at the characters for their follies and their prejudice – but do we really want perfect character? I don’t. They make a story boring, really.

The interactions between the main characters (and even the not so main characters) being so many smiles and awe moments that there were times I went back and reread some passages and conversations just for the sweetness of them.

Lastly, the book managed to add a city (Manchester) to my ‘To Visit’ list that I plan to scratch this year if COVID-19 is controlled until the later half of the year.

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