Member Reviews
This was one hell of a book, I must say. I am always up for reading something unusual and this book definitely was "different". And not in a good way. Author gives you a general list of things that you should follow and honestly... it applies to anyone, not just women. Don't expect a good grammar because there is none.
My biggest issue? Author comes out quite sexist in his advices imo. Women are treated quite poorly and term "good woman" itself is pretty offensive. Though author claims to have experience, it doesn't look like it. He sometimes uses very specific advices that are definitely not for everyone - like shaving or other physical appearance - you can't just control what a girl likes!
Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to everyone. Not even as a parody or joke.
Seriously? Typos and grammatical errors are not exactly something great to have in a self-help book. Honestly unreal.
Shallow and sexist. Advice is at least 70 years out of date and bad even then. Treats women like unthinking generalizations, like simple objects who don't have the capacity to make choices other than those programmed into them by a society that was no longer valid sometime in the early 60s. I would love to know the age of this author and whether he's been living in a time warp all this time.
In addition to all that, the author did not take the time, or spent the money, to proofread. You many mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation for such a ridiculously short book. . . which is double spaced between paragraphs! That is probably the good part; if you persevere to the end, it only takes about five minutes.
T his book isn’t just unreadable because of the lack of punctuation, unfinished sentences and horrid grammar, but also because the content is in turn offensive and ridiculous. I don’t even know what to say about these examples:
“Don’t be afraid to bring the freak out her be as nasty as you want to be.”
“Don’t always constantly ask your woman for money this can be a turnoff.”
I can’t believe this book is being published....
I received a free advance copy for review purposes from the publisher and NetGalley
I think almost every one of these "100 ways to get and keep a good woman" can also be applied when talking about women seducing men.
There where things like, "Always keep your hygiene standards up to par woman like a man that smells good.", that had me staring in disbelief. You should ALWAYS keep your hygiene standards up to par, not just so you can 'get a good woman'.
"Go to the barber shop often a clean cut is very attractive to a woman." Some women like a little scruff on their man. And the fact that you want to change your appearance just so you can please someone is a whole other issue.
"... Women can be very emotional." Nice way to make us sound like an alien species for having feelings. Everyone has feelings, not just women.
"Never go through a woman's phone." Never go through anyone's phone!
"Do not lie to your woman about petty things always be honest telling her truth makes things less complicated." You shouldn't lie, I agree with that, but because you respect the person and it's wrong, not because it makes things 'less complicated'.
"Do not cheat on a good woman..." Do not cheat on a woman. Period. And it should go without saying.
"Woman don't like guys with an unattractive smile missing teeth can be a turn off." You were playing basketball or football or something, you had an accident with one of the players, and you came out of it with a tooth missing? I'm sorry boy, but you're gonna be alone forever.
There are a lot of gramatical errors, and little to none punctuation. There where a lot of things that irked me, but I mentioned only few. And a lot of things mentioned here you should do just because it's a human thing to do.