Member Reviews

Great book. I lived The thought provoking questions and activities. Highly recommend!!!!!…………I would read another book by this author.

Entering our 'soft girl' era is easier said than done.
Chapters that resonated with me
4. Retire your cape
6. Stop being the strong one
10. Reinvent with support
I highly recommend for those who need a little push to step out of their normal habits.
I ordered the paperback for my mother to help with her stress.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
This is a must read for every human, girl boss, female and those in need of motivation. This book will crush the 'I got it' mentality as it strives to change (and yep it stinks). Some of the lessons I took from the book include the power of community, the journey and it's difference and how the end story of each of us is different.

I enjoyed this book. I found it to be well written and full of useful advice.
Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed reading this book. There were good points made throughout the book. It was easy to read. However, I was left feeling like something was missing. I felt like I wanted a little more from this book than it offered. All in all, it was a good read.

I am an oldest daughter, and one that has always had to make sure everything was handled. I picked this book to review in hopes that it would help me get unstuck in a way. This was probably just not the book for me. I understood the instructions and suggestions the author provided, and it's not asking for help (sometimes) that's the issue, but the reliable and support people is a big issue, at least it is for me. And again, this might be a bigger issue for me that requires more assistance. I do have to say the suggestions seem doable in most situations, but judge the book for yourself.
I received a copy of the book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.

I am a big fan of personal development books and always love finding a new voice and perspective. Author and business leader Elayne Fluker's reminder that we don't have to go at it alone is something that has never felt more relevant. And this especially applies to female leaders, whether that is in the workforce, community or home life.
My biggest takeaway from this book is normalizing asking for help and delegating responsibilities. No one can go at it alone, and together we can be even better. I really enjoyed Fluker's writing style (very straight forward and accessible) and really look forward to hearing more from her in the future.
Thank you to Harper Collins Leadership for my gifted review copy.

This book was something that I needed, someone to tell me that I'm not superwoman and that it is ok to ask for help and to change my goals. It was really encouraging. Thanks HarperCollins Leadership through NetGalley for this opportunity.

What allows Fluker's book to stand out amongst other self-help books is the fact that it addresses key factors that are often not taken into account. Fluker discusses the assumptions that you can do it all on your own as a Black woman or achieve a perfect balance as a working mother. Much of Fluker's focus is on the fact that we need to be willing and open to accept help from others. This runs so counter to our American culture of achieving it all and doing it all by ourselves. The only thing about this book that I didn't feel hit home with me was the fact that Fluker's book seemed more directed towards entrepreneurs and those in the business world. As an educator, some aspects weren't applicable to me.

A few key takeaways from this book really stood out to me:
- The power and importance of community. I loved, loved, loved this aspect, especially as I read it mid-pandemic, where it's all too easy for this introvert to turn too far inward, to my own detriment.
- Everyone is on a different journey, rendering the comparison game ineffective and, frankly, detrimental (don't give in to playing the "should" game!)
- Everyone's "all" will look different, both from each other's and even from our own at different points in life. It's okay and healthy to change!
The author and I diverge wildly in other arenas (worldview, religion/faith, etc.), and that also impacted my read of the book. Self (or the universe) vs. God as source, for example, challenged me to do some filtering and reorienting the list of defining one's "all." That did make for an interesting exercise, to be sure!
The law of attraction, manifestation, and other eastern/mystical components are present throughout the read. Something to be aware of, whether one finds that appealing or less so (I personally lean toward the latter).
I received an eARC of the book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

"Having it all doesn't mean doing it all alone."
Learn to accept support in your life.
This is one of those books which is so crammed with gold dust advice that it is difficult to select one or two key learning points. Every reader will be at a different place in their life and carrying a unique set of life experiences and challenges,
For me, there were two main topics which I know that I will come back to and reread.
#1. The Exercises in Take Action - Define your all. By focusing on your goals in multiple aspects of your life without paying attention to the how and instead working on what that endpoint will feel like when you have achieved it, is much more powerful.
#2/ I really enjoyed Chapter 10. Take Action - come up with a Re-Invention Plan.
Third Acts in your life are inevitable - absolutely true.
* Get your financial house in order - savings are your parachute.
* Don't let em fool you. Job security for life is long gong.
* Side-hustling is not just for kids. Anyone can work on a passion project in the evenings and at weekends,
* Be a life time learner.
* Go back to your childhood to find your real passions.
* You are not done until you say you're done.
This is a must-read for anyone, of any gender, who is ambitious and driven and overwhelmed,
Heartily recommended.

