Member Reviews

4.25 stars

C/W: Homophobia, internalised homophobia, parental neglect, mentioned drug addiction and steroid use.

"The Clinch" is an interesting look into the world of MMA through the UFC. Nicole writes martial arts and fighting scenes with such clarity that I can imagine them happening in real-time. I also love how Nicole does away with the mysticism surrounding martial arts and focuses on why people are drawn to it and stay.

There were some tropes used in here that aren't usually ones I gravitate towards. However, Nicole pulls them off really well. I did have a really good reading experience with "The Clinch" and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for more sport-themed romances.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for giving me access to a free e-arc of "The Clinch" by Nicole Disney. All opinions are my own.

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So. Much. YES!! I am such a sucker for enemies-to-lovers romances and The Clinch knocks it out of the park. While I know nothing about martial arts and had no interest in martial arts before reading this, I’m now convinced I should watch some MMA fight scenes someday, and even try a martial arts class myself.

This story is told in first person, entirely from Eden Bauer’s POV. Eden (~27) is the undefeated UFC featherweight champion of the world, but she doesn’t let it get to her head. She has a heart of gold and, aside from competing professionally, her life’s passion is helping kids find refuge in Taekwondo. Eden is a badass and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself, but she’s also achingly sweet and tender. She fights to stay calm even when she’s provoked, which would seem too good to be true if not for her beautifully realistic portrayal. Tl;dr – Eden is exactly the type of romantic heroine I live for.

Brooklyn Shaw (22-23) is aiming for Eden’s title, and she makes um, quite the first impression. Brooklyn starts off as the queen of trash-talking Eden, which makes me hesitate to like her at first. She’s so frustrating at times, but everything she does makes sense given her life story, so I could never dislike her. And when we get to see Brooklyn’s tender side, it’s heart-eyes for days.

This book is the epitome of passionate: the Eden/Brooklyn rivalry, the fight scenes, and of course, the romance. Brooklyn brings the fire while Eden brings the stability. These two are brutal in the show ring but so soft and perfect with each other, I can’t! The conflicts they face are heartbreaking, and I couldn’t help but long for their HEA. Plus, the romance is not at all formulaic, which was wonderful in keeping me immersed; I was constantly left guessing what would happen next.

The side characters in this book are also lovely and well-crafted. I loved Jin, Eden’s mentor and father figure; Laila, Eden’s former student and best friend; Mateo, a lovable kid who takes refuge at the dojang; and Théo, Brooklyn’s brother and best friend. You can see the love they all have for one another, and it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

The Clinch was a knockout for me, and I cannot wait for Nicole Disney’s next novel!

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first book by Ms. Disney and I must say BRAVO, well done. Once i started I could not stop reading. The main character had great chemistry. The fights scenes, the cheering fans were amazing! exactly how it happens in UFC fights. Well done Nicole Disney. I look forward to read more books from this author. I definitely recommend this book. 5 Stars.

Thank you NetGalley, Bold Strokes Books Inc and Nicole Disney ( THE CLINCH)

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I have to say that it was a highly enjoyable read. From the descriptions of the combatants to the sounds and looks of what it's like to be a participant or observer of a highly competitive sport was spot on and exciting I could almost hear the crowd roaring and chanting as opponents came to the ring. The conflict between the two main characters was heartbreaking and endearing all at the same time. Loved the romantic relationship between the two main characters very hot and sexy. I would recommend this book to anyone, I look forward to what comes next from this author.

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[Content warnings: graphic sex, blood, d slur, homophobia/homomisia, child abuse, minor character drug addiction, mention of prostitution, recreational drinking, uses of ableist language, hospitalization]

Written in present tense, “The Clinch” is an incredibly vivid rivals-to-lovers sports romance, charged with immediacy.

Eden Bauer (27, gay) holds an undefeated record and is the reigning UFC featherweight championship. When newbie pro Brooklyn Shaw (22, biracial, Black) challenges Eden for a title match, Eden reluctantly agrees. Their rivalry is strong, but when post-match Brooklyn comes knocking on the door of Eden’s gym, will they be able to put aside their differences and work together?

