Member Reviews

This was the first book I’ve read by Kathryn Freeman and it definitely won’t be the last! The story is a “classic tale” of hot male bartender meets nerdy & spunky website designer with witty banter that is so hilarious and kept the book fun and light. Mia and Luke lived opposite each other and communicated through messages taped to their windows for reasons I will not divulge because I don’t want to spoil anything! I really liked how each chapter is divided between Mia and Luke’s perspective. This format allowed for the story to unfold nicely and kept it interesting! Mia and Luke’s relationship teaches us that everyone has their own insecurities for different reasons and because of this, it’s so important to not judge someone right off the bat and give people the time they need to open up. The book also got quite steamy at parts which is something that I’m never mad about. My biggest concern throughout the story was how many trees must have been killed due to their window messages! Coincidentally, Kathryn hilariously jokes about this in her acknowledgments, so I know I’m not the only one who must have thought this! ⁣

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My first book by this author. It was a bright spot of light in this lockdown darkness. Would equally make a fab beach read. It was a gentle but quirky love story with a great cast of characters. Off to find some more of her books.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Unfortunately I did not enjoy this novel. Neither character held any interest to me. Their interactions flat and uninteresting. Just not what I expected.

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I enjoyed this book and the story line it followed.

This was a quick and easy "beach read" if you will and think this would be a great pick for a summer day!

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Mia moves to Manchester to escape a bad relationship and hasn't made much headway in making new friends. For entertainment, she spies on the people in the flats across from hers, including Hot Guy Opposite who works out at exactly 10 AM.

Deciding she needs to get out, she visits the bar across the street and finds out that Hot Guy Opposite is the owner of the establishment. HGO's name is Luke, and he's interested in Mia because she's different than the other bar patrons. She shows up in sweats when they go out in stilettos.

Luke catches Mia looking at him and starts posting messages in his window for her to see. Mia is charmed by his romantic gesture, and they begin a friendship with Luke as Mia's tour guide in her new city.

Luke and Mia both have baggage from previous relationships, and there are several times where the baggage causes kinks in their relations. Where most romances would be smooth sailing, Mia and Luke have to work through their issues with lovers past.

The book is formatted for a UK audience, so US readers may be baffled by the single quotation marks and British slang. Words like "colour" are easy to gloss over, but the slang can be a real head-scratcher.

Recommended for romance readers who aren't afraid of British formatting.

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[Thanks Netgalley for the ebook. This review is my honest opinion but just another opinion, you should read this book and judge it by yourself]
A funny and cute story with a too cliche ending. The MC are very likable but the heroine sometimes is too insecure and I didn't like it very much. The hero is wonderful (Freeman writes them like no one), funny, lovely and with a great heart. He's the interesting one.
There isn't a deep reading but it's a light and funny one. I love Kathryn Freeman writing style (although some more sexy parts didn't kill anyone... XD)
Un nadismo bastante entretenido que en la parte final decae con ciertos giros bastante previsibles que le hacen perder frescura y gracia.
La protagonista cae bien pero acaba siendo un pelín cansina con sus inseguridades hacia el maromo. Pero él... Ay, él!!!! Todo lo que quieres en un prota de romántica en un magnífico musculamen. Simpático, de esos que te encandilan con el saludo, con un corazón más grande que la cola y la susodicha always ready for the trocotró. Él resulta un personaje mucho más completo, complejo e interesante. La historia en sí no tiene nada pero te mantiene entretenida. Kathryn Freeman suele conectar conmigo y sus libros me suelen despejar, y este, aunque haya sido algo irregular, me ha entretenido, divertido y despejado.
(Eso sí, un poco más de guarrerismo y con más detalle habría sido más que bien recibido)

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Mia left her family home to get away from a former boyfriend, and to spread her wings a bit. Not like the others – she's strictly a converse and quirky t-shirted girl, unapologetically a geek who builds websites for a living. Moving from home and her support system has been difficult and pushes from her sister and mother to “get out there” as they check in on her meeting new people and making friends is pushing Mia to step outside of her comfort zone. If it isn’t at 10 in the morning. For at that time, she’s watching her neighbor (covertly) as he works out in front of his window.