I am not a great fan of self help books, mainly for they frequently seem to be about what the author thinks we want to read instead of what we need to read.
However, I must admit that as an "I Got It" person, Elaine Fluker s advice (particularly the exercises at the beginning of the book) really helped opening my mind to the little things I could do to improve my everyday life without completely losing myself (one step at a time we can do great).
Thank you Negalley for providing an eARC in exchange of an honest review.

Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins Leadership for the review copy. Although I received this book as a review copy, are all of my words honest, and I do only give my true opinions.
“Get over ‘I got it’!. What a great title! Right? I thought so because it says it all: it is okay not to be perfect, and it is okay to ask for help. And this is something a lot of us can get better at doing.
This is a very unique take on the usual 'self-help books'. I like the twist on it about accepting help from others. I feel like this is something most of us tend to forget, so this book was a good reminder for me and could be a great reminder for you as well.
I love how Elayne Fluker uses herself in the book as well as other people to explain this topic. It makes the book more personal and relatable.
Elayne Fluker asks some good and reflective questions in this book, which will help you reflect on your life. And she helps you get over the 'I-got-it-syndrome', as she calls it.
You do not have to play superwoman! You do not have to reach your goals alone! It can be hard to ask for help sometimes, but it is worth it! The book gives you some techniques that will help you and try to teach you how to do so. There is no easy way to do so, but this book will send you off in the right direction.
It is okay to ask for help! It is okay to prioritize! It is okay to be just a human!

This was an interesting read and I was interested to see how this would bring a different voice to self-help books. Pros: It really spoke to me about not doing it all and how essential it is to prioritize. I also think the part on mental health was also very important and considering medication. There were also action steps included which was helpful and I will use it in the coming months.
Cons: There was a bit of an overarching privilege factor in the theme of the book. The author dropped when she was in different countries and her extended time abroad, which is a privilege. It was addressed but it was a distraction in the book and could be off-putting to some readers. There were a bit too many plugs for the author's podcast and there were a lot of anecdotes from other authors/entrepreneurs that took away from the author's message so I think it could have been stronger.

I like the core concept of this book--that we are stronger for asking for and accepting help--and Elayne Fluker writes in an engaging and relatable voice. The book was less focused than I expected it to be based on the punchy title. It's an optimistic self-help book that encourages the reader to look into all areas of life, from mental health, to relationships, to finances, and so on, and to surround oneself with the right people who will be there to support you. The author talks a lot about her coaching and her own personal coach, as well as her experience at an intense coaching program called Momentum Education. Most people can't budget these things, which is why books covering the same topics can be so valuable. I think someone who puts a lot of time and thought into studying this book will find it valuable.

