Member Reviews

What can I say? Kris Bryant doesn’t write a bad book. She’s one of the few authors that I will purchase without reading the sample first. Set it and forget it and Scent did not disappoint! Sophia was a wonderfully in depth character, with integrity and honor. I really enjoyed her character and her confidence in herself. Nico...not so much. Spoiled, entitled, thinks she’s charming, yet is talented...we all know the type. I disliked Nico as much as I liked Sophia. But the story and the pacing was spot on. Ms. Bryant, when she delves into a new story, does her research and it shows in every scene. Overall, I loved the book.

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This is too good to be true kinda book. And i loved every second of it. everything was perfect. Man 5 stars are not doing it justice. Highly recommended.

thank you for the author and her team.

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Scent by Kris Bryant is a lovely romance book revolving about a introverted chocolatier (yes, lovely scents description, don't have chocolate at home!) and a business owner/artist who poses as a warehouse worker to avoid women going after her for her money after being severely burned a few times.
I loved the way the author once again manages to get the sensory description throughout the book, it never feels forced or over the top, but rather it fits in naturally within the story that unfolds. Nico and Sophia are both characters the reader can root for, although the first person POV made it more difficult to connect to Sophia as you don't really get to know her feelings. It was nice that the further you got in the book, the more layered the characters became as if you were getting to know them in real life.
The support system with Grandma and big sister Trish were on point, as always in a Kris Bryant book, and the story had me hooked until the end.

***An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

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Kris Bryant’s new, contemporary lesbian romance. Nico has a huge crush on the beautiful Sophia on the L. A misconception when they first meet leaves Sophia thinking Nico, a wealthy business owner, is a warehouse worker. Nico’s romantic failures have her skittish of being used for her money, so she lets it ride.

Bryant’s writing had me totally invested in their relationship. I found myself calling out advice in my room, like yelling “don’t go down to the basement” during a horror movie. All in all it was a very good story with engaging characters, including side characters, and a story that kept me up late desperate to find out what would happen.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Nico is a successful woman she’s part owner of a company with her sister Trish that does design and she also a artist and a workaholic. Nico been hurt before because of her wealth but it doesn’t stop her from believing in love or find it but she vows to leave that part of her life a secret until she knows they want her for her and not her wealth. Nico is captivating by a woman on the L train she doesn’t know who she is but knows her scent but afraid to approach her.

Sophia is a workaholic she doesn’t really have time for a life because she trying to keep her family business alive that been in her family for years when she developed upgrade version that can put her business into more success.

When Sophia sees the woman from the train at the company where she hopes to get the perfect packagers for her product she mistakenly believes Nico is a employee and Nico doesn’t correct her because fate brought the woman she been thinking about to her and she for once to see if someone can like her for her.

Nico decides to get to know Sophia even though Sophia is focus on her company as they build a friendship Nico fears when the truth about who she is comes out that everything that’s happening between them will be lost.

What I like about this author is how she really dives in describes what country she writing about or the business the MCs have. I’m happy streaming service and networks are doing LGBTQ movies but I wish they stop with the coming out stories and just do a romance or thrillers and this author romances books will be great on screen.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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'ARC provided by both NetGalley and The Publisher in exchange for a honest review'

**'Sometimes a single sentence or chapter can be enough to fill the imagination completely.And sometimes a book's title is enough..'

Remember when I said that there are certain books where you go, wow! those are the ones that i'll surely reread over and over. Well, add this book to that list -- it's just a satisfying and tastefully written story that literally blew my much anticipated mind to smithereens --- from the beginning to the epilogue that ended with the right tone.
The advantage that Ms.Bryant had with telling this story, is that she never tried to adhere to what readers might think but to entice because of the contexts and no smokescreen when it pertained to the storylines of each book in this series. In 'SCENT' the storytelling was strategically executed --- the minute readers read this line "she smells like chocolate and caramel" here is where they do get a glimpse of how Ms.Bryant's skillfully weave the premise and do continue to lay bare her intentions of it's direction.
The storyline is enjoyably paced and do alternate more on one of the main characters' (Nico) niche like her past romances, her close knit family dynamics, that special bond with her sister, her good heartedness, her timely mishaps to her love of doing what she enjoyed doing which was welding and art. Then the author jumped to giving many interluding paragraphs on Nico's budding friendship and romantic interest towards Sophia, while cautiously tip toeing around because of tentative feelings and heart. Sophia's life is casually browse:- like her Thursday's yummy recipe smells/scents, to her love of baking, loving and adoring her grandmother to her down to earth personality even if she was projected as having an icy demeanor.
Overall, 'SCENT' can be perceived as being delightfully inventive at times, raw, musingly experiential and desirable with this cozy and imaginative love story that i'm sure many interested readers along with Ms.Bryant's fan base will be eager to read. Highly recommended!