I am already biased when I started this book because I love to read about martial arts (mainly wuxia novels). There is something sacred about the sport and beautiful about the relationships people form training together as well as the strong bond, often stronger than familial ones, between shifu and their disciples. But I didn’t know I was getting this when I heard that “The Clinch” is built around mixed-martial arts (MMA), something I’m not familiar reading about. Eden is trained in Taekwondo, and the discipline and honor she carries are probably not as prevalent as it would be in any other MMA storyline. I totally love that we got this in “The Clinch”—both her respect for the sport and unbreakable love for her found family paternal figure, Jin (I assume to be South Korean), founder of the dojang (Hanja: 道場) Emerald Tiger.

The story has a wonderful build and exciting climax, without a sudden conflict toward the end. We spend the first few chapters getting a feel of MMA training and fighting, and understanding what the sport means to Eden. We learn how important Jin is to her and that the Emerald Tiger is Eden’s home after Jin welcomed her into the establishment when she was younger and struggling in a neglecting if not abusive mother. The descriptions of rigorous training and high-stake matches help us respect the fighters, too. All the sport scenes were written with such intensity that Eden’s exhaustion was clear with all the muddled thoughts and I felt myself holding my breath in expectation of the next jab, hook, or kick.

The choice of having Eden as the first-person POV is sublime. The way we only see her side of the story makes “The Clinch” more intense since we are looking in from the relatively calm character on her relationship with the younger Brooklyn, who is still figuring out what she really wants in life. Brooklyn, who is a new UFC fighter with a legendary family of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial artists, plays mind games with Eden before their much anticipated title match, but we soon see that she is a tough-looking young woman with a very sweet heart and eager to prove to her father, Samson, that she can make the Shaws proud.

I love Eden for her huge heart and her confidence, focus, and passion when it comes to training and fighting. And Brooklyn is definitely a stunning goddess of an athlete. Her playfulness, insecurities, and sincerity make her an incredibly lovable character, too. The secondary characters are also amazing. I cannot remember all the times my insides go warm and soft because of the wonderful relationships they have. Jin, a man with firm principles and loving heart, and Laila (18), Eden’s former student and now colleague, both provide unconditional support for Eden. Then there is Mateo (12), whose life of being in an abusive household reminds Eden strongly of her own childhood and who worships both Eden and Brooklyn. For Brooklyn, there is Théo, her brother and coach, and their bond is stronger than sibling, stronger than close friends.

There is so much love radiating off the pages even before Eden and Brooklyn admit so to themselves. We never really know what Brooklyn is thinking, but she is a very relatable character and their love is embodied in everything that Eden would do for Brooklyn, their sparring a dance.

“The Clinch” is a tension-filled romance with heavy themes, and I definitely shed a tear or two while reading. This is undoubtedly a story I would revisit, for both the fierce love between Eden and Brooklyn and the beautiful relationships surrounding them.

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When I started reading this story, I didn’t know much about MMA/UFC other than the few times I saw something on tv about the sport. I wasn’t even sure that something so brutal should or could be called a sport. I’ve changed my mind.

The author, Nicole Disney, is a talented writer. She was able to show how the discipline (mental and physical) of MMA fighters is something to be admired. They are athletes, despite the brutality of the sport. I don’t enjoy watching people beating the crap out of each other (even though I’ve had moments when I’ve fantasized doing that myself), but I’ve come to appreciate the hard work that these fighters put into their training.

The story held my interest from beginning to end. I found the main protagonist, Eden, to be a likable, empathic woman. Brooklyn, on the other hand, was difficult to warm up to, but that changed as her character developed. Their chemistry was believable. What surprised me was the tenderness and care that grew between them. It’s something I haven’t seen in a long time in the books I’ve read.

I highly recommend this book.

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I love sports books, but MMA fighting? That definitely isn’t my thing, but after reading this book I might have to change my mind. The author does such a wonderful job describing the fights, the punches, the tactics behind it all, it’s almost poetic.