The publisher kindly offered me a reader copy via NetGalley Yet, this is an honest review of the book expressing my own opinion.
As a woman who puts way too much on her shoulders and fills her Goals List thinking she's an immortal goddess with infinite time and energy, this book was like a beautiful oasis in a very busy desert.
What I loved the most was how she weaved narrating parts of her life into the book, as well as the fact that she included interviews with so many inspiring people. The book really conveys its message through different perspectives. There are sections told by 'clients' who got help and explain their issues and what helped them, which was a tremendous help because they put into words issues I struggled to define. Other sections were told by 'specialists' who outlined what to do and general advice on how to approach things. I found both types of sections very helpful and informative.
However, at times, I did feel like some parts were a little utopic. An interviewed person mentioned how we're not victims of our circumstances and that God made us in a way that everything we can create in this world is unlimited. I do agree with the general concept the author introduces in that section, that each person is a possibility, but that interviewed person spoke as if real life hardships didn't exist. Other times, the mention of getting a coach or a mentor came up, and while many people would love to get one, it's not that easy and their services aren't accessible, financially and location-wise. Which brings me to the point where I read mostly great advice yet thinking that some were utopic and difficult to access. Perhaps, the preconception was that the targeted audience would be financially stable and living a comfortable life. It's quite possible, and if so, everything will read normal to you. If you're struggling or don't have a lot of savings, then some parts will leave you like: 'If only I could'.
BUT this book is sooo helpful. I have so many saved bookmarks it will be a joy to go over. It has put into words many issues and problems that I've struggled to define or be comfortable with. Like saying no, etc. I especially loved the section about anchors and engines. Readers, keep your eyes on that one. It will open your mind. I did love this book, and I do strongly recommend this to all women. I'm already on the process of doing that. This book is very informative and authentic and conveys its message in a succinct, easy to process and relate kind of way. You'll find yourself nodding along a lot.
Great self-help book written by an incredibly inspiring woman whom I now consider an idol to aspire to. It's definitely a must-read that I will be re-reading many, many times.
4.5 stars – ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Author: Elayne Fluker
Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership

Wow - where to begin? Elayne Fluker takes on the "I Got It" mentality that leads many women to burnout. From my own experience, as well as others (family, friends, colleagues, students) I know this oh so well. Elayne gives down to earth and relatable advice on how to get over this and ask for help. There were SO many pieces of wisdom, I cannot wait for this book to come out so I can recommend it to friends and students. She starts with having you "define your all", focusing on different aspects of your life (finance, career, health, relationships, personal development, and impact). I appreciated the specificity and overall the direction the book took through a mix of advice, research, and stories woven in. I would HIGHLY recommend this book.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing an advance reader copy to review!

I really it. It was simple and we'll written. We, women have an obsessive need to prove that we are capable of being independent. This is due to many societal and personal reasons. So, to hear someone say and explain why it's okay to take help from others comes as a fresh air.
I recommend this book to every independent woman out there.

How frustrating is it to be told by all the different sources the things you must do to be successful in life? This book definitely does NOT do that. It instead takes an empathetic approach and gives bite size approaches and allows you to have kindness and patience with yourself when dealing with life. This is so necessary for everyone to read in life. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The first thing that stopped me in my tracks as I was reading this book was a simple statement: “Define what having it all means to you!” Suddenly, the thought of being happy, having peace of mind, being debt free, of good health and so many other things found their way into my list in an attempt to answer this question.
One thing is certain, the author, Elyane Fluker does not want women to suffer under the weight of being SuperWoman and is simply saying, ‘ask for support Sis! It won’t kill you.’
Too many ambitious women strive to accomplish all their goals alone, leading to dangerous levels of stress and anxiety. Learn how a strong support network and meaningful connections are crucial not only to your long-term success, but to your peace of mind.
The book explores various aspects of a woman’s life; finances, career, business, health, relationships, personal development, and one more which I absolutely loved “Impact.” It is this final aspect that in the very first half of the book she asks what impact are you hoping to make? What legacy are you aspiring to?
The book is well paced and each topic builds onto the other and what’s great about this book is that she writes from the view point that any woman reading this is already winning in life. Yes, she writes in such an optimistic tone that you cannot help but truly want to dig in and put in the work, get the support, be vulnerable, form networks that enhance your worth.
I loved reading about relationships and growth and my take-away from that section is knowing who an Anchor and who an Engine is in my life. Anchors just as they serve to keep ships still, these are the people who hold us down, keep us rooted and not all of them are bad, however their vision of us is limited to our experiences together. Engines keep us going, they see the future we ought to live and propel us forward- and it is crucial to identify who is an anchor and who is an engine.
Just like more personal development books, this book is intensive, exploring various aspects, of our lives of the stories we are told as women about work and independence. She asks a question that I am asking myself ever since I read it: How are you showing up for yourself?
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC