Member Reviews

This book was really interesting - like getting an inside look at a celebrity's life, or at least, a snippet to it. I really enjoyed hearing about Frank Zappa and its interested me in his music. I find it a bit disappointing that this book was released in the US after the death of both Zappa and his wife, as I feel a bit uncomfortable about stories told about a couple's marriage and other insinuations when the other party isnt around to respond. Still I believe this was an incredibly positive story and extremely interesting.

Book - Freak Out (My life with Frank Zappa)
Author - Pauline Butcher
Genre - Biography & Memoirs
🎸 Freak out is an eventful story of a young girl who by chance happens to be in Frank Zappa's life and her journey in the mad world of this musical legend. Reading it was altogether great experience since it not just takes us through the late sixties rock n roll world but also throws lights on the realities behind the Hollywood's perceived glamour.
🎸Beginning as typing lyrics for Frank to being a personal secretary with handling his jobs such as running his fan clubs, organising his events, recording session, live appearances, handling his meets with stars like Tiny Tim, Mick Jagger, Jeff Beck, Pink Floyd etc was like knowing in and out about his life with no fancy words and loose ends. It will be insightful for Zappa's fans since he was quite known for enigmatic yet unpredictable personality. Story doesn't showcase the depth of musical or technical aspects, but the overall coverage is satisfactory to length.
🎸Miss Butcher has not played with words in writeups. The book is very real and not pretentious or has no feed for gossip mongers, but could have been short I personally felt.
🎧 I would like to thank @Netgalley for providing me this wonderful audiocopy😊
The narration is lovely especially the voice of Frank and his band mates is notable by Emma Gregory.
#FreakOut #FrankZappa #FreakOutMyLifeWithFrankZappa #PaulineButcher #netgalley #audiobook #theindianreadingduo #memoir #EmmaGregory

Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of this audio book.
Freak out! by Pauline Butcher and read by Emma Gregory is a coming of age memoir of a naive English woman whose life is changed when she answers a call for a typist in the year 1968. Her employer was Frank Zappa, a musician she had never heard of who proceeds to change her life. Her naivety seems strange for her young woman who models and teaches modeling and seems so chic in many ways. Soon after learning she was crushing on a married man, which Frank never mentioned during their time in London, she is asked by Frank to aid him on a book he'd been commissioned for. Thinking this would be her ticket to a world of fame, and mingling with those that counted she agrees, staying with his family in their new home/studio. Again the naive oh I didn't expect this, does get a tad annoying but her portrayals of those, famous, infamous and other in Frank's circle are very interesting. A notable book for both fans of Zappa and of the social history of the era. The narration is both clear and amusing, especially the voice she gives Frank and some of his band mates. Very enjoyable.