Eden Bauer is the undefeated UFC featherweight champion, she is calculated and super zen, and extremely fit. Eden grew up in a rough part of the Bronx, New York, as a kid she was saved by a taekwondo gym owner, Jin. Now she works in his dojang, tries to help the neighbourhood kids and trains and fights her MMA fights. When a new and talented fighter hits the MMA scene, Eden and her friend/ co-worker go and check her out. Brooklyn Shaw is 22, being coached by her famous family, at least in the fighting scene. When she spots Eden at her fight she challenges her to a title fight. Eden thinks it’s ridiculous as she has only 3 official fights under her belt, but it’s the fight everyone wants so Eden accepts.

At first glance Brooklyn and Eden are extremely different; Brooklyn is loud, aggressive and has happy family life and as mentioned Eden is just zen and had to be rescued from the streets. When Eden gets to know the the person behind the fighting persona of Brooklyn she discovers they aren’t exactly the same. Eden finds out that they have a lot in common and Brooklyn might just be more than the rowdy brawler she seems. As a reader I was surprised to discover this as well, it’s a good surprise. Brooklyn turns out the be rather sweet and insecure about some things, which actually is the case for Eden as well. It’s such a lovely journey you are on with Eden and Brooklyn, it’s great to see them go from rivals, to friends, to lovers. But romance fans beware, you have to wait for the romance, not like a slowburn where there are hints and things. The first part of the book really is all fight prep, and Nicole Disney preps the reader for fights as well, explaining certain terms and tactics, but in a masterful way. It never seems like a lecture or a “teaching moment”. It’s done so well it almost makes me want to pick up MMA fighting as a sport, Disney makes it sound like a fun sport, great exercise for body and mind, maybe if it weren’t for the broken bones and cuts I would find a gym ;)
The second part of the book is more of an emotional journey where the romance starts as well. This book is written from Eden’s POV and it’s rather good, but sometimes I did wonder what Brooklyn was thinking and how that might add Steven more to the story. In my opinion a lot of the angst stems from how Brooklyn acts, so to me it seems like a logical choice to have her POV as well... At some point I actually expected the POV to switch from Eden to Brooklyn, but it didn’t happen. But this really is the only thing that “bothered” me and it was nothing major, the story still delivers and I never thought it would hold my attention because of all the fighting, but it easily does. And it turns out reading about fighting, at least how it’s written in this book, is amazing and thrilling.

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For me, the book just moved really slow, the first 30% at least was about the sport and training and then the romance and the actually story started moving along. The dialogue didn’t feel right to me and I was not connected to the characters.

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I do like sports, but UFC and the fight environment are not really my thing. I did enjoy this book, though.
Eden and Brooklyn are well made characters and were a great surprise.The point of view sticks to Eden, but I don't think it made difficult for us to get to know Brooklyn, which I liked, because sometimes this kind of POV doesn't take us to the complexity of the other character.
This was my first time reading Nicole Disney and I might want to read more of her writings

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I ended up dnf this book. It wasn’t for me. The pacing was a little strange and the writing just didn’t flow for me.

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I have to admit, when I first read the blurb, I was not at all interested in this book. I have no interest in UFC or MMA or anything related to martial arts. I honestly can’t even tell you what those things mean without a google search. Then I started to see all the awesome reviews on Goodreads for “The Clinch” and decided to give it a go. I’m so glad I did!

Eden is the current UFC featherweight champion of the world and is busy running and teaching at a Taekwondo dojang. She attends a fight with her friend and while there is taunted by another, newer fighter, Brooklyn. Brooklyn wants to fight Eden for the title and Eden finally accepts.

“…you say more by saying nothing.” “I don’t know about that. I say a lot saying something”
Eden and Brooklyn are about as different as night and day. They have vastly different life and family experiences. Their fighting techniques are completely opposite. Brooklyn is louder and likes to play heads games while Eden chooses to take the higher road. Eventually, Eden gets to know Brooklyn and comes to understand that her fighting persona is not exactly who she is. It was a joy watching as they went from enemies, or rivals, to eventual friends and then to lovers. The chemistry between Eden and Brooklyn was delightful and only got better the more I read. I was on the edge of my seat not only in anticipation of the fights, but also in how everything would come together for our leads.