But only knowing one person in her building and feeling that the pensioner also needs to get out – she’s determined to find somewhere for them to go and enjoy what Manchester has to offer. The little bar near her home is convenient and she’s gathered her courage and gone in – only to see that her green-tipped hair, t-shirt and leggings are far from the ‘normal’ for the tightly dressed, coiffed and polished women in there – all clamoring for time with the bartender – the one who just happens to be her work-out neighbor. He’s intrigued by Mia – her laughter, her confidence, her no-nonsense responses to his flirting and lines....

Luke went from bartender to owner of the bar and has worked tirelessly to make it a success. With margins tight and his own energies more suited to keeping the bar running, his own issues with commitment and lack of time also meant that he’s never lacking for female companionship – albeit all without strings and commitment. It’s only with Mia that he wants more – if he can only convince her that he’s willing (and able) to change. This story was adorable, and you can understand, empathize with and even justify the behaviors of both Mia and Luke, and still find moments where you want to shake them both. Throughout100 things to see and do in Manchester, Mia and Luke tentatively take steps into friendship and more – and with the inclusion of friends, family and plenty of soul-bearing, we see that the two are meant to be in a relationship. There are ups, downs and sideways moves, a few naysayers and blasts from the past – but the story ends as it should and is sure to leave you with a smile.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at <a href=” /” > <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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This was a really entertaining read for me! Honestly, there's not much negative to say about it - it's an adorable (albeit, a bit cheesy) love story between two unlikely characters. You have Mia, your stereotypical "nerd" and Luke, the "cool hunky player" with a secret past. If you're in the mood for an ultra-light friends-to-lovers sort of cute romance, this is perfect. I'm a sucker for nicknames, so I was very pleased that I got multiple nicknames for the heroine in one book!

For me personally, it's not my favourite type of book to read as I tend to gravitate towards the non-traditionally hunky heroes and a plot that features a bit more serious topics. It was just a tad on the lighter side for my usual favourites. Mia's character was cute but a bit too simple for the main character (at least from my perspective) and Luke was too... cheesy. Still though, if you're looking for a light read with a cheesy romantic hero, you can't go wrong with Mr Right Across the Street!

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Unfortunately a DNF at 50%

I could not get on with this one at all, I didn't like either of the main characters and found the story fell flat for me. The premise was good, with the two characters putting notes in their windows for the other to read but it wasn't for me, and I couldn't finish it.

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Such a sweet and wonderfully distracting story, perfect for the miserable winter days with it's cheerful, uplifting storyline. The story focuses on Mia and Luke, who are (as the title suggests) living across the street from each other. Initially Mia is unsure about this potential Mr. Right, who approaches her via a note left in the window.
As I've mentioned, this is a light-hearted tale and not to be taken seriously as at times found Mia's attitude of "I'm not a typical girl as I don't wear make-up/dresses etc". And her nicknames for her neighbors are both humorous and accurate. With plenty of laughs, this is the perfect, feel good read for current times.

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I received this book to review from One More Chapter publishing and NetGalley. Overall I really enjoyed this story. Both main characters were very lovable and you truly wanted the best for both of them. Passing notes back and forth via their windows was adorable and such a cute way to communicate. The side characters such as Stan and Naomi were a great addition to the plot.

There is a plot twist about 60% fo the way through that really threw me off. Let me tell you I did not see this coming. Typically I don’t read books in that trope so I was a bit disappointed to encounter it by surprise in this book but fortunately it didn’t ruin the book for me. I obviously won’t share what that is because I don’t want to ruin that plot line for all of you.

Overall I really enjoyed this book but could definitely have done without the twist. I loved the setting (Manchester, England) and Mia is charming and very easy to root for. You just want the best for these characters and that is the sweetest. Also this one had some unexpected steam which I was so pleasantly surprised by! The steam was also so relatable and down to earth -such aspirational steam! We all need a Luke in our lives to build us up and make us feel worthy of the affection others offer us!

Rating: 4.5/5

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This was a pretty cute book with a ton of rom-com movie vibes!
Both Luke and Mia were very likable as was the entirety of the supporting cast in the book (okay, maybe not Immaculate Woman...but by the end she moved up the scale). Their friendship, aka courtship, was very sweet and romantic. The window notes was such a unique twist.

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Thanks to #NetGalley, the publisher HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and the author Kathryn Freeman for providing me with a digital copy of Mr Right Across the Street in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and not influenced in any way. I loved this book, it was good to read about Mia, an extraordinarily strong woman determined to make her own way after a failed relationship and her finding love with Luke. This book was easy to read and I highly recommend it.