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Nico Marshall is a workaholic. She is part owner of a company that designs paper products along with logo etc. She is also a welder and is prepping for an upcoming art show. She still believes in love even after being hurt by money hungry exes. She is not going to let money get in the way again so she decides she will just keep the successful part of her life from possible love interests. She sees Sophia Sweet every Thursday on the "L". Though she doesn't know her name, she knows her scent. She is completely attracted to everything about this mystery woman but she is not confident enough to approach her. Luck is on her side when Sophia comes to Nico's office for a new box and logo design. She only makes one small mistake. She lets Sophia believe she is just a warehouse worker instead of part owner.

So you can see where this one goes. There is no surprise that the lie will come front an center when Nico least expect it. In the meantime, she manages to woo Sophia who is a workaholic herself. There is obvious attraction between the two mains and I really like how Nico takes her time with Sophia. All of that makes for a great love story. The problem is there was something off with this one for me. I still enjoyed it but maybe I had a hard time with the lies and deception. I know it makes for good angst, but it bothered me the entire time I read it. I still did find myself wanting these two to end up together. Even through the lies you could still see that Nico was a really good person and that Sophia was a perfect match for her.

4 stars.

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Alright, there is not much to really say about this book. Girl meets girl, they fall in love, girl A messes up, Girl B finds out and all the stuff hits the fan.
It was hella cute, and with LBGT characters? Bonus! Food is involved? Bigger Bonus.

Let's talk about the ladies, shall we? We have Nicole ("Nico") and her sister Trish who are the owners of a packaging that's all about recycling (Environmentally friendly? I am in!) Nico sees Sophie on the train every Thursday and is bumm over tea kettle - well, cue the "OMGAWDs" when we find out the Sophie then becomes a client - and it all just snowballs from there.
The ladies are lovely and the relationship blossoms into cuteness. But the thing that bothered me was Nico advancing on Sophie HARD when she technically had no idea if Sophie was a) interested b) gay. So it didn't respond well with me that she just kept layering on the charm during all this.
Sophie is sweet, ambitious and just adorable.🙂
Trish is the big sister everyone needs. She is fair and supportive of Nico and forgiving when it seems like she is the only one that is working on the company.

The Plot is the simple, cute, cozy love story that fills the heart with all sorts of softness. It's a quick read, flew through it in no time.
The book is adorable. I recommend it is you want a quick jolt of happy🙂

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Smart, interesting, well written contemporary romance set in Chicago. Nico (Nicole Briar Marshall) and Sophia Sweet are both workaholics. Nico is artistic director and part owner of a company that designs packaging. She also is working on metal sculptures for her first showing as an artist. While riding the L train to her studio she sees the same woman (Sophia) every Thursday for weeks. When Sophia comes to her work she mistakes Nico as a warehouse worker. Nico makes the move to date her and see if Sophia will like her for herself and not her money and position. Sophia is trying to save the family candy store and develop a new line of specialty chocolates. She is an introvert who doesn't mind being alone. But is willing to give love a chance.

There are so many things to love. The theme of "scent" being used throughout. Sophia works with candy so Nico always describes how she smells. It is another way of seeing her and knowing what she was working with during the day. The use of Chicago is great. Enough local locations (Cubs game, Lake Shore Drive) are mentioned to believe you're in the city. Both MC's are smart and driven. They want to work on a relationship but they have other responsibilities. and jobs that come first. I love supportive side characters/family. In this case sister Trish is a standout.

I am often frustrated with first person POV coming only from one MC. As much as I wanted to know Sophia's inner thoughts the author was very successful at giving me enough. And being in Nico's thoughts I could feel her restlessness when she didn't want to go too far or too fast in a new relationship. When I am really into a book I get flutters inside as I read. Nearing the inevitable truth telling my flutters were going fast and I could not go to bed till I finished.

Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I always loved this author’s one word titles and its connection to the storyline. This one was just as meaningful.

Nicole Briar Marshall was a workaholic. She was part owner of Tuft and Finley, along with her sister and friend. She was its artistic director, helped out in all different areas of her company, and she was an artist. She was also weeks away from showcasing several of her own sculptures. Her plate was almost full; the one ingredient missing was love. She was very successful, but wanted someone to love her for herself, not her money or her success. Nico was burned by exes in the past that took everything from her, including her trust. She promised herself she would not let that happen again to the next woman she met.
Sophia Sweet was that next woman. Nico was actually enamored with her for weeks when she saw her on the L train every Thursday. Sophia, co owned Sweet Stuff, but was launching her own upscale chocolate business, Sophia’s Collection, in order to keep the family business from faltering. She looked to Taft and Finley to provide a successful packaging for her new venture. Upon meeting Nico by the Taft and Finley warehouse, Sophia assumed she was just one of their busy warehouse employees. Nico thought this little misunderstanding would be the perfect ploy to see if Sophia would like her for herself and not her success. As their relationship grew, Nico never found the right moment to tell Sophia the truth, until someone else inadvertently told part of Nico’s truth. Understandably so, this deception shattered their relationship.