To romance fans, like me, be prepared to wait for it. It takes a while for there to be even a hint of romance but once it finally gets there but once it does it’s very much worth it. The first 30% or so is all fighting and training and Nicole Disney giving us all a crash course on everything we need to know about the world of fighting. She does it so well though that you don’t even realize it’s happening. All of the fight scenes were written so well that even though I’ve never watched an actual fight, I could picture it clearly in my head while reading.

This is terrific choice for sports fans or those rivals-to-lovers romance fans. I could not recommend this high enough.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.

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Holy cow this was an awesome book and first I’ve ever read from Nicole Disney. I’ve read all types of sports themed books but this was my first MMA story. The fight scenes the author wrote were so real I felt like I was actually watching a real fight.
Eden Bauer is an MMA legend, has never lost a fight and the current feather weight champ. Brooklyn Shaw is an upcoming fighter and comes from a long line of legendary Shaws who specialize in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. She calls out Bauer for a title fight after winning a bout and this is where the love story begins. I so want to tell more but don’t want to ruin it for the reader.
This is a story I want to read over and over again and promise you will too.
I was given this ARC via NetGalley and publisher for an honest review. Many Thanks!

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Eden Bauer is the reigning UFC Featherweight champ and everyone wants a shot at her belt but she crushes and no one comes close. Now a brash upstart thinks she’s got a right to jump the line and go for a title fight against Eden. Brooklyn Shaw is sculpted like a goddess and commands the spotlight at only 22. She fearlessly brawls her way to victories, becoming a fan and media favorite just like the rest of her family who is MMA royalty. Only Eden stands in her way.

Two well matched mc’s in every definition. The author gives them both strengths and flaws. There’s detailed information but the author guides rather than lectures so that it accentuates and illuminates the rituals, the training, the small moments that make up this world and it builds the tension to an unbelievable level just like the anticipation to a real championship bout.

I’m a big sports fan and often times when I read a book about an athlete, I sigh because it’s so difficult to replicate the charged atmosphere of a game or match. This author captured the tiger by its tail and I felt the adrenaline of champions hitting the octagon, I got a knot in my stomach while I read the account of the crazed action, I swear I could even hear the thunder of the packed arena.

I know people are reading arcs and declaring that they’re going to be favorites of ‘21 which seemed a bit exaggerated but I honestly feel that way about this book. The sex scenes between Brooklyn and Eden are so red-hot my skin was burning. She mentions “a haze of heat” and I can’t describe their chemistry any better. I couldn’t break from their story, not for work, not for sleep, just absorbed every word because it’s that kind of a book.

To paraphrase the author, this book is “not a battle but a journey.” Beyond everything else, it’s also character studies of two women. So well done. This is an author who figured out where they may have fallen short in the past, fixed it and leveled up. In case anyone is wondering, the fights are rough because this is Mixed Martial Arts but it’s not gratuitous. Read this book for the heat, for the well drawn characters, for the emotional twists created by a wonderful storyteller, or even for the sports.

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This is a well written and very readable book even if, like me, you know nothing about Martial Arts or UFC fighting. The fight scenes are well written and at times I could almost see the exchanges.

Eden grew up in a rough area and was saved from a hideous life by Mr Jin who takes her into his dojang and teaches her discipline and how to fight. She succeeds in a huge way and becomes a champion. She fights Brooklyn, who is cocky, arrogant and dismissive of Eden’s achievements. The fight will only have one winner and the outcome will massively impact the careers of both fighters.

The trouble is that Brooklyn is part of a large scrapping family who are homophobic to a horrendous degree so Brooklyn mouths off and upsets Eden and her friends. But over time Eden sees through the shell and the charade and via teaching young people with similar issues to her own childhood, Eden comes to understand what she needs to do to move on.