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This book was a bit too sickly sweet! It felt like it played on the 'shes not like other girls' trope a bit too much talking about how she wore leggings and had stripes of colour in her hair. It was an easy light weight read but a bit too predictable.

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His was such a cute, fluffy read!
Exactly what I wanted and expected!
The characters were likeable, funny and completely realistic, and this book could definitely have been based on a true story.
It had strong themes of promiscuity, which I think a lot of new partners struggle with when starting out a new relationship.
Very enjoyable, I definitely recommend it.

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In this book Mia, a single, independent, webpage designer and Luke, a hot, sexy, young bar owner that knows how to charm the ladies. THis is a romcom where the girl good goes for a somewhat bad boy. I loved the humor in this book and it was a fun read to do with my book club!

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Following two thrilling Thrillers I was itching for something lighter to read. I’m a massive fan of Kathryn Freeman and ashamedly it’s been a while since I’ve devoured one of her novels. I remember first hearing about this one and I instantly requested it on Netgalley and forgot about it. Until I had the email to say I had been approved. I must admit I had hoped to have read this before publication but sometimes life really does get in the way.

This is a rom-com that will bulldoze you from start to finish. From the minute I met Mia I adored her – we are extremely different people but we do share a few similarities when it comes to how we see ourselves.

Mia has moved to Manchester for a change of scenery and in some ways to find herself – struggling following a bad break up. I really enjoyed seeing Mia embrace leaving her comfort zone and I loved how real she is – not a materialistic girl one who wears what she likes for her. In getting out of her comfort zone she also embraces some unlikely friendships – but haven’t we all in a night club toilet but for Mia it’s a big deal.

She’s sworn off men for a while – focusing on herself that’s until bartender Luke Doyle catches her eye. The initial meet and banter over beers over cocktails had me hooked and eager for more. Luke’s not used to having his advances swotted back and he’s intrigued by Mia from the start. I loved watching this story play out.

I’m a big fan of the cross generation friendship of the older and the younger generation. I really enjoyed getting to know Stan and Naomi and how they shaped Mia’s new life as much as she did theres.

I loved how different Luke and Mia were to start with and I loved the slow reveal of both of their backstories. I wasn’t expecting certain aspects of Luke’s story but from the off I knew there was more to the charming bartender. This is a story that gives you hope for that of real life and actually communicating with a potential partner. I adored watching the pairs friendship blossom – I have to mention the cinema, that made my heart swell for all that we’re missing right now.

An eclectic arrangement of characters, a sense of community, friendship and most importantly family. I loved the aspects of family and I loved seeing friendship groups change and adjust for a number of reasons.

Rather than swiping right and left sometimes the most simplistic forms of communication are the most effective.

Mr Right Across The Street is a truly gorgeous, light-hearted read with a number of simple messages about love, life and getting out of your comfort zone.

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Mr Right Across the Street
By Kathryn Freeman
Pub date jan 22 2021
This is a perfect rom con story of to people having laughs and dates I love how the friendship blossom through out the story.The chemistry between Luke and Mia was amazing read. I like Luke character in the story at first I thought he likes the women as the story goes on you get to like Luke more and he has genuine feelings for Mia in the story Mia
Is character was lovely I like how she happy with her new life a job at the bar new house new life I love the cocktails in the story. I love how they leave notes for each other and Luke shows Mia his favourite place i loved the dates they had together it was so much fun between them I enjoyed the story. This is a fun read I was happy to be part of the read along for the book as well.

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I read this book as part of the @onemorechapter Readalong and was gifted an ebook through @Netgalley - check out my previous posts for questions based around the book📚

I can’t explain how much I loved this book! It was punchy, fun, full of chemistry, at times a little bit sexy and really kept me into it to want to read it in one go!

Luke sounds like the dream man. I got frustrated with Mia several times in the book because he was trying so hard and it was driving me mad!

I loved Pickles, she was most definitely my favourite character 🐰

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Mia has recently moved to Manchester. Working from home, she notices that she is able to see the guy living opposite doing his gym workout everyday at 10am. She's unsure if he can see her....until he starts leaving notes for her in his window!

Now I'm not going to say anymore about the storyline as I don't want to give any spoilers away but can I just say that I always enjoy Kathryn Freeman's novels. She has such a sweet, easy to read style of writing. This story was cute and another winner for me.

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