I loved this storyline, the characters, and their different careers. It was interesting and fit well together. All the characters were very likable. I liked how the author let Nico and Sophia take their time getting to know each other. They respected each other’s boundaries especially since Sophia initially wanted to just be friends with Nico. She was also an introvert, but as her comfort level increased she found herself trusting Nico more. Then they both wanted more than a casual relationship. Nico tried telling Sophia the truth, but she kept procrastinating the inevitable until she was forced to explain her deception. Nico was such a likable character that you understood her level of angst and procrastination. She was afraid of losing Sophia. These emotional scenes were well written.

I also enjoyed the relationship between Nico and her sister Trish. The dialogue and interactions between the sisters felt real whether it was work related or personal. The strength of their sisterly bond was evident throughout the story, and Trish’s presence was so strong in Nico’s life that she felt more like a main character. This relationship was nicely developed.

The only aspect of this story I felt lacking was not knowing more about Sophia’s past relationships. But that didn’t distract from the overall feel of the story. As usual with a Kris Bryant story, it was very well written, entertaining, and engaging. It was in fact so engaging that I read it in one sitting.
However, there was a point when the author’s descriptive writing did try to tempt me to stop reading to visit my neighborhood chocolate store. But the pull of the story was too strong to stop reading, even for my love of chocolate.

An ARC was given for an honest review.

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Scent is fantastic!! Kris Bryant wrote a terrific book! Nico is a confident, yet vulnerable woman who has money and bad experiences with previous relationships. Sophia is a sweet, introverted woman who is Nico’s fantasy on a train. However after they meet Nico moves heaven and earth to pursue Sophia. However, Nico hides her true identity. The story is about the give and take of honesty, being loved as yourself, and dealing with lies.

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I had followed Kris Bryant and read her books in order as they were published. But when I read Taste in 2016 I knew that I had found a special writer. And I wasn't alone, as Taste ultimately became the first of what Bryant calls her "Sensory Series", followed up by Touch and then in 2019, Listen, which has become all-time Top 5 for me. When I learned about Scent, I assumed it would be about a perfumer meeting someone who works in a Bath & Body Works (ok, not really).

Scent is set in Chicago around a graphic designer/jill of all trades (Nico Marshall) who notices a woman on the L every Thursday (and that's significant) who smells great. In a twist of fate, Sophia Sweet owns a candy company founded by her grandparents and comes to Nico's firm for a new logo and packaging for an upscale candy line. The way they meet is the foundation for the entire story and I won't spoil it here.

Kris Bryant is one of the all-time greats at writing first person point of view, and this story is told by Nico, a dynamic soft butch with an artistic side. She has survived two horrible relationships and is reluctant to trust again. Sophia is leery of getting into a relationship because she is putting every ounce of her time and energy into her company. I became so immersed in their story, at times wanting to yell at both of them, that I read the book in one sitting.

As expected, the cast of side characters are perfectly drawn, especially sister Trish, who must be the greatest sister any of us could hope to have. In addition, I always like to learn something when I read, and lets just say that Bryant has done her homework in the worlds of chocolatiering (is that a word?) metal sculpture welding, and eco-friendly packaging.

Scent is an incredibly worthy follow up to Listen as part of the series, but also another five-star book to add to Bryant's five-star lineup.

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Scent is the 4th installment of Kris Bryant’s sensory series. As with the first 3 books in the series (Taste, Touch, and Listen) the author draws on a sensory as a catalyst to spark romance. It’s a grand idea that has yielded some amazing storytelling, and Scent has continued that tradition. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the first 3 books. They are each stand alone novels with no shared plots or characters, but I implore you to check them all out.

The science of scent tells us that our ability to smell all kinds of odors is intimately linked with our memories and can trigger all kinds of involuntary responses. Shivers, mouth watering, increased heart rate ... oh wait, that sounds a lot like infatuation. That’s exactly what Nico experiences when beautiful scents of Sophia’s artisanal chocolates follows her on the train and within Nico’s orbit.

It’s interesting that much of the first few chapters of the book is wrapped around the simplicity of Nico’s superficial and repetitive life. However, the closer she gets to Sophia the more Nico’s universe expands to spark more color, more creativity, and more feelings that were dormant for too long for both of them. The fact that they are the right ingredients for their recipe of love becomes the challenge of their story, but it’s a treat that’s worth waiting for. I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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