Both characters are well developed and their relationship feels credible and the ancillary characters are excellent and add to every scene - especially Mr Jin. I will look out for other books by this author.

I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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A forewarning: if you do not like, or are uninterested in UFC/ MMA, you will probably not enjoy a lot of this book. It is much heavier on the training and event descriptions than most other sports romances i have read. That being said, I do enjoy the sport and found it enjoyable, especially with the name drops of Dana White, Joe Rogan, and Bruce Buffer. It is also nice to have the book be from a perspective of a female fighter.
The chemistry between MCs Eden and Brooklyn was great. They had some fantastically sexy scenes. There are some great supporting characters throughout the book, but I am still left with a lot of questions about Laila.
Overall, it was a sexy romance that also highlights impressive female athletes.

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4.5 stars. What a trip, a spectacular sports themed romance. At the end of a crazy stressful week at work I was thinking of reading a couple of chapters before going to sleep, well think again, 4:00 am and I finished the book.

This book can be divided in two parts, the first part is purely focused on sports, whereas in the second part the focus shifts towards the romance, although the sports theme stays strong in the background. I’m not a big sports fan and I do not know anything about martial arts, but I ate this up.

Eden Bauer is the current UFC featherweight champion and you get to experience what the life of a pro martial artist would be like. Eden has not had an easy childhood and literally fought her way up to the top. She sort of grew up in a Taekwondo dojang where she now teaches and trains, which is her whole life. She is super focused and meticulous in her training. I just loved to read about her passion for the sport and I actually learned a lot about martial arts as well. While the matches were absolutely brutal I can see the elegance of the sport, the technique, willpower and respect it requires to be the best.

The book starts out with a competitor, the young cocky and aggressive Brooklyn Shaw, daring Eden to fight her. Brooklyn comes from a family of martial artists and is under a lot of pressure to honor her family. While Brooklyn has a big mouth, Eden slowly sees Brooklyn for who she really is, but their lives are so complex and there is no room for romance it seems. I don’t know why, but after the long heavily sports focused part of the book I did not expect this book to shift to such a strong emotional and angst filled romance, but it did and even though it starts rather late it didn’t feel rushed or anything. I loved Eden and Brooklyn, they had excellent chemistry and the sex scenes were very hot.

As this is told in the first person from Eden’s POV you know exactly what Eden thinks and feels, and sometimes I was whishing I could get a glimpse of Brooklyn’s thoughts, but not knowing is also the beauty of first person and through Eden I did feel I really got to know Brooklyn as well. Eden and Brooklyn have very different personalities, which translates to their fighting style, but also to how they deal with expectations, setbacks, and their attraction. There were moments where I could slap Brooklyn (although she would probably knock me out), but at the same time I got where she was coming from, not that that excuses everything, but I enjoyed to see her character grow.

I liked the title of the book, a clinch is explained in the book as a hold where neither opponent is in a favorable position, the fight could go either way, I think it suits the book well. I had not read a book by Disney before, but now I will read more. I easily recommend this book to those who like a book heavy on the sports, especially if you like martial arts, but I also recommend it to romance fans (you have to wait a while, but it is worth it) who don’t mind a good dose of angst.

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Eden lived in a rough neighborhood and even unsafe house but she found solace in Taekwondo dojang. When the owner Jin decides to train her she becomes one of the best UFC champion in the world.

Eden is grateful that Jin gave her a chance and purpose she decides to pay it forward by teaching kids the same lessons Jin taught her. When she thinks her life is settle here comes a a new fighter who wants to go take her title.

Brooklyn is carrying the burden of who her family is because of this she puts up this facade to keep everyone at bay but when she challenged Eden that facade she puts up seems to come down especially when Eden calls her out on it. As their rivalry heats up and caught world wide will the feelings they start having stand in the way with both them wanting achieve their dreams or will they realize that dreams can change.

I love this author and this was a good read I like the kids Eden mentor and how she helps them and the other supporters characters